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Plant invasions in the landscape   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Biological invasions and changes in land-use are two components of global change affecting biodiversity worldwide. There is overriding evidence that invasions can dramatically change the landscape and that particular land-use types facilitate invasions. Still, these issues have not formally percolated into risk analysis of biological invasions, and only recently has the influence of the surrounding landscape on invasive species spread started to be considered. In this paper we review the literature on the influence of the surrounding landscape on the local level of plant invasions (i.e., abundance and richness of alien plants in plant communities). Our review confirms that there are more alien plant species and they are more abundant at fragment edges than in the interior of fragments. The decline on the level of invasion towards the interior of fragments is sharp. To a lesser extent, there is higher invasion in small isolated fragments than in large connected patches. However, despite their relevance, the influence of connectivity and shape of the fragments have been scarcely explored. Besides the fact that a site has more invaders if surrounded by a human-dominated landscape than by a natural one, the past history and the configuration of that landscape are also important. Invasion within land-uses is often associated with the historical legacy of changes in land-use, indicating that current land-uses might represent an invasion credit to future invasions. Accurate accounts of the invasion process and effective conservation programs will depend on such considerations.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Freshwater coastal wetlands provide numerous ecosystem services, including habitat, nutrient uptake, coastal stabilization, and aesthetic value, but the integrity of these...  相似文献   

The fragmented landscape of the Midwest USA includes prairie remnants embedded in an agricultural matrix, potentially impermeable to dispersing individuals. We examined butterfly responses to local (environmental variables measured within the prairie fragment itself such as vegetative characteristics) and landscape (environmental variables measured up to 2 km surrounding the fragment, but not the fragment itself) factors at 20 prairie remnants in Iowa. Our objectives were to: 1) document how the composition and configuration of the landscape affects butterfly community within the fragment, 2) determine whether explanatory power is gained by including both landscape and local variables rather than only local variables, and 3) analyze differences in butterfly community composition between linear and block shaped fragments. Results from partial least squares regression suggest there are significant effects of the landscape on butterfly community composition at all spatial extents investigated. The local variable that was most highly correlated with butterfly community response was percentage litter, while percentage of roads was the most important variable at all landscape spatial extents. Ordination diagrams clearly separate linear from block sites based on butterfly community composition. Variance partitioning using partial canonical correspondence analysis indicated that landscape variables at all spatial extents add additional explanatory power beyond local variables with little overlap in percentage of variation explained. Our results suggest that butterflies are making decisions based both on the local and landscape environmental factors, thus land surrounding prairie remnants should be included in management decisions.  相似文献   

Habitat connectivity is an essential component of biodiversity conservation. Simulated landscapes were manipulated to quantify the impact of changes to the amount, fragmentation and dispersion of habitat on a widely applied landscape connectivity metric, the probability of connectivity index. Index results for different landscape scenarios were plotted against the dispersal distances used for their calculation to create connectivity response curves for each scenario. Understanding index response to controlled changes in landscape structure at a range of spatial scales can be used to give context to comparison of alternative landscape management scenarios. Increased amounts of habitat, decreased fragmentation and decreased inter-patch distances resulted in increased connectivity index values. Connectivity response curves demonstrated increases in assessed connectivity for scenarios with continuous corridors or “stepping stone” connectors. The sensitivity of connectivity response curves to controlled changes in landscape structure indicate that this approach is able to detect and distinguish between different types of landscape changes, but that delineation of habitat and method of quantifying dispersal probability incorporate assumptions that must be recognized when interpreting results to guide landscape management. Representing landscape connectivity in this manner allows for the impacts of alternative landscape management strategies to be compared visually through comparative plots, or statistically through the parameters that describe connectivity response curves.  相似文献   

周君丽  廖飞勇  肖莉  王林云 《广西园艺》2009,20(2):32-33,43
本文通过对长沙市具有代表性的立交桥植物景观现状调查,分析研究了长沙市立交桥植物种类、配置方式、植物景观的观赏性和空间利用形式,并就相关问题进行了论述。  相似文献   

园林植物光合生理特征研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
园林植物光合生理特征研究是为解决环境生态问题,尤其是全球环境变化问题应运而生的一门学科,它结合园林植物生理学来分析生态学现象。植物学中最重要的生态学现象是光合作用,综述光合生理生态研究状况,以及不同因素对园林植物的光合生理生态的影响,为深入研究我国的园林植物光合生理生态资源提供参考。  相似文献   

黄若之  张涛 《中国园艺文摘》2012,28(3):35-36,180
摘要:植物色彩是秋季植物景观最为重要的观赏因素。以沈阳市秋季植物景观为例,着重对植物的色彩属性进行调查研究。并运用问卷调查的方式对大众进行色彩喜好的研究,了解色彩因素对大众审美的影响,从而总结出符合大众审美的秋季植物景观的色彩运用规律。  相似文献   

We explored patterns of plant species richness at different spatialscales in 14 habitats in a Swedish rural landscape. Effects of physicalconditions, and relationships between species richness and management historyreaching back to the 17th century were examined, using old cadastralmaps andaerial photographs. The most species-rich habitats were dry open semi-naturalgrasslands, midfield islets and road verges. Alpha diversity (species richnesswithin sites) was highest in habitats on dry substrates (excluding bedrock withsparse pines) and beta diversity (species richness among sites) was highest inmoist to wet habitats. Alpha and beta components of species richness tended tobe inversely related among habitats with similar species richness. Managementhistory influenced diversity patterns. Areas managed as grasslands in the17th and 18th century harboured more species than areasoutside the villages. We also found significant relationships between speciesrichness and soil type. Silt proved to be the most species-rich topsoil(10–20 cm) in addition to thin soils top of on green- orlimestone bedrock. The variation in species richness due to local relief orform of thesite also showed significant relationships, where flat surfaces had the highestnumber of species. In contrast, no significant relationship was found betweenspecies richness and aspect. Our study suggests that present-day diversitypatterns are much influenced by management history, and that small habitat,e.g., road verges and midfield islets, are important for maintaining speciesrichness.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   



Socio-ecological landscapes typically characterized by non-linear dynamics in space and time are difficult to be analyzed using standard quantitative methods, due to multiple processes interacting on different spatial and temporal scales. This poses a challenge to the identification of appropriate approaches for analyzing time series that can evaluate system properties of landscape dynamics in the face of disturbances, such as uncontrolled fires.


The purpose is the application of non-linear methods such as recurrence quantification analysis (RQA) to landscape ecology. The examples concern the time series of burnt and unburnt Mediterranean rangelands, to highlight potential and limits of RQA.


We used RQA together with joint recurrence analysis (JRA) to compare the evolutionary behavior of different land uses.


Time series of forests and grasslands in rangelands present both periodic and chaotic components with a rather similar behavior after the fire and clear transitions from less to more regular/predictable dynamics/succession. Results highlight the impacts of fire, the recovery capacity of land covers to pre-burnt levels, and the decay of synchronization towards the previous regime associated with vegetation secondary succession consistent with early successional species.


RQA and JRA with their set of indices (recurrence rate: RR, laminarity: LAM, determinism: DET, and divergence: DIV) can represent new sensitive measures that may monitor the adaptive capacity and the resilience of landscapes. However, future applications are needed to standardize the analysis by strengthening the accuracy of this approach in describing the ongoing transformations of natural and man-managed landscapes.



Complex structural connectivity patterns can influence the distribution of animals in coastal landscapes, particularly those with relatively large home ranges, such as birds. To understand the nuanced nature of coastal forest avifauna, where there may be considerable overlap in assemblages of adjacent forest types, the concerted influence of regional landscape context and vegetative structural connectivity at multiple spatial scales warrants investigation.


This study determined whether species compositions of coastal forest bird assemblages differ with regional landscape context or with forest type, and if this is influenced by structural connectivity patterns measured at multiple spatial scales.


Three replicate bird surveys were conducted in four coastal forest types at ten survey locations across two regional landscape contexts in northeast Australia. Structural connectivity patterns of 11 vegetation types were quantified at 3, 6, and 12 km spatial scales surrounding each survey location, and differences in bird species composition were evaluated using multivariate ordination analysis.


Bird assemblages differed between regional landscape contexts and most coastal forest types, although Melaleuca woodland bird assemblages were similar to those of eucalypt woodlands and rainforests. Structural connectivity was primarily correlated with differences in bird species composition between regional landscape contexts, and correlation depended on vegetation type and spatial scale.


Spatial scale, landscape context, and structural connectivity have a combined influence on bird species composition. This suggests that effective management of coastal landscapes requires a holistic strategy that considers the size, shape, and configuration of all vegetative components at multiple spatial scales.

Linear native grassland remnants in fragmented landscapes are usually at a great risk of exotic species invasion from their edges. Changes in species distribution near habitat edges are extensively studied in ecology as knowledge about edge responses is important to understand the development of patterns and processes in landscapes. However, elucidating robust general principles for edge effects has been difficult as species responses to habitat edges are highly variable and dependent on a large number of attributes which affect the function and structure of edges and therefore the distance that edge effects penetrate into fragmented natural vegetation. The objective of this study was to investigate the generality of exotic species invasion patterns from edges in native grassland patches surrounded by urban and rural landscapes. This was done by comparing the results of research from Victoria, Australia with a similar study from North-West Province, South Africa. Despite their occurrence on different continents, the grasslands are floristically and structurally similar and are dominated by the same grass species. Invasion patterns were quantified using two spatial statistics methods; block kriging and spatially constrained clustering. Two distinct patterns of exotic species invasion were identified in native grassland remnants in South Africa and Australia, namely exotic species invasion from the edge where the cover of exotic species increased with increasing proximity to the edge and a pattern that suggests that gap phase vegetation dynamics may also drive exotic species invasion at urban grasslands. Although urbanization and weed invasions are complex processes similar patterns of exotic species invasion in urban grasslands were found in two different continents suggesting that general patterns may occur. Implications of this for the conservation of native grasslands in contrasting landscapes are discussed.  相似文献   

Zhang  Minghua  Geng  Shu  Ustin  Susan L. 《Landscape Ecology》1998,13(1):37-54
Quantitative agricultural landscape indices are useful to describe functional relationships among climatic conditions, groundwater dynamics, soil properties and agricultural land use for mathematical models. We applied methods of regression statistics, variance component estimation and a Geographical Information System (GIS) to construct indices describing crops and soils and to establish functional relationships among these variables. This paper describes the development of indices and the partitioning of the spatial and temporal variation in groundwater models using the data from Tulare County, California, which was selected as the study area. Indices of ground surface elevation, total crop water demand, soil water infiltration rate, and soil production index explain 91% of the variation in average spring groundwater level. After relating spatial patterns of groundwater use to indices of crop and soil properties, we found that mean groundwater use is positively related to total crop water demand and soil water infiltration rate while the variation in groundwater use was negatively correlated with the crop water demand and soil water infiltration rate and positively related to soil water holding capacity. The spatial variation in groundwater use was largely influenced by crops and soil types while the temporal variation was not. We also found that groundwater use increased exponentially with decreasing annual precipitation for most townships. Based on these associations, groundwater use in each township can be forecast from relative precipitation under current methods of agricultural production. Although groundwater table depth is strongly affected by topography, the statistically significant indices observed in the model clearly show that agricultural land use influences groundwater table depth. These simple relationships can be used by agronomists to make water management decisions and to design alternative cropping systems to sustain agricultural production during periods of surface water shortages.  相似文献   

We present a parametric model for estimating the areas within watersheds whose land use best predicts indicators of stream ecological condition. We regress a stream response variable on the distance-weighted proportion of watershed area that has a specific land use, such as agriculture. Distance weighting functions model the declining influence of landscape elements as a function of their flowpath distances, first to the stream channel (to-stream distance), and then down the channel to the location at which stream condition was sampled (in-stream distance). Model parameters specify different distance scales over which to-stream and in-stream influences decline. As an example, we predict an index of biotic integrity (IBI) for the fish communities in 50 small streams of the Willamette Basin of Oregon, USA, from distance-weighted proportions of agricultural or urban land use in their watersheds. The weighting functions of best-fitting models (R 2 = 0.57) represent landscape influence on IBI as extending upstream tens of kilometers along the stream channel network, while declining nearly to zero beyond a distance of 30 m from the channel. Our example shows how parametric distance weighting can identify the distance scales, and hence the approximate areas within watersheds, for which land use is most strongly associated with a stream response variable. In addition, distance-weighting parameters offer a simple and direct language for comparing the scales of landscape influence on streams across different land uses and stream ecosystem components.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between soil sealing and landscape conservation in four Mediterranean regions (Athens, Barcelona, Lisbon, Rome) characterized by different patterns of urban expansion. Per-capita sealed land, a landscape conservation index and selected territorial variables were considered into a multivariate exploratory framework aimed at assessing the correlation between land-use efficiency (based on the degree of soil sealing per-capita) and the quality of suburban landscape. A population density gradient with intensity of sealed land decreasing with the distance from the central city was observed in compact urban regions such as Athens and Barcelona. A mixed urban gradient was observed in Rome and Lisbon. In all the considered cities the spatial distribution of per-capita sealed land was not correlated with the urban gradient indicating that land consumption follows place-specific patterns irrespective of landscape quality. These findings suggest that urban containment and landscape conservation are policy targets requiring environmental measures irrespective of the prevailing morphology of the urban region (compact vs dispersed). In this context, green infrastructure planning is a promising tool for landscape conservation and the containment of soil sealing within fragile and dynamic contexts such as the wildland-urban interface.  相似文献   

A set of structural criteria to differentiate among types of a heterogeneous woodland landscape that are shaped by goat and cattle grazing was studied in northern Israel. The landscape was described with relation to the “human scale” of the observer, by mapping the dimensions, basic shapes, and distribution of gaps between individual plants on sites with various grazing management systems. The shapes of the trees and the bushes were drawn in situ and the ratio between plant height and the width of the adjacent open space was measured in order to define the various structural profiles of the vegetation. All the structural criteria clearly and significantly differentiated among grazing systems that created closed (no grazing), half-open (cattle and modern goat grazing) and open (traditional goat grazing) landscapes. The diversity of plant shapes was highest under the cattle and modern goat grazing management systems. In the ungrazed treatment, more than 60% of the gaps were defined as ‘inaccessible’ compared with only 10–15% under cattle grazing and modern goat grazing. The diversity of gap proportions was high, but their absolute number was low. Under traditional heavy goat grazing, there were only wide and open gaps. Under cattle grazing and modern goat-grazing management systems, a relatively large number of wide and open gaps were found, with small numbers of narrow and closed gaps. Overall, the various grazing systems were differentiated most clearly according to their transparency, accessibility, height of Quercus calliprinos, and gap distribution. We conclude that structural criteria provide an efficient and objective methodology for evaluating the effects of grazing on different components of Mediterranean woodland mosaic landscapes. Nomenclature follows Feinbrun-Dothan and Danin (1991)  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,居民对于生活环境的要求也日益增高。植物景观作为居住区景观设计的一个重要元素,是必不可少的。本文通过对昆明市月牙塘小区植物造景的调查研究,对昆明市居住区植物景观设计有了一定的了解,从而给今后居住区植物造景提供些参考。  相似文献   

An inductive method for recognizing vegetation complexes is presented. These complexes can be used to define landscape units. The method is demonstrated with regard to the river and rivulet valleys of the Black Forest in south-western Germany. It is based on surveys of locally occurring plant communities in homogeneous landscape units, using a cover-abundance scale for the areal extension of each community. The communities have first been established on the basis of the usual relevés of small homogeneous plots.The surveys are called sigma relevés (sigma = Greek for sum), Sigma relevés can be arranged in tables by the usual classification method in order to establish vegetation complexes. Characteristic and differential communities can be elaborated to characterize the vegetation complexes. The specific spatial distribution of each complex reflects certain physical-geographical and anthropo-geographical characteristics. Some applied aspects can be included for each vegetation complex, for example, lists of woody species typical for a landscape unit. From the point of view of water economy such a survey is useful since many efforts are being made to plant woody species in accordance with natural conditions along river and rivulet embankments.  相似文献   

梁慧  王莹 《中国园艺文摘》2013,(8):140-141,F0004
以坐落在滇西边陲门户之地的德宏师范高等专科学校的校园植物配置为例,阐述高校校园植物配置对校园景观特色的影响,并简要分析如何利用植物种类的选择及其搭配方式营建校园景观特色。  相似文献   

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