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Conservation agriculture (CA) has the potential to sustain soil productivity and benefit agroecosystems, yet it is not fully understood how yield responses of different cropping systems are affected by inherent soil characteristics, for example, texture and dynamic soil properties, such as aggregation, nutrients and erosion. In this study, we conducted a systematic review to compare crop yield from cropland with conventional management versus different CA practices, specifically reduced- or no-tillage, agroforestry, organic farming and cover crops. The data were first analysed for different climatic regions, soil textures and cash crop types. We then quantified how yield responses correlated with soil properties change under different CA practices. The results showed that CA practices were associated with an overall mean crop yield increase of 12%. This response was primarily driven by corn, which had a mean yield increase of almost 41% after CA implementation, whereas other cash crops did not have significant yield responses or showed slight decreases, as rotation with mixtures of multiple cash crops had a mean decrease of 6% when using CA. The increase in corn yield after CA may be related to the enhanced ability of that crop to absorb nutrient elements (e.g. nitrogen) and reduce nutrient leaching. Agroforestry increased crop yield by 66% and cover cropping increased yield by 11%, likely due to increases in soil water content and nutrient availability and decreases in erosion and surface runoff. However, other agricultural systems showed no significant increase after CA compared with conventional row cropping practices. Using CA practices had the greatest yield benefit in tropical climates and when farming in coarse-textured soils. In addition, legumes and grass-legume mixtures resulted in significant cash crop yield increases, possibly because legumes promoted the increase of soil nitrogen and depleted soil moisture less compared with other cover crops. The results provide new insight into how interactions between soil properties and CA practices affect crop yield and at the same time can help guide the development of practical, evidence-based guidelines for using conservation practices to improve yield in corn and other cash crops.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM) is an important index of soil quality because of its relationship with crop yield. The application of organic matter to soil is a significant method for increasing SOM. Different organic materials have varying effects in increasing SOM. This study investigates the effects of combining different sources of organic matter (i.e., compost, leguminous green manure, and peat) with a chemical nitrogen (N) fertilizer on the growth and N accumulation in corn and rice plants. This study examines seven treatments, including a no-fertilization check and a conventional chemical fertilizer treatment. Shoots of corn and rice were sampled at the tasseling (panicle initiation for rice) and maturity stages. The biomass yield was measured and the total N was analyzed. At the maturity stage, the soil samples were collected to determine the chemical properties. The results showed that a small percentage of the N in the compost and peat, after their application, was available to the crop during the growth season; the production of biomass and N absorption among rice and corn plants was minimal compared to that treated with chemical N fertilizer. The application of compost and peat resulted in SOM accumulation, particularly with peat. However, the application of compost combined with chemical fertilizer not only produced sufficient nutrients for crop growth but also resulted in an accumulation of SOM, which is vital for enhancing the soil quality. Most of the N in green manure (GM) was mineralized shortly after application, causing excessive growth of rice and corn plants during the early stage, but reducing their reproductive growth and grain yield.  相似文献   

基于全国2467个气象台站实时和历史同期观测资料,利用农业气象评价指标、作物气候适宜度模型、主要农业气象灾害指数评估方法等,综合评估2022年玉米、一季稻、晚稻、大豆和棉花等主要秋收作物关键生育期的农业气象条件、生长适宜度、农业气象灾害等对产量的影响。结果表明,生长季内大部农区光热条件好,水分条件制约玉米、大豆等旱地作物产量提高;玉米、一季稻、大豆、棉花关键生育期内低温、阴雨寡照、暴雨洪涝灾害影响偏轻;长江流域夏季高温综合强度为1961年以来最强,一季稻等作物遭受严重高温热害,玉米、大豆等旱地作物遭受严重夏秋连旱;吉林、辽宁和山东等地夏季出现叠加性强降水过程,部分地区玉米、大豆渍涝灾害较重。  相似文献   

水稻是我国重要的粮食作物,由于受重金属污染威胁日益增大,其安全生产问题备受关注。通过综述我国稻田土壤及稻米镉污染现状、镉污染土壤改良剂研究进展以及稻米对镉富集的品种间差异,认为在土壤中镉的去除修复技术无法在短时间内实现的前提下,镉排异型水稻品种的筛选与利用是实现其安全生产的一个新的有效措施。在此基础上,配合一些污染土壤改良剂的使用,会进一步增强其安全生产水平。  相似文献   

气候变化对我国主要粮食作物产量的影响及适应措施   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
过去几十年气候变化对我国主要粮食作物产量产生了重要影响,为了研究作物产量对气候变化的响应和适应,保障粮食安全,基于国内相关研究文献,分析归纳了研究方法,综述了国内小麦、玉米和水稻等主要粮食作物产量对气候变化的响应和适应,得出如下结论:(1)作物产量对气候变化响应的研究方法主要包括田间试验观测、统计分析和作物模型模拟等方法,其中田间观测法最直观,统计分析法可操作性强、应用最为普遍,作物模型模拟机理性强,可以定量描述气候因子对作物产量的影响,外推效果好;(2)近几十年来,小麦生育期内气温升高和辐射变化使我国北方小麦增产0.9%~12.9%,南方小麦减产1.2%~10.2%;气候变暖对玉米产量贡献率为-41.4%~0.4%;水稻生育期内气温升高和辐射增强有利于东北地区水稻产量增加,增产贡献率为1.01%~3.29%,而辐射减弱对长江流域等南方主要水稻种植区的水稻产量(长江流域晚熟稻除外)产生不利影响;(3)未来气候变化情境下小麦应从延长生殖生长期、增加籽粒数量和提高收获指数等方面培育新品种应对气候变暖对作物产量的不利影响;耐高温和长生殖生长期的玉米品种可以用来应对气温、降水等气候因子的变化;水稻则应选育耐高温品种应对气温和辐射等因子的变化所带来的作物生产上的风险。  相似文献   

黄土高原地区农田水氮效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过在永寿和杨凌的田间试验,研究了黄土高原地区农田的水氮效应。结果表明,模拟试验得到的水肥效应结果与实际情况相差较大。田间试验研究表明,肥料的增产作用大于灌水;在现有的水资源条件下,提高氮肥供应水平是黄土高原地区大部分农田作物增产的主要途径。加强夏闲期降水的蓄积、提高土壤底墒是冬麦区作物高产的重要条件;作物生育期间的灌水关键期与土壤底墒、作物生育期降水量和降水的时间分布等因素有关。在现有的水肥条件下,冬小麦和夏玉米有较大的增产潜力。  相似文献   

通过成本、效益比较和土壤养分投入产出分析,对江苏省现阶段的作物生产状况进行了生态与经济效益评估。结果表明:在农业劳动力多而耕地少的地区,棉花与玉米、小麦、油菜接作均可获得较高经济效益;在劳动力紧缺、规模化生产的地区,种植水稻 玉米、水稻 小麦、水稻 油菜为宜,不仅省工,且可获得较高的经济效益和产品能,水稻 玉米种植模式还能获得较高的秸秆能。在当前条件下,5种作物的N肥投入均大于产出,P肥产投接近平衡,而K肥投入远远小于产出。为兼顾经济效益和生态效益,维持土壤肥力平衡,水稻施N量应减少165~225 kg/hm2,小麦应减少75~105 kg/hm2,玉米应减少90~165 kg/hm2,棉花应减少120 kg/hm2,油菜应减少60~90 kg/hm2。棉花施K量应增加120 kg/hm2,而其余作物可通过秸秆还田来补充土壤K,维持K的产投平衡。  相似文献   

Increasing atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations are expected to induce significant climate change over the next century and beyond, but the impacts on society remain highly uncertain. This work examines potential climate change impacts on the productivity of five major crops in eastern China: canola, corn, potato, rice, and winter wheat. In addition to determining domain-wide trends, the objective is to identify vulnerable and emergent regions under future climate conditions, defined as having a greater than 10% decrease and increase in productivity, respectively. Data from the ICTP RegCM3 regional climate model for baseline (1961–1990) and future (2071–2100) periods under A2 scenario conditions are used as input for the EPIC agro-ecosystem simulation model in the domain [30°N, 108°E] to [42°N, 123°E]. Simulations are performed with and without the enhanced CO2-fertilization effect. Results indicate that aggregate potential productivity (i.e. if the crop is grown everywhere) increases 6.5% for rice, 8.3% for canola, 18.6% for corn, 22.9% for potato, and 24.9% for winter wheat, although with significant spatial variability for each crop. However, without the enhanced CO2-fertilization effect, potential productivity declines in all cases ranging from 2.5 to 12%. Interannual yield variability remains constant or declines in all cases except rice. Climate variables are found to be more significant drivers of simulated yield changes than changes in soil properties, except in the case of potato production in the northwest where the effects of wind erosion are more significant. Overall, in the future period corn and winter wheat benefit significantly in the North China Plain, rice remains dominant in the southeast and emerges in the northeast, potato and corn yields become viable in the northwest, and potato yields suffer in the southwest with no other crop emerging as a clear beneficiary from among those simulated in this study.  相似文献   

基于有效积温的中国水稻生长模型的构建   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
有效积温是指作物生长至某一生育阶段所需要积累的有效温度,是反映气象条件对作物生长影响的主要指标,研究有效积温对作物生长过程的影响对提高农业生产效率具有重要意义。该文以有效积温作为气象因子,收集中国气象数据网中的气象数据和已发表的学术论文中的水稻生长数据,建立了描述水稻生长过程的叶面积指数和干物质积累量的普适Logistic模型,并研究了水稻最大叶面积指数与最大干物质积累量、收获指数(作物经济产量与生物产量的比值)及降水量之间的关系。结果表明:有效积温为1000℃左右时,水稻叶面积指数最大,且此时干物质增长速率最大;水稻最大叶面积指数与最大干物质积累量之间表现为线性关系;最大叶面积指数和收获指数、降水量之间为二次抛物线关系,当降水量为670.5 mm时,最大叶面积指数为7.93,对应的水稻收获指数达到最大值0.50。该研究对于构建其他作物的生长模型具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

鄱阳湖流域典型区限制水稻产量的土壤因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姚利鹏  黄标  孙维侠 《土壤》2015,47(4):675-681
影响作物生产的土壤因素会随着耕作管理措施的变化而改变,研究目前条件下影响作物生产的主要土壤因素并分析其变化的原因,可以为作物的生产和管理提供重要决策支撑。本文以江西省鄱阳湖流域进贤县作为典型研究区,在全县范围内布点采样分析,获取51组土壤属性数据和野外水稻测产数据,采用主成分分析法,用主成分表征研究区内主要土壤因子,并与水稻产量之间进行相关性分析,获得了影响水稻产量的主要因子。结果表明:钾素因子、物理结构因子与水稻产量之间达到显著相关水平,相关系数分别为0.325(P0.05)、0.411(P0.01),成为当前研究区内水稻产量的主要限制因子;淹水条件下,土壤酸化对水稻生产的影响并不明显,但其导致的钙、镁等盐基离子流失可影响作物产量;稻田排灌体系的完善可以减弱土壤潜育化作用对水稻生长的影响。  相似文献   

Rice, corn, sorghum, mungbeans, and cowpeas were continuously grown on the same land at 2- to 6-week intervals between crops to determine effects on yield. Decline of growth and yield occurred during continuous cropping. Dryland rice, mungbeans, and cowpeas were affected most, corn slightly, and sorghum was not visibly affected.

Growth inhibition in dryland rice and mungbeans occurred after one or two crops; growing the same crop in rapid succession resulted il1low grain yields. The persistence of inhibitory effects was indicated. One crop rotation or 5 months of fallow removed only a part of the harmful effects.

The causal agent appears to have a specific affinity to the host crop. Root residues of the previous crop may serve as a source of the causal agent for the subsequent crop.

Biological agents were involved in growth inhibition of rnungbeans and dryland rice. In mungbeans, the inhibitory effects appeared to be directly dependent on microorganisms. It appeared that microorganisms were not the primary cause of harmful effects in dryland rice.  相似文献   

Plant nutrient deficiencies are the main yield‐limiting factors in highly weathered acid soils around the world. Five greenhouse experiments were conducted on an Oxisol to identify nutrient deficiencies in common bean, upland rice, corn, wheat, and soybean. The treatments consisted of 13 fertility levels including an adequate level and remaining without application of one of the essential plant macro‐ or micronutrients. Dry matter yield of tops of all the crop species was affected by fertility treatments; however, significant effects of treatments were obtained in the case of common bean, upland rice, and corn. Based on tops dry weight under different treatments compared to adequate fertility level (AFL), the most yield‐limiting nutrients were in the order of phosphorus (P) > calcium (Ca) > magnesium (Mg) > boron (B) > zinc (Zn) for common bean, P > molybdenum (Mo) for upland rice, and P for corn. For the wheat crop, there was substantial decrease in tops dry weight in the absence of Ca, P, and potassium (K) nutrients. In the case of soybean, substantial tops dry weight reduction was due to deficiency in the order of P >Ca>Zn.  相似文献   

基于主要农区2346个气象台站观测数据和历史同期观测资料,利用作物气候适宜度和农业气象灾害指数等方法,分析了2021年玉米、一季稻、晚稻、大豆和棉花等主要秋收作物生长季的农业气象条件。结果表明,秋收作物生长季内,农区大部分地区≥10℃积温较常年同期偏多100~250℃·d,热量条件好,大部降水正常,土壤墒情适宜。夏季(6-8月)光温水条件匹配较好,利于玉米、水稻、大豆等作物开花授粉、灌浆结实以及棉花开花、结铃。总体上秋收作物主要生育期内干旱影响偏轻,气象条件对作物生长发育和产量形成有利。但局地暴雨洪涝频发,河南受灾严重,部分农田绝收。西北地区东部、华北大部、黄淮北部作物生育后期多雨寡照,不利作物灌浆成熟及收获。东北地区阶段性低温、西北地区东北部干旱、南方和新疆高温危害等对局地玉米、水稻、棉花等作物造成一定不利影响。  相似文献   

平原高沙土区合理种植及耕作方式对土壤性状的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了平原高沙土地区合理种植、水旱轮作、合理轮耕和秸秆还田增肥改土技术对土壤理化性状的影响。结果认为"两旱一水,两年五熟"不仅产量高,而且土壤理化性状得以改善;水旱轮作可增加土壤黏粒含量,提高高沙土肥力水平;合理轮耕可充分发挥少免耕的优势,达到增肥、改土、省工的目的;通过稻麦留高茬和玉米秸秆还田,可直接提高土壤肥力,从而提高农作物产量。该试验与推广取得了明显成效,促进了生态农业良性循环。  相似文献   

低温冷害是制约东北地区粮食产量的主要气象因素,了解低温冷害的演变规律及其对粮食产量的影响对于防灾减灾、合理搭配农作物品种熟期具有重要的指导意义。应用东北地区73个气象站1960-2004年温度资料以及ArcGIS地理信息系统技术和谐波分析方法,分析了≥10℃活动积温和持续低温指数的时空分布特征,评价了其对粮食和水稻产量的影响。结果表明,活动积温表现出由南向北、由西向东减少的趋势,持续低温指数表现出由南向北、由西向东增加的趋势。谐波分析表明,东北地区活动积温存在着明显的2.5-4a的周期振荡,持续低温指数主要表现为2.5-5a和10a左右的周期振荡。粮食产量的波动带有明显的活动积温和持续低温指数的信息,纬度越高,粮食产量受活动积温的影响越大,受持续低温指数的影响越小。活动积温是制约东北地区粮食和水稻产量的最主要因素,但持续低温指数的影响也不容忽视,持续低温指数每增加1d,会导致辽宁、吉林、黑龙江水稻平均单产。分别下降6.2%、5.8%和2.1%。  相似文献   

气候变化条件下中国灌溉面积变化的产量效应   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0  
灌溉可以有效缓解气候变化对粮食生产的不利影响。采用中国不同区域2006-2019年实际灌溉用水量,对4个气候模式(GFDL-ESM2M,Had GEM2-ES,IPSL-CAM5-LR,MIROC5)驱动下的3种作物模型(GEPIC、PEPIC和LPJml)的灌溉用水量进行评估,优选模拟结果较好的前5个模式组合,分析RCP2.6和RCP6.0情景下,2021-2050年中国玉米、水稻、大豆和小麦产量变化,评估灌溉面积扩张的增产效应。结果显示:未来气候变化下,2021-2050年降水量的增加使得中国水稻和大豆以及北方地区玉米和小麦产量均呈现增长趋势,其中东北80%左右的地区和西北70%左右的地区玉米产量将提高0.2~0.8 t/hm~2,东北85%左右的地区水稻和大豆增产幅度分别超过1.0、0.5 t/hm~2,东北90%左右的地区和西北75%左右的地区小麦产量增幅分别介于1.0~2.0、0.5~1.0 t/hm~2之间。降水量的减少使得西南南部地区的玉米和小麦产量均下降0.2 t/hm~2左右。不同区域玉米和小麦的增产效应差异明显,由于北部地区光热条件较差、小麦基础产量较低,使得小麦灌溉增产潜力(1%~11%)以及增产效率((0.12±0.06)kg/m~3)均较高,北部地区小麦的灌溉面积扩张可有效应对气候变化的不利影响。  相似文献   

气候变化背景下湖南省双季稻生产的敏感性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖南省是中国主要的双季稻种植省份之一,为探索历史气候变化背景下双季稻生产的气候敏感性,该研究以湖南省双季稻种植区域为对象,运用多元回归方法分析了湖南省历史气候变化动态(1980-2012)及其对双季稻生产的影响。结果表明:近30多年该区域气候变化以温度升高为主,早稻和晚稻全生育期内平均温度的气候倾向率分别为0.47和0.32℃/(10a),早稻全生育期内降水量和辐射呈增加趋势,晚稻全生育期内降水量和辐射有所下降。早稻产量变化与生育期内降水量和辐射的相关性极显著(P0.01),晚稻产量变化与生育期内温度相关性显著(P0.05)。温度升高是水稻产量变化的主要影响要素,但不同生育时期水稻产量的敏感性存在差异,早稻和晚稻产量对气候变化的敏感性范围在-4.38%~2.07%之间。历史气候变化对早稻和晚稻产量的影响分别可能达到2.59%和-6.02%。研究表明气候变化增加了该区域双季稻生产的敏感性,对水稻生产有较大的影响。该研究可以为针对区域特点进行农业技术措施调整,适应气候变化提供依据。  相似文献   


Winter camelina [WC, Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz] and field pennycress (FP, Thlaspi arvense L.) are emerging oilseed crops in corn–soybean rotations, but little is known about their cover crop potential. A 2-year study was conducted in Minnesota, USA to evaluate the effect of winter oilseed crops on nitrogen (N) use, growth and yield of corn and soybean. Treatments included WC, FP, winter rye (WR, Secale cereale L.), and a no cover crop (NC) control. Oilseed crops produced 40–50% less spring biomass and accumulated less N compared to WR. The tissue-N of WC and FP was 39.0% and 6.6% higher than WR, respectively. The C:N ratio of cover crops was lower than 20:1, suggesting rapid decomposition. Compared with NC, cover crops lowered soil nitrate before major crops planting, but the post-harvest N profile following corn and soybean was not affected. Compared with NC, cover crops significantly decreased corn yield, with 8.7%, 9.5% and 9.8% reduction following WC, FP and WR, respectively. Cover crops did not affect growth, yield and N uptake of soybean. Oilseed crops showed potential to improve N cycling in the rotation, but more research of their impact on major crops is needed.  相似文献   

  【目的】  中国农业生物质废弃物种类多、数量大,且存在病原菌、农药和抗生素残留等潜在生态和环境风险。热解炭化作为一种废弃物的安全处理方法,其生物质炭的循环得率、性质及其土壤改良和促进作物生长的效应还需系统的比较研究。  【方法】  本研究选取作物生产来源的原生生物质、养殖业来源的次生生物质、食品加工处理的残余生物质等共26种生物质废弃物原料,在同一条件下炭化,分析不同来源原料热解后生物质炭产出率与性质。以小白菜 (Brassica campestris L. ssp.) 为试材进行盆栽试验,研究生物质炭对作物生长及土壤改良效应,进而评估这些废弃物炭化农业循环的应用潜力。  【结果】  供试26种废弃物炭化后的生物质炭产出率介于22%~71%,有机碳循环回收率介于22%~81%,氮素循环回收率介于21%~67%。26种废弃物生物质炭的pH和阳离子交换量差异较小 (变异系数10%左右),总有机碳、氮、水分、灰分含量等差异较大,变异系数在60%~70%;而不同原料生物质炭的电导率和溶解性有机碳含量变化极大,变异系数大于90%。生物质炭盆栽试验中,生物炭添加1%,小白菜生物量提升效应介于–34%~314%,变异系数大于100%;小白菜品质提升效应介于–14%~228%,变异系数为59%;土壤肥力提升效应介于20%~360%,特别是土壤有效磷含量提升幅度在0~24倍,均值为359%。同时,生物质炭产出率与生物质炭中灰分呈显著正相关,生物质炭的碳氮回收率与原料中碳氮含量呈显著正相关;不同原料热解炭化的质量回收率、碳氮回收率与小白菜产量及品质等指标间变化差异较大,在小白菜产量效应和品质效应间,部分生物质炭存在抵消作用,而另一部分生物质炭表现为协同作用。  【结论】  综合考虑热解炭化的生物质炭化循环率及碳氮回收循环率和土壤质量–植物生长协同提升效应,供试26种原料中,蚕砂、稻壳牛粪、骨粉、双孢菇渣、兔粪、羊粪和玉米渣的炭化循环率和土壤质量–植物生长协同提升幅度较高 (> 50%),为优先炭化农业利用的生物质废弃物;而木糖渣、稻壳粉、椰渣、高粱酒渣、核桃皮、蚓粪和红茶渣等废弃物热解炭化,因炭化循环率较低,或者土壤质量–植物生长提升的不一致效应,认为不宜炭化农业利用;而其余废弃物热解炭化后的效应介于上述两类之间,具有较高的炭化循环率和一定程度的土壤质量–植物生长协同提升效应,属于可炭化农业利用的生物质废弃物。  相似文献   

为研究区域农业干旱时空分布特征,以及干旱对作物产量的影响,建立了基于信息扩散和分形技术的农业干旱特征量化分析模型。以西安市为典型研究区,根据1951—2010年降水、气温资料和1949—2015年玉米产量等数据,利用该文提出的评估指标和技术方法对西安市玉米干旱特征分析计算,验证了模型的有效性。结果表明:1)60年来,西安市玉米共发生30次气象干旱,平均2年1次。2001—2010年以来,频次增多,平均1.25年1次。气象干旱发生的时间具有分形特征,经大量试验,发现当计算样本数量约14时,重标极差方法可取得很好效果。2)玉米气象干旱的程度呈现很缓慢上升趋势,Hurst指数0.930 7,而玉米趋势产量波动上升,玉米当前(2011—2015年)平均趋势产量为5 468 kg/hm~2,作物干旱程度(减产率)呈缓慢下降趋势。3)玉米气象干旱程度和作物干旱程度相关性不明显,但两者变化周期基本相同,经信息扩散技术处理后,趋势呈现明显波峰、波谷交替变化。4)预测西安市2023年(第40个干旱年)气象干旱程度约1.2,按照当前的抗旱能力和技术水平,产量损失估计约1.35%,预估玉米单产约5 394 kg/hm~2。该研究尝试基于信息扩散和分形技术对西安市玉米干旱发生时间和程度的特征进行分析,为该地区玉米干旱防灾减灾提供技术参考。  相似文献   

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