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Behavior of phosphorus(P) in flooded rice soil is controlled by iron(Fe) redox cycling in root-zone. In this study, we applied a novel approach—the diffusive gradients in thin films(DGT) technique—for investigating the in-situ distribution of labile phosphorus(P) and Fe in close proximity to Asian rice(Oryza sativa L.) roots at submillimeter to millimeter spatial resolutions during the seedling and booting stages. We conducted a seven-year field experiment under rice-wheat rotation with different P fertilizer treatments. The results showed a significant and strong positive relationship of the average DGT-labile P concentration with soil Olsen P(R2= 0.77, P < 0.01) and with rice total P concentration(R2= 0.62, P < 0.05). Furthermore, results on one-and two-dimensional changes of DGT-labile P indicated that fertilization only in the wheat season produced sufficient amounts of labile P in the flooded paddy soils, similar to when fertilizer was applied only in the rice season;dissolved P concentrations, however, were lower. A co-occurrence and significant positive correlation(P < 0.01) between DGT-labile P and Fe indicated Fe-coupled mobilization of P in flooded paddy soils. These results collectively indicated that the DGT technique provided information on in-situ distribution of labile P and its variability in close proximity to rice roots. This suggests that the DGT technique can improve our understanding of in-situ and high-resolution labile P processes in paddy soils and can provide useful information for optimizing P fertilization.  相似文献   

Conventional methods of measuring labile chemical species of trace metals in soil solutions, such as chemical competition following centrifuging, are inadequate if the speciation changes during sampling and extraction. A new technique, diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT), measures labile species of trace metals in natural waters and sediments in situ. A well-defined diffusive gel layer distinguishes it from other resin-based techniques. It perturbs the soil in a controlled way by introducing an in situ local sink for metal ions. Resulting fluxes to the device are quantitatively measured, allowing assessment of re-supply kinetics and in some cases measurement of in situ soil solution concentrations. We used DGT to measure fluxes of Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in a sludge-treated soil at various moisture contents (27–106%). Replicate measurements showed that the precision of DGT-measured fluxes was within 10%. For moisture contents exceeding the field capacity (42%), the DGT response reflected soil water concentrations. At smaller moisture contents, changes related to tortuosity and dilution were reflected in the measurements. This technique has the potential for in situ measurements in the field where it should provide quantitative flux data on individual soils and provide a good surrogate for bioavailable metal.  相似文献   


Phosphorus extractants have not been tested extensively in the Southeast. An experiment was carried out to compare four P extractant methods using samples from a field P‐K factorial experiment with soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) at three locations in Georgia over four years. There were five P rates ranging from none to 80 kg ha‐1. Soils and plant tissue were sampled at mid‐summer and yields were recorded. The four P extractants compared were Olsen, Mehlich 1, Mehlich 2, and Bray 1. Quadratic regressions for soil P versus plant P and P rates were not significant compared to linear regressions. There were no significant yield responses to P. All extractants except Olsen were similar in their response to added fertilizer P as measured by linear r2 values. Olsen P gave lower linear r2 values both with P rate and with plant P. Mehlich 1 values were highly correlated with Mehlich 2 (0.94**) and Bray 1 (0.96**). Mehlich 2 and Bray 1 gave nearly the same soil P values with linear regressions of slope of 1.0 and low intercepts. Results from these experiments show that Mehlich 1, Mehlich 2, or Bray 1 could be used successfully on these soils, but that Olsen should be avoided.  相似文献   


To assess soil-to-plant transfer of various elements more precisely, the concentrations of the elements extracted from soil samples using eight chemical solutions were compared with the results of a pot cultivation experiment of komatsuna (Brassica rapa L. var. perviridis) or buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum M.) using the soils. From agricultural fields in Aomori, Japan, 16 soil samples were collected. Elements in the samples were extracted using acids (1 mol L?1 HNO3, 0.1 mol L?1 HNO3, 0.01 mol L?1 HNO3), chelating agents (0.05 mol L?1 EDTA), neutral salt solutions (1 mol L?1 NH4OAc, 1 mol L?1 NH4NO3, 0.01 mol L?1 CaCl2) and pure water. The 28 elements in the extracted solutions and plant samples were determined. The extractability of many metals was higher in 1 mol L?1 HNO3, 0.1 mol L?1 HNO3 and the 0.05 mol L?1 EDTA solutions than in the other extractants. Higher extractability using the NH4OAc solution than the NH4NO3 solution was observed for some elements, in particular U. Extractability by pure water was not always lowest among these methods, probably because of dispersion of colloidal substances in the extracted solution. The pot cultivation experiment showed that the concentrations in soil and in the extracted fraction using 1 mol L?1 HNO3, 0.1 mol L?1 HNO3 or the EDTA solution did not correlate with the concentration in plant samples for most elements. Plant uptake of Zn, Y and La by komatsuna correlated well with their concentrations in extracts with neutral salt solutions or 0.01 mol L?1 HNO3. Concentrations of Al, Cu and Cd in buckwheat were also correlated with the concentrations in the extracts.  相似文献   

The soils of the floodplains of the German rivers Elbe, Mulde and Saale are often contaminated with arsenic (As). The total As concentration in soil is, however, not related to As concentration in the plant biomass and thus is unsuitable for evaluating the risk of As transfer into the food chain. The aim of the present study was to establish a method that assesses the bioavailability of As in floodplain soils and takes possible changes in the mobility of As with changing redox potential into account. Samples from the floodplain of the river Mulde were saturated with water for 34 days. A soil solution was sampled every second day and the concentrations of As species and total iron (Fe) were determined. The redox potential was measured in situ . Lepidium sativum L. (garden cress) was cultured in cylinders to assess the availability of As to the plant. In addition, extraction methods were used to define operationally different As-binding forms. Arsenic in the soil samples was predominantly bound to poorly crystalline (hydr)oxides. These (hydr)oxides are likely to be affected by changing redox conditions. On saturation, 18 soil samples could be divided into two groups based on the temporary changes in redox potential and subsequent changes in the As concentration of the soil solution. Water-extractable organic carbon was identified as the reason for the differences between the two groups. As the field site is periodically flooded, it is likely that the samples that exhibit decreasing redox potential in the experimental system will also pass through redox cycles more frequently in the field. The frequency of redox cycles, in turn, strongly affects the Fe (hydr)oxide phase and the binding of As. In the present study these differences between the two groups were reflected in the different relationships between NH4 oxalate-extractable Fe (Feo) and As (Aso).  相似文献   


Few references explain the effects of dry‐heat sterilization on soil chemical properties. Yet dry heating at 121°C for 2 hours is the prescribed USDA Animal, Plant, and Health Inspection Service basic treatment for soils entering United States ports of entry. This study concerns the effects of air drying and dryheat sterilization on chemical properties of Puerto Rican soils, chiefly macronutrients and micronutrients, found after extracting with Mehlich‐1 and Olsen solutions. Results for dry heating are compared with reported results for other sterilization procedures.

Dry heating did not significantly alter soil N, organic matter content, or soil bases. Depending on the extractant used, changes in P concentrations were significant. Results for micronutrient determinations were more variable and also depended on the extractant used after sterilization. Concentrations of Mn and Fe extracted from dry‐heated soils were significantly greater than concentrations extracted from air‐dried soils.

Effects of dry‐heat sterilization on soil chemical properties generally followed results published elsewhere for steaming, exceptions depending on the extractant used. Published results from chemical sterilization established methylbromide as being closest to dry heat results.  相似文献   

The highly degraded mine-affected soils of Lavrion, central Greece, are greatly polluted by heavy metals and arsenic (As). To assess As partitioning in the soils of the area, Wenzel and BCR (Community Bureau of Reference) sequential extraction procedures (SEP) were applied to 29 top soils. The results of the Wenzel SEP showed that As was mainly bound to the well-crystallized (33.3%) and to the amorphous/poorly-crystalline (30.1%) oxides of Fe, Al, and Mn. According to the BCR scheme, most of the total As (78.4%) was retained in the residual phase. Low mobility factor values (Wenzel: 0.34%; BCR: 1.56%) clearly demonstrate the low availability and mobility of As in the studied soils. The specifically-sorbed/inner-sphere and the reducible fractions of As, obtained by the Wenzel SEP, were positively correlated with clay and Fe oxides content, respectively. The reducible As fractions of both SEPs were negatively correlated with carbonates content indicating that carbonates may partially control As sorption on Fe oxides. The comparative evaluation of the two SEPs showed that the application of the BCR protocol in contaminated soils cannot provide reliable information on As sequestration in soils but it can be a first estimate of As labile forms.  相似文献   

The influence of organic matter added in the form of gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium Steud.) leaves and rice straw on the chemical and electrochemical kinetics of three flooded soils was studied in a pot experiment. Soils after submergence differed markedly in the properties studied. With addition of organic matter not only the peaks of CO2 production and maximum concentrations of water-soluble Fe2+, Ma2+ and other cations occurred earlier but their concentrations were also significantly higher as compared to controls (no organic matter addition). The high concentration of CO2 appeared to influence pH, the accumulation of cations in the soil solution, and to be chiefly responsible for the death of the rice plants. The lethal effects of CO2 and other reduction products can be avoided and nutritional gains to rice can be achieved by planting 3–4 weeks after the addition of quickly-decomposing organic materials.  相似文献   

The plant‐availability of phosphorus (P) in fertilizers and soil can strongly influence the yield of agricultural crops. However, there are no methods to efficiently and satisfactorily analyze the plant‐availability of P in sewage sludge‐based P fertilizers except by undertaking time‐consuming and complex pot or field experiments. We employed the diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) technique to quantify the plant P availability of various types of P fertilizers with a novel focus on sewage sludge‐based P fertilizers. Mixtures of fertilizer and soil were incubated for 3 weeks at 60% water holding capacity. DGT devices were deployed at the beginning of the incubation and again after 1, 2, and 3 weeks. Two weeks of incubation were sufficient for the formation of plant‐available P in the fertilizer/soil mixtures. In a pot experiment, the DGT technique predicted maize (Zea mays L.) biomass yield and P uptake significantly more accurately than standard chemical extraction tests for P fertilizers (e.g ., water, citric acid, and neutral ammonium citrate). Therefore, the DGT technique can be recommended as a reliable and robust method to screen the performance of different types of sewage sludge‐based P fertilizers for maize cultivation minimizing the need for time‐consuming and costly pot or field experiments.  相似文献   

Triolein-embedded cellulose acetate membrane (TECAM) was buried in 15 field-contaminated soils in parallel with the cultivation of wheat to predict bioavailability of naphthalene, phenanthrene, pyrene, and benzo[a]pyrene to wheat roots, and the method was compared with chemical extraction methods. Although a good linear relationship was found between PAH concentrations in chemical extractants and wheat roots, the percentage of PAH in soil removed by chemical extraction was much higher than the corresponding percentage removed by wheat roots. In contrast to chemical extraction, a nearly 1:1 relationship was found between the amount of each PAH taken up by TECAMs and wheat roots (r(2) = 0.798-0.925, P < 0.01). Furthermore, the uptake of PAHs by TECAMs and wheat roots had the same pathway of passive transport via the soil solution. Moreover, TECAM caused minimal disturbance to the soil and was easy to deploy. Therefore, TECAM is believed to be a useful tool to predict bioavailability of PAHs to wheat roots grown in contaminated soils.  相似文献   

干湿交替过程中水稻土铁形态和磷吸附解吸的变化   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
采用室内培养试验 ,经过连续 3次淹水 落干处理 ,研究了干湿交替过程中土壤中氧化铁形态的变化以及对土壤磷吸附和解吸的影响。结果表明 ,淹水使土壤中结晶态氧化铁含量明显减少 ,无定形氧化铁和土壤对磷的吸附量急剧增加 ,磷解吸下降 ;落干则使之发生相反的变化。土壤中的无定形氧化铁含量与土壤对磷的吸附之间存在着密切的相关关系。因此 ,淹水 落干过程中无定形氧化铁的变化是影响水稻田磷有效性的一个主导因子。  相似文献   

Background  Available fractions of metal concentrations in sediment pore water are difficult to measure without disturbing the sediment core. The available fraction is an important parameter in understanding the risks for benthic organisms. Not much is known about the influence of the presence of benthic organisms to the available fraction. Objectives  The aim of this study was to discuss the dynamics of metal behaviour in natural sediments and the influence of the presence ofTubifex on sediment chemistry using DGT. Methods. DGT-probes were added to six beakers to cover a depth profile of 0 to 13 cm. The six beakers contained three different sediments. For each sediment, one beaker had 1 g ofTubifex added, the other beaker contained noTubifex. After two weeks of exposure, the probes were withdrawn and strips were analysed for their content of cadmium, copper and zinc. Results and discussion  Available concentrations were higher in the upper layer (0–1 cm) of the sediment core, where conditions are generally more oxic. The presence ofTubifex worms led to a decrease of the available concentrations in the upper layer, due to the competition of the worms with the DGT for the available metal fraction. On the other hand, the presence of the worms led, via bioturbation, to an increased oxygen penetration depth in the sediment, and, as a consequence, to an increase of the available fraction in the next-higher sediment layer. Conclusions  In sediment cores without organisms, very steep gradients of the available metal concentration in pore water have been found. The change from a high to low amount of available fraction corresponds to the change from oxidised conditions in the surficial sediment layer to reduced conditions in the lower sediment layers. The tunnelling behaviour ofTubifex worms leads to a penetration of oxygen to deeper sediment layers, and to an increase of the available metal fraction in the pore water.Tubifex competes with DGT for the available fraction, resulting in lower metal amounts accumulated in the DGT probe. Competition is the prevailing effect in the top 1 cm layer of all sediments. In the second 1 cm layer, competition, in most cases, is not strong enough to compensate the increase in metal availability due to the broadening of the oxidised zone. Recommendations  The effects of sediment organisms on the deepening of the oxidised layer and on the availability of metals in pore water need further investigations and quantification. DGT is recommended as an instrument for measuring available metal concentrations in these studies.  相似文献   

Summary A study was undertaken to measure the sulphate-S in some representative soils cropped to cocoa (Theobroma cacao) and coffee (Coffea canephora var. robusta) in Ghana using five extraction methods at two soil-extractant ratios. The least extracting power was shown by 0.1 N HCL. A soil-extractant ratio of 1:10 extracted higher amounts of SO 4 2– –S than a 1:5 ratio. There were highly significant differences among the extractants and among the soils. From the 15 soil samples, the highest amount of SO 4 2– –S was extracted at the 1:5 ratio and at the 1:10 ratio by H2O and the KH2PO4– extracting solution, respectively. There was no correlation between arylsulphatase activity and the various amounts of extractable SO4/2– –S, and therefore soil arylsulphatase activity seems less appropriate as an indicator of plant-available inorganic SO 4 2– –S. In the three soil profiles analysed, the amounts of H2O-extractable SO 4 2– –S decreased with depth while those extracted by sodium acetate buffer increased with depth. The possibility of large amounts of extractable SO 4 2– –S in the subsoils should be considered along with the SO 4 2– –S in the surface samples if an estimation is made of the available –S status of cocoa and coffee rooting zones.  相似文献   



Acid sulfate soils (ASS) are common in wetlands and can pose an environmental threat when they dry because oxidation of pyrite may cause strong acidification. Addition of organic matter can stimulate sulfate reduction during wet periods and minimize acidification during dry periods. However, the effect of the organic amendment may depend on its composition.

Materials and methods

Three wetland acid sulfate (sulfuric, hypersulfidic, and hyposulfidic) soils collected from different depth in one profile were used. The soils, unamended or amended with 10 g C kg?1 as glucose, wheat straw, pea straw, or Phragmites litter, were incubated for 18 weeks under flooded conditions (“wet period”) followed by 10 weeks during which the soils were maintained at 100 % of maximum water-holding capacity (“dry period”).

Results and discussion

During the wet period, the pH decreased in the control and with glucose to pH 3–4, but increased or was maintained in residue-amended soils (pH at the end of the wet period about 7). In the dry period, the pH of the control and glucose-amended soils remained low, whereas the pH in residue-amended soils decreased. However, at end of the dry period, the pH was higher in residue-amended soils than in the control or glucose-amended soils, particularly with pea straw (C/N 50).


Amendment of acid sulfate soils with plant residues (particularly those with low to moderate C/N ratio) can stimulate pH increase during flooding and reduce acidification under oxidizing conditions.

For the determination of PAH availability to plants a plant accumulation test with Lepidium and sequential supercritical fluid extraction (SSFE) with carbon dioxide as extraction solvent was used, during which the extraction conditions were changed from mild to harsh in order to represent a broad range of potential pollutant-soil interactions. Both approaches were applied in laboratory experiments on industrial contaminated soils which, in addition, were also freshly spiked with PAHs in order to increase the bioavailability. Only Naphthalene, Phenanthrene and, in some cases, Pyrene accumulated from the industrial contaminated soils. Accumulation experiments with spiked industrial soils showed that other PAHs, for example Anthracene, Fluorene and even high weight PAHs like Benzo(a)pyrene, also could be taken up by plants. SSFE extraction data were compared to accumulated amounts of PAHs in the plants. Strong correlations were found for Phenanthrene between plant accumulation and extractability under very mild extraction conditions. For Naphthalene, accumulation did not correlate with its extractability in the industrial soils. The possibility exists that bioavailability in soil was eclipsed by an accumulation in the gas phase due to the high volatility of Naphthalene. Supercritical fluid extraction appears to be a promising tool to estimate Phenanthrene availability to plants, but further studies for the evaluation of other PAHs are recommended. This could be helpful for the determination of the feasibility of phytoremediation applications on industrially contaminated soils.  相似文献   

土地利用史对水田甲烷的排放和甲烷植物的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The characteristics of methane emission were compared among six types of upland and paddy soils developed from different materials with distinct physical and chemical properties after planting rice.The fluxes of methane emission in submerged soils from the upland were obviously lower than those from the paddy rice field.The flux of methane emission in the paddy soil developed from fluvo-aquic soil was the largest among all the types of soils.Planting of rice was heplful to emission of methane in soils.The amounts of various groups of methanogenic flora were conformed with the differences among the fluxes of methane emission in various types of soils.Methane formation was observed in each type of air-dried soils stored for a long time after addition of water and incubation at 35℃.  相似文献   

Several methods, nominally for the analysis of total Pb in soils, have been comparatively evaluated. The efficiencies of different acid reagents for extraction of Pb have been found to vary greatly, and it is recommended that a HNO3/HF mixture be used, together with the method of standard additions.  相似文献   

Relationships between the relative solubility of soil phosphorus (P) and short-term plant P uptake were investigated using soils obtained from a field trial that had been maintained under contrasting mowing regimen (no mowing, mowing with clippings left, mowing with clippings removed) for 15?years. In a glasshouse pot experiment, P uptake by red clover and Italian ryegrass was found to be 40% lower for the clippings removed treatment compared with the no mowing treatment, which was consistent with the fact that concentrations of readily extracted inorganic P were 42% lower in the clippings removed treatment soil. However, P uptake was 51–54% higher for the clippings left treatment soil compared with no mowing, despite the fact that levels of readily extracted soil inorganic P were similar in both treatments. This indicated that biological and biochemical processes associated with enhanced mineralisation of organic P and turnover of P through the microbial biomass made a greater contribution to increased plant P uptake in the clippings left soil compared with the other treatments. These findings highlight the importance of soil biological processes in determining the P nutrition and productivity of managed grasslands.  相似文献   

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