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Investigations of geochemical characteristics of sediments of the Zrmanja River estuary were done in order to determine the natural and anthropogenic factors influencing sediment composition in this area. For that purpose, spatial and temporal distribution of major and trace elements in the sediments and surrounding soils was studied.

Materials and methods

Sediment and soil samples, including one marl sample, were collected at 28 locations. All samples were subjected to total digestion and subsequently analysed by high-resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HR-ICP-MS) for total concentration of 20 elements (Ag, Al, As, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sb, Sn, Sr, Ti and Y). Obtained concentrations and their normalized counterparts were used for assessment of factors influencing sedimentation in the study area.

Results and discussion

The results of the analysis showed that the composition of sediments of the Zrmanja River estuary is primarily determined by the composition of bedrock, existing hydrodynamic conditions and the relative isolation of the studied basin. Nevertheless, anthropogenic influences were observed as well. The composition of the Zrmanja River sediments reflects the impact of the ex-alumina factory “Jadral” and transfer by wind of the material from its immediate surroundings to the water system of the Zrmanja River. In addition, sedimentation in the Zrmanja River was found to be influenced by the construction of reservoirs and the HE “Velebit”, hydroelectric power plant located in the Zrmanja watershed.


The geochemical composition of recent sediments of the Zrmanja River estuary is controlled primarily by natural factors, although the influence of anthropogenic activities is also evident.

Background, Aim and Scope.  The compositional study of suspended matter in water from rivers of different latitudes and climates has revealed that the fine fraction reflects both substrate lithology from source areas or topsoil composition along the course. Metal distribution patterns are also strongly related to the clay mineral fate in fluvial aquatic systems. For the particular case of the coastal area of the Río de la Plata estuary in South America, previous studies have, on the one hand, focused on the analysis of distribution patterns of heavy metals in bottom river sediments and, on the other hand, on the assessment of metal contents in topsoils. The present study was conducted to evaluate the Cu, Pb and Zn distribution in soils and sediments from four drainage basins crossing two differentiated geomorphologic units composed of unconsolidated materials and to understand the metal behaviour. Methods  Data used included the existent, self-produced soil and sediment data sets (grain size, organic matter and Cu, Pb and Zn contents from 124 samples). Analyses were performed by using standardised methods: grain size analysis by sieving and settling; organic matter content based on the reduction of dichromate ion followed by titration; metal content by atomic absorption spectrophotometry following acid digestion. Results and Discussion. The average (% w/w) clay and organic matter content were 45.9 ± 17.1 and 1.5 ± 1.7 for sediments and 32.0 ± 19.8, and 7.5 ± 7.6 for soils, respectively. The raw mean metal concentrations (mg-kg-1 dry weight) for sediments and soils were: Cu: 28.02 ± 27.28, 32.08 ± 21.64; Pb: 32.08 ± 46.94, 68.44 ± 69.25 and Zn: 83.09 ± 150.33, 118.22 ± 74.20, respectively. A good correlation for each clay-normalised metal concentration was found between soil and sediments using regression analysis considering average data for each basin sampling site (r > 0.89, p < 0.05). A comparison between metal concentration levels taking into account geomorphologic units by a t independent sample test showed significant differences for the normalised soil-sediment metal data (p < 0.001), responding to differences in grain size, clay mineralogy, organic matter and neoformed Fe-Mn oxide composition. Conclusion, Recommendation and Outlook  A clear parenthood between the topsoils and the bottom sediments in the study area was found. The Argiudolls from the inner zone are frequently affected by rainwater erosion, which washes the fine materials with sorbed metals and carries them to the streams. These watercourses reach the flat coastal plain, where soil flooding and bottom sediment depositional processes predominate. Here, both soils and bottom sediments are enriched in clay, organic matter and metals. The topography and lithology, under the environmental conditions of a temperate and humid climate control the fate of metals within these small basins. The influence of the physical media on the distribution and fate of pollutants should not be minimised in the understanding of the governing processes from natural systems.  相似文献   



A medium-term study of sedimentary aliphatic hydrocarbons in the Gulf of Trieste was performed. The content of the aliphatic hydrocarbons, including their spatial and temporal distributions and origins, was determined. The collected data on the content of these compounds for the period of 2004–2013 were then processed using different evaluation indices and statistical analyses.

Materials and methods

Sediment samples were collected using a gravity core sampler. Hydrocarbons were extracted with hexane and dichloromethane (1:1), and their concentrations were determined by gas chromatography (using an FID detector). Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to establish the differences between the different sampling sites.

Results and discussion

The study’s results reveal spatial and temporal variabilities in the aliphatic hydrocarbons within the investigated area. The mean concentrations of total aliphatic hydrocarbons were in the range of 17.9–84.6 μg g?1 d.w., while the concentrations of n-alkanes from C12 to C34 were 934–5232 ng g?1 d.w. The results of the analyses show higher concentrations of hydrocarbons in the coastal areas, with a decrease toward the central part of the Gulf of Trieste. The interannual differences in hydrocarbon concentrations were generally larger close to river estuaries and pollution sources, where degradation processes are more intensive. Different evaluation indices revealed the hydrocarbons to have different origins. The temporal distribution of aliphatic hydrocarbons shows a decrease in concentrations over the past few years at certain sites. Important changes in the concentration and composition of the aliphatic fraction were observed in and after 2010, characterised by intensive fluvial input and long-lasting decreased salinity.


The content and distribution of aliphatic hydrocarbons are largely dependent on coastal sources of these compounds. Although the investigated area could be considered only slightly to moderately contaminated by hydrocarbons, the recently applied measures for pollution reduction should be continued and intensified.

Background and Objectives  The current environmental legislation regulating pollution issues is based on total levels of pollutants. This approach is not taking into account the bioavailability of pollutants (that is especially important for an analysis of soils and sediments as heavy metals and hydrophobic organic toxicants tend to sorb to solid matrix) and effects of toxicants in mixtures. Thus, toxicity-based criteria should be added to the currently existing chemical ones for the meaningful evaluation of the environmental hazard. The aim of the current study was 1) to compare the ecotoxicity and chemistry-based environmental evaluations for 27 solid-phase environmental samples (soils, sediments, solid wastes); 2) to suggest the battery of biotests for the screening of water-extracted toxicity. Methods  14 soils, 9 sediments and 4 oil-shale industry solid waste samples from Estonia and Lithuania were analyzed for the concentration of total PAHs, heavy metals, oil products and water-extracted phenols. The pollution level was evaluated by comparison of measured concentrations with Estonian permitted limit values in residential (PLVr) and industrial (PLVi) areas for each key pollutant A battery of 8 aquatic toxicity tests was applied for the analysis of aqueous extracts (L/S=3) of samples: tests with microalgaeSelenastrum capricornutum, macroalgaeNitellopsis obtusa, protozoaTetrahymena thermophila, crustaceansDaphnia magna andThamnocephalus platyurus, rotifersBrachionus calyciflorus and photobacteriaVibrio fiscberi. Particle-bound bioavailable toxicity was evaluated using a kinetic photobacterial assay withVibrio fiscberi (Solid-Phase Flash-Assay). The toxicity data were evaluated by MaxTox index (highest toxic signal of the battery). Results  Chemical evaluation and toxicological evaluation pointed to the same direction in half of the cases (13/27): 5 samples (including 2 presumably clean control soils) proved harmless and 8 hazardous to environment in case of both evaluations. However, there was a disagreement between chemical and toxicological evaluations for the rest of the samples (14/27). In two mismatching cases (soils from the territory of former gasoline stations) the level of oil products exceeded the PLVr, but no toxicity was detected, most probably due to the low bioavailability of aged pollutants. It must be taken as a warning that a majority of mismatching cases (12/14) of the samples proved to be toxic or even very toxic despite the fact that the measured hazardous key pollutant levels were below the PLVr. Within these 12 samples were 2 soils from municipal dumping sites, 2 soils from the territory of military airport, 6 sediments from Curonian lagoon (Lithuania) and 2 oil-shale industry solid wastes (Estonia). Conclusions  The results of this study show the necessity of biotesting in environmental risk assessment to avoid the falsenegative results that may result in harmful effects for the ecosystems and also to human health. The following, reduced test battery was proposed for the ecotoxicological hazard assessment of water-extractable toxicity of solid-phase samples:Tetrahymena thermophila growth inhibition assay,Daphnia magna mortality assay andSelenastrum capricornutum growth inhibition assay. Also, the Microtox test (Vibrio fiscberi luminescence inhibition assay) could be valuable for screening purposes. For the evaluation of particle-bound, bioavailable toxicity of soil suspensions, Solid-Phase Flash-Assay (test organismVibrio fiscberi) is suggested. Compared to the results obtained with the initial battery of 8 tests, the reduced battery detected the toxicity in 85% of the cases.  相似文献   

The arsenic bioavailability in the bed sediments from the Anllóns River (NW Spain) has been assessed by using several analytical approaches. A six-step sequential fractionation was compared to three general availability tests: the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) extraction, which estimates the leaching potential of As and its effect on the survival of microorganisms (Vibrio fischeri), an extraction with 1 M HCl extraction, which estimates the bioavailability to higher plants, and a physiologically based extraction test (PBET), which estimates the bioavailability to superior animals. Arsenic was found to be mainly associated to the least mobile fractions: bound to Fe-Al oxides and in the residual phase. Among the three single extractants considered, the PBET extracted the highest As concentrations (1–11% of the total As). The TCLP extracts showed toxicity to Vibrio fischeri whereas for the plants evaluated, aqueous extracts did not show adverse effects.  相似文献   

Eurasian Soil Science - Computed tomography allows quantifying the volume of elements of soil solids, pore space, and root system. It was possible to record the dynamics of changes in the soil pore...  相似文献   

Sand massifs in the steppe zone with coarse-textured sandy or loamy sandy soils are mainly characterized by the percolative type of the soil water regime. The annual precipitation penetrating into the groundwater through the aeration zone varies from 80% in the barren sands to 30% and lower in the overgrown sands. The study of the water budget of the Ust??-Kundryuchensk sand massif with an area of 15800 ha indicates that the total volume of the annual groundwater outflow from the massif reaches 10.5 million m3. The water discharged all year round from the sand massif into the Kundryuch??ya and Severskii Donets rivers is fresh and ultrafresh. It contributes to the water discharge of the rivers and desalinates the river water. This is an important nature-protection function of the sand massif.  相似文献   



This work explores the application of the use of Zn, Cu, and Pb relative contents as a new type of normalization method for geochemical properties of soils and sediments in an Atlantic Basin (Anllóns River, NW Spain). The method is based on the conservative behavior of these elements, which exhibit a certain concentration ratio that remains stable as long as there are no human disturbances.

Materials and methods

The average relative contents of Zn, Cu, and Pb were calculated by dividing the concentration of each metal in soils or sediments, in the <63-μm fraction, by the sum of Zn, Cu, and Pb, expressed as a percentage. The evaluation of the sum of the average relative concentrations of Zn, Cu, and Pb (Ri), together with three standard deviations for each element, namely, Ri ± 3Si, allows a hexagon to be constructed, represented in ternary diagrams of Zn:Cu:Pb. Following the method proposed by Weng et al. (Environ Geol 45:79–85, 2003), those samples falling outside the hexagon must be considered outliers.

Results and discussion

Results obtained confimed the conservative behavior between the relative contents of Zn, Cu, and Pb in surficial samples (soils, bed, and suspended sediments). Only sediment cores displayed nonconservative behavior, showing a marked Pb enrichment, with respect to the surficial samples. When Zn, Cu, and Pb relative contents were plotted in ternary diagrams, outliers were best classified when the hexagon was drawn with standard deviations of samples from the study area. The hexagon drawn with an international database of soils and sediments showed a poorer classification of outliers.


The results showed that total Zn, Cu, and Pb relative contents may be employed to investigate anthropogenic disturbances of these elements in soils and sediments of the Anllóns River Basin, thus corroborating that this type of normalization may be employed as a tool to assess outliers in a contaminated area.  相似文献   



In summer 2007, biweekly benthic fluxes of the biogenic elements carbon (C), nitrogen (N), silicon (Si), and phosphorus (P) were studied in the Se?ovlje saltern (salt-making facility) in the northern Adriatic Sea, Slovenia in order to determine the impact of stromatolite (??petola??) on the geochemical properties of saltern sediments.

Materials and methods

The brine and pore waters were analyzed for salinity, NH 4 + , NO 3 ? , PO 4 3? , SiO 4 4? , total dissolved nitrogen, total dissolved phosphorus, and fluorescent dissolved organic matter. The sediment was analyzed for organic carbon (OC), total nitrogen (TN), total and organic phosphorus (OP), and biogenic Si concentrations, as well as values of ?? 13COC and ?? 15NTN.

Results and discussion

Nutrient concentrations in brine water increased along the salinity gradient due to different processes, such as the evaporative concentrations of seawater, bacterial activity, more pronounced transformation and degradation of organic matter, and regeneration of nutrients. The petola from the Se?ovlje saltern, which is predominately composed of cyanobacterial and diatom communities, develops during the early evaporation stage and survives during high salinity and halite crystallization. Nitrogen fixation and P removal were the principal biogeochemical processes controlling dissolved inorganic N and P concentrations. At higher salinities, N limitation was more important. Microbes decomposed at higher salinities, and the remineralized N and P nutrients were released from surface pore waters to the brine. OP remineralization was also an important process influencing the distribution of PO 4 3? concentrations in pore waters deeper in the sediments. The increasing SiO 4 4? concentrations with increasing salinity in the brine waters were due to dissolution of diatom frustules, while the decrease in pore water SiO 4 4? was probably the consequence of microbial uptake.


This study provides a better understanding of nutrient cycling and the geochemical processes in the Se?ovlje saltern.  相似文献   



As input to a cost-benefit analysis of large-scale remediation measures of contaminated sediments in the Grenland fjords in Norway, we conducted a contingent valuation (CV) survey of a representative sample of households from municipalities adjacent to these fjords.  相似文献   


An experiment was conducted to determine if time‐domain reflectometry (TDR) could be used to measure the water content at different depths in the O‐to‐75 cm soil layer. Probes of three wires (1/8 inch diameter and 30 cm exposed length) were installed in field plots differing in current crop‐fertilization history. Measurements of volumetric water content using bulk density and gravimetric water content were made to calibrate the TDR method. Comparison of water contents determined by TDR with those from gravimetric samples showed that there is a linear relationship (small offset but same slope) of water content with depth, indicating that there is little difference in volumetric water content from the 0 to 75 depth. However, the TDR method gives consistently lower water content values as compared with values obtained by gravimetric determination. Continuous measurements of profile soil water content with TDR in wet and dry periods during the year indicated that the mayor differences in volumetric water content correspond to the first 30 cm depth.  相似文献   

Intention, Goal, Scope, Background  Environmental pollution caused by oil spills is a major ecological problem. Oil contamination in the environment is primarily evaluated by measuring the chemical concentrations of hydrocarbons. The results of chemical analyses are important for estimating water and sediment quality in the risk assessment to the flora and fauna of oil-contaminated sites. In the world there are lake ecosystems under permanent chemical stress due to urbanization and the oil industry. Studies, however, have been generally limited to petroleum compounds and have not considered other pollutants of the site like PCBs, polychlorinated pesticides and heavy metals. Objective  Water and sediment from stations in the Mecoacán Lake in the Mexican State of Tabasco were analyzed for polycy-clic aromatic compounds (PAHs), aliphatic hydrocarbons (AHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated pesticides (PCPs) and heavy metals. The objective of this study was to examine the contaminant levels of the samples collected in February 1993 and 1996 after oil spills at the Mecoacán petroleum region. The goals of this study were to reveal the effect of the spills on the distribution of the hydrocarbons and assess the toxi-cological significance of the levels found. In addition, our aim was to examine the distribution of the PAHs in sediments from Mecoacán originated from both pyrolytic and petrogenic sources. Methods  Samples were collected from 19 stations and prepared according to the CARIPOL (Caribbean Pollution) methodology of the United Nations Environmental Programme (1992) of the Great Caribbean Region for hydrocarbons in marine and coastal water, and sediments. The gas-chromatographic and atomic absorption analysis of the samples was performed after sampling. Results and Discussion  Concentrations of PAHs in water ranged from 0.2 to 0.8 μg/l in 1993 and from 0.3 to 2.8 μg/l in 1996. The concentration of the 16 EPA-PAHs varied from 0.1 to 36 mg/kg dry weight in the lake sediment samples collected in 1996, while those of AHs, PCBs and PCPs ranged from 0.1 to 67 mg/kg, 0.1 to 59 μg/kg and 6 to 370 μg/kg, respectively. The most abundant contaminants in water were benz[a]anthracene and pyrene, in 1993 and 1996, respectively; while in sediments collected in 1996: Pyrene, C24, 2-chlorobiphenyl and endrin predominated. Heavy metals (Cu, Pb and Zn) were found at low concentrations. Benzo[a]pyrene was detected in some sediment samples in varying amounts (0.2 to 0.3 mg/kg). Conclusions  The maximum total PAH concentration in sediments was found at sites near the oil fields and the AH concentration near the urban zone. The mayor pollutants in sediments were PAHs and AHs, and taking into regard the detected PAHs near the oil fields, the source was the oil spilling. The mean total PAH value in Mecoacan sediments of 6.4 mg/kg did not exceed the median range effects value (ERM) for total PAHs of 44.8 mg/kg. The measured organochlorine compounds and heavy metals were present in amounts much inferior to the ERM values. This study confirms that contaminants concentration in sediments did not exceed the environmental quality guideline for the 50% probability and no adverse effect can be expected. Recommendation and Outlook  Analysis revealed no indication of a contribution of PAHs, PCBs, PCPs and heavy metals to acute sediment toxicity. The results of this study demonstrate the importance of continuous monitoring of ecosystems exposed to pollution to make pre-spill data available in order to evaluate the real consequence of the spilling and its effect on flora and fauna.  相似文献   

The coupling effects and mechanisms of water, heat, and salt in frozen soils are considered to be one of the core scientific issues in frozen soil studies. This study was based on in situ observation data of active layer soil volumetric water content (VWC), temperature, and bulk electrical conductivity (EC) obtained at an alpine meadow site from October 2016 to November 2019. The site is located in the headwater area of the Yellow River (HAYR). We analyzed the synergetic variations of active layer soil VWC, temperature, and bulk EC during the freeze and thaw processes and discussed the underlying mechanisms. When the thaw process occurred from 10 to 80 cm depths, the VWC and bulk EC at a 10 cm depth showed synchronous high-frequency fluctuations and both increased linearly. The linear decreasing rate of the VWC (bulk EC) at an 80 cm depth in the freeze depths between 0 and 40 cm was 2 (1.6–2.3) times that of the VWC (bulk EC) at an 80 cm depth in the freeze depths occurring 0–10 cm. As soil temperature decreased in the frozen layer, unfrozen water content (bulk EC) decreased nonlinearly along with the absolute value of soil temperature (|T|), following a power (logarithmic) function. This study provided data that partly elucidate the interactions among permafrost, meadow, and ecohydrological processes in the HAYR. Also, our results can be used as a scientific basis for decision making on the protection and restoration of alpine grasslands, as well as for soil salinization studies.  相似文献   



The transport behavior of human pharmaceuticals in groundwater depends on a multitude of factors such as the physico-chemical conditions in the aquifer and the organic carbon content of the sediment, and, in particular, on the redox conditions in the groundwater. This is of special interest at managed aquifer recharge sites where the occurrence of trace organics is important for drinking water production. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possibility of influencing the redox system of the aquifer in a way that optimizes the potential of managed aquifer recharge systems to reduce the amount of trace organics.

Materials and methods

Column studies were performed using natural and thermally treated sediments from an infiltration basin of the Berlin area, Germany. Special emphasis was placed on thermal treatment of the sediments to influence the total organic carbon (TOC) content in the sediment. In one experiment, the sediment was thermally pretreated at 550 °C, in two experiments the sediment was pretreated at 200 °C, and in one the sediment was untreated. Furthermore, the influence of ozonation, a very common disinfectant used in drinking water production, was studied in the experiments. The retardation and degradation parameters for primidone (PMD), carbamazepine (CBZ), and sulfamethoxazole (SMX) under different redox conditions were evaluated.

Results and discussion

Oxic conditions were obtained in the experiment with low TOC (0.06 wt%) in the sediment pre-treated at 550 °C. Anoxic conditions were predominant in two column experiments with a TOC content of 0.17 wt% in the sediment, irrespective of the mode of treatment (natural or 200 °C). All three pharmaceutical compounds show almost conservative transport behavior with retardation factors between 1.02 and 1.25 for PMD, between 1.06 and 1.37 for CBZ, and between 1.00 and 1.08 for SMX. Differences in the transport behavior were observed depending on the TOC content of the sediment. For CBZ, and to a minor extent for PMD, the higher retardation factors were observed in the sediment with a TOC content of 0.17 wt% under anoxic conditions. The ozonation of the influent water affects the influent concentrations of PMD, CBZ and SMX. However, it has no influence on the oxygen concentration of the column outflow.


CBZ and PMD are retarded in the presence of organic matter in the aquifer. Variations of the TOC content of the sediment have a direct influence on the retardation of CBZ and PMD. The three human pharmaceuticals may be ranked in order of decreasing retardation: CBZ?>?PMD?>?SMX. The microbial activity in the experiments was not studied, although it can be assumed that the thermal pretreatment influences the microbial activity in the sediments. In particular, the microbial activity was severely inhibited at 550 °C, resulting in a shift of the redox conditions.  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope

Bahía Blanca estuary is characterized by the occurrence of large intertidal areas, including both naked tidal flats and salt marshes densely vegetated with Spartina alterniflora. The estuary is strongly affected by human activities, including industrial and municipal discharges, harbor maintenance, cargo vessels and boat navigation, oil storage and processing, etc. Even numerous studies have reported the occurrence and distribution of heavy metals in sediments and biota from this estuary, although the function of the halophyte vegetation on metals distribution was at present not studied. The main objective of the present study was to understand the potential role of the salt marshes as a sink or source of metals to the estuary, considering both the obtained data on metal levels within sediments and plants from the studied areas at naked tidal as well as vegetated flats.

Materials and methods

The selected study area, named Villa del Mar, was located in the middle estuary coast. The sampling was carried out under low tide conditions, and the sampling area was divided into two parts: A (close to Villa del Mar) and B (north-westerly of Villa del Mar). In each part, two integrated samples of S. alterniflora (the first in the medium-salt marsh and the second in the higher one) were collected. Also sediments associated with the roots of S. alterniflora were taken at the same locations, in addition to another sediment sample from the naked zones of the tidal flats (without any vegetation). After corresponding treatment at the laboratory, plant and sediment samples were mineralized according to Marcovecchio and Ferrer, J Coast Res 21:826–834, 2005), in order to measure their metal concentrations by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). Analytical quality (AQ) was checked against certified reference materials from NIES, Tsukuba (Japan).


Most of the Spartina samples have shown highest Cd and Mn concentrations in the aerated parts of the plants, indicating an allocation process from the roots up to the leaves. Most of the samples have presented non-detectable Pb and Cr values. Cu, Fe, Ni, and Zn have presented highest concentrations in the underground parts of the plant, suggesting an accumulation process in the roots and rhizomes. In the case of sediments, samples from those sites located far away from Villa del Mar have presented greater concentrations on the sediments associated with underground parts of Spartina than those from the naked tidal flat, for almost all of the metals studied. Unlike this, the samples from the site close to Villa del Mar have shown the higher concentrations in sediments from the naked tidal flat.


Marsh plants are known to absorb and accumulate metals from contaminated sediment, and this is one reason that allows wetlands to be used for wastewater treatment. It was observed that those sets of samples from the same salt marsh levels (e.g., A.1 and B.1, or A.3 and B.3) have shown similar heavy metal distribution trends, although even their corresponding concentrations could be different. Thus, the concentrations of Cu, Zn, Ni, and Fe in the medium-salt marshes were higher in the underground tissues (roots plus rhizomes), with the exception of Mn, which was seen to be higher in the aboveground parts. The same tendency occurs at high-salt marshes for these heavy metals, with the exception of Ni. This fact was sustained regarding the fact that the levels mentioned (medium-salt marsh and high-salt marshes) must have the same exposition to heavy metal sources, similar physical-chemical conditions regulating metal distribution within the compartments on the salt marshes or, simultaneously, both mentioned processes. Moreover, metals in this macrophyte can remain after the leaves have died and turned into detritus. The metals present in the detritus can be passed on to consumers (Quan et al., Mar Environ Res 64:21–37, 2007)). Keeping in mind that Bahía Blanca estuary’s salt marshes are inundated twice each day by tidal water for 3–4 h, macrophytes may act as a conduit for the movement of metals from the sediment to the estuarine body and near-coastal system.

Conclusions and recommendations

Considering the comments on the previous paragraphs, salt marshes from Bahía Blanca estuary are sources or sinks for metals? It can be sustained that both are the case, even if it is often stated that wetlands serve as sinks for pollutants, reducing contamination of surrounding ecosystems (Weis and Weis, Environ Int 30:685–700, 2004)). In the present study case, the sediments (which tend to be anoxic and reduced) act as sinks, while the salt marshes can become a source of metal contaminants. This is very important for this system because the macrophytes have been shown to retain the majority of metals in the underground tissues, and particularly in their associated sediments. This fact agreed well with previous reports, such as that from Leendertse et al., Environ Pollut 94:19–29, 1996) who found that about 50% of the absorbed metals were retained in salt marshes and 50% was exported. Thus, keeping in mind the large spreading of S. alterniflora salt marshes within Bahía Blanca estuary, it must be carefully considered as a re-distributor of metals within the system.  相似文献   

The mineral contamination of peat soils in the oil-production area differs considerably in the places of oil or stratal water spills. The time elapsed since the spill occurred is also an important factor of the changes in the chemical composition of the peat ash. The ash content rises drastically in the oil-contaminated peat, and the peat ash becomes rich in heavy metals (Mn, Ni, and Sr) and lanthanides (La and Ce). The content of K and Fe decreases, and that of P, S, Mg, Ca, Ni, and Pb increases with time at the site of old oil contamination. In the course of the self-rehabilitation of oil-contaminated peat, the content of Cl decreases more intensely than that of the heavier halogen Br. The ash content rises to a lesser extent in the peat contaminated with stratal water. The ash of the salinized peat is enriched in heavy alkaline-earth elements, i.e., Ba and Sr. Although most of the elements are leached with time, the content of Ba and Sr still remains 4–6 times higher than the background one even after long-term (more than 10 years) leaching. The concentrations of halogens rise considerably in the salinized peat, that of Cl in the peat ash decreases by 10 times, and the content of Ba virtually remains the same.  相似文献   

Data on the morphology and radiocarbon ages of humus of dark vertic quasigley nonsaline clayey soils with alternating bowl-shaped (Pellic Vertisols (Humic, Stagnic)) and diapiric (Haplic Vertisols (Stagnic, Protocalcic)) structures are discussed, and the genetic concept for these soils is suggested. The studied soils develop on loesslike medium clay in the bottom of a large closed depression on the Eisk Peninsula in the lowest western part of the Kuban–Azov Lowland. The lateral and vertical distribution of humus in the studied gilgai catena displays a lateral transition of a relatively short humus profile of the accumulative type with a maximum near the surface and with a sharp increase in 14C dates of humus in the deeper layers within the diapiric structure to the extremely deep humus profile with a maximum at the depth of 40–80 cm, with similar mean residence time of carbon within this maximum, and with a three times slower increase in 14C dates of humus down the profile within the bowl-shaped structure. The development of the gilgai soil combination is specified by the joint action of the lateral–upward squeezing of the material of the lower horizons from the nodes with an increased horizontal stress toward the zones a decreased horizontal stress, local erosional loss of soil material from the microhighs and its accumulation in the adjacent microlows, leaching of carbonates from the humus horizons in the microlows, and the vertical and lateral ascending capillary migration of the soil solutions with precipitation of calcium carbonates in the soils of microhighs.  相似文献   



The objectives of this study were to investigate the abundance and composition of the superficial biofilm on the bed sediments of the Anllóns River (NW Spain), to evaluate the relationships between biochemical parameters and biological methods based on identification and counting, and to explore the relationships between biofilm growth and the properties of the sedimentary habitat, mainly the trophic state.

Materials and methods

Bed sediment samples (0–5 cm) were collected in two different seasons (winter and summer) at four sampling sites along the river course. Physicochemical properties of pore waters and sediments were determined. Biological properties included the determination of dehydrogenase activity (DHA) and phytopigment (Chl a Chl b and total carotenoids) concentrations, as well as taxonomic identification. For taxonomic identification, two sampling methods were compared: the Pasteur pipette method and a mini-corer method. Total and relative algal abundances (TA and RA, respectively) and genus richness were calculated. The relationships between the different variables were examined using Pearson correlations and principal component analysis.

Results and discussion

The main taxa belonged to Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta, Euglenophyta, and Heterokontophyta. The most abundant class was Bacillariophyceae, which represents >86 % of the total abundances in the superficial sediments. The highest total algal abundance and genus richness were observed in summer at the river mouth, where DHA and phytopigment concentrations were also the highest. The statistical analysis revealed positive correlations between TA and the biochemical parameters (DHA and phytopigments) as well as positive relationships of these three parameters with the physicochemical properties of the sediments, such as electrical conductivity, and the concentrations of fine particles, C, N, S, and total P.


The results of this study reveal the positive relationships between the biochemical properties (phytopigments and respiratory activity) and total algal abundances determined by taxonomic identification and counting. All of these properties presented evidence of a clear influence of the nutrients and organic matter contents of the sediments, pointing to the importance of the site conditions, particularly the trophic state, in the development of benthic microflora.



Surface sediments contaminated with high levels of multiple heavy metal(loid) species are very common environmental problems. Especially, the labile and bioaccessible fractions of heavy metal(loid)s in the sediments are posing serious risks to the biota and the overlaying water quality. This study aimed at developing a potential method to manage the activity of the labile fractions of heavy metal(loid)s in surface sediments.

Materials and methods

This study assessed the feasibility of adding iron powder, a low-cost industrial by-product, to sediments containing high levels of Pb, As, and Cd to adsorb labile fractions of heavy metal(loid)s onto the sorbent surfaces and to retrieve the heavy metal(loid) laden powders by applying external magnetic field. In addition, the redistribution of Pb, Cd, and As in different sediment fractions, the dissolved fraction and the sorbent-adsorbed fraction, was also investigated and characterized.

Results and discussion

The results indicate that the bioactive labile fractions (exchangeable and carbonate-bound fractions) of heavy metal(loid)s are prone to concentrating onto iron powders and can be selectively removed from the sediments by magnetic retrieval. In addition, iron addition induces conversion of labile fractions of heavy metal(loid)s into more stabilized fractions.


Overall, the process can effectively minimize the activity of labile fractions of heavy metal(loid)s in surface sediments.

Journal of Soils and Sediments - River channel sediments have been widely used to trace current and historical pollution in fluvial systems, although they are not the only media employed for that...  相似文献   

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