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稻草还田对油菜生长、土壤温度及湿度的影响   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
采用盆栽和田间试验相结合的方法,研究了不同稻草还田方式及还田量对油菜出苗及苗情和不同稻草覆盖量对油菜生长、养分吸收、产量及土壤水热状况的影响。盆栽试验结果表明,稻草覆盖和翻埋还田对油菜出苗均有抑制作用,出苗率及出苗速率随稻草还田量的增加均有降低趋势,但覆盖条件下油菜出苗所受抑制更加明显。稻草覆盖还田对油菜苗情影响不大,而稻草翻埋还田则对苗期油菜生长有明显的抑制作用。大田试验结果表明,稻草覆盖可以显著提高油菜苗期干物质积累及氮、磷、钾养分吸收的速率,但进入薹期之后油菜生长基本不受稻草覆盖的影响。稻草覆盖对油菜有显著的增产效果,平均增产幅度为18.1%,但不同覆盖量之间差异不显著。另外,稻草覆盖后,土壤温度日变化趋于缓和,土壤含水率明显提高,且随覆盖量增加稻草的保温保水效果更为明显。  相似文献   

以甘蓝型常规油菜品种(2006~2007年度73个、2007~2008年度98个)为材料,通过测定成熟期不同器官干重、氮素含量,采用组内最小平方和动态聚类方法对供试品种的氮素子粒生产效率(NUEg) 进行聚类并研究了不同NUEg 类型的氮素积累与分配特性。结果表明,不同类型间NUEg达显著差异。随着NUEg增加,子粒产量、子粒氮素积累量以及子粒中的氮素占全株氮素比例都逐渐增加;而茎枝和果壳中的氮素积累量以及占全株氮素的比例都逐渐减小。生产上提高油菜NUEg,可以通过高NUEg品种的选择以及合理栽培措施调节使营养器官氮素更多向子粒中输送。  相似文献   


Studying changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) pools and soil microbial C substrate utilization under plastic mulching in different seasons is of great significance for improving soil fertility and sustainable agricultural development. Based on a 2-year plastic film mulching experiment in northeastern China, we investigated the SOC, labile SOC fractions under three treatments: non-mulching (NM), autumn mulching (AM) and spring mulching (SM). The results showed that SOC decreased with soil depth under the AM and SM treatments compared with the NM treatment. The microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) under the AM treatment increased significantly in the 0–10 cm soil layer, by 31.2% and 27.2% (p < 0.05), respectively. The AM treatment significantly increased the utilization of amino acids and carbohydrate C sources. Redundancy analysis (RDA) indicated that MBC was the main factor influencing microbial metabolic functional diversity and accounted for the largest variation in the 0–10 cm layer. Pearson’s correlation analysis illustrated that MBC was strongly correlated with the utilization of the microbial C substrate. We suggest that AM may be an effective and sustainable management practice for improving soil quality and maintaining microbial functional diversity in semi-arid agroecosystems in this area.  相似文献   

不同施肥处理对油菜产量及品质的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张辉  朱德进  黄卉  宁运旺  张永春 《土壤》2012,44(6):966-971
通过在姜堰地区的大田试验,研究了不同施肥处理条件下油菜产量及籽粒品质的变化.试验设10个肥料处理:对照(不施肥,CK),缺氮(PKB)、缺磷(NKB)、缺钾(NPB)处理,大量营养元素平衡施肥处理(NPK)、增施微量营养元素处理(NPKB、NPKBZn),不同氮肥施用量处理(1/2N+PKB、3/2N+PKB、2N+PKB).结果表明:①缺失氮、磷、钾中任何一种养分时均能降低油菜产量,且当氮肥施用量为N 18 kg/667m2时,产量最高,而硼和锌肥对油菜增产没有显著效果.②在氮、磷、钾缺素处理中,油菜硫甙含量大小顺序为NKB> PKB> NPB,芥酸含量大小顺序为PKB>NKB>NPB,油菜含油量没有显著变化,油酸含量为NPB>NKB>PKB,蛋白质含量在PKB处理下最低.③在NPK处理平衡施肥条件下,施加硼肥能显著降低硫甙和芥酸含量,显著增加油菜含油量、油酸、蛋白质含量;继续增施锌肥对油菜含油量没有显著影响,但能进一步显著降低硫甙和芥酸含量,并显著提高油菜油酸和蛋白质含量;④油菜硫甙对氮肥施用量具有拐点效应.油菜芥酸含量随着氮肥施用量的增加而显著降低.氮肥施用过高(2N+PKB)显著降低含油量.氮肥施用量对蛋白质的影响趋势和油酸一致,即先随施氮量(< 12 kg/667m2)的增加而显著增加,而进一步增施氮肥则没显著变化.  相似文献   

生物降解膜促进冬油菜养分吸收减少土壤硝态氮累积   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
针对普通地膜覆盖导致的农田环境污染和土地退化问题,通过2 a田间试验,从土壤有机质含量、硝态氮累积与分布、作物养分吸收和籽粒产量等层面出发,进行了普通地膜覆盖(PM)、生物降解地膜覆盖(JM)和露地(CK)栽培冬油菜的对比研究。结果表明,播种后60和150 d,JM处理的土壤有机质含量、土壤硝态氮的累积和分布与PM处理无显著差异;播种后240 d,JM处理的土壤有机质含量显著大于PM处理,土壤硝态氮的累积量显著小于PM处理,且PM处理土壤硝态氮的淋洗下移峰值更大。PM和JM处理冬油菜的产量及地上部各器官的氮、磷、钾吸收量均显著大于CK,且PM和JM无显著差异。与PM处理相比,JM处理在播种后240 d时土壤有机质质量分数提高7.0%,土壤硝态氮累积量减少34.1%。可见,PM处理在冬油菜生育后期过分消耗地力,且残留在土壤中的硝态氮含量较高。该研究从土壤营养和作物养分吸收利用方面为生物降解地膜应用于农业生产的可行性提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

基于参数L-系统的油菜花朵与花序生长可视化研究   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
为奠定油菜品种株型设计仿真基础,应用参数L-系统的原理,提出了甘蓝型油菜花朵和花序可视化生长的L-系统模型框架。通过对田间试验测量数据统计分析和归一化处理,用Sigmoid 5参数函数拟合花轴节间长度和直径的生长,用Weibull 4参数函数拟合花柄长度、直径的生长。采用L-系统和预定义Bezier曲面建模方法构建油菜花朵仿真模型。根据Bezier曲面的算法,构建了油菜花朵花瓣和萼片及其曲面模型。最后以L-Studio4.0为平台、结合VC++实现油菜花朵和花序的可视化生长模拟。结果表明,该方法可以真实生成油菜花朵和花序,真实感基本达到要求。  相似文献   

Soil was amended with 14C-labelled unripe straw only (C:N ratio ca. 20), with 14C-labelled unripe straw plus unlabelled ripe straw (C:N ratio ca. 100) or with 14C-labelled unripe straw plus glucose. Half the samples with 14C-labelled straw and half the samples with 14C-labelled plus unlabelled straw were cropped with rape plants. A decreased rate of mineralization of the 14C-labelled straw was found in the planted soil compared with the unplanted soil. The reduction was most profound in the soil amended with both labelled and unlabelled straw, indicating that at least part of the reduction was due to competition between plants and microorganisms for mineral N. No other explanations for the decrease in mineralization in the presence of plants were found. The soil amended with glucose which simulated the effect of root exudates showed an increased rate of mineralization. Therefore, the reduction in the presence of plants was probably not due to microbial use of the rhizodeposition in favour of the labelled straw. Only a minor part of the reduction was apparently due to uptake of labelled C by the plant, as only small amounts were found in the roots and shoots at harvest. The difference in 14C mineralization between treatments was not reflected in the number of bacteria in the soil at harvest. The number of bacteria, which was determined by plate counts and direct microscopy, was the same in all the soils, rhizosphere soils as well as bulk soils.  相似文献   

不同磷效率油菜根际土壤磷活化机理研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
筛选和培育耐低磷植物是缓解磷矿资源缺乏和提高磷肥利用效率的有效途径之一。本研究在前期材料筛选的基础上,通过根箱试验研究不同磷效率油菜根际土壤磷活化机理,其结果如下:在施磷和不施磷处理条件下,磷高效油菜品种B56(HG)的吸磷量和生物量均高于磷低效品种B10(LG);两油菜品种根际土壤中的NaHCO3-Pi, NaHCO3-Po和 NaOH-Pi,NaOH-Po四种磷素形态均有显著的亏缺现象;磷高效品种(HG)根际土壤上述四种磷素形态亏缺程度大于磷低效品种(LG),但Resin-P则出现富集,并且HG的富集程度大于LG,这可能与HG具有较高吸磷能力有关。两油菜品种根际土壤HCl-Pi 和 残渣态磷(Residual-P)没有发生明显的亏缺现象。相比较而言,HG能分泌更多的酸性磷酸酶,该酶活性与NaHCO3-Po含量呈显著的负相关,说明酸性磷酸酶对有机磷矿化起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to study the biochemical response of rapeseed (Brassica campestris L.) to sulphur (S) fertilization at grey terrace soil. There were five treatments: S0 (control), S1 (20 kg S ha?1), S2 (40 kg S ha?1), S3 (60 kg S ha?1) and S4 (80 kg S ha?1). Chlorophyll content in the leaf was determined at 30, 40, 50 and 60 days after emergence (DAE). The biochemical properties were found responsive to S. The highest chlorophyll content of mustard leaves was found in 60 kg S ha?1 at 50 DAE. The same treatment also showed the maximum N content in the leaves at 45 DAE. The highest oil content was recorded in 60 kg S ha?1. Other chemical characters such as acid value, peroxide and saponification values were lowest in 60 kg S ha?1 while iodine value was found highest in the same S level. Non-essential fatty acids such as palmitic, stearic and erucic acid were increased in the rapeseed with decrease in S level, whereas essential fatty acids were maximum in 60 kg S ha?1. Therefore, 60 kg S ha?1 can be recommended to produce quality rapeseed in grey terrace soil of Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Plant-derived allelochemicals such as those produced by glucosinolate hydrolysis in Brassica napus, or rapeseed, are viable alternatives to synthetic compounds for the control of soil-borne plant pests. However, allelochemical production and residence times in field soils have not been determined. Soil samples were taken at 0-7.5 and 7.5-15 cm during a period of 3 weeks following plow-down of two winter rapeseed cultivars (Humus and Dwarf Essex). Soil samples were extracted with dichloromethane and analyzed using gas chromatography. Nine glucosinolate degradation products were identified-five isothiocyanates, three nitriles, and one oxazolidinethione. Maximum concentrations were observed 30 h after plow-down. Compounds derived from 2-phenylethyl glucosinolate, the principal glucosinolate in rapeseed roots, dominated the profile of degradation products. Shoot glucosinolates left few traces. This indicates that rapeseed roots may be a more important source of toxic fumigants than above-ground parts of the plant.  相似文献   

通过田间试验对50个甘蓝型油菜基因型进行氮利用效率筛选,并将不同氮利用效率基因型在施氮(N 180 kg/hm2)和不施氮(N 0 kg/hm2)条件下的农艺性状和氮营养性状作了比较研究。结果表明,50个油菜基因型的氮利用效率具有显著差异,最大相差2.5倍(施氮)和1.7倍(不施氮)。油菜的农艺性状及氮素营养性状指标均表现出一定的基因型变异,其中第一个有效分枝高度变异系数最大,超过 50%,而籽粒含氮量的变异系数最小,只有 6% 左右。不论供氮水平高低,氮高效基因型的每角粒数,籽粒生物量,籽粒占地上部生物量的比例以及籽粒氮占地上部总氮的比例均高于氮低效基因型,第一个有效分枝高度则显著低于氮低效基因型。另外,油菜氮素利用效率与各器官含氮量、 茎叶氮素累积量、 果荚氮素累积量、 茎叶氮占地上部氮的比例和果荚氮占地上部氮的比例呈显著或极显著负相关,而不同氮效率基因型的地上部总生物量和地上部氮素累积总量则无显著差异。不同氮利用效率基因型的农艺性状和氮营养性状对氮肥的敏感性有显著差异。  相似文献   

The effect of progressive phosphorylation by phosphorous oxychloride upon the conformation of the 300 kDa storage protein (cruciferin) from rapeseed has been studied using chemical analysis, SDS-PAGE, HPLC, analytical ultracentrifugation, viscometry, fluorescence spectroscopy, and hydrophobicity measurement. The amount of phosphorous in the protein increased with the excess of phosphorous oxychloride and the pH of reaction. The bulk of phosphorus was only loosely bound to the protein and was removed by washing with cold perchloric acid. The more stably bound phosphorus groups after reaction at pH 8 were found to be nearly equally attached to amino and hydroxyl groups, whereas phosphorylation at pH 10-11 led to predominant O-phosphorylation as detected by studying the acid- and alkali-lability of the protein-phosphorous bonds. A 50 kDa component appeared as a product of covalent cross-linking of the constituent alpha- and beta-polypeptide chains. A 2.5S fraction appeared as the main product of dissociation, which takes place after a critical step of modification. The higher the extent of phosphorylation, the larger was the percentage of higher molecular weight products, the percentage of which was most significant after modification under strongly alkaline conditions. They may be attributed both to products of chemical cross-linking and to noncovalently linked aggregates formed by interactions of partially unfolded derivatives exhibiting an increased surface hydrophobicity.  相似文献   

氮、磷、钾对湿害胁迫下甘蓝型油菜产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对甘蓝型油菜品种中双10号和中油杂5号苗期进行水淹处理模拟湿害胁迫,运用“3414”肥料效应田间试验方案,研究湿害胁迫下施肥量对油菜产量的影响。结果看出,施氮磷钾肥对湿害胁迫下的油菜产量性状有重要影响。灰色关联分析表明,施氮量与每角粒数、单株角果数和一次分枝数、二次分枝数和主花序长呈显著正相关;施磷量与单株角果数和每角粒数呈显著正相关;施钾量与每角粒数、千粒重和主花序长有呈显著正相关的趋势。湿害胁迫下,保证中等水平的磷肥和钾肥,增施氮肥可显著提高油菜的单产、投产比和经济效益。通过建立肥效与产量间的效应函数方程,在湿害危害严重的油菜种植地区,适宜肥料用量为:N 267 kg/hm2、P2O5 120 kg/hm2、K2O 120 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

安徽省不同区域油菜对氮肥一次性施用方式的响应   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
研究油菜氮肥一次性施用条件下,不同油菜产区适宜的氮肥施用方式及其在不同栽培方式上的差异,为油菜轻简化施肥提供依据。2010~2011年度在安徽省江淮和沿江油菜主产区布置移栽油菜和直播油菜的不同氮肥施用方式田间试验。结果表明,一次性基施氮肥180 kg/hm2的条件下,相同施肥方式时移栽油菜较直播油菜获得更高的产量和氮素积累。扣除移栽劳动力成本后,直播油菜在江淮地区获得较高经济效益,沿江地区移栽油菜和直播油菜效益接近。在江淮地区,移栽油菜和直播油菜均以氮肥集中施用(移栽油菜穴施、直播油菜条施)的方式获得最高产量、最大氮积累量和最优氮肥利用效率;在沿江地区则是氮肥撒施后翻耕和氮肥集中施用两种施肥方式。因此,相同施肥方式下,直播油菜虽产量较移栽油菜低,但经济效益却没有明显下降,是油菜轻简化生产的发展方向。氮肥集中施用是江淮地区的最优施肥方式,氮肥撒施后翻耕和氮肥集中施用是沿江地区的较佳选择,但选择合适的施肥方式时仍需因地制宜。  相似文献   

高密度直播油菜高产优质和氮肥高效的适宜氮肥施用模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】探讨高密度直播油菜(36×104plant/hm2)的合理氮肥管理措施。【方法】2011-2012年油菜季选用甘蓝型油菜品种德油6号,在成都平原稻-油轮作区开展了氮肥施用量、施氮方式对油菜产量、品质和氮肥利用率影响的大田试验。氮肥施用量试验在相同施氮方式(底肥+1次苗期追肥)下设置5个施氮水平(N 0、90、180、270和360 kg/hm2);施氮方式试验在同等施氮量(N 225 kg/hm2)条件下,设置3种施氮方式(一次性底施、底肥+1次苗期追肥、底肥+2次苗期追肥)。【结果】直播油菜农艺性状都随施氮量增多而呈增加趋势,而施氮方式对株高、一次分枝数和单株角果数无显著影响。增施氮肥可显著提高油菜籽粒产量和菜油产量,含油率则有所下降。随施氮量增加,油菜籽芥酸含量呈上升趋势,而硫甙含量略呈降低趋势。施氮方式对油菜籽含油率、芥酸和硫甙含量均无显著影响。油菜产量和氮肥贡献率(NCR)都随施氮量(90 270 kg/hm2)加大而提高,当施氮量继续增加(360kg/hm2)时却出现明显下降。但180与270 kg/hm2两施氮量处理间的油菜产量、氮肥贡献率(NCR)和氮肥表观利用率(REN)均无显著差异。随施氮量增加,氮肥农学利用率(AEN)、氮肥偏生产力(PFPN)和氮肥表观利用率(REN)表现出明显降低趋势。当施氮量≥270 kg/hm2时,氮肥农学利用率(AEN)、氮肥偏生产力(PFPN)和氮肥表观利用率(REN)均显著低于90 kg/hm2处理。同等施氮量下,氮肥分期施用可以提高直播油菜籽粒产量和菜油产量,并以底追两次施氮相对较高。底追两次施氮方式的氮肥利用率(AEN、PFPN、NCR、REN)均相对高于其他施氮方式。【结论】在本试验中等肥力条件下,高密度直播油菜(36×104plant/hm2)的合理氮肥施用模式为施氮量180kg/hm2和底追两次施氮方式。  相似文献   

近几年,水稻秸秆直接还田对油菜幼苗生长的负效应受到关注。有许多研究在水稻残体或腐解物中检测出了酚酸等被广泛证实具有化感作用的物质,因此在水稻秸秆产生的负效应中,化感抑制作用不容忽视。本研究以酚酸为目标化感物质,以湖北省油菜主栽品种"中双11号"为受体,采用4种采自典型稻油轮作系统中的土壤进行盆栽试验,研究水稻秸秆对油菜幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:(1)整体看来,添加秸秆对油菜幼苗总生物量的主效应在进贤土为正,在汉川土为负,在阳逻和麻城土为无明显影响;(2)功能叶片光合色素含量在全部土壤下的显著降低均出现在播种后33 d之内,与水稻秸秆腐解速率最大值的出现与存在时间上的重叠。秸秆处理对油菜幼苗的负效应在早期强于后期;(3)土壤水溶态酚酸含量为3.3~49.0μg·g-1soil。添加秸秆虽导致土壤中水溶态酚酸浓度增加,但其明显增加主要发生在试验后期,且增量与幼苗生物量化感效应指数呈正相关关系。因此酚酸含量的变化不能解释水稻秸秆的负效应,为揭示秸秆处理的负效应机制,需要转换目标化感物质。  相似文献   

In a field experiment, winter rapeseed was grown in 5-year monoculture and in crop rotation (winter rapeseed, winter wheat, field peas, spring wheat and winter rapeseed). Two open-pollinated cultivars (Californium and Castille) and one hybrid cultivar (Nelson) were compared in systems with three levels of agricultural inputs, low input, medium input and high input, characterized by different rates of nitrogen and sulfur fertilization and pesticide use. The severity of sclerotinia rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) and verticillium wilt (Verticillium spp.) on plants, dark spot (Alternaria spp.) and grey mold (Botrytis cinerea) on leaves and pods, as well as dry rot (Phoma lingam) on stems was evaluated during the growing season. The yield of winter rapeseed was calculated. Rapeseed grown after a 4-year break was characterized by less severe symptoms of dark spot on leaves and dry rot on stems, but more severe symptoms of grey mold on leaves and pods. The severity of dark spots on rapeseed pods (in crop rotation) was reduced with an increase in agricultural inputs. Cultivars Californium and Nelson were generally rarely infected by Verticillium spp., their leaves were less infected by Alternaria spp. and stems by Phoma spp. Nelson was the highest-yielding cultivar.  相似文献   

The Czech Republic is characterized by a low Se soil content, resulting in Se deficiency in crops, humans, and animals. This study investigated the response of oilseed rape to foliar application of selenate solution in a microscale field experiment conducted at two locations differing in soil and climatic conditions but with comparable total Se contents. Sodium selenate (Na2SeO4) was applied at two rates (25 and 50 g Se ha?1). The potential effect of Se application on the uptake of essential elements was also evaluated. The foliar Se application resulted in an effective stepwise increase in the Se contents of all the plant components studied (leaves > stems > roots > siliques ~ seeds), as expected. No significant influence of Se fortification on the other investigated macro- and microelements was observed. However, the soil and climatic conditions influenced the Se uptake, such that a higher Se content was observed in plants grown in the most acidic location (Cambisol soil) that had a higher oxidizable carbon content and higher average annual rainfall compared to the less acidic location (Luvisol soil). These observations indicated the necessity to optimize the Se application for the particular soil and climatic conditions to achieve a maximum biofortification effect.  相似文献   

缓释肥侧位深施及用量对油菜产量和肥料利用率的影响   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
为明确红壤稻田直播油菜缓释肥(N-P2O5-K2O:25-7-8)侧位深施效果及适宜用量,该研究连续2 a在两熟制和三熟制2种种植模式下开展缓释肥侧位深施效果对比试验(设置不施肥、土表撒施和侧位深施3个施肥方式)和施用量试验(设置0、300、450、600、750和900 kg/hm2共6个施肥水平),研究缓释肥侧位深施及不同用量对油菜产量形成和肥料利用率的影响。结果表明,施肥方式对红壤稻田油菜产量形成和肥料利用率均有显著影响(P<0.05),且对两熟制油菜影响更为显著。相比传统土表撒施,侧位深施显著促进了油菜产量和肥料利用率的提高(P<0.05)。缓释肥侧位深施明显提高了各时期油菜干物质量,尤其是显著增加了初花期至成熟期的干物质积累量(P<0.05),促进了花后根部与地上部干物质同步增长;促进了根系对N、P、K的吸收,提高了油菜产量和肥料利用率。菜籽产量与缓释肥用量呈线性加平台关系,适宜施肥量可保证较大的收获密度,并协同产生较多的每株角果数和每角粒数,从而提高籽粒产量、肥料利用率...  相似文献   

Nitrate‐N uptake from soil depends on root growth and uptake activity. However, under field conditions N‐uptake activity is difficult to estimate from soil‐N depletion due to different loss pathways. We modified the current mesh‐bag method to estimate nitrate‐N‐uptake activity and root growth of two oilseed‐rape cultivars differing in N‐uptake efficiency. N‐efficient cultivar (cv.) ‘Apex' and N‐inefficient cv. ‘Capitol' were grown in a field experiment on a silty clayey gleyic fluvisol near Göttingen, northern Germany, and fertilized with 0 (N0) and 227 (N227) kg N ha–1. In February 2002, PVC tubes with a diameter of 50 mm were installed between plant rows at 0–0.3 and 0–0.6 m soil depth with an angle of 45°. At the beginning of shooting, beginning of flowering, and at seed filling, the PVC tubes were substituted by PVC tubes (compartments) of the same diameter, but with an open window at the upper side either at a soil depth of 0–0.3 or 0.3–0.6 m allowing roots to grow into the tubes. Anion‐exchange resin at the bottom of the compartment allowed estimation of nitrate leaching. The compartments were then filled with root‐free soil which was amended with or without 90 mg N (kg soil)–1. The newly developed roots and nitrate‐N depletion were estimated in the compartments after the installing period (21 d at shooting stage and 16 d both at flowering and grain‐filling stages). Nitrate‐N depletion was estimated from the difference between NO ‐N contents of compartments containing roots and control compartments (windows closed with a membrane) containing no roots. The amount of nitrate leached from the compartments was quantified from the resin and has been taken into consideration in the calculation of the N depletion. The amount of N depleted from the compartments significantly correlated with root‐length density. Suboptimal N application to the crop reduced total biomass and seed‐yield formation substantially (24% and 38% for ‘Apex’ and ‘Capitol’, respectively). At the shooting stage, there were no differences in root production and N depletion from the compartments by the two cultivars between N0 and N227. But at flowering and seed‐filling stages, higher root production and accordingly higher N depletion was observed at N0 compared to N227. Towards later growth stages, the newly developed roots were characterized by a reduction of root diameter and a shift towards the deeper soil layer (0.3–0.6m). At low but not at high N supply, the N‐efficient cv. ‘Apex’ exhibited higher root growth and accordingly depleted nitrate‐N more effectively than the N‐inefficient cv. ‘Capitol’, especially during the reproductive growth phase. The calculated nitrate‐N‐uptake rate per unit root length was maximal at flowering (for the low N supply) but showed no difference between the two cultivars. This indicated that the higher N‐uptake efficiency of cv. ‘Apex’ was due to higher root growth rather than higher uptake per unit of root length.  相似文献   

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