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在黄土丘陵沟壑区小流域侵蚀水沙耦合数学模型基础上,以黄河中游典型流域岔巴沟流域为研究对象,根据工程水文学设计暴雨的方法生成各种假设暴雨过程,在固定下垫面不变的条件下,进行模拟计算并分析流域100年一遇、50年一遇和10年一遇设计暴雨的产流产沙效应。在几种不同的假设植被覆盖度下,分别模拟计算同一场典型暴雨在不同植被覆盖条件下的水沙侵蚀过程。模拟结果表明:1)根据岔巴沟流域100年一遇(P=0.01)、50年一遇(P=0.02)和10年一遇(P=0.1)设计暴雨3种情景下的水沙计算特征可知,100年一遇降雨(P=0.01)对应的洪峰流量和沙峰分别为805m^3/s和77.5万kg/s,50年一遇降雨(P=0.02)对应的洪峰流量和沙峰分别为595m^3/s和50.2万kg/s,10年一遇降雨(P=0.1)对应的洪峰流量和沙峰分别为108m^3/s和12.1万kg/s,根据以上计算结果可大致推断1970-2000年的绝大多数侵蚀观测场次的水沙重现期在10年一遇和50年一遇之间;2)该流域植被覆盖度的减水减沙效应显著,增加25%植被覆盖将减少水量73%和沙量84%,而减少25%的植被覆盖将增加29.9%的径流和18.6%的泥沙。不同降雨和植被覆盖条件下的水沙侵蚀过程情景模拟分析结果可为黄土高原丘陵沟壑区流域水土保持工程规划与设计提供依据。  相似文献   

As one part of the ‘Three Norths’ forest protection system, dense farmland shelterbelt networks in northeastern China could greatly modify water and sediment flows. In this paper, catchment soil erosion rate and sediment yield (SY) that are impacted by farmland shelterbelts were estimated using WaTEM/SEDEM model. The shelterbelts reduced catchment soil erosion and SY to some extent. The mean soil erosion rate and specific sediment yield (SSY; defined as the ratio of SY to catchment area; t km?2 yr?1) of the 25 reservoir catchments decreased from 351.6 and 93.9 t km?2 yr?1 under the supposed scenario without shelterbelts to 331.1 t km?2 yr?1 and 86.3% t km?2 yr?1 under the current situation with shelterbelts. The sediment trap efficiencies (STEs) varied from 0.01% to 23.6% with an average value of 7.6%. The STEs were significantly correlated with shelterbelt density, catchment perimeter, topographic factors, RUSLEP‐factor and land use patterns including patch density (PD), patch cohesion index (COHESION), Shannon's diversity index (SHDI) and aggregation index (AI). The multiple regression equation involving factors of catchment's topography and morphology and land use pattern has a satisfactory performance, and mean slope gradient (MSG) and AI explained most of the variability of shelterbelts’ STE. This information can help land managers to better design shelterbelts and to reduce water‐derived soil loss at catchment scale.  相似文献   

在对黄土高原吕二沟流域1982—2005年侵蚀产沙资料统计计算的基础上,从流域尺度上,以次降雨径流产沙为主要研究对象,分析该地区不同降雨强度及不同土地利用情况下降雨量—径流量、径流量—输沙量的相互关系特征,并模拟相应的数学表达式。结果表明:吕二沟流域同一土地利用情况下,场降雨量和场径流量之间存在指数函数相关关系,场径流量和场产沙量之间存在幂函数相关关系;相同降雨量条件下,同样的径流量,土地利用结构得到改善的土地利用模式3能有效地减少大降雨强度条件下的土壤侵蚀量,同样的径流量,降雨强度越大,场产沙量越大。从长远来看,改善流域土地利用结构,改变流域下垫面的情况,增加森林植被覆盖度是控制黄土高原水土流失的根本措施。  相似文献   

水土流失对流域生态危害严重,输沙量模拟和预测可以为流域水土流失防治提供依据,因此精确的输沙模型是流域水土流失治理的重要工具。为了精确模拟变化环境下黄土高原年输沙量,该研究基于黄土高原19个水文站的径流和输沙数据,通过随机森林变量重要性度量方法评估年径流侵蚀功率、淤地坝指数、淤地坝相对指数、归一化植被指数、不透水地面积等因子对流域年输沙量的影响,使用非线性最小二乘法估算年输沙模型参数,对比分析不同因子组合的年输沙模型精度,提出适用性较强的黄土高原年输沙模型,据此开展年输沙量变化贡献率分析。结果表明:1)以幂函数形式构建的仅含径流侵蚀功率单因子输沙模型精度与流域面积有显著的负相关关系,相关系数为-0.505(P<0.05),模型精度随着流域面积增大而下降,在大于7 000 km2的流域适用性较差;2)年径流侵蚀功率、淤地坝指数及不透水地面积因子组合建立的多因子年输沙模型在黄土高原适用性最佳,模型在率定期NSE平均值为0.84,RMSE平均值为0.21亿t,在验证期纳什系数平均值为0.79,均方根误差平均值为0.27亿t。3)影响研究流域年输沙量变化的因素依次是:年径流侵蚀功率、不透水地面积和淤地坝指数。研究可以为黄土高原不同区域水土流失防治和生态治理工作提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

黄土丘陵小流域蒸散发和水分平衡对植被恢复的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Evapotranspiration, soil moisture balance and the dynamics in a gully catchment of the Loess Plateau in China were determined with 6 land use treatments including natural grassland, shrubs (Caragana rnicrophylla), two woodlands (Prunus armeniaca var. ansu and Pinus tabulaeformis), cultivated fallow, and farmland (Triticum aestiuum L.) in order to obtain a better understanding of soil moisture balance principles and to improve vegetation restoration efficiency for ecological rebuilding on the plateau. Average runoff from cultivated fallow was very high, reaching 10.3% of the seasonal rainfall. Evapotranspiration under T. aestivurn was not significantly different from natural grasslands. Compared with natural grass, evapotranspiration was significantly greater (P 〈 0.05) in 2002 and there was an increase in soil moisture depleted in the 1-3 m soil under P. armeniaca, P. tabulaeformis and C. microphylla. During the two years of the study the average soil moisture (0-100 cm soil profile) of T. aestivurn was generally the highest, with P. armeniaca, P. tabulaeformis and C. rnicrophylla usually the lowest. Thus, according to the soil moisture balance principle for this area the planned reforestation project was not ecologically reasonable. Reducing human disturbance and restoration with grass could be more effective.  相似文献   

黄土高原典型流域水沙变化归因对比分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
近几十年来,黄河中游黄土高原地区水沙变化显著。众多学者以该地区典型流域无定河开展了大量研究,但局限于方法的突破而忽视了方法间的对比分析。为此,该研究采用双累积曲线法、水文法、弹性系数法和水保法对无定河流域1957—2010年水沙变化进行归因对比分析。结果表明:无定河流域年降水量未发生显著变化,年潜在蒸散发、年径流量和年输沙量呈显著减少趋势且突变年份依次为1982、1971、1971年。径流归因对比分析表明,水文法与弹性系数法结果较为接近,水保法人类活动贡献率偏小;输沙归因对比分析表明,水保法与其他3种方法结果一致。归因分析表明,人类活动是流域水沙变化的主控因素且逐年增强,人类活动中对径流变化起主导作用的是灌溉引水和造林;对输沙变化起主导作用的是淤地坝和造林。淤地坝的淤满或失效对流域水保措施减水减沙效益影响较大。因此,未来无定河流域的治理应继续落实退耕还林还草政策,并加强淤地坝等工程措施的布局优化和后期维护。  相似文献   

坡沟系统是流域水土流失与治理的基本单元,掌握其产流产沙规律是有效解决水土流失区生态环境恢复重建的核心问题之一。该研究利用无人机遥感与地理信息系统技术对流域的土地利用进行识别,再确定5个不同坡沟系统(2个无人为干扰的退耕植被恢复+自然植被坡沟系统SG1和SG2、2个人为扰动的退耕植被恢复+自然植被坡沟系统SG3和SG4、以及1个果园+坡耕地的坡沟系统SG5)内泥沙源、汇及其输移路径分布特征,并在量化指标的基础上,结合2016—2022年坊塌小流域5个坡沟系统的降雨和产流产沙的监测数据,研究了不同坡沟系统的产流产沙特征及其对源-汇-路径格局的响应。结果表明:次降雨条件下,SG1和SG2的产沙模数显著低于其他坡沟系统(P<0.05),且SG3径流深和产沙模数均较大;SG2的年平均径流深显著低于SG5(P<0.05)。坡沟系统径流深分别与总坡沟系统、沟间地、沟谷地的泥沙源和汇最大斑块面积比显著正相关(P<0.05),且与沟间地泥沙源、汇指数的相关系数均要大于沟谷地,径流深与总坡沟系统路径的分岔比、沟间地与沟谷地的路径比降均呈现出显著负相关(P<0.05);产沙模数与各源汇指数之间均无显著的相关性,但与路径数量密度、长度密度、沟间地的路径分岔比呈显著正相关(P<0.05);径流深和产沙模数均与路径复杂度呈显著负相关。可见,降低源/汇比例大小,适当增加泥沙输移路径的复杂度和输移距离,可有效减少坡沟系统的水土流失。研究可为坡沟系统土壤侵蚀防控以及流域生态保护和修复提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - This paper aims to use the composite fingerprinting method to reconstruct the environmental history after the Grain-for-Green Project and to provide effective...  相似文献   

近50年黄河中游流域水沙过程及对退耕的响应   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
为明确黄河中游地区水土流失综合治理、退耕还林(草)政策的水沙效应问题,选择黄河中游风沙-丘陵过渡区、典型丘陵区以及土石山林区5条典型流域,用降雨及面积对水文站实测径流量、输沙量数据进行处理,探讨了近50a来流域水沙及其关系的演变过程。结果表明:5条流域标准化年径流量、标准化年输沙量均表现出显著减少趋势,且两者发生跃变时间基本一致。时段频率上的河流输沙量减少程度较径流量大,零输沙天数逐时段增加。植被覆盖度低的风沙-黄土丘陵过渡区流域,较植被覆盖度高的土石山林区流域,径流量和输沙量年均变化斜率大,跃变时间早。5条流域汛期径流量和输沙量的关系表明,植被覆盖度低的风沙-黄土丘陵过渡区流域的输沙量分布域较植被覆盖度高的土石山林区流域大一个数量级,其产沙动力也最强。近50a来,5条流域的水沙动力系数均呈现逐时段降低趋势。20世纪70~80年代水土流失综合治理使5条流域水沙动力系数平均降低24.5%,1999年后的退耕还林(草)工程则使其平均降低70.6%。流域水沙拟合线性关系常数项绝对值,以及流域冲淤平衡时的径流量呈现随时段减小趋势,进一步说明水土流失治理及退耕还林(草)措施对流域水沙动力关系的削弱效应。  相似文献   

黄土高原地区的梯田和淤地坝措施发挥了重要的水土保持功能,然而现有的研究主要关注单个措施的减水减沙效应,对坡沟治理措施综合配置协同调控水沙过程的作用一直认识不清。因此,该研究为解析梯田和淤地坝措施对水沙过程的协同调控效应,构建了10个坡沟系统物理模型,设置了对照组(CO),单一措施组(梯田措施(T0),4种因淤地坝淤积导致坡沟区域的坡长缩短(L1、L2、L3和L4))和组合措施组(梯田与4种因淤地坝淤积导致坡沟区域的坡长缩短的综合配置(T1、T2、T3和T4)),进行降雨强度为90 mm/h的室内模拟降雨试验,量化不同试验方案下坡沟系统的产流产沙过程。结果表明:1)梯田措施和淤地坝淤积导致坡沟区域坡长缩短均有效调控了坡沟系统的产流产沙过程,梯田能分别减少46.30%~83.59%的径流总量和25.82%~82.41%的泥沙总量,淤地坝导致坡沟区域坡长缩短能分别减少7.87%~33.42%的径流总量和10.20%~30.57%的泥沙总量。2)不同试验方案下坡沟系统的产沙率和产流率之间满足线性关系,而累计产沙量和累计产流量满足幂函数关系。3)综合措施配置发挥了“1+1> 2”的水土保持...  相似文献   

The Araguás Catchment of the Central Spanish Pyrenees has been monitored since 2004 to study weathering, erosion, and the hydrological and sediment response to rainfall events in order to understand the hydromorphological dynamics of a badland area in a relatively humid environment. This small catchment (0.45 km2) shows highly active processes of physical and chemical weathering related to seasonal variations in temperature and moisture. Erosion and sediment transport are widely studied in badlands within Mediterranean environments because they represent the dominant sediment source. To obtain information about suspended sediment and discharge, a gauging station was installed within the Araguás Catchment during the summer of 2005. The aim of this work is to determine the relationships among rainfall, runoff, and suspended sediment in this badland area. Towards this goal, we analyze the relationships between suspended sediment concentration and discharge during rainfall events.From a hydrological viewpoint, the Araguás Catchment reacts to all rainfall events with torrential flow being the most characteristic hydrological response. The results obtained between October 2005 and April 2007 reveal extremely high concentrations of suspended sediment, with values frequently exceeding 100 g l<modINS>−<!--[/INS]"> 1 and reaching a maximum of 1200 g l<modINS>−<!--[/INS]"> 1. Three different types of hysteretic loops were observed: clockwise (22 events, 28%), counter-clockwise (27 events, 34%), and figure-eight (12 events, 15%). Moreover, 23% of events were classified as complex hysteretic loops and removed from the analysis due to their complexity. Clockwise hysteretic floods are characterized by their long duration and the highest hydrological and sedimentological responses; counter-clockwise hysteretic floods are characterized by their short duration and moderate hydrological and sediment responses; finally, figure-eight hysteretic floods are related to multiple peaks in suspended sediment, coinciding with oscillations in discharge associated with the highest rainfall intensities within each event and moderate hydrological and sediment responses.  相似文献   

甘肃天水市对比小流域暴雨洪水侵蚀产沙特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 为分析黄土丘三区水土保持综合治理对小流域典型暴雨产汇流特性的影响,依据桥子东、西沟对比小流域暴雨洪水泥沙观测资料,结合实地调查对比分析雨、洪、沙特性。结果表明:在降雨差异很小的情况下,其水沙特性差异明显,桥子东沟较西沟洪峰削减率达66.9%,单位面积减洪量1万3336m3/km2,减沙量8534t/km2,2流域的流量和含沙量过程变化趋势基本一致,但西沟变率均大于东沟,且西沟流域侵蚀模数是东沟的3.5倍。桥子东沟流域各项水土保持措施发挥了显著的蓄洪拦沙作用,减洪效益59.9%,减沙效益79.5%;桥子西沟的林草措施减洪效益为6.9%,减沙效益8.4%。  相似文献   

An understanding of the spatial distribution of soil erosion and deposition in a catchment is important for designing soil and water conservation measures. Traditional monitoring techniques provide limited information on the spatial patterns of erosion and deposition. The fallout radionuclide 137Cs was used to document rates and patterns of soil redistribution within a small (0.17 km2) gully catchment located near An'sai in Shaanxi Province, representative of the Loess Plateau of China. The local reference inventory was estimated to be 2266 Bq m−2 and the 137Cs inventories of 198 soil cores collected from the catchment, ranged from 0 to 3849 Bq m−2. The coefficient of variation of the inventories of the individual cores was 0.85, reflecting the complex pattern of 137Cs redistribution by soil erosion and deposition. Estimates of erosion rates derived from 137Cs measurement ranged from less than 25 to 150 Mg ha−1 year−1, with about 70% of the net soil loss from the catchment coming from the gully area. The 137Cs technique was shown to provide an effective means of documenting the spatial distribution of soil erosion and deposition within the small catchment.  相似文献   

地表径流是土壤侵蚀和泥沙搬运的主要原动力.径流过程及其特征值是侵蚀模型,特别是侵蚀过程模型中水文模块的重要输入资料,但相对于降雨过程和径流总量资料,径流过程数据十分匮乏.为了对径流过程进行有效模拟,本文利用黄河流域子洲径流试验站团山沟3个小区107场降雨-径流过程观测数据,在小区尺度上对比验证3个仅含有1个参数的简易入渗模型:Ⅰ入渗能力恒定法,即假设入渗能力为1个常值,产流仅发生在降雨强度大于此值的情况;Ⅱ径流系数法,即假设实际入渗率与降雨强度呈正比关系,比例系数为1与径流系数的差值;Ⅲ入渗能力空间变异法,即假设入渗能力存在空间差异,实际入渗率表现为最大入渗率和降雨强度的指数形式.同时,为考查模型在不同时间尺度上的表现,文章分别选取1、6和15 min对数据进行重采样.结果显示:以洪峰流量和有效流量的预测精度作为模型有效性评价指标,相较于径流系数法和入渗能力空间变异法,入渗能力恒定法对黄土高原区径流过程的模拟效果最好,即入渗能力恒定更符合于黄土区实际产流入渗特点;随着过程资料采样时间间隔的增加,模型的模拟精度显著提高,即模型并不依赖于高密度的采样数据.研究结果可为缺乏径流过程资料的地区提供径流过程的计算方法,且有助于定量描述水文过程、土壤侵蚀和泥沙搬运过程.  相似文献   


The issue of soil organic carbon (SOC) is of increasing concern. Because SOC, as an important soil component in farming systems, is essential for improving soil quality, sustaining food production and quality, and maintaining water quality and as a major part of the terrestrial carbon reservoir, it plays an important role in the global carbon cycle. In this paper, a total of 665 soil samples from different depths were collected randomly in the autumn of 2007, and the spatial variability of SOC content at a small catchment of the Loess Plateau was analysed using classical statistics and geo-statistical analysis. In nonsampled areas classical kriging was utilized for interpolation of SOC estimation. The classic statistical analysis revealed moderate spatial variability with all five layers of SOC-content. In addition, the average SOC content decreased with soil depth and the relationship can be modelled by an exponential equation (y=3.1795x ?1.2015, R 2=0.9866) and all of the SOC-content data in the different depth were normally distributed. The geo-statistical analysis indicated a moderate spatial dependence in 0–60 cm, while in the 60–80 cm depth spatial dependence was strong. The semi-variogram could be fitted by an exponential model for 0–10 cm depth; by a spherical model for 10–20 cm depth and 60–80 cm depth; and by a Gaussian model for 20–60 cm depth. The range increases with increasing depth. In addition, classical kriging could successfully interpolate SOC content in the catchment. In general, the geo-statistics method on a watershed scale could be accurately used to evaluate spatial variability of the SOC content in the Loess Plateau, China.  相似文献   

小流域径流泥沙自动采集器的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
仪器仪表作为对信息进行采集、测量、处理和控制的重要手段和设备,已成为推动科学技术和国民经济高速发展的关键技术之一。在小流域出口处设置量水堰是研究流域水文过程及土壤侵蚀监测的一个重要方法,为实现小流域径流含沙量的动态监测,自行研制了一种小流域径流泥沙自动采集器,以一种简单的采样技术代替传统方法来提高含沙量测定的自动化水平及测量精度。通过模拟试验验证了采集器的适用性,结果证明采集器具有很好的可靠性和观测精度,与标准值的平均相对误差仅为0.42%。另外,该装置与传统水样收集方法相比自动化程度高,管理方便,适于野外无人看守情况下径流样品的自动采集。因此,所研制的小流域径流泥沙自动采集器有一定的应用前景。  相似文献   


Analysis of sediment transport is an effective approach for identifying sediment sources and for catchment management. However, a long-term analysis of sediment variability at multiple time scales is less available, especially in mountainous catchments. This study aims to determine sediment sources and to identify sediment transport dynamics, as well as the influencing factors, through analyzing long-term sediment fluxes at different time scales.

Materials and methods

In this paper, 32 years of sediment flux in an instrumented mountainous catchment in eastern Zhenjiang Province, China, was investigated at multiple time scales (i.e., monthly, seasonal, annual, and event). Sediment yields (SYs) during three time periods (i.e., 1964–1977, 1978–1989, and 2010–2015) were first classified by the Mann-Kendall and cumulative anomaly tests, and then sediment fluxes for each period were investigated and compared at multiple time scales.

Results and discussion

Annual SYs ranged from 29 to 308 t year?1 during the recording period and were significantly influenced by several high magnitude flood events. The mean annual SYs decreased from 153.82 t year?1 in 1964–1977, to 97.79 t year?1 in 1978–1989, and to 91.08 t year?1 in 2010–2015 due to improved soil conservation measures and increased reservoirs. At the seasonal scale, over 92% of the sediment was transported in spring and summer over the recording period. Heterogeneous sediment sources, partial areal distribution of rainfalls, and other factors led to complex suspended sediment concentration versus water discharge hysteresis loop patterns at the event and monthly scales.


The improved soil conservation measures and increased reservoirs over the recent decades decreased sediment availability, and the number and the magnitude of flood events from 1964 onward. However, the flood sediment fluxes in a few months were still high due to extreme precipitation events in recent years. The work can provide guidance for addressing sediment problems in this and/or other similar catchments.


黄土高原水土保持对流域降雨径流的影响分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以黄土高原西川河流域1990年开展大规模水土保持综合治理以来的降雨、径流及各种治理措施面积变化等资料为基础,提出对各次降雨径流过程按雨量分级,然后分别研究流域治理程度逐年提高对其径流的影响规律,并对各种治理措施的降雨径流影响大小进行了对比分析。结果表明水土保持综合治理可以明显改变中雨、大雨级的降雨产流量,削弱降雨—径流型的流域间水分大循环,强化以降雨—入渗—蒸发型的流域内水分小循环;工程治理措施对径流的拦蓄作用大于植树种草生物治理措施;林草拦蓄降雨径流作用具有滞后性。  相似文献   

The flow–sediment relationship is important to understand the soil erosion and land degradation processes in severe eroded areas. This study researches on variations of streamflow, sediment load, and flow–sediment relationship on multi‐temporal scales (annual, flood season and, monthly scales) in a highly erodible catchment of Chinese Loess Plateau. The results demonstrated that the streamflow, sediment load, sediment concentration, runoff coefficient, and sediment coefficient all experienced evident reductions, and the decrease in the middle and downstream stations was more significant compared with the upstream stations. The land use changes and implementation of soil and water conservation measures played major role for the streamflow and sediment load reductions with respect to precipitation change, and the runoff coefficient and sediment coefficient linearly decreased with the percentage of conservation measure area. The runoff‐sediment yield relationship on annual, flood season, and monthly scales could be generally characterized by the linear function, and the slopes during the post‐change period was lower than those during the pre‐change period of sediment load. The sediment concentration–streamflow discharge relationship represented consistent form over the entire study period, and the logarithmic function was appropriate to describe the relationships on the three timescales. The decrease of sediment concentration contributed greatest (60·7%) to sediment reduction compared with runoff productivity of rainfall (30·2%) and precipitation (9·1%). Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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