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Fifteen pony mares were assigned to 1 of 3 treatment groups after foaling: Group 1, 35 ml of sterile saline solution was infused into the uterine lumen within 24 hours after parturition (6 mares); group 2, 300 mg of Escherichia coli endotoxin was infused into the uterine lumen within 24 hours after parturition (6 mares); and group 3, 300 mg of E coli endotoxin was infused into the uterine lumen between 72 and 96 hours after parturition (3 mares). Rectal temperatures were taken at -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, and 5 hours after treatment. Venous blood samples were also taken at these times for routine WBC counts. Data were analyzed as a repeated measurement design with linear and quadratic orthogonal contrasts performed where significant time and interaction with time occurred. Pretreatment averages of total WBC and neutrophil counts were compared with their nadir posttreatment averages by a t test when treatment-by-time interaction was significant for the parameter. Rectal temperature (37.9 +/- 0.1 C) remained stable and did not vary among treatment groups after intrauterine infusions. In contrast, total WBC and neutrophil counts did vary among treatment groups across time. However, for treatment groups 1 and 3, neither blood total WBC count nor neutrophil count after intrauterine infusions was different from pretreatment observations. In group 2, total WBC count decreased (P less than 0.10) from a pretreatment average of 11.5 +/- 0.4 X 10(3) cells/mm3 to a nadir concentration of 10.0 +/- 0.6 X 10(3) cells/mm3 by 60 minutes after infusion of endotoxin into the uterus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   



Intrauterine infusions have been widely used for the treatment of endometritis in the mare. Nevertheless, their consequences on endocrine and endometrial molecular aspects are unknown. We studied the effect of a 1% povidone-iodine solution intrauterine infusion on progesterone levels, endometrial histology and estrogen (ERα) and progesterone (PR) receptor distribution by immunohistochemistry.


Fourteen healthy mares were used in this study. Estruses were synchronized and seven mares were treated with intrauterine infusions at days 0 and 2 post ovulation of two consecutive estrous cycles. Uterine biopsy samples were taken on days 6 and 15 post ovulation.


The treatment did not induce an inflammatory response indicating endometritis, neither affected the ERα. However, it reduced the percentage of PR positive cells (PPC) on day 6 (deep glandular epithelium, control: 95.7 vs. infused: 61.5, P < 0.05). Treated mares tended to have lower progesterone levels on day 2 (3.9 ng/ml vs. 6.6 ng/ml, P = 0.07), and higher levels on day 15 compared with controls (4.4 ng/ml vs. 1.3 ng/ml, P = 0.07).


a 1% povidone-iodine infusion during days 0 and 2 post ovulation in healthy mares did not induce histological changes indicating endometritis, but altered progesterone concentrations and reduced the expression of endometrial PR at day 6 without affecting the ERα. These changes could reduce embryo survival.  相似文献   

Serum concentration of ampicillin, a semisynthetic penicillin, was measured in mares at various time intervals up to 24 hours after intrauterine infusion of 3 g of ampicillin. Blood samples were drawn immediately before infusion and at 1-, 4-, 10- and 24-hour intervals after infusion. At postinfusion hour 24, two endometrial biopsy specimens were obtained to measure endometrial concentrations of ampicillin. Blood was drawn twice as part of the 24-hour postinfusion sample collection, once before removal of the biopsy specimens and again 5 minutes after removal of the biopsy specimens. After drug infusion, more diestrous mares had detectable serum ampicillin concentration than did estrous mares for all samples, except the 24-hour prebiopsy sample. None of the 24-hour prebiopsy serum samples had detectable ampicillin concentration, but ampicillin was detected in the serum of 4 of 5 diestrous mares after endometrial biopsy. Endometrial concentrations of ampicillin were detectable at postinfusion hour 24 in estrous and diestrous mares, but were not different. All 24-hour biopsy specimens had ampicillin concentrations greater than the ampicillin minimal inhibitory concentration.  相似文献   

Plasma concentrations of sodium benzylpenicillin were measured following intrauterine infusion at a dose rate of 22,000 u/kg (250,000 u/ml). The reproductive status of the mare at the time of infusion did not appear to influence plasma concentrations of penicillin, but preswabbing the endometrium for bacteriological culture resulted in peak plasma concentrations which were nearly twice those found in unswabbed mares.  相似文献   

Uterine contractions were studied in two experiments utilizing ultrasonography and seasonally anovulatory mares. A one-minute ultrasound scan was done to produce longitudinal real-time images of the uterine body and an overall uterine contractile activity score (0 = no or minimal activity to 4 = maximal activity) was assigned to each scan. In experiment 1, a two-hour uterine activity trial (one score every 10 minutes) was done in mares given a single injection of prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha group; n = 4) and in control mares (n = 4). There was no difference between the two groups over the two-hour trial (mean activity score averaged over the two-hour trial: PGF2 alpha group, 0.2; control group, 0.1). In experiment 2, 16 mares were randomly assigned to one of four groups: 1) controls (corn oil vehicle), 2) 1 mg estradiol 17 beta on days 0 to 9 and 100 mg progesterone on days 10 to 20 (E2--greater than P4 group), 3) 100 mg progesterone on days 0 to 20 (P4 group), and 4) 100 mg progesterone on days 0 to 9 and 1 mg estradiol 17 beta + 100 mg progesterone on days 10 to 20 (P4--greater than E2 + P4 group). Uterine activity was assessed for each mare daily. The day by group interaction was significant. Scores for the E2--greater than P4 group were greater on days 4 to 11 (P less than .05) than for the other three groups. From day 14 to 21, scores did not differ among the three steroid-treated groups (except on day 15), but the scores averaged over each steroid-treated group were greater for each day (P less than .1 or .05) than for the controls (except on day 17).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Uterine contractions may play an important role in the transportation of spermatozoa towards the site of fertilisation in the oviduct of mares. M-mode ultrasound was used to measure the number, amplitude and duration of uterine contractions in each uterine horn and the uterine body of oestrous mares for four minutes before and four minutes after either coitus, or the artificial insemination of either 80.0 ml of fresh semen or 10.0 ml of fresh semen. The direction of the uterine contractions in each uterine horn and the uterine body was measured before and after coitus. Coitus and the insemination of 80.0 ml semen significantly increased the total number, mean amplitude and mean duration of contractions in all parts of the uterus. The insemination of 10.0 ml of semen did not affect the total number or the mean duration of contractions in the uterine horns. Their mean amplitude was increased, but largely owing to the results from one mare; it also did not affect the contractions in the uterine body. There was no significant difference between the percentage of contractions moving in a cervicotubal or tubocervical direction after coitus in any part of the uterus examined.  相似文献   

We evaluated the efficacy of intrauterine plasma infusion in mares as a treatment for infertility caused by endometritis and distinguished the effects of intrauterine infusion of plasma vs saline solution. Forty-three subfertile mares were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatment groups: untreated controls (n = 14), those treated by saline infusion (n = 14), and those treated by plasma infusion (n = 15). Reproductive status was assessed daily by transrectal ultrasonography. Uterine aspirates and biopsy specimens were obtained 8 days after ovulation for cytologic and histologic evaluation, and mares were treated on days 12 to 16. Uterine aspirates and biopsy specimens were obtained again on day 8 of the next estrous cycle, and the mares were bred at the subsequent estrus. A postovulation intrauterine infusion of either plasma or saline solution was administered to mares in their respective treatment groups. Biopsy specimens were scored from 1 (no indications of inflammation) to 6 (severe inflammation). The pregnancy rate was lower (P less than 0.005) for mares with scores 5 and 6 (0/5) than for those with scores 1 to 4 (17/35). There was no significant effect of treatment nor a treatment by biopsy score interaction on pregnancy rate; however, the pregnancy rate for mares treated with plasma or saline solution (9/27) tended to be lower than for the control (untreated) mares (8/13). There was no change in mean biopsy score between specimens obtained before treatment and those obtained after treatment for the control group and the group treated with saline solution; however, there was a significant increase (P less than 0.05) in scores in the group treated with plasma.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Twelve pony mares were randomly assigned to either a control or a treatment group and inseminated with fresh, raw semen from a single stallion of known fertility in a cross-over trial design. Pregnancy was diagnosed by transrectal ultrasound 12-14 days post-ovulation and then terminated by administration of a luteolytic dose of cloprostenol. Treatment mares received a uterine instillation of 100 ml of electrochemically activated (ECA) saline 4-12 hours post-insemination. Control mares received no treatment post-insemination. Per cycle pregnancy rate was 58.3 % in the control group and 50 % in the treatment group. There was no statistical difference (P = 1.000) in pregnancy rate between the 2 groups. The principles of ECA and applications of ECA saline are discussed.  相似文献   

The intrauterine infusion of 500 ml of warm sterile saline solution into mares on days 12, 13, or 14 after ovulation failed to alter the ovulatory interval, although intervals were shorter for days 12 and 13 (20.6 days) when compared with those in control mares (21.6 days). The IU fusion shortened luteal-life-span on days 12 (12.0 vs 13.8 days) and 13 (13.0 vs 14.4 days) (P is less than 0.05), but not day 14 (14.0 vs 13.5 days), when comparing the effects of IU infusion with an average of before and after base-line data. There was no effect on the interval from corpus luteum regression to ovulation, ie, the final follicular phases. The treatment average for days 12 and 13 combined was 7.7 days vs 7.3 days for controls. Also, no significant effect was observed for the duration of estrus in that the treatment average for days 12 and 13 was 5.1 days, and for controls, 6.0 days. The infusion of saline solution caused an immediate release of prostaglandin F(2alpha) within 5 minutes, with additional large releases occurring over the next 24 hours. Progestin concentrations decreased rapidly in relation to this prostaglandin release.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: There is conflicting evidence over the role seminal plasma plays in sperm transport and inflammation within the uterus of mares. In in vitro studies, seminal plasma has been shown to reduce polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) function, but the opposite effect on uterine inflammation has been reported in vivo. OBJECTIVES: To study the effect of seminal plasma on uterine contractility, inflammation and pregnancy rates by inseminating mares with low doses of sperm free from seminal plasma (Group 1) and containing seminal plasma (Group 2). METHODS: Synchronised mares were inseminated with 50 x 10(6) sperm in either skim milk extender or seminal plasma. Uterine lavage was performed 6 h after insemination to assess the inflammatory response. The contraction frequency of the uterus was measured over a 4 min period 10 mins and 6 h after insemination, using B-mode ultrasonography. Pregnancy rates were assessed 16 days after insemination. RESULTS: Uterine contractions were less frequent in Group 1 mares inseminated with seminal plasma and significantly more PMNs were found in the lavage fluid of those mares. Pregnancy rates were identical in both groups (62%). CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence that seminal plasma decreases uterine contractility and increases the inflammatory response of the uterus to semen. No effect of seminal plasma on pregnancy rates was demonstrated. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Mares that develop persistent mating-induced endometritis may have inherently poor uterine contractility and impaired uterine clearance. The presence of seminal plasma during breeding may not be desirable in these mares. The role of seminal plasma in problem mares warrants additional study.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the effect of prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha), phenylephrine and ergonovine on uterine contractions. In the first experiment, ewes were bilaterally ovariectomized, and a strain gauge force transducer was sutured to the serosa of one uterine horn. Each ewe was treated sc with 2 micrograms of estradiol-17 beta daily to prevent regression of the uterus. Beginning at least 5 d after ovariectomy, four dose levels of PGF2 alpha, phenylephrine and methoxamine were given by im injection and ergonovine was given by im or iv injection. Phenylephrine, methoxamine and ergonovine are alpha-adrenoceptor agonists. Uterine activity was recorded by physiograph for 30 min before and 90 min after treatment. Tracing were analyzed for 20-min periods before treatment and 4 to 24 min and 50 to 70 min after treatment. In Exp. 2, transducers were attached to uteri of intact ewes at d 10 to 12 of an estrous cycle. During subsequent estrus, one or two dose levels of PGF2 alpha, phenylephrine and ergonovine were given by im injection and uterine activity recorded. In Exp. 1, PGF2 alpha and phenylephrine increased (P less than .05 or .01) the number of amplitude of contractions at both 4 to 24 and 50 to 70 min. Ergonovine given im increased the number of contractions. In intact estrous ewes, PGF2 alpha increased the number and amplitude of contractions at 4 to 24 min, phenylephrine increased the number and amplitude at both 4 to 24 and 50 to 70 min, and ergonovine increased the number slightly but significantly at 4 to 24 min.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Incubation of blood neutrophils with uterine flushings collected from ovariectomised mares treated with oestradiol, stimulated migration under agarose, whereas flushings from mares treated with progesterone or oily vehicle, inhibited migration. After intra-uterine infusion of bacteria, however, flushings from oestradiol-treated and vehicle-treated mares inhibited migration, whereas progesterone treatment stimulated migration. Migration of uterine-derived neutrophils under agarose was less than that of blood neutrophils and was not influenced by treatment with ovarian steroids. Uterine susceptibility to infection in progesterone-treated mares was not, therefore, correlated with the migratory activities of uterine neutrophils or the chemokinetic properties of uterine secretions in vitro.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to examine uterine changes and uterocervical discharges following intrauterine infusion with liquid paraffin (LP) during the luteal phase by ultrasonic and vaginoscopic examinations in cows. Multiparous dairy cows (n=10) were infused with 50 ml physiological saline (PS group; n=5) or liquid paraffin (LP group; n=5) on day 10 or 11 after ovulation (day 0: ovulation). Vaginoscopic, rectal and ultrasonogaphic examinations were carried out at 0.25, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 24 h after the LP and PS infusion and then at daily intervals until subsequent ovulation after the infusions. The mean volumes of recovered discharges from the vagina within 6 h after infusion were significantly greater (P<0.05) in the LP group than in the PS group (33.0 +/- 9.9 vs.14.0 +/- 13.9 ml). Yellowish-white discharge was first observed at 3.2 +/- 0.5 and 3.6 +/- 0.6 h after infusion and lasted for 12.2 +/- 2.9 and 2.1 +/- 1.5 days for the LP and PS groups, respectively, showing a significant difference (P<0.05) in duration. Subsequently, transparent discharge appeared again 2-3 days before the subsequent ovulation after the treatments in both groups and disappeared on the day prior to or the day of ovulation. During the immediate examination after the infusion, the cavity of the uterine horn appeared anechoic and dilated in the images of both groups. The anechoic images changed to echoic images at 2.2 +/- 0.8 and 2.6 +/- 0.9 h after the infusion in the LP and PS groups, respectively, and the echoic images lasted for 12.2 +/- 2.9 and 2.1 +/- 1.5 days in the LP and PS groups, respectively. These results suggest that the appearance and disappearance of intrauterine anechoic and echoic images reflect the appearance and disappearance of the characteristics of the recovered LP/PS-like liquid and yellowish-white and transparent discharges from the vagina.  相似文献   

The effect of 10-day zearalenone administration starting 10 days after ovulation was studied in 6 cycling trotter mares in the summer period. After an entire oestrous cycle (Cycle 1), mares were given 7 mg purified zearalenone per os daily (1 mg/ml in ethyl alcohol) beginning on Day 10 of Cycle 2. Toxin exposure was continued until the subsequent ovulation. Luteal function and follicular activity were monitored daily by rectal palpation, ultrasonography and blood sampling for progesterone. During toxin exposure, all animals were in good physical condition. The toxin had no effect on the length of the interovulatory intervals, luteal and follicular phases. It did not influence significantly the plasma progesterone profiles (logistic curve parameters A1 to A6), the follicular activity (growth rate, maximum size of the ovulatory follicles, maximum number and the time of first increase in the number of large follicles) and the uterine oedema. It is concluded that in cyclic mares the methods used in this study could not detect any adverse effect of zearalenone (administered at a low dose similar to natural exposure) on reproduction.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect on fertility of large-volume uterine lavage with lactated Ringer's solution (LRS) performed immediately prior to insemination in mares. DESIGN: Prospective randomized controlled study. ANIMALS: 20 mares. PROCEDURE: Control mares (n = 10) were inseminated with 1 billion (estimated before cooling) progressively motile spermatozoa that had been cooled in a passive cooling unit for 24 hours. Mares (n = 10) in the treatment group were inseminated with 1 billion progressively motile spermatozoa (cooled as described for control mares) immediately after uterine lavage with 4 L of sterile LRS. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in pregnancy rates or size of the embryonic vesicle on days 12, 13, and 14 after ovulation between control and treated mares. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicate that uterine lavage with LRS can be performed immediately prior to insemination without adversely affecting fertility in mares. This is clinically important, because insemination may be necessary when a mare has inflammation-associated fluid (detectable ultrasonographically) in the uterus; removal of the fluid is desirable, because it adversely affects spermatozoal motility and fertility. This situation typically arises when mares require rebreeding after they have developed persistent mating-induced endometritis or are inseminated multiple times in a 24-hour period (during the period of physiologic mating-induced inflammation), which is a common practice when using cooled or frozen-thawed semen.  相似文献   

Prostaglandins (PGs) F and E2 were measured in lavage fluid from the uterus of ovariectomised mares after experimental induction of uterine inflammation. Treatment with progesterone alone, or progesterone followed by oestradiol, significantly increased the concentrations of these PGs in the lavage compared with mares treated with oestradiol or control mares. Ovarian steroids, therefore, influenced uterine PG synthesis in response to an inflammatory stimulus. To determine whether the uterine lavage procedure might contribute to the concentrations of prostaglandins in the lavage, the procedure was also performed on six intact mares. With the exception of washings obtained at luteolysis, uterine concentrations of PGF (measured as the plasma metabolite 15-keto-13,14-dihydro PGF2 alpha) had returned to prewashing levels within 30 minutes of the start of uterine lavage. Lavage was therefore unlikely to have influenced the concentrations of prostaglandins in the lavage fluid.  相似文献   

Pregnancy and interferon-tau (IFN tau) upregulate uterine Mx gene expression in ewes; however, the only known role for Mx is in the immune response to viral infection. We hypothesize that Mx functions as a conceptus-induced component of the anti-luteolytic mechanism and/or regulator of endometrial secretion or uterine remodeling during early pregnancy. This study was conducted to determine the effects of early pregnancy on uterine Mx expression in domestic farm species with varied mechanisms of pregnancy recognition. Endometrium from cows, gilts, and mares was collected during the first 20 d of the estrous cycle or pregnancy, and total messenger RNA (mRNA) and protein were analyzed for steady-state levels of Mx mRNA and protein. Northern blot analysis of Mx mRNA detected an approximately 2.5 Kb of mRNA in endometrium from each species. In pregnant cows, steady-state levels of Mx mRNA increased 10-fold (P < 0.05) above levels observed in cyclic cows by d 15 to 18. In cyclic gilts, slot blot analysis indicated that endometrial Mx mRNA levels did not change between d 5 and 18 of the cycle. However, in pregnant gilts, Mx levels tended (P = 0.06) to be elevated two-fold on d 16 only, and in situ hybridization indicated that this increase occurred in the stroma. In mares, Mx mRNA was low, but detectable, and did not change between ovulation (d 0) and d 20, regardless of reproductive status. Western blot analysis revealed multiple immunoreactive Mx protein bands in each species. One band was specific to pregnancy in cows. As in ewes, in situ hybridization analysis indicated that Mx mRNA was strongly expressed in the luminal epithelium, stroma, and myometrium by d 18 in cows. However, on d 14 in gilts, Mx was expressed primarily in the stroma, and on d 14 in mares, low levels of Mx expression were confined largely to the luminal epithelium. The uteruses of cows, gilts, and mares express Mx, and expression is upregulated during pregnancy in cows and gilts--animals whose conceptuses secrete interferons during early pregnancy, but that possess different mechanisms for pregnancy recognition.  相似文献   

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