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Job shop scheduling is an important part of manufacturing process. Pre-mature, local optimal solution or low convergence rate of Genetic Algorithm may come across in solving scheduling problem in multi-Job shop. To avoid those unhealthy tendencies, this paper introduced the Dynamical Niche Sets-based Cooperative Evolutionary Algorithm model.In the Algorithm, Process-based chromosome encoding method was used; the crossover operator and mutation operator were designed to adjust operation sequences and choose process routes. The cooperative scheduling problem in multi-Job shop was solved using dynamical niche sets technology and multi-population cooperative evolution method. The Experiment result shows the proposed method has good advantages.  相似文献   

The peculiar non linear error in the 5 axis NC machining is studied. An improved tool step determination method for the 5 axis NC machining is proposed, in which the non linear error is compensated. Both the arc chord error and the non linear error are considered when computing the tool step, and the comprehensive error is taken as the function of the tool path parameter. Due to the difficulty of gaining the derivative of this function and the tool step according to the prescribed tolerance, the secant method is improved to guarantee the real solution locating in the converging range which is adopted to compute the tool step. The implementing example shows that the proposed method can compensate the non linear error effectively with meeting the prescribed tolerance. The exact tool step can be gotten efficiently with the improved secant method.  相似文献   

To compensate the thermal deformation error of NC(numerical control) gear hobbing machine tools and improve the accuracy of gear machining,based on the clustering regression analysis theory, temperature measurement points are optimized to compensate thermal error. Accordingly a thermal model is set up by using least squares theory, and experimental result shows that the model is very accurate. A thermal error differential helix compensation scheme is proposed,which adopts direct compensation outside completely and can achieve real-time compensation for thermal error independently. Compared with other compensation methods,this one is unlimited to the openness of NC system and has a great popularity.  相似文献   

Under the mode of customization-oriented multi-varieties and small-batch production, the requirement of design and manufacturing integration exists in sheet metal processing shops, which has the characteristics of great varieties of sheet metals, huge design data and heavy production tasks. To meet the requirement, an integrated operation mode for sheet metal processing shop of electrical equipment is presented. The mode realizes the information sharing and business collaboration from the sheet metal 3D CAD, 2D outspread, process design, optimal sheet metal layout, NC programming to NC machining. The integration framework based on service oriented architecture(SOA), function structure and operation process of the system is constructed. The system has been applied to an electrical equipment manufacturer in Chongqing, and good results are obtained.  相似文献   

A radial basis function (RBF) neural network learning algorithm based on immune recognition was proposed to improve the low forecast precision and the slow convergence speed of such networks. In the algorithm, artificial immunity was used to determine the center and width parameters of the Gauss basis function. The recognized data were regarded as antigens and the compression mapping of antigens were taken as antibodies, i.e., the centers of the hidden layer. The recursion least square algorithm (RLS) was employed to determine the output layer weights. The algorithm improved the convergence speed and precision of the RBF neural networks. The model was applied to the blast furnace of a large iron and steel company. The results show that the model has forecast precision far superior to existing models and requires less training time than they do.  相似文献   

农作物种子是一种特殊商品,其质量好坏不仅直接影响农民的增产增效和农村经济的发展,也是影响社会稳定的一个重要因素。因此,开展种子质量监督抽查.可以有效防止质量不合格的种子进入流通渠道,从而切实保护广大农民的利益。衡东县是稻谷生产大县,笔者根据多年的工作实践,对县级种子管理站水稻种子质量监督抽查筛选法的运用进行了总结和探讨。  相似文献   

B. Yu. Anoshenko 《Euphytica》1996,90(2):137-148
Summary The modification of the nearest neighbour method for using various size plots in field trials has been developed and the results of testing its validity by computer simulation are presented. It was found that the Field-S variant of this method using a square pilot area is the best for fields with a low and medium spatial heterogeneity. The Field-L variant using the least quantity of neighbours, offers advantages for fields with a medium and high spatial effect. The optimal values of the controlling coefficients of these variants were computed to allow for the calculation of the environmental indices over a wide interval of spatial heterogeneity with sufficient accuracy. For this reason, this local adjustment method is recommended as an obligatory statistical procedure for a prior data analysis of any field experiments that have fulfilled the necessary requirements. The original Field and CRBSD programs using the local adjustment method developed have been created for IBM-compatible personal computers.  相似文献   

With the abundance and development ,the transmission of virtual instrument on Internet become the exigent need in the field of instrument .The paper summarizes the building method of running flat to the stream of virtual instrument .The authors can complete remote test,exchange the testing data,so much as establish a dynamic league for test mission through the flat . For this flat ,they bring forward own opinion of systemic framework and running environment as well as local area network building . Furthermore, the anthors set forth the realization of function of accessing to database of virtual instrument.,the layout of site homepage. Finally,they introduce how to configure the site server ,what operating system to be selected for the site server and how to deploy the whole site .  相似文献   

The rationale is given of how the gross physical features of the circulation and the stratification of the North Sea have been aggregated for inclusion in the ecosystem box model ERSEM. As the ecosystem dynamics are to a large extent determined by small-scale physical events, the ecosystem model is forced with the circulation of a specific year rather than using the long-term mean circulation field. Especially the vertical exchange processes have been explicitly included, because the primary production strongly depends on them. Simulations with a general circulation model (GCM), forced by three-hourly meteorological fields, have been utilized to derive daily horizontal transport values driving ERSEM on boxes of sizes of a few 100 km. The daily vertical transports across a fixed 30-m interface provide the necessary short-term event character of the vertical exchange.For the years 1988 and 1989 the properties of the hydrodynamic flow fields are presented in terms of trajectories of the flow, thermocline depths, of water budgets, flushing times and diffusion rates. The results of the standard simulation with ERSEM show that the daily variability of the circulation, being smoothed by the box integration procedure, is transferred to the chemical and biological state variables to a very limited degree only.  相似文献   

A new analysis method for machining surface profile error is presented in this paper.The linear regression and nonlinear regression are first applied respectively,and then the Weierstrass Mandebrot fractal function is used to obtain the fractal parameters of machining profiles.A minimal parameter set which depicts the machining surface geometric precision is set up,and the surface profile can be reconstructed using these parameters,and an analysis method for part performance and its tolerance structure is proposed.Examples are provided to illustrate the method is feasible and effective.  相似文献   

Through the analysis of the equivalent resistance method, a limitation of the equivalent capacity method was presented. When the direction of power at the feeder source end was changing, the equivalent capacity method for handling small generations would produce a large power loss calculation error. An improved calculation method, one not based on a single equivalent resistance, was proposed. In this method, one day was divided into several periods (such as 24 h), so that the direction of power at the feeder source end for each period does not vary. The equivalent resistance and energy loss in each period were calculated. The sum of all energy losses provided the daily energy loss total. Numerical examples were used to verify the improved method.  相似文献   

膨胀土的应力应变关系与含水量的变化有关,通过室内试验对膨胀土的变形、强度以及膨胀参数与含水量之间的关系进行研究,以湿度应力场理论为基础,提出了一个具有工程实用价值的基于摩尔库仑准则的膨胀土弹塑性本构模型。依据FLAC3D数值模拟软件所提供的二次开发程序,给出了该膨胀土弹塑性本构模型二次开发程序过程的基本原理以及模型的程序框图。结合渗流软件计算的湿度场分布,进行膨胀土基坑边坡实例验算,验证了该本构模型的正确性。  相似文献   

The time-frequency coupling relation between useful non-stationary components and noises bring great difficulties to the realization of de-noising for non-stationary signals,which can not be solved by classic de-noising method in time or frequency domain. The principles of short time Fourier transform(STFT),Wigner-Ville transform,Chirplet adaptive decomposition are analyzed,and then a novel de-noising method for non-stationary based on joint time-frequency distribution is proposed. In this method,the analyzed signal WVD is seen as the combination of auto-WVD and cross-term WVD. Firstly,STFT energy spectrum of the analyzed signal is used as template to cross-correlate with its corresponding WVD in order to obtain the satisfactory time-frequency distribution with high time-frequency resolution and without cross-term interferences. Secondly,the useful components are decomposed as Chirplet function using the two-dimension least square fitting method,and then are extracted out to reconstruct for noise suppression. Finally,the computer simulation results verify the effectiveness of this proposed method. Its application in gearbox fault diagnosis indicates that with the method the extracted cycle of the gearbox vibration impulses has a good consistency with the corresponding fault frequency.  相似文献   

Real-time substructring testing is under rapid development. is a hybrid computational-experimental technique, and its challenge is to ensure that the numerical substructure and the experimental substructure interact in real time, which requires efficient numerical integration methods. With this mind, based on the Rosenbrock real-time integrator, a coupled time integration method is proposed which enables completely parallel computation. By virtue of a Single-DoF split-mass test problem, stability and accuracy analyses are performed theoretically for the coupled method. Moreover, numerical simulations on a Three-DoF split-mass system are conducted to further investigate the convergence and other properties of the coupled method. The theoretical analysis and the numerical simulations reveal that the method exhibits favourable stability and second order accuracy. Compared with direct time integration methods, the proposed method is more suitable for Real-Time Substructuring Tests of complicated structures and relevant hybrid simulations.  相似文献   

大黄 132玉米自交系,由贵州盘县种子公司于 1982年从当地农家品种普古大黄中经 6代连续自交选育而成. 1992年冬季在三亚市崖城繁殖 100亩,出现雌穗发育异常现象,空秆率达 80%,减产 85%左右; 2002年冬季在海南省乐东县九所镇三脚村以大黄 132为母本,苏 37 2为父本制种,结果早播的 50亩大黄 132和第一批父本也出现不同程度的雌穗发育异常现象.这种现象在温带和亚热带种质中少有报道,本文就这一现象进行初步探讨.  相似文献   

以浙江省1995年早籼稻品种区域试验6个试点参试品种蒸煮品质测定结果为材料,用多元分析法探讨了糊化温度、胶稠度、直链淀粉含量3个蒸煮品质的品种(基因型)效应、地点效应、品种×地点互作和蒸煮品质间的相关关系,剖析了各效应的相对重要性。分析结果表明,蒸煮品质的3个性状均以品种效应为主,而且依次以直链淀粉含量的品种间变异最大,胶稠度次之,糊化温度最小;环境对糊化温度有较大影响。相关分析显示,蒸煮品质间有相关关系,且完全来自遗传(品种)效应。  相似文献   

单季稻褐飞虱空间分布格局及其抽样技术   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
应用聚集度指标法、Iwao 法和Taylor法等对单季稻褐飞虱的空间分布型进行测定检验,结果表明单季稻褐飞虱呈聚集分布,其聚集强度是随着种群密度升高而增加。在此基础上提出了最佳抽样方式、最佳理论抽样数和序贯抽样模型。  相似文献   

农业技术推广的环境配套及组织实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>农业技术推广对农业进步而言是不可缺少的工作,又是一项艰巨复杂的工作。我国的农业技术推广近些年来已经发生了巨大的变化,特别是在媒体传播上出现了重大突破,农业推广形式也发生了重要的变化。推广形式方法更加多样,特别是电视媒体在物化农  相似文献   

Automatic focusing is an important technology for image measurement and machine vision. The basic principle of automatic focusing is analyzed and the key problems of automatic focusing are researched,then a new kind of method based on multiple focusing windows and improved Roberts focused evaluation function is proposed for automatic focusing. First,the image is pre-processed by filtering and denoising. Second,image is evaluated with improved roberts focused evaluation function in many focusing windows. Third,focus of images is quickly located based on global search and binary sorting. Experiments show the method can perform fast autofocus process with sensitivity and stability.  相似文献   

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