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文章结合贸易统计数据从总体和分国别角度分析了欧洲虾产品的贸易特征和竞争格局。研究结果表明,欧洲内部虾产品贸易活跃;欧盟是虾产品主要消费市场,其中西班牙、法国、英国和意大利是主要进口国;厄瓜多尔、印度、阿根廷、中国、泰国、孟加拉国和印尼是主要出口国,以出口养殖虾为主的南美洲国家和亚洲国家在虾产品出口中逐步占据主导地位;主要进口国市场对虾产品偏好的不同,导致从各主要来源国进口量、价格、产品类别的显著差异.  相似文献   

尽管因欧洲个别国家对中国冻虾采用“绿色壁垒”障碍而使中国对虾出口受到影响 ,但从整体上看 ,中国对虾在国际市场上仍然受宠。目前 ,全世界对虾的年贸易额达 70多亿美元 ,并已形成日本、美国、欧盟、东南亚四大区域市场。中国对虾与墨西哥的棕虾、圭亚那的白虾并称世界三大名虾 ,在全球各地市场均受宠。近年来 ,国际市场的对虾需求量不断增加 ,供不应求 ,中国的优质对虾尤其受欢迎 ,且价格稳中有升。目前 ,日本仍然是中国对虾出口的最大市场 ,占中国对虾出口总量的 70 %以上 ,而对欧洲的出口量只有 1.5 % ,因此 ,对欧美市场的对虾出口还有…  相似文献   

据联合国国际贸易中心发表的市场专题报告称,预计今后的七年里,世界各国间对虾的贸易将会继续发展。目前世界市场对虾的贸易额每年约30多亿美元。日本及欧美各国是对虾的主要进口国家,而发展中国家是世界上对虾的主要生产国和出口国。大约有40个发展中国  相似文献   

2002年我国养殖对虾产量超过32万吨,再次位居世界第一。养殖对虾的出口再创历史记录,出口量达10.8万吨,出口额达5.7亿美元, 这些都为对虾产业的健康发展注入了生机。但是由于抗生素的原因,欧盟禁止了我国养殖对虾的进口,使我国丧失了出口对虾的第三大市场。另外去年我国养殖对虾的池边交货价也创下了8元/500克的历史最低价,在一定程度上挫伤了养虾业者的积极性。总体上来看,在各级政府的大力扶持下,对虾养殖作为优势产业,得到了迅速的恢复,对沿海农村、农业经济的振兴,渔民的致富发挥了重要的作用。企业破除各个方面的干扰因素,把握各种机遇,积极开拓美国市场,使得去年出口美国的养殖对虾取得了重大突破,对美出口养殖对虾超过4万吨。但对虾的养殖形势仍很严峻,特别是我国入世后,养虾业者必须主动遵守养虾规范,养殖的对虾必须符合主要出口国的食品卫生标准。为了对虾出口美国贸易的顺利开展,本文介绍了国外对美对虾出口的一些经验,以供参考:  相似文献   

中国对虾在国际市场仍然受宠 尽管出现了欧洲个别国家对中国冻虾采用“绿色”壁垒障碍而使中国对虾出口受到挫折,但从整体上看,中国对虾在国际上仍然受宠。目前,全世界对虾的年贸易额达70多亿美元,并已形成了日本、美国、欧盟、东南亚四大区域市场。中国对虾与墨西哥的褐对虾、圭亚那的  相似文献   

泰国是对虾的养殖和出口大国,中国、印尼和印度次之。泰国对虾的产量从1988年的4万多吨增长到1994年的生产高峰26万多吨,以后10年略有下降,但是仍然保持在25万吨左右,其中95%出口,出口产值1000亿泰铢(约200亿人民币)。泰国对虾最大的出口国是美国,其它主要市场还有日本、欧洲和  相似文献   

我国自1979年大面积发展对虾生产以来,仅仅十几年对虾养殖业已成为整个海水养殖业中普及面最广、发展速度最快、产值最高、出口创汇最多的龙头产业。出口的对虾主要以无头有壳冻虾为主,对虾头成为加工出口冻对虾的下脚料。近年来,广东省淡水虾——罗氏沼虾养殖业迅速发展,养殖面积不断扩大。罗氏沼虾的虾头较大,  相似文献   

泰国是世界水产品生产大国之一。2002年以前水产品出口额位居世界第一,目前仍是世界三大水产品出口国之一。泰国绝大多数水产品都出口美国、日本等地,只有少量在国内销售。以泰国与我国广东省作比较,泰国水产品产量只有广东省的1/3,但出口量却是广东的2倍,2004年美国对虾反倾销立案中,泰国基本上是零关税,而广东仅1家是零关税,其余都是50%以上关税,最高达100%关税。泰国是世界最大的虾产品出口国,虾产业是泰国水产的支柱。泰国养殖虾的90%都出口到国际市场。泰国水产品之所以能大量出口,其根本原因是泰国的水产品质量控制做得好,在国际上赢…  相似文献   

泰国:渔获物出口增加在世界前10位渔业发达国家中,泰国被列为第三产虾大国。估计有41,000公顷的土地用于海水对虾养殖,养殖的主要品种为斑节对虾和墨吉对虾。泰国渔  相似文献   

<正> 世界养殖对虾总产量 1990年世界养殖对虾总产量创近十年最高纪录,约633000吨,比1989年产量565000吨高出12%。在池塘养殖中,有100万公顷的单产超过了630kg/公顷。投放世界市场的对虾,已超过了260万吨的总销售量,其中养殖虾占25%,捕捞虾占75%。在十年前的1980年,养殖对虾产量仅占世界对虾需求量的2%。东半球养殖对虾产量占世界养殖对虾供应量的85%。1990年,中国大陆、泰国、印度尼西亚养殖对虾产量均超过10万吨,占东南亚生产量的近70%。印度、菲律宾、越南、中国台湾和孟加拉国也是养殖对虾的主要产  相似文献   

全球主要渔业国家2011年水产品生产和与国际贸易回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011年,全球渔业生产和水产品国际贸易基本保持平稳。渔业捕捞产量出现上升,水产品国际贸易保持活跃。全球主要渔业国家的渔业生产大多呈现了不同程度的增长。本文针对不同国家的渔业特征,对全球主要渔业国家2011年的渔业生产和国际贸易状况进行了回顾与分析。由于发达国家经济滞长,亚洲和拉美的新兴经济体和国家将成为今后全球渔业发展的主要推动力。  相似文献   

世界水产品贸易竞争力与产业内贸易分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对世界水产品贸易及中国在世界水产品贸易中的地位进行分析的同时运用比较优势系数和产业内贸易指标,对世界主要水产品出口国的水产品竞争力和产业内贸易分别进行了测算和分析。本文的结论是:世界和中国的水产品出口贸易规模均在不断扩大,中国各类水产品及水产品加工的国际比较优势也在不断提升,而且欧美发达国家普遍存在水产品的产业内贸易为中国水产品出口提供了机遇。  相似文献   

中国鳗鱼出口面临的技术壁垒与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国是世界上最大的产鳗国,主要出口日本。但自2001年起,日方对鳗鱼制定了较为严格的技术性标准,使我国的鳗鱼出口遭遇到越来越严重的技术性贸易壁垒。如何跨越日本的技术性贸易壁垒,促进我国鳗业出口的健康发展是摆在我们面前的重大课题。文章分析了我国鳗业发展中存在的问题,并提出了相关对策。  相似文献   


During the 1990s the major producers of farmed shrimp in the world included countries such as Thailand, Ecuador, Indonesia, China and India. These countries exported shrimp products in frozen form. The major importers were Japan, the United States and European Union countries. This study reports changes in the trend of exported shrimp products of 10 countries by using the ‘revealed comparative advantage’ method. The selected producers were 10 shrimp exporters to the Japanese and US markets. The results of the study showed that there was a gradual increase in the export quantity of shrimp‐exporting countries such as Thailand, Indonesia and China. These countries have developed processing technology with the advantage of low production costs, as well as abundant and inexpensive labour.  相似文献   

The marine ornamental fish trade (MOFT) is a worldwide industry that targets a remarkable quantity and diversity of reef fish species and provides an important source of revenue for exporting countries, particularly developing nations in Southeast Asia. Here we provide, for the first time, an economic assessment of the MOFT to the European Union (EU), one of the key players of the marine aquarium trade, along with the USA and Japan. Data from EUROSTAT (the European Statistical System) was analysed for the MOFT between 2000 and 2011. Results show that this industry was not affected by the economic crisis and accounted for a total of 135 million Euros during the study period. Both the UK and Indonesia have been reinforcing their importance as leading importer and exporter countries, respectively. The long‐term temporal pattern of the MOFT by EU and non‐EU countries is described, as well as its diversity and evenness between importing and exporting countries. The present economic assessment also identifies the key players of this industry, and ultimately contributes to management and conservation practices that may enhance the sustainable use of world's coral reefs.  相似文献   


In contrast to the stabilization or decline of wild fishery harvests, aquaculture's contribution to the world fish supply is steadily increasing. Aquaculture has begun to have a major influence on the trade of export‐orientated species such as salmon and shrimp. This paper reviews the role of aquaculture in international trade and the research which has been conducted to examine its influence. Despite the growing significance of aquaculture on international trade, especially for shrimp and salmon, formal analysis of the shrimp trade is sparse, only moderate for salmon, and essentially nonexistent for other species. This paper also presents specific examples of how aquaculture has played an important role in international trade. These include an examination of: (1) the influence of shrimp aquaculture and trade on the development of a shrimp futures contract; and (2) the countervailing duty and antidumping case against the Norwegian farmed salmon industry.  相似文献   


Developing Asian countries continue to record an impressive trade surplus in fish products. However, raising consumer concerns about a range of food safety matters and increasingly stringent regulatory standards related to fish product supply pose on-going challenges to the sustained international market access of many developing country suppliers. This paper provides an overview of emerging trade patterns in fish products and the trade regime in which this is occurring. It then reviews the implementation of various food safety standards on fish and seafood exports in the major fish-exporting countries in Asia, and analyzes the costs and benefits of compliance with these standards and regulations in these countries. Results show that, at the factory level, implementation of the standards has significantly increased the cost of processing, and the cost per unit of fish processed is higher for the smaller plants. These economies of scale could exclude small operators in developing countries. Continued competitiveness of small plants would seem to require government policies and support designed to minimize the cost of compliance with international standards.  相似文献   

Increase in shrimp farming was stimulated by growth in world market for high-value shrimp products in the 1980s. The major cultured shrimp producers are located in Asia-Pacific and Latin American regions. The revealed comparative advantage (RCA) method is used to provide insights into the export performance of nine selected shrimp producers in the Japan and United States markets, separately. Shrimp is marketed in a wide variety of product forms, and prices vary according to various product attributes including species, size, taste, quality and origin. The results show that vertical product differentiation concerning different varieties of a good in terms of both quality and price plays an important role on the relative export competition of shrimp products among major shrimp-exporting countries. As a result of the geographical advantage, Asia-Pacific producers enjoy comparative advantage in the Japanese imported shrimp market. Joint ventures with the United States provide great benefits to Ecuador and Mexico in exporting fresh shrimp into the United States market.  相似文献   

我国水产品国际贸易特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国水产品国际贸易的快速发展,中国已经成为世界上水产品出口第一大国,对国际水产品贸易的影响十分重大。本文从水产品贸易的贸易顺差、水产品养殖主导水产品出口、水产品的质量安全问题及水产品出口市场的相对集中四个方面来阐述我国水产品国际贸易的特点。  相似文献   

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