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The double-stranded (ds) RNA genome segment 4 of bluetongue virus (BTV) serotype 2 was cloned and used as a serogroup-specific complementary (c) DNA probe for BTV diagnosis. A cDNA representing a 60% copy of genome segment 4 BTV-2 prototype was produced. The specificity of the cDNA probe was determined by hybridizing this probe to a northern blot of dsRNA (separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) of plaque-purified BTV-2 prototype. This cDNA probe was then used to hybridize to the RNA samples. Because the probe hybridized to all BTV samples but not to epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus samples, it appears to be a group-specific probe that could be used in BTV diagnosis.  相似文献   

Genome segment 10 of bluetongue virus (BTV) serotype 11 UC8 strain was cloned and subsequently hybridized to viral double-stranded RNA extracted from 90 field isolates of BTV serotypes 10, 11, 13, and 17; the prototype strains of BTV 2, 10, 11, 13, and 17; the prototype strain epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV) serotype 1; and 4 field isolates of EHDV serotype 2. The 90 field isolates were obtained from different counties in California, Louisiana, and Idaho during the years 1979, 1980, and 1981. The cloned genetic probe hybridized with all the BTV samples tested, showing different degrees of cross-hybridization at the stringency conditions used in this study. This indicated that BTV genome segment 10 has conserved nucleotide sequences among the BTV serotypes 2, 10, 11, 13, and 17. No cross-hybridization signals were detected between the cloned genome segment 10 of BTV 11 UC8 strain and the prototype strain of EHDV serotype 1 and the field isolates of serotype 2. This probe recognized a wide variety of BTV isolates.  相似文献   

Four lambs and 3 calves, seronegative to bluetongue virus (BTV), were inoculated intravenously with a highly plaque-purified strain of BTV Serotype 10. A single calf and lamb served as controls and were inoculated with uninfected cell culture lysate. All BTV-inoculated lambs exhibited mild clinical manifestations of bluetongue, whereas infected calves were asymptomatic. Viremia persisted in BTV-infected lambs for 35-42 days, and for 42-56 days in BTV-infected calves. Neutralizing antibodies were first detected in sera collected at Day 14 post-inoculation (PI) from 2 BTV-infected calves and all 4 infected lambs, and at Day 28 PI in the remaining calf. The appearance of neutralizing antibody in serum did not coincide with clearance of virus from blood; BTV and specific neutralizing antibody coexisted in peripheral blood of infected lambs and calves for as long as 28 days. The sequential development, specificity and intensity of virus protein-specific humoral immune responses of lambs and calves were evaluated by immunoprecipitation of [35S]-labelled proteins in BTV-infected cell lysates by sera collected from inoculated animals at bi-weekly intervals PI. Sera from infected lambs and calves reacted most consistently with BTV structural proteins VP2 and VP7, and nonstructural protein NS2, and less consistently with structural protein VP5, and nonstructural protein NS1. Lambs developed humoral immune responses to individual BTV proteins more rapidly than calves, and one calf had especially weak virus protein-specific humoral immune responses; viremia persisted longer in this calf than any other animal in the study. The clearance of virus from the peripheral blood of BTV-infected lambs and calves is not caused simply by the production of virus-specific neutralizing antibody, however the intensity of humoral immune responses to individual BTV proteins might influence the duration of viremia in different animals.  相似文献   

This study reports on an outbreak of disease that occurred in central Algeria during July 2006. Sheep in the affected area presented clinical signs typical of bluetongue (BT) disease. A total of 5245 sheep in the affected region were considered to be susceptible, with 263 cases and thirty-six deaths. Bluetongue virus (BTV) serotype 1 was isolated and identified as the causative agent. Segments 2, 7 and 10 of this virus were sequenced and compared with other isolates from Morocco, Italy, Portugal and France showing that they all belong to a ‘western’ BTV group/topotype and collectively represent a western Mediterranean lineage of BTV-1.  相似文献   

Genome segments 2, 6, 8, and 9 of bluetongue virus (BTV) serotype 11, coding for P2, NS1, NS2, and P6, respectively, were cloned into pUC 8. Sizes of segment-2 and segment-6 clones indicated partial copies (55% and 80% of full length, respectively), whereas segment 8 and 9 clones represented full-length copies. Northern blot hybridizations of the clones to the 5 United States BTV prototypic serotypes (2, 10, 11, 13, and 17) revealed segment-2 clone to be serotype-specific to BTV-11, whereas segment 6, 8, and 9 clones were able to detect all serotypes to varying degrees. All clones failed to detect the related orbivirus, epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus.  相似文献   

Bluetongue virus (BTV) is a non-enveloped dsRNA virus that causes a haemorrhagic disease mainly in sheep. It is an economically important Orbivirus of the Reoviridae family. In order to estimate the importance of T cell responses during BTV infection, it is essential to identify the epitopes targeted by the immune system. In the present work, we selected potential T cell epitopes (3 MHC-class II-binding and 8 MHC-class I binding peptides) for the C57BL/6 mouse strain from the BTV-8 non-structural protein NS1, using H2b-binding predictive algorithms. Peptide binding assays confirmed all MHC-class I predicted peptides bound MHC-class I molecules. The immunogenicity of these 11 predicted peptides was then determined using splenocytes from BTV-8-inoculated C57BL/6 mice. Four MHC-class I binding peptides elicited specific IFN-γ production and generated cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in BTV-8 infected mice. CTL specific for 2 of these peptides were also able to recognise target cells infected with different BTV serotypes. Similarly, using a combination of IFN-γ ELISPOT, intracellular cytokine staining and proliferation assays, two MHC-class II peptides were identified as CD4+ T cell epitopes in BTV-8 infected mice. Importantly, two peptides were also consistently immunogenic in sheep infected with BTV-8 using IFN-γ ELISPOT assays. Both of these peptides stimulated CD4+ T cells that cross-reacted with other BTV serotypes. The characterisation of these T cell epitopes can help develop vaccines protecting against a broad spectrum of BTV serotypes and differentiate infected from vaccinated animals.  相似文献   

The Australian bluetongue virus (BTV-20) was compared with six serotypes isolated in southern Africa and North America by peptide mapping of the virus proteins with group antigen properties. The p7 group antigens from each of the seven serotypes analysed did not have identical primary structures and a comparison of shared and unique tryptic peptides has been used as a means of estimating virus relationships. Whereas serological studies have suggested that BTV-20 is closely related to BTV serotypes 4 and 17, comparative peptide mapping of p7 indicates a different set of relationships with viruses from both southern Africa and North America. In contrast with cross-immune precipitation results, peptide mapping of p3 suggest that this protein is not a group specific antigen.  相似文献   

Bluetongue virus serotype 20 (BTV20) was inoculated intradermally and subcutaneously in 4 bulls and by the intrauterine route in 8 nulliparous cows after insemination at oestrus. Viraemia was detected intermittently between 8 and 21 days after inoculation. Virus was isolated from tissue samples of 2 cows and a bull after slaughter at 14 days and from one bull at 28 days. Group reactive and type specific antibodies to BTV20 were demonstrated from 17 to 27 days after infection. No antibodies were detected in the animals slaughtered at 14 days. No clinical signs of disease were seen during the experiment and no gross or histopathological changes referable to BTV20 infection were observed post-mortem. Because of the viraemia and the production of detectable serum antibodies, gametes from these cattle would be excluded from export.  相似文献   

In August 2000, bluetongue virus (BTV) appeared for the first time in Sardinia and, since then, the infection spread across Sicily and into the mainland of Italy involving at the beginning serotypes 2 and 9 and then, from 2002, 4 and 16. To reduce direct losses due to disease and indirect losses due to new serotype circulation, the 2004 Italian vaccination campaign included the modified-live vaccines against BTV-4 and 16 produced by Onderstepoort Biological Product (OBP), South Africa. Few months after the end of the campaign, BTV-16 was reported broadly in the country and the need of differentiating field from the BTV-16 vaccine isolate became crucial. In this study, the gene segments 2, 5, 6 and 10 of both the Italian and vaccine BTV-16 strains were sequenced and their molecular relationship determined. As sequences of segment 5 were those showing the highest differences (17.3%), it was possible to develop a new diagnostic tool able to distinguish the Italian BTV-16 NS1 gene from that of the homologous vaccine strain. The procedure based on the use of a RT-PCR and the subsequent sequencing of the amplified product showed a high degree of sensitivity and specificity when samples from either BTV-16 vaccinated or infected sheep were tested.  相似文献   

In 1980, 60 zebu cattle from Brazil were admitted into quarantine in Florida for 150 days. During the 30 days between their last test in Brazil and their first test in Florida, four animals developed antibody to bluetongue virus detectable by agar gel immunodiffusion test. Within 62 days after arrival in Florida, three more seroconverted and one more was positive by the 86th day. Virus neutralizing titers of serums from the first four cattle were highest against bluetongue virus serotype 4 and 20; both of these serotypes are exotic to the United States. A bluetongue virus serotype 4 was isolated from one of these animals. The eight positive reactors were slaughtered; the other 52 cattle, which did not develop detectable antibody titers to bluetongue virus, were released into the United States.  相似文献   

Examination of Northern Hemisphere synoptic charts and computation of backward trajectories indicated that Culicoides infected with bluetongue virus serotype 2 could have been carried on the wind and brought the virus to Florida on the afternoon of August 19, 1982 after leaving northern Cuba the previous evening. Flight would have occurred at a height of 1-1.5 km at temperatures of 15-17 degrees C. The distance of 500 km from northern Cuba to Ona would have been covered in 20 h at an average speed of 25 km h-1. Computation of trajectories indicated that a second electropherotype, Ona B, was unlikely to have been introduced by infected Culicoides.  相似文献   

The genome segments of two electrophoretically distinct variants of bluetongue virus (BTV) Serotype 2 (Ona A and Ona B) from the U.S.A. were analyzed by double-dimension gel electrophoresis of RNase T1 produced oligonucleotides. Segments 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10 were examined individually after separation by SDS-PAGE; and Segments 2 and 3, and 8 and 9, which were difficult to resolve, were fingerprinted as pairs. The Ona A and Ona B strains appeared to be closely related since corresponding segments were comparable, sharing 53–89% of the large oligonucleotides counted. Since the strains with the Ona A electropherotype preceded Ona B infection in Florida, U.S.A. and since Ona A was indistinguishable from the early African isolate of Serotype 2, Ona B was thought to be a variant of an Ona A strain. These data tend to support the hypothesis that Ona B could have evolved from Ona A as the result of point mutations or genetic drift.  相似文献   

In August 2006 a major epidemic of Bluetongue (BT) occurred in north-western Europe, affecting The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Luxemburg, and the north of France. It was caused by Br virus serotype 8 (BTV-8), a serotype previously unknown to the EU. Although clinical disease is usually restricted to sheep, this virus also caused clinical disease in a small proportion of cattle. The last clinical outbreak of BT in The Netherlands occurred mid-December 2006. The delay between observation of the first clinical signs by the owner and reporting of a clinically suspect BT situation to the veterinary authorities was approximately 2 weeks. BTV-8-associated clinical signs were more prominent in sheep than in cattle, and the relative frequency of specific clinical signs was different in cattle and sheep. Morbidity and mortality rates were significantly higher among sheep than among cattle, and a higher proportion of cattle than sheep recovered from clinical disease.  相似文献   

掌握云南省蓝舌病病毒(BTV)的活动情况与流行毒株的遗传特征。2012—2015年,在云南省的师宗县、江城县与芒市分别设立3个监控点,进行BTV的分离。自监控动物采集的BTV核酸阳性血液通过"鸡胚-C6/36细胞-BHK细胞"接种的方式进行病毒分离;采用RT-PCR与中和试验进行分离病毒的血清型鉴定;设计特异性引物对分离病毒的Seg-2、Seg-3、Seg-7与Seg-6基因节段进行RT-PCR扩增与克隆测序。2012—2015年,从云南省的师宗县、江城县与芒市分别分离获得3株BTV-24型毒株。分离病毒的Seg-2、Seg-3、Seg-7与Seg-6序列系统发育分析显示:我国毒株的Seg-2与BTV-24型参考毒株聚为一簇,而Seg-6与BTV-10型毒株聚为一簇;我国毒株的Seg-3在系统发生树上划分为"东方型"地域型,Seg-7在系统发生树上形成一个独立于其他地域型的分支。本试验报道了我国BTV-24型毒株的分离与Seg-2、Seg-3、Seg-6与Seg-7序列特征,结果表明,我国BTV-24型毒株的Seg-6基因节段与BTV-10型毒株发生了基因重配;Seg-7具有独特的遗传特征,形成了一个新的Seg-7地域型,暂定为"Chinese topotype"。本试验为进一步开展BTV-24型的流行病学、感染特性与疫苗的研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

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