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双刃鱼 《百姓》2004,(12):20-21
[审美疲劳] 随着电影《手机》的热播而流行起来的一个词语,原来属于美学用语,后来意义被转化为由于长期的婚姻生活.对伴侣感到麻木,在2004年词义被进一步扩大化,只要你被什么弄烦了,都可以宣布遭遇了"审美疲劳",比如,结婚三年之痒--审美疲劳;男明星阳刚有余才气不足--审美疲劳:科技股表现平平--审美疲劳;好莱坞大片有名无实--审美疲劳;天天坐在办公室里看着几十张同样的脸--审美疲劳等,基本上每时每刻都可以用这个词为自己的郁闷开脱着.  相似文献   

2006年12月1日,根据有关部门决定,吴砚田从河北鸣鹿服装集团公司(亦为石家庄市新华服装厂,一个企业,两块牌子)总经理任上退休.此前,作为全国劳模、人大代表,吴砚田在这家企业里发挥着巨大的影响力.在其管理的工厂里,由于加班、罚款、克扣工资等现象引起过记者关注.而在当地关系结成的怪圈里,一些维护自身正当权利的职工付出了血泪代价:举报他的人,被关进监狱792天,一位女工被公司领导"双规"了42天,为工人代理诉讼的律师也受到了处分.  相似文献   

林舟 《百姓》2005,(10):30
现在,纪实已经变成了一种风格化了的东西,作为各种工具或策略存在.去年在世界范围内引起轰动、最终获得戛纳电影节大奖的纪录片<华氏911>,是这种风格化的纪录作品的典型.它采用了许多原始的新闻材料,看起来高度的逼真.然而,一方面,许多人对这部片子的剪辑方式发表质疑,另一方面,它的作者迈克尔·莫尔毫不避讳地宣称就是要以此影响美国总统大选.这就提醒我们,所谓以忠实于事实真相为基本特征的纪录影片或者文字,往往隐含或渗透着"为我所需和所用"的目的.  相似文献   

目前,微量元素对农作物具有增产增收作用,已被农业科技界所证实.氨基酸微肥的使用范围很广,从粮食作物(水稻、小麦、玉米)到油料作物(油菜、大豆、花生),以及经济作物(棉花、茶叶、烟叶、桑叶)、水果(苹果、梨、柑桔、荔枝、龙眼、桃、李、杏、葡萄)、蔬菜(黄瓜、青菜、扁豆)等,几乎对所有的农作物都有不同程度的促进作用.  相似文献   

消解去除草莓中嘧霉胺残留的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探索有效降低草莓中嘧霉胺残留的方法,设定了清洗水温和时间、清水 超声波、0.05%洗涤剂 超声波3种处理方式,测定其对采后草莓中嘧霉胺残留的去除效果.试验结果表明: 3种处理方式对草莓中嘧霉胺残留均有一定去除作用,以第1种处理方式的效果最明显,50 ℃水温清洗10 min,去除率达70%;清洗水温20 ℃时,清水 超声波处理对草莓中嘧霉胺残留的去除效果好于0.05%洗涤剂 超声波处理.  相似文献   

斯文 《百姓》2004,(1):49
请看数字:5年来在腐败中倒下的人数已经超过三大战役总和,且战役形势凶险.根据中纪委的数据,1997年10月至2002年9月,全国纪检监察机关共立案861917件,结案842760件,给予党纪政纪处分846150人,其中开除党籍137711人.被开除党籍又受到刑事追究的37790人.在受处分的党员千部中,县(处)级干部28996人,厅(局)级干部2422人,省(部)级干部98人.--摘自中纪委工作报告.为了使大家对这些数字有个感性的认识,我把这些数字和三大战役做一个比较.  相似文献   

吴学安 《百姓》2007,(7):23-25
多年以来,商品房预售已经成为房地产开发融资的重要手段。目前我国各主要城市商品房预售比例普遍较高,有的城市甚至达90%以上。  相似文献   

走进湖北鄂州市沼山镇桥头村一处葱绿的山头,只见10间鸡舍一字排开,万只蛋鸡发出"咯咯"声。在一间挂着"鄂州市六和养鸡协会"的房间里,一位中年人正在整理养鸡资料。里间一块10平方米的小屋,除了一张床,摆满了养鸡技术和试验的鸡饲料样品。  相似文献   

案例:2005年5月,东安县的宋小兵、乔清华、宋国辉合伙购买了一辆"哈飞"牌面的车专门从事盗尸卖尸活动.施文胜、胡勇波利用为别人办丧事吹管乐的条件,提供尸体安葬地点,先后在东安县、冷水滩区等地盗挖新坟尸体6具,运到广东省汕头市潮阳区以每具尸体4000元~4500元的价格出售给中介人吴某.案发后,东安县人民法院以盗窃尸体罪分别判处被告宋小兵、施文胜、胡勇波、乔清华等人3年以下有期徒刑.  相似文献   

2007年,早稻生产中期低温阴雨、少日照,成熟期相应推迟,不同程度地影响了晚稻的早插秧,存在双晚抽穗成熟期相应延迟的情况.在一些地方晚稻施肥存在着碳酸氢铵、尿素用得多,而磷肥和钾肥未能配足施用,给晚稻的提早抽穗也带来了不利影响.因而我们要把预防寒露风的低温冷害作为夺取晚稻高产的一项重要措施来抓.  相似文献   

CpG-DNA是一些具有免疫激活功能的以未甲基化的CpG基序(CpGmotif)为核心的DNA序列,它包括含CpG基序的人工合成的寡聚脱氧核苷酸(oligodeoxynucleotides,ODN)和自然界中细菌、病毒、无脊椎动物等低等生物的基因组DNA。随着对CpG基序的DNA和寡核苷酸免疫学特性的深入了解,人们对CpG特征结构在DNA免疫学中的重要作用有了逐步的认识,并在DNA疫苗、肿瘤免疫、病毒免疫等方面进行了临床应用。本文就CpG的特征结构、免疫活性、佐剂效应以及应用前景作一简要介绍。  相似文献   

群体感应(Quorum sensing, QS)是细菌通过信号分子的分泌、识别,从而调控细胞运动性、生物膜形成、毒素产生等致病行为的细胞交流机制,是病原菌致病过程的指挥系统,也是细菌病害防控的新靶标.群体感应淬灭(Quorum quenching, QQ)则是通过信号分子类似物、信号分子降解酶剂、信号受体激活剂/抑制剂等策略干扰、阻断病原菌的群体感应通讯系统.文章综述了3类重要的细菌群体通讯信号及其淬灭研究的进展,并对研究进行了总结与展望.  相似文献   

群体感应是细菌监控自身群体密度的环境信号感受系统。细菌在繁殖过程中分泌一些特定的化学信号分子,这种信号分子从胞内扩散到胞外,当这种信号分子达到一定的阈值时,细菌感受到自身的细胞密度,启动某些基因的表达,这一过程称为群体感应(quorum-sensing)。目前,已在许多革兰氏阳性菌和阴性菌中发现了群体感应系统,调控许多基因的表达。笔者综述了细菌的群体感应系统的最新进展及群体感应的作用,并阐述了其在生物技术领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

Fundamental to living cells is the capacity to differentiate into subtypes with specialized attributes. Understanding the way cells acquire their fates is a major challenge in developmental biology. How cells adopt a particular fate is usually thought of as being deterministic, and in the large majority of cases it is. That is, cells acquire their fate by virtue of their lineage or their proximity to an inductive signal from another cell. In some cases, however, and in organisms ranging from bacteria to humans, cells choose one or another pathway of differentiation stochastically, without apparent regard to environment or history. Stochasticity has important mechanistic requirements. We speculate on why stochasticity is advantageous-and even critical in some circumstances-to the individual, the colony, or the species.  相似文献   

Bacteria are often highly polarized, exhibiting specialized structures at or near the ends of the cell. Among such structures are actin-organizing centers, which mediate the movement of certain pathogenic bacteria within the cytoplasm of an animal host cell; organized arrays of membrane receptors, which govern chemosensory behavior in swimming bacteria; and asymmetrically positioned septa, which generate specialized progeny in differentiating bacteria. This polarization is orchestrated by complex and dynamic changes in the subcellular localization of signal transduction and cytoskeleton proteins as well as of specific regions of the chromosome. Recent work has provided information on how dynamic subcellular localization occurs and how it is exploited by the bacterial cell. The main task of a bacterial cell is to survive and duplicate itself. The bacterium must replicate its genetic material and divide at the correct site in the cell and at the correct time in the cell cycle with high precision. Each kind of bacterium also executes its own strategy to find nutrients in its habitat and to cope with conditions of stress from its environment. This involves moving toward food, adapting to environmental extremes, and, in many cases, entering and exploiting a eukaryotic host. These activities often involve processes that take place at or near the poles of the cell. Here we explore some of the schemes bacteria use to orchestrate dynamic changes at their poles and how these polar events execute cellular functions. In spite of their small size, bacteria have a remarkably complex internal organization and external architecture. Bacterial cells are inherently asymmetric, some more obviously so than others. The most easily recognized asymmetries involve surface structures, e.g., flagella, pili, and stalks that are preferentially assembled at one pole by many bacteria. "New" poles generated at the cell division plane differ from old poles from the previous round of cell division. Even in Escherichia coli, which is generally thought to be symmetrical, old poles are more static than new poles with respect to cell wall assembly (1), and they differ in the deposition of phospholipid domains (2). There are many instances of differential polar functions; among these is the preferential use of old poles when attaching to host cells as in the interaction of Bradyrhizobium with plant root hairs (3) or the polar pili-mediated attachment of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa pathogen to tracheal epithelia (4). An unusual polar organelle that mediates directed motility on solid surfaces is found in the nonpathogenic bacterium Myxococcus xanthus. The gliding motility of this bacterium is propelled by a nozzle-like structure that squirts a polysaccharide-containing slime from the pole of the cell (5). Interestingly, M. xanthus, which has nozzles at both poles, can reverse direction by closing one nozzle and opening the other in response to end-to-end interactions between cells.  相似文献   

张秀敏  滕忠才  任凯 《安徽农业科学》2012,40(10):5811-5812,5819
自然界中只有少数的微生物容易在实验室条件下培养,而绝大多数是"未培养的"。研究显示只有通过分离得到它们的纯培养物,才可充分了解其生理和病理特性。该研究主要论述了该类微生物"未培养性"的可能原因,并阐述了从复杂微生物群落中分离培养该类细菌的方法。  相似文献   

为探讨福建省漳州市盛明养殖场鲈鱼的致病菌及其与鲈鱼免疫信号通路的相互关系,从而可以预防和治疗该疾病。解剖患病鲈鱼肝脏组织后划线培养分离纯化了致病菌VP-5。显微镜观察该致病菌VP-5形态为球杆状,弧形,有单鞭毛,运动活跃,革兰阴性菌。在VITEK-32全自动微生物分析仪鉴定后,该致病菌对酪氨酸、葡萄糖、甘露醇等反应阳性,对蔗糖,阿拉伯糖和棉子糖等反应阴性。分析了该致病菌16SrRNA和tdh1基因序列,发现其与副溶血弧菌的亲缘关系非常接近。综合后鉴定致病菌VP-5为副溶血弧菌。并研究了副溶血弧菌VP-5侵染鲈鱼后寄主免疫信号通路基因cd63/cxcr4/il-8的表达水平差异。鲈鱼腹腔注射感染副溶血弧菌VP-5,感染后0-96h解剖鲈鱼肝脏组织和表皮组织。采用Trizol试剂盒抽提鲈鱼总RNA,反转录后生成cDNA。利用实时荧光定量PCR技术对鲈鱼免疫信号通路基因cd63/cxcr4/il-8表达水平进行测定。鲈鱼受到副溶血弧菌VP-5感染后,免疫信号通路基因cd63/cxcr4/il-8在鲈鱼肝脏组织的表达量12h和24h时与对照组相比较差异显著(P<0.05);在表皮组织的表达量在24h和36h时与对照组相比较差异显著(P<0.05)。证实鲈鱼肝脏组织免疫信号通路基因的表达与副溶血弧菌VP-5的感染正相关,相对于表皮组织反应更快。因此鲈鱼的免疫信号通路基因cd63/cxcr4/il-8积极反应于致病菌,这些基因的快速表达会引发鲈鱼自身免疫应答,增强其抵抗致病菌的能力。  相似文献   

Bacteria that are engulfed by phagocytic cells of the immune system are usually destroyed once inside the host cell but not always. Why is it that sometimes engulfed bacteria survive and thrive quite happily inside the host cell? As Mulvey and Hultgren explain in their Perspective, the answer may lie in small indentations in the host cell plasma membrane called caveolae that direct certain signal transduction pathways inside the host cell (Shin et al.). If bacteria adhere to regions of the host cell surface that is rich in caveolae, they are better able to survive once inside the cell.  相似文献   

Bacteria and their viruses (phages) undergo rapid coevolution in test tubes, but the relevance to natural environments is unclear. By using a "mark-recapture" approach, we showed rapid coevolution of bacteria and phages in a soil community. Unlike coevolution in vitro, which is characterized by increases in infectivity and resistance through time (arms race dynamics), coevolution in soil resulted in hosts more resistant to their contemporary than past and future parasites (fluctuating selection dynamics). Fluctuating selection dynamics, which can potentially continue indefinitely, can be explained by fitness costs constraining the evolution of high levels of resistance in soil. These results suggest that rapid coevolution between bacteria and phage is likely to play a key role in structuring natural microbial communities.  相似文献   

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