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为了研究玉米生长后期根系的生长发育规律,利用中国气象局固城农业气象试验站大型根剖面系统,采用微根管观测系统及方形整段标本法和地下根系室玻璃窗,对‘屯玉46号’玉米根系的生长状况进行了试验研究。结果表明:垂直方向上,方形整段标本法和微根管法测得的根长密度占整层总根长密度比例的变化趋势一致,相关系数分别为0.987和0.717,且两种方法在0~20 cm土层的根长密度比例均为最大。0~60 cm土层为玉米根系生长活跃区,方形整段标本法测得根长密度生长量为其余层的4倍。两种方法测得的根长密度无显著差异,相关系数为0.830,均匀性水平较好。玉米成熟期根系的水平幅度较乳熟期窄,下层根系仍处于生长中,垂直深度增加。玻璃窗与方形整段标本法观测的根深测定结果存在差异,这可能与观测环境条件不一致有关。  相似文献   

基于微根管技术的盐胁迫下小麦根系生长原位监测方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
常用的作物根系生长监测一般采用破坏性采样方法,如土钻法和挖掘法等,虽然精度较高,但很难实现对作物根系生长的原位重复观测.采用桶栽法,利用微根管技术对分蘖期、返青期、拔节期和孕穗期的小麦根系进行了连续观测和采样,获取不同盐胁迫下小麦根长密度和根长等参数,研究不同生长时期小麦根系生长参数随土壤深度分布的规律.结果显示,微根...  相似文献   

微根管法监测膜下滴灌棉花根系生长动态   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为了精细监测膜下滴灌条件下棉花(Gossypium hirsutum L.)细根生长形态,于2014年在巴州灌溉试验站开展大田试验,采用微根管法原位监测棉花根系生长,并与传统网格法作对比。分析棉花根系生长动态,构建微根管法测定的形态参数与网格法所测定形态参数的回归模型。结果表明:花期到吐絮期,利用微根管监测10~20 cm处根系生长得到的棉花根长更新速率为1.844 mm/d,期间棉花老根不断死亡和分解。微根管法与网格法测得的根系深度为50 cm,根长密度随着深度增加先增大后减少,根长密度在20~30 cm处最大。两种方法监测得的根长密度具有较好的线性相关,由微根管法测得的剖面根长密度,可通过线性回归方程换算得到实际的体积根长密度。利用微根管法能可靠地监测棉花根系的生长动态变化,今后的研究可进一步加大微根管监测范围和频率,精细监测细根生长全过程,通过构建根系生长模型分析膜下滴灌条件下棉花根系生长时空动态。  相似文献   

林木根系的形态和分布特征能够反映林木生长状态和土壤水养资源响应及利用机制,对于提升人工林培育质量,发挥人工林水土保持作用具有重要意义.利用微根管技术并对毛白杨根系图像进行剪裁、标注和滤波处理,运用大津法、K均值聚类算法、模糊C均值聚类法(FCM法)3种图像处理方法分割根系结构,并以14 d为试验采集周期,获得林木根系分...  相似文献   

不同耐密性玉米品种的根系生长及其对种植密度的响应   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
根系形态和分布对土壤中养分和水分的吸收有重要影响。增加耐密性是现代玉米(Zea may L.)育种的主要方向,而耐密性与根系的关系尚了解不多。本文以70年代主推的2个不耐密型品种(中单2号与丹玉13)和2个当代耐密型现代品种(先玉335和郑单958)为材料,将田间试验和室内水培试验相结合,在3个密度水平下,研究了不同耐密性玉米品种的根系差异及其对种植密度的响应。结果表明,目前推广的耐密型品种的根系要小于不耐密的老品种。不同耐密性品种之间的差异主要表现在040 cm。随着密度的增加,根显著变小、变细。密度主要降低020 cm土层中的根系生长,对深层根系影响较小。先玉335和中单2的根系长度对密度的反应较弱,郑单958和丹玉13较强。这说明先玉335主要依靠其小根系适应高密度,而郑单958既依靠较小的根系,同时依靠较高的根系反应性适应高密度。  相似文献   

为改善东北黑土区粘重耕层的土壤物理特性,通过玉米秸秆还田基础上增施有机肥试验,拟明确增施有机肥对黑土物理特性和根系生长的提升效果。利用2015~2018年吉林省公主岭市和黑龙江省克山县黑土区的定位试验,测定了玉米抽雄期3种秸秆还田处理及其增施有机肥(旋耕秸秆还田+有机肥RSM、深翻秸秆还田+有机肥DSM、深松秸秆还田+有机肥SSM)处理的土壤物理指标;并采用微根管法原位测定了根系生长指标,计算出增施有机肥后各土壤物理特性与根系生长指标的变化量。结果表明,相比秸秆还田处理,增施有机肥降低了土壤容重、土壤紧实度,提升了土壤含水量,同时根长密度、根尖数密度和根平均直径均显著增加,其中根长密度和根尖数密度各土层平均增加了0.18 cm/cm~2和34.9×10~(-3)个/cm~2。不同秸秆还田方式增施有机肥后对黑土物理特性和根系生长的改善效果不同,其中0~15 cm土层RSM处理改善效果最明显,15~45 cm土层SSM和DSM处理改善效果最明显。有机肥和秸秆还田方式互作对黑土物理特性和促进根系生长指标具有显著的正向互作效应。上述结果表明,深松秸秆还田和深翻秸秆还田基础上增施有机肥模式更有利于改善黑土物理特性和促进根系生长,是改善东北黑土区粘重耕层的技术选择。  相似文献   

不同灌溉制度对玉米根系生长及水分利用效率的影响   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:13  
为了探讨不同灌溉制度对玉米根系生长和水分利用效率的影响及基因型间差异,在大型活动防雨棚和棚外田间条件下,利用一组玉米遗传材料杂交种户单四号、父本803和母本天四进行了研究。结果发现玉米杂交种在根系生长、分布和水分利用效率上表现出显著的杂种优势。在充分灌溉条件下,玉米杂交种在浅层的根长密度大于亲本,但在水分亏缺条件下,玉米杂交种根长密度在整个剖面上都显著大于亲本;同一玉米基因型在不同的灌溉制度下根长密度在土壤剖面的分布也不同,拔节期不灌溉条件下玉米根系在深层土壤中的分布较充分灌溉条件下大,保证了玉米对深层土壤水分的充分吸收,而后期灌水延缓了表层根系生长的衰退,产生明显的补偿效应;拔节期干旱而抽雄期和灌浆期灌水显著提高了3种基因型玉米的水分利用效率。通过合理灌溉优化玉米根系分布特性以提高玉米吸水能力和水分利用效率,是节水栽培上的可行途径。  相似文献   

适宜灌水施氮方式利于玉米根系生长提高产量   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
为研究不同灌水方式和施氮方式对玉米根系生长分布的影响,2011年在大田条件下采用垄植沟灌技术,设交替灌水、固定灌水、均匀灌水和交替施氮、固定施氮、均匀施氮2因素3水平的随机完全组合试验方案。分抽雄期、灌浆期和成熟期对0~100 cm土层监测植株正下方、植株正南侧和植株正北侧的根系生长状况。结果表明,灌水方式对各位置根长及根系总量影响均达显著水平,施氮方式只对植株南侧根长和根系总干质量影响显著,二者的交互作用只对植株北侧根长和总根长影响显著。交替灌水均匀施氮在监测时期内维持了较大总根长,并使得灌浆期植株不同位置根长、总根量(总根干质量除外)均较大,并最终获得较大的产量(11 524 kg/hm2)。而固定灌水固定施氮总根长最小,产量最低。各处理下0~40 cm土层根长所占整个土层根长比例均较高,该比值以交替灌水均匀施氮最大。对比发现,根系生长分布对灌水方式更加敏感,通过不同灌水与施氮调控玉米根系生长分布应集中在0~40 cm土层,交替灌水均匀施氮最有利于根系的生长和产量的提高,为垄植沟灌下较好的灌水施氮方式。该研究为通过不同灌水施氮方式调控作物根系生长并获得高产提供了一定理论依据。  相似文献   

为明确土壤中不同残膜量对根系生长和分布的影响,该研究于2019—2020年在河套灌区九庄农业综合节水试验站设置了5个农膜残留量水平,分别为CK(0 kg/hm2)、T1(150 kg/hm2)、T2(300 kg/hm2)、T3(450 kg/hm2)和T4 (600 kg/hm2),研究不同残膜量对玉米根长密度、不同径级根系分配及根系分布等影响,并引入残膜量,建立了适用于农膜残留农田的根系分布模型。结果表明,根系在水平分布时,侧根区的根系受残膜影响显著(P<0.05),当残膜量为300 kg/hm2(T2)时根长密度出现突降现象,降幅为75.98%;垂直分布时,根系随残膜量增加呈明显下降趋势,特别是在0~30 cm土层,当残膜量达到450 kg/hm2时,根长密度降低50.02%。另外,残膜减小了玉米粗根比例(d>2 mm,d为根系直径),降幅为29.25%;增加了细根比例(d≤2 mm),为4.80%。构建考虑残膜量的相对根长密度(Residual Plastic Film-Normalized Root Length Density,RPF-NRLD)分布模型精度较高,其中决定系数(R2)为0.961,均方根误差(RMSE)为0.282,平均相对误差(MRE)为18.87%。同时考虑不同径级根系的RPF-NRLD分布模型模拟显示,玉米极细根和细根的MRE分别为14.91%和14.96%,粗根的MRE为35.41%。基于RPF-NRLD分布模型进行情景分析显示当农田残膜量控制在0~100 kg/hm2范围内,根系能够维持正常生长,特别是极细根和细根,根长密度未出现大幅下降。该研究对于残膜污染区作物生长的数值模拟研究及残膜回收政策的制定具有科学意义。  相似文献   

Shallow soil A horizon (topsoil) caused by soil erosion and soil movement from cultivation is known to reduce soil and crop productivity. The reduction may be related to limitation of root growth. A field study was conducted to investigate the effects of topsoil thickness on distributions of root density and growth. Soybeans [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] were grown on plots of Mexico silt loam (fine, montmorillonitic, mesic Mollic Endoaqualfs) with topsoil thicknesses of 0, 12.5, 25.0, and 37.5 cm above the Bt horizons. Root density was measured 60 and 90 days after planting using a minirhizotron video‐camera system. Root density was significantly reduced as topsoil thickness decreased from 37.5 to 0 cm. Mean density and net change of the density across profile between 30 and 60 days of growth had a linear function of topsoil thickness. The reduction and lower activity induced by shallow topsoil were attributed to detrimental properties in the Bt horizons. Root distribution pattern and rooting depth were not significantly affected by topsoil thickness. The roots appeared to be accumulated on the upper layers of the Bt horizons. Roots growing in thicker topsoil were more active than roots growing without topsoil. High soil moisture content during the growing season may mitigate the detrimental effects of shallow topsoil, inhibit root penetration, and enhance root activity.  相似文献   

Information is needed about root growth and N uptake of crops under different soil conditions to increase nitrogen use efficiency in horticultural production. The purpose of this study was to investigate if differences in vertical distribution of soil nitrogen (Ninorg) affected root growth and N uptake of a variety of horticultural crops. Two field experiments were performed each over 2 years with shallow or deep placement of soil Ninorg obtained by management of cover crops. Vegetable crops of leek, potato, Chinese cabbage, beetroot, summer squash and white cabbage reached root depths of 0.5, 0.7, 1.3, 1.9, 1.9 and more than 2.4 m, respectively, at harvest, and showed rates of root depth penetration from 0.2 to 1.5 mm day?1 °C?1. Shallow placement of soil Ninorg resulted in greater N uptake in the shallow‐rooted leek and potato. Deep placement of soil Ninorg resulted in greater rates of root depth penetration in the deep‐rooted Chinese cabbage, summer squash and white cabbage, which increased their depth by 0.2–0.4 m. The root frequency was decreased in shallow soil layers (white cabbage) and increased in deep soil layers (Chinese cabbage, summer squash and white cabbage). The influence of vertical distribution of soil Ninorg on root distribution and capacity for depletion of soil Ninorg was much less than the effect of inherent differences between species. Thus, knowledge about differences in root growth between species should be used when designing crop rotations with high N use efficiency.  相似文献   

基于交互式骨架模型的玉米根系三维可视化研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
植物根系可视化交互设计对于提高虚拟植物生长研究整体水平意义重大。该文提出一种植物根系逐部位交互式精确设计方法,并在玉米根系建模中予以应用。通过分析玉米根系结构特征并建立其拓扑结构,采用交互式骨架模型确定其整体结构,设计密度函数确定分支数量和分布,利用模板技术衍生相似部位,利用带参数随机L系统产生一级侧根及根毛,对玉米根系各组成部位逐个精确建模,然后拼接形成完整的玉米根系。本系统综合可视化设计多种方法,交互性、真实感都比较好,既可展现玉米根系各组成部分细微特征,又可表现玉米根系整体特征。本系统研究和设计方法具有一定通用性,对其它可用轴线表示其拓扑结构的相似植物可视化建模也有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Studies aiming at quantification of roots growing in soil are often constrained by the lack of suitable methods for continuous, non‐destructive measurements. A system is presented in which maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings were grown in acrylic containers — rhizotrons — in a soil layer 6‐mm thick. These thin‐layer soil rhizotrons facilitate homogeneous soil preparation and non‐destructive observation of root growth. Rhizotrons with plants were placed in a growth chamber on a rack slanted to a 45° angle to promote growth of roots along the transparent acrylic sheet. At 2‐ to 3‐day intervals, rhizotrons were placed on a flatbed scanner to collect digital images from which root length and root diameters were measured using RMS software. Images taken during the course of the experiment were also analyzed with QUACOS software that measures average pixel color values. Color readings obtained were converted to soil water content using images of reference soils of known soil water contents. To verify that roots observed at the surface of the rhizotrons were representative of the total root system in the rhizotrons, they were compared with destructive samples of roots that were carefully washed from soil and analyzed for total root length and root diameter. A significant positive relation was found between visible and washed out roots. However, the influence of soil water content and soil bulk density was reflected on seminal roots rather than first order laterals that are responsible for more than 80 % of the total root length. Changes in soil water content during plant growth could be quantitifed in the range of 0.04 to 0.26 cm3 cm—3 if image areas of 500 x 500 pixel were analyzed and averaged. With spatial resolution of 12 x 12 pixel, however, soil water contents could only be discriminated below 0.09 cm3 cm—3 due to the spatial variation of color readings. Results show that this thin‐layer soil rhizotron system allows researchers to observe and quantify simultaneously the time courses of seedling root development and soil water content without disturbance to the soil or roots.  相似文献   


Root length and root distribution in the soil profile is important in determining the amount of nutrients and water taken up by the plant. Data about year to year variation of corn (Zea mays L.) root growth and its relation to nutrient uptake are limited. An evaluation of the importance of root system size and distribution on P and K uptake and corn yield was made from samples taken annually from a long‐term fertility experiment on Raub silt loam, fine silty, mixed, mesic Aquic Argiudolls. Root density varied with soil depth among years, whereas P and K fertilizer treatment had no measureable influence on total root length. Ear leaf P concentration was highly correlated with the amount of roots in the 0 to 15 cm layer which contained most of the available P. Since P was not appreciably limiting corn yield, no significant relation was found between yield and P content of the ear leaf. Yields on K deficient plots were positively correlated with root density in the topsoil. Correlations of root densities in the deeper soil layers with both yield and ear leaf nutrient concentration became increasingly smaller with depth in the soil profile. The results indicate that root length plus root distribution in the soil may influence year to year variation in yield particularily on soils having low available nutrient levels. This variation in root growth may be responsible for differences among years in the response of crops to applied P and/or K.  相似文献   

在富营养土壤斑块中根增值对玉米养分吸收和生长的贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Root proliferation can be stimulated in a heterogeneous nutrient patch; however, the functions of the root proliferation in the nutrient-rich soil patches are not fully understood. In the present study, a two-year field experiment was conducted to examine the comparative effects of localized application of ammonium and phosphorus (P) at early or late stages on root growth, nutrient uptake, and biomass of maize (Zea mays L.) on a calcareous soil in an intensive farming system. Localized supply of ammonium and P had a more evident effect on shoot and root growth, and especially stimulated fine root development at the early seedling stage, with most of the maize roots being allocated to the nutrient-rich patch in the topsoil. Although localized ammonium and P supply at the late stage also enhanced the fine root growth, the plant roots in the patch accounted for a low proportion of the whole maize roots in the topsoil at the flowering stage. Compared with the early stage, fine root length in the short-lived nutrient patch decreased by 44%-62% and the shoot dry weight was not different between heterogeneous and homogeneous nutrient supply at the late growth stage. Localized supply of ammonium and P significantly increased N and P accumulation by maize at 35 and 47 days after sowing (DAS); however, no significant difference was found among the treatments at 82 DAS and the later growth stages. The increased nutrient uptake and plant growth was related to the higher proportion of root length in the localized nutrient-enriched patch. The results indicated that root proliferation in nutrient patches contributed more to maize growth and nutrient uptake at the early than late stages.  相似文献   

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