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对陕西省关中地区31个不同规模的奶山羊养殖场使用机器挤奶的相关数据及资料进行分析。结果表明,不同奶山羊养殖场规模、挤奶设备、挤奶时间、质检方式和羊奶售价等方面均存在差异;机器挤奶流程、挤奶次数和环境卫生等影响到奶山羊乳房健康和羊奶品质。应加强对养殖场挤奶机器的管理,规范机器挤奶技术流程,提高奶山羊养殖场生产效益。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the association of automatic milking systems milking frequency (≤2.40, 2.41–2.80 and >2.80 times/day) in primiparous and multiparous cows with their daily milk yield and milkability. The analysis included of the milk production level and the interaction between milking frequency per day and daily milk yield. Regardless of the daily production level, most primiparous cows were milked 2.41–2.80 times/day and most multiparous cows >2.80 times/day. Higher daily milk yield and a more favourable effect of increasing milking frequency on this parameter were observed in multiparous cows, with an increase from 29.7?kg (milking frequency ≤2.40 times/day) to 31.1?kg milk (>2.80 times/day). In primiparous cows, this increase was smaller and amounted to 0.8?kg milk (from 29.2 to 30.0?kg).  相似文献   

Recent studies in Japan of the effect of automatic milking systems (AMS) on the behavior of dairy cows have confirmed the labor-saving aspect of AMS, but have not solved some of the problems affecting milking traits. The influence of AMS on milking was examined in 39 Holstein cows at Iwate Agricultural Research Center from June 1998 to December 1999, by measuring and recording the yield per milking, milking finish time, milking frequency, and daily yield of milking. Four milking traits were analyzed separately as the objective variable in a linear model, with parity, days in milking, month after installation of the AMS as independent variables. Primiparous cows milked more frequently in the middle and late stage of lactation, yielded less per milking and less per day in the early stage of lactation than multiparous cows with the AMS. Lower frequencies were observed at noon and midnight for cleaning of the bulk tank. By contrast, higher milking frequency in the forenoon was shown. The yield per milking rose and declined, following a normal lactation curve. However, milking frequency rose slowly, and declined gradually in the late stage of lactation. After installing a one-way gate, the cows milked more frequently, with a lower yield per milking and a greater daily milk yield, than before installation.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to clarify the effect of different milking frequencies under an automatic milking system (AMS) on milk yield, plasma metabolite profiles and mammary arterial‐venous (A‐V) differences of milk precursors by mammary tissues in early lactation cows. Twelve Holstein cows were divided into two and four times milking frequency treatments by AMS after calving to 50 days postpartum. Cows were given a partial mixed ration ad libitum and a concentrate diet at every milking. Dry matter intake increased similarly in both treatments with advancing postpartum days. Milk yield was greater (P < 0.001) by 25% with four times milking, but milk composition was not affected by milking frequency. Body weight change was also not affected by milking frequency. Arterial concentrations of glucose and glutamate were lower (P < 0.05) for four times milking frequency. However, arterial concentration of nonesterified fatty acids did not differ between treatments. Although mammary A‐V differences of plasma concentration for most milk precursors did not differ between treatments, estimated plasma flow was higher (P < 0.05) for four times milking frequency. These results indicate that higher milking frequency may increase mammary uptake of milk precursors, whereas may not affect the extent of fat mobilization of early lactating cows from day 20 postpartum onward.  相似文献   

【目的】 探究荷斯坦牛泌乳速度相关指标的群体规律及非遗传因素对其的影响。【方法】 收集华东地区某规模化牧场8 757头泌乳牛的906 748条挤奶记录,定义了班次产奶量、前两分钟产奶量、挤奶时间、前两分钟产奶量占比、平均流速和最高流速6个泌乳速度指标,并对其进行了描述性统计,计算了各指标间的Pearson相关系数,采用固定模型分析了测定季节、胎次、泌乳阶段、初产月龄和挤奶班次对泌乳速度相关指标的影响。【结果】 6个泌乳速度指标中,除前两分钟产奶量占比之外,班次产奶量、前两分钟产奶量、挤奶时间、平均流速和最高流速均基本呈对称分布,各个指标的变异较大,变异系数在30%左右;各指标两两之间存在极显著相关关系,相关系数在-0.84~0.89之间,泌乳速度与产奶量呈中等或强相关,与挤奶时间呈弱负相关,与前两分钟产奶量占比呈弱正相关。测定季节、胎次、泌乳阶段、初产月龄和挤奶班次对泌乳速度指标均有极显著影响(P<0.01);不同季节中,冬季的班次产奶量和挤奶时间最大,夏季的平均流速最快,而秋季的最高流速最快;不同泌乳阶段中,在第Ⅱ泌乳阶段(45~99 d),奶牛的班次产奶量、挤奶时间、平均流速和最高流速均最大;不同班次中,在夜间班次(00:00—06:00),奶牛的班次产奶量、挤奶时间、平均流速和最高流速均为最大。【结论】 奶牛泌乳速度指标存在较大变异,对季节、胎次等环境和生理因素较为敏感,可为奶牛产奶性能的选育提供信息。  相似文献   

提高原料奶卫生指标的三种方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提高原料奶的卫生指标根源在奶牛场,但大多数奶农并没有意识到奶牛场规范挤奶程序,保护牛舍环境舒适、干净,维护和清洁挤奶设备是生产优质原料奶的关键,是奶牛场中提高牛奶卫生质量的重要途径。  相似文献   

Bovine mastitis is typically caused by microbial infection of the udder, but the factors responsible for this condition are varied. One potential cause is the milking system, and although previous studies have investigated various methods for inspecting these devices, most have not assessed methods for evaluating the milking units. With this in mind, we analyzed the factors that affect the vacuum inside the milking claw by using a simulated milking device and by measuring milking claw vacuum when adjusting the flow rate in five stages. The factors analyzed in each milking system were the vacuum pressure settings (high and low line system) , milk tube length (200‐328 cm), aperture diameter (14‐22.2 mm), constricted aperture diameter (12 mm), tubing configurations, lift formation (0‐80 cm), claw type (bottom and top flow) and use or non‐use of a milk sampler. The study findings demonstrated that all of these variables had a significant impact on claw vacuum and suggest that a diagnostic method using a simulated milking device should be considered when inspecting modern milking systems.  相似文献   

文章介绍了挤奶频率对奶牛泌乳性能、繁殖性能、健康与福利等方面的影响。  相似文献   

Inhalt: Die vorliegende Arbeit befaßt sich mit den Milchinhaltsstoffen von Sauen der Rassen Pietráin (PI) und Deutsches Edelschwein (DE). Die Milchproben wurden an den Laktationstagen 1,2,3,4,5,7,14,21 und 28 mittels einer eigens hierzu komtruierten Melkanlage gewonnen. Über die dabei sezernierten Milchmengen wurde bereits in der ersten Mitteilung berichtet. Der prozentuale Gehalt der verschiedenen Milchinhaltsstoffe variiert vor allem in Abhängigkeit vom Laktationstag, wobei der Übergang von der Kolostral-zur Normalmilch die entscheidendste Rolle spielt. Es konntenkeine auffälligen Rassenunterschiede festgestellt werden. Hingegen treten deutliche Eiflüsse der Rasse, meist signifikant zu Tage, wenn die Gesamtmenge der pro Laktationstag sezernierten Inhaltsstoffe berücksichtigt wird. Sauen der Rasse DE sezernieren pro Laktationstag durchschnittlich 54% mehr Protein und Fett und 81 % mehr an Laktose als die PI-Sauen. Somit steht bei DE 54 bis 91 % mehr an Brutto-energie pro Ferkel zur Verfügung. Diese Diskrepanz tritt ab dem 14. Laktationstag verschärft auf und wird bei der Rasse Pietráin zum begrenzenden Faktor für die Gewichtsenhvicklung der Ferkel in der Säugephase. Contents: Investigations on breed differences in milk yield of swine. II. comittment: milk composition and its relation towards piglet development during suckling period This paper deals with milk contents of pietráin (PI) and German Large White (DE) sows. Milk probes were taken on lactation days 1,2,3, 4, 5, 7, 14, 21 and 28, by a milking machine especially developed therefore. Milkyields are the objective of the first comittment. Percentage yield of the differing milk contents varied mainly due to lactation day caused by the change from colostrum to normal milk. No meaningful differences between the row breeds have been perceived. But they appeare in a clear and significant manner by taking the total quantity tof the milk contents into account. Sows of the breed DE produce on average 54% more of protein anf fat amounts and 81 % of lactose. This leads to a more of 54 to 91 % in brutto energy available for any DE-piglet. This discrepancy gets worse from day 14 of lactation, then representing a limiting factor for the piglets development and litter performance.  相似文献   

Inhalt: Die vorliegende Untersuchung stellt einen Beitrag zur Methodik des maschinellen Milchentzuges beim Schwein dar. Mittels einer eigens hierzu entwickelten Melkmaschine wurde die Milchleistung der in ihren Muttereigenschaften stark differierenden Rassen Pietráin (PI) und Deutsches Edelschwein (DE) ermittelt. Der Milchentzug erfolgte in 2-stündigen Kontrollabschnitten an den Laktationstagen 3, 7,14, 21 und 28. Bei DE kam es während der 4wöchigen Laktationsphase zu einer gleichmäβigen Steigerung der Milch-sekretion von 5,05 1 am 3. Tag auf 12,8 l am Tag 28. Die Sekretionsrate der Rasse PI folgte diesem Verlauf, quantitativ um 2 bis 3 l/d reduziert, bis zu einem Maximum am 14. Laktationstag. Danach sank sie wieder ab. Am Tag 28 betrug der Leistungsunterschied zwischen beiden Rassen über 5 l/Tag. Mit dieser überlegenen Milchsekretionsrate zogen die DE-Sauen 3 Ferkel/Wurf mehr aufals die PI. Auch nach der Standardisierung derFerkelzahl zu Untersuchungsbeginn auf n = 10 blieb die Direrenz zugunsten der Edelschweine signifikant erhalten. Über die Milchinhaltsstoffe und ihre Abhängigkeit von Rasse und Laktationstag sowie ihre Bedeutung für die Lebendmasseentwicklung der Ferkel wird in der II. Mitteilung berichtet. Contents: Investigations on breed differences in milk yield of swine. I. comittment: methodology of mechanical milking and milk yield. This paper deals with the methodology of mechanical milking of sows. By a milking machine, especially developed herefore, milk yields of the breeds Pietrain (PI) and German Large White (DE) which differ a lot in weaning performance, were investigated. Milk was taken in two-hourly control intervalls on the days 3,7,14,21 and 28 of lactation. During this period of 4 weeks, DE showed a continuous increase in milk yield from 5.05 l on day 3 to 12.8 l on day 28. Secretion rate of PI followed parallel with a quantitative decrease of 2 to 3 liters/day, till a maximum was reached on day 14. Then lactation rates decreased. The difference in yield performance between the two breeds was about 5 l on day 28. This superior milk performance of the DE-sows allowed them to wean 3 piglets per litter more than PI. The advantage of DE over PI stays even after standardization of the litter size on n = 10 piglets. Milk composition, its relation towards breed and lactation day and its meaning for the litter performance will be topic of the second comittment.  相似文献   

Two experiments were undertaken to examine the direct and residual responses of late lactation (mean of 232 days calved) autumn calving dairy cows (Experiment 1), and late lactation (mean of 240 days calved) spring calving dairy cows (Experiment 2), to once-daily milking. Experiments 1 and 2 involved 50 and 44 Holstein–Friesian dairy cows respectively. In each of the two experiments, cows were milked either once daily (ODM) or twice daily (TDM), during the late lactation period (mean of 79 and 66 days in Experiments 1 and 2 respectively). Cows in Experiment 1 were managed within a grazing system, and were offered 3.0 kg of concentrate/day, while cows in Experiment 2 were housed, and offered grass silage supplemented with 6.0 kg concentrate/day. Forty-one cows from Experiment 1, and 32 cows from Experiment 2, completed the first eight weeks of the subsequent lactation on a twice-daily milking regime. Food intakes were not measured in Experiment 1, while treatment had no significant effect on dry matter intake in Experiment 2 (P > 0.05). In each of Experiments 1 and 2, total milk output was increased with twice-daily milking (P ≤ 0.05), while milk fat (P ≤ 0.01) and protein (P < 0.001) concentrations increased with once-daily milking. Somatic cell counts were higher with animals milked once daily in Experiment 1 (P < 0.001), while not being significantly affected by milking frequency in Experiment 2 (P > 0.05). Milking frequency had no significant effect on cow live weight or on cow condition score at the point of drying off in either Experiment (P > 0.05). Milking time per cow during morning milking was unaffected by treatment in either experiment, while total daily milking time per cow (morning and evening combined) was significantly longer with the TDM treatment (P < 0.001). In Experiment 1, milk flow rates during the morning milking were higher with animals on the ODM treatment, compared to those on TDM treatment (P < 0.001), while being unaffected by treatment in Experiment 2 (P > 0.05). Neither daily milk yield, milk fat content, milk protein content, or somatic cell count during the subsequent lactation, were affected by previous lactation milking frequency in either of Experiments 1 or 2 (P > 0.05).  相似文献   

[目的]为了掌握德系西门塔牛导入张掖牛的产奶情况。[方法]采用级进杂交模式,开展选种选配和群体选育,通过对西弗F1头胎产奶母牛产奶量的测定。通过试验,[结果]表明,西门塔尔杂交牛305d产奶量比对照组提高了600kg以上。[结论]引进德系西门塔尔开展杂交改良达到提高了我市西杂牛泌乳性能的目标,适合在我市引进开展杂交改良,提高母牛的产乳性。  相似文献   

[目的]分析增加挤奶次数对不同阶段泌乳奶牛产奶量的提升,找出最佳挤奶管理方案,为有效提升牧场效益提供理论依据。[方法]将泌乳牛只随机分为两组,保证不同胎次、不同产犊阶段平均泌乳量相当,分组后两组分别保持3次挤奶和4次挤奶1个月。对牧场不同挤奶次数奶牛泌乳量进行统计汇总整理分析。[结果]增加挤奶次数能有效提高奶牛泌乳量(P<0.05);泌乳量高于45 kg奶牛增加挤奶次数对产奶量的提升,显著高于泌乳量低于45 kg的奶量(P<0.05);增加挤奶次数显著提升头胎牛产量2.33 kg,二胎牛产量2.31 kg,三胎及以上牛奶产量2.78 kg(P<0.05);不同泌乳阶段,增加挤奶次数能有效提高泌乳初期及产奶高峰期的产奶量(P<0.05)。[结论]增加挤奶次数能有效提升奶牛泌乳量,对高产及处于产奶初期及高峰期的奶牛提升效果最佳。  相似文献   

挤奶设备和挤奶厅的卫生对原料乳的质量有着重要的影响。作者介绍了挤奶厅检测的几个关键点:挤奶机奶衬、挤奶机真空压水平、挤奶机滤膜、挤奶机脉动管和脉动器及挤奶后挤奶机的洁净度;挤奶厅的卫生及挤奶操作和储奶管的清洗。通过加强挤奶厅关键点的检测从而保证原料乳质量。  相似文献   

The aim of the present research was to develop a fuzzy logic model for classification and control of mastitis for cows milked in an automatic milking system. Recording of data was performed on the University of Kiel's experimental dairy farm “Karkendamm”. A data set of 403,537 milkings from 478 cows was used. Mastitis was determined according to three different definitions: udder treatments (1), udder treatment or somatic cell counts (SCC) over 100,000/ml (2) and udder treatment or SCC over 400,000/ml (3). Mastitis alerts were generated by a fuzzy logic model using electrical conductivity, milk production rate and milk flow rate as input data. To develop and verify the model, the data set was randomly divided into training data (284,669 milkings from 319 cows) and test data (135,414 milkings from 159 cows). The evaluation of the model was carried out according to sensitivity, specificity and error rate. If the block-sensitivity was set to be at least 80%, the specificities ranged between 93.9% and 75.8% and the error rate varied between 95.5% and 41.9% depending on mastitis definition. Additionally, the average number of true positive cows per day ranged from 0.1 to 7.2, and the average number of false negative positive cows per day ranged from 2.4 to 5.2 in an average herd size for the test data of 39.7 cows/day. The results of the test data verified those of the training data, indicating that the model could be generalized.

Fuzzy logic is a useful tool to develop a detection model for mastitis. A noticeable decrease in the error rate can be made possible by means of more informative parameters.  相似文献   

[目的]本试验主要研究菠萝皮对泌乳牛的催奶效果。[方法]挑选30头健康的荷斯坦泌乳奶牛,随机分为2组,分别为试验组和对照组,每组15头,试验期间,定期记录试验牛的日产奶量,观察膘情和其他相关体征。[结果]显示:试验期间试验组牛的日均产奶量是16.49kg,比对照组牛的15.88kg提高了0.61kg,可创造1.496元...  相似文献   

Commercial dairy cows milked in a parlor system are packed close together in the holding area before milking. The present study examined the relationships of ‘looking up’ behavior with some other behaviors and the productivity of 1116–1153 cows from five farms. The individual identities of the cows looking up in the holding area were recorded at 5 min intervals during six intermittent afternoon milking sessions. Entrance into the milking parlor and the numbers of steps and kicks by cows while the milking person was attaching the milking cups, were recorded in six milking sessions. Flight responses in the pasture after milking were recorded over four days intermittently. The frequency of ‘looking up’ behavior weakly, but significantly correlated with flight starting distance (r = 0.10, P < 0.05), while the correlation with the number of step‐kicks during milking was not significant. As for productivity, lactation number (r = ?0.18, P < 0.001), milk yield (r = ?0.15, P < 0.001) and fat content (r = ?0.15, P < 0.001) were negatively correlated with the frequency of ‘looking up’ behavior. Age of cows was correlated with the frequency of ‘looking up’ behavior as well as lactation number (r = ?0.21, P < 0.001). Entrance order was positively correlated with the frequency of ‘looking up’ behavior (r = 0.15, P < 0.001). The ‘looking up’ behavior was observed more frequently in cows in their third or less lactation compared with cows which were in their fourth or greater lactation (P < 0.05). The lactation number of cows was correlated with their milk yield (r = 0.36, P < 0.001) and flight starting distance (r = ?0.21, P < 0.001). In conclusion, ‘looking up’ behavior shown by cows in the holding area before milking might be an indicator of low motivation for milking, mainly because of fear of humans, and an aversion to milking caused by insufficient experience in being milked.  相似文献   

The applicability of three behavioral assessments of lactating cows as management traits was verified. Flight responses to an approaching human (flight starting and walking distances, and flight walking speed) at pasture, entrance order into the milking parlour and step‐kick behavior to cup attachment were observed for 713 subject cows in six Australasian dairy farms. On all farms, cows were kept at pasture without any barn housing. Flight responses were measured once, and other assessments were recorded repeatedly for each subject cow. A principal component analysis was performed to verify whether these assessments appear to measure the same trait. A two‐way anova and correlation analyses were then used to test whether obtained principal components were affected by farm, age and milking stage of cows. Australian and some Japanese herd management systems were compared for flight distance using a one‐way anova and a multiple comparison test. Three behavioral assessments clustered in different principal components, indicating that these assessments did not appear to measure the same trait. Factor scores of four principal components were affected by farm (all, P < 0.01), and the scores of principal component 1, interpreted as fear of humans (r = ?0.16, P < 0.01), and component 2, interpreted as aversion to cup attachment (r = ?0.28, P < 0.01), were moderately correlated with age. These results emphasize the necessity of data standardization to reduce the non‐genetic variation resulting from these two affectors. The flight distance at pasture of herds in Australia (6.06 ± 2.85 m) was significantly (P < 0.05) different from the flight distances measured in paddocks (1.50 ± 0.82 m) and free‐stall barns (1.22 ± 1.09 m) in Japan. However, mean distances were not different between the Australian herds at pasture and the Japanese herds at pasture in tie‐stall barns (3.96 ± 2.16 m) or in a free‐stall barn (4.03 ± 1.79 m). This difference could be a result of the fact that only a single measurement was made, so that repeated measurement might improve the usefulness of flight distance as a management trait. In conclusion, it was verified that step‐kick behavior to cup attachment and flight responses to human approach were, although they have some affectors, applicable as objective management traits in lactating cows.  相似文献   

We examined the walking parameters of milking cows in relation to hoof trimming. The hooves of eight Holstein cows were trimmed. Two days before and after the hoof trimming, walking behavior, limb angles, back posture and vertical movement of the back while walking were measured. Walking rate (1.27 vs 0.87 m/s; P = 0.003), step length (1.46 vs 1.33 m; P = 0.009) and stepping rate (0.78 vs 0.65 steps/s; P = 0.046) were found to increase significantly after hoof trimming. Limb angles at the start and end of the support phase changed significantly after hoof trimming, thus indicating an improvement in the ‘on tiptoe’ appearance. The parameters relating to backline indicated that the marked arched shape of the back diminished after hoof trimming. Before hoof trimming, the positions of the withers varied widely and irregularly while walking; however, it changed after hoof trimming as the sinusoid curve and the range of vertical movement of withers decreased significantly. Overall, it has been quantitatively indicated that walking characteristics are improved after hoof trimming. The parameters used in the present study are expected to be useful for monitoring the walking characteristics of cows.  相似文献   

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