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Cattle are normally stunned electrically by three sequential cycles, first a three-second head-only cycle, to stun the animal, secondly a 15-second cardiac cycle, to induce ventricular fibrillation (cardiac arrest), and thirdly a four-second discharge cycle, to reduce convulsions after death. An effective and immediate stun was produced when > or =1.15 amps sinusoidal AC at 50 Hz was applied between the nose and neck electrodes for less than one second. However, when applied for three seconds, head-only currents of >0.46 amp sinusoidal AC at 50 Hz were sufficient to induce epileptiform activity in the brain, identified as high amplitude low frequency activity in the electroencephalogram. The induction of effective head-only electrical stunning resulted in an average interval of 50 seconds before the return of rhythmic breathing movements, and positive corneal and palpebral reflexes. The cardiac arrest cycle successfully induced ventricular fibrillation when >1.51 amps sinusoidal AC at 50 Hz was applied for five seconds between the nose and brisket electrodes.  相似文献   

Brain function was examined in adult cattle after conventional captive bolt stunning or shechita slaughter, using eight animals in each treatment. The times to loss of evoked responses (visual and somatosensory) and spontaneous activity in the electro-corticogram were used to determine the onset of brain failure. Captive bolt stunning followed by sticking one minute later resulted in immediate and irreversible loss of evoked responses after the stun. Spontaneous cortical activity was lost before sticking in three animals, and in an average of 10 seconds after sticking in the remaining five animals. The duration of brain function after shechita was very variable, and particularly contrasted with captive bolt stunning with respect to the effects on evoked responses. These were lost between 20 and 126 seconds (means of 77 seconds for somatosensory and 55 seconds for visual evoked responses) and spontaneous activity was lost between 19 and 113 seconds (mean 75 seconds) after slaughter.  相似文献   

Ever since the middle of the nineteen-eighties electrical stunning of cattle is used in industrial slaughter plants in New Zealand. Today electrical stun boxes operate in export slaughter plants throughout New Zealand. The reversible stun is utilised on the vast majority of slaughtered cattle. The electrical stunning (head only) immediately followed by bleeding is an alternative to ritual slaughter without prior stunning. Throughout the world's islamic community this alternative is widely accepted as Halal.  相似文献   

Electrocardiograms (ECG's) were made from cattle and pigs after slaughter using only the left arm and right arm recording electrodes of a portable electrocardiogram with 12 recording electrodes. Functional heart activity was demonstrated in cattle after stunning with a captive bolt, nonpenetrative percussive methods and a head-only electrical technique. Recordings compatible with ventricular fibrillation were made in the majority of cattle and pigs subjected to a head-to-chest form of electrical stunning. In cases where the placement of stunning electrodes was defective, functional cardiac activity could be detected. Movement artefact on the ECG trace associated with epileptiform seizures following head-only electrical stunning was a technical problem. This was reduced by restunning the animal with a captive bolt before taking an ECG. The examination of ECG's made subsequent to slaughter could form an important component of the quality control of Halal slaughter or a slaughter process using the head-to-body electrical stunning techniques. Adoption of this would be facilitated by the development of a more simple and less sensitive electrocardiograph than that used in the present investigation.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial drug residue testing was performed on milk samples obtained from 8 cows with experimental endotoxin-induced mastitis, using 4 commercially available assay kits. Although none of the cows in the study received antimicrobials, only 1 of the 4 assay procedures, assay C, had consistently negative results (specificity = 1.00). The proportion of positive assay results varied from 0 to 1.00 among combinations of sampling time, sample status (endotoxin-infused quarter vs composite noninfused sample). The proportion of positive results found when assay C was used (0) differed significantly from the proportion found when the 3 other assays were used. The proportion of positive results did not differ significantly between assay A (0.45) and assay B (0.48); however, both assays had a significantly lower proportion of positive assays than did assay D (0.86). Logistic regression models were developed predicting positive milk antimicrobial drug residue assay results as a function of assay kit, sample status, and time interval following experimental challenge exposure. Using assay A as a baseline risk, assay B and assay D were more likely to have positive assay results, and assay C had a decreased risk of positive assay results. Milk samples from endotoxin-infused quarters were at increased risk for positive assay results, compared with noninfused composite samples. Samples collected from endotoxin-infused quarters or control quarters were at increased risk for positive assay results following the intramammary infusion of endotoxin. Our findings suggest that specificity of milk antimicrobial drug residue assays varies greatly among assay kits and that intramammary inflammation may increase the proportion of false-positive assay results.  相似文献   

In a first trial the cortical activity of cattle and sheep was tested using only an electrocorticogram (ECoG). The results showed a shorter phase after sticking or the ritual slaughter cut respectively, until the ECoG disappears in stunned animals. However, considering the time between stunning and the cervical state, the interval until disappearance of the ECoG was prolonged in the stunned animals. The observed time differences, however, are only a tendency and not statistically confirmed. Insofar, concerning animal protection, the different slaughter methods could be regarded equivalent. A second trial was designed in a manner to allow a more exact interpretation of the ECoGs and was completed by measuring visually and somatosensorically evoked potentials. Additionally, in contrast to the first trial, only adult cattle were used here. The results revealed shorter intervals until disappearance of cortical activities when using captive-bolt stunning. Also the variance was much lower in this trial than after ritual slaughter. The mean of the time differences was relatively low (5.5 seconds). It was especially remarkable that after captivebolt stunning absolutely no evoked potentials could be registrated, whereas these potentials lasted for 77 seconds (somatosensorically evoked potentials) and 55 seconds respectively (visually evoked potentials) after the ritual slaughter cut. Thus, after ritual slaughter a nervous conduction was measured up to 126 seconds in the extreme cases. However, from the results obtained it can not be concluded whether or not pain sensitivity occurred in the animals.  相似文献   

The study gives a short survey of the literature of frequently observed congenital anomalies in cattle and refers to data on cases of congenital anomalies registered in a veterinary practice over a period of 8 years and in an AI (artificial insemination) station of the Rinder-Union West (RUW) during 4 years. The frequency of congenital anomalies was estimated at 0.013% in the area of the RUW. In the veterinary practice a frequency of 0.51% was found. The most prevalent anomalies were seen in legs (39% in the veterinary practice and 21% in RUW) followed by congenital anomalies of the spine (9% in the veterinary practice and 17% in RUW). Arthrogryposes were most frequent among the anomalies of the legs with 65% (veterinary practice) and 39% (RUW), respectively, of all cases of registered leg anomalies in the respective area. Umbilical hernia and atresia of segments of the intestinum were seen in 8-30% of all registered cases. The frequency of congenital anomalies differed not significantly among paternal half sib groups. A questionnaire was proposed for the registration of congenital anomalies in progeny tests of AI bulls. A series of photographs showing the most prevalent congenital anomalies is supporting the registration form.  相似文献   

A complete search of the literature concerning Lyme borreliosis as it relates to horses and cattle was done. The epidemiology, pathogenesis, immunological response to the disease, diagnosis and treatment are discussed. A review of clinical cases in horses and cattle is presented. Clinical signs of Lyme borreliosis in horses include: chronic weight loss, sporadic lameness, laminitis, low grade fever, swollen joints, muscle tenderness, and anterior uveitis. In addition to those clinical signs, neurological signs such as depression, behavioral changes, dysphagia, head tilt and encephalitis can be seen in chronic cases. Borreliosis occurs in cattle, usually as a herd problem. In acute Lyme borreliosis, cattle often will show a fever, stiffness, swollen joints, and decreased milk production. Chronic weight loss, laminitis and abortion are also possible outcomes of borreliosis in cattle. Diagnosis of clinical Lyme borreliosis is difficult and depends upon recognition of clinical signs, a history of possible exposure, and identification of the spirochete in the affected animal. Since the spirochete is very difficult to culture, confirmation of B. burgdorferi infection often relies on serologic testing. Subclinical seropositive animals do occur, thus confusing the diagnosis. An approach to treatment of cattle and horses with Lyme borreliosis is outlined.  相似文献   

The difference in the frequency of the occurrence of reflexes/reactions in 355 cows (average weight 505.5 ± 7.9 kg) and 262 bulls (average weight 735.6 ± 8.4 kg) following stunning with a Matador SS 3,000 B trigger‐activated captive bolt gun (Termet) was determined. The stun shot more than 2 cm from the ideal position was found in 79.6% of animals. Vocalization, corneal reflex, rhythmic breathing, blinking, eyeball rotation and the absence of tongue protrusion occurred more frequently in bulls (p < .05). Spontaneous limb movements and nystagmus occurred more frequently in cows (p < .05). No difference between bulls and cows was determined in the occurrence of a response to painful stimuli or attempts to regain normal posture. No dependency was determined between the frequency of the occurrence of a reflex/reaction and the distance of the stun shot from the ideal point on the skull for any of the monitored signs. This study shows that the occurrence of reflexes/reactions following the stunning of cattle with a captive bolt is not only dependent on the position of the shot if placed within a 9 cm radius from the ideal point on the cattle skull.  相似文献   

Sir;- In New Zealand, calves are often electrically stunned before slaughter. However, electrical stunning is not usually used for adult cattle, primarily because the large size of the adult animal makes restraint more difficult, resulting in less reproducible stunning, with potential danger to personnel from animal movement. In addition, the slaughter of cattle may be inhumane if the stunning process does not ensure immediate and permanent insensibility (Newhook and Blackmore 1982b). The use and humaneness of electrical stunning of sheep and cattle have been the subject of our recent research, in which we have addressed and resolved many of these problems. We wish to relate our observations in the context of head-only electrical stunning of cattle followed by electro-immobilization to maintain insensibility and ensure carcass stillness.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate efficacy of penetrating captive bolt stunning of cattle in commercial beef slaughter plants and identify potential causes of a return to sensibility among stunned cattle. DESIGN: Observational study. SAMPLE POPULATION: 21 federally inspected commercial beef slaughter plants. PROCEDURE: In each plant, stunning of at least 100 cattle (19 large plants) or a minimum of 1 hour of production (2 small plants) was observed, and cattle were evaluated for signs of returning to sensibility on the bleed rail. Cattle with a limp, flaccid head, a lack of spontaneous blinking, and an absence of a righting reflex were considered insensible. RESULTS: In 17 of the 21 (81%) plants, all cattle were rendered insensible before they were hoisted onto the bleed rail. The remaining 4 plants had cattle that had signs of returning to sensibility; these cattle were restunned prior to skinning or leg removal. Of 1,826 fed steers and heifers, 3 (0.16%) had signs of returning to sensibility, whereas 8 of 692 (1.2%) bulls and cows did. Return-to-sensibility problems were attributed to storage of stunner cartridges in damp locations, poor maintenance of firing pins, inexperience of the stunner operator (ie, shooting cattle too high on the forehead), misfiring of the stunner because of a dirty trigger, and stunning of cattle with thick, heavy skulls. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that efficiency of captive bolt stunning of cattle in commercial slaughter plants can be safely and objectively assessed. Care should be taken to maintain stunners correctly, particularly when stunning bulls and cows with heavy skulls.  相似文献   

Severe pathological changes were observed in the adrenal and thyroid glands of Zebu (Bos indicus) heifers infected with Trypanosoma congolense. In the adrenal glands, severe inflammatory changes characterised by mononuclear cellular infiltration in the subcapsular areas, zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata and zona reticularis were observed. In addition, there were hyperaemia, haemorrhage and hyperplasia resulting in increased adrenal weight in the two heifers slaughtered on Days 50 and 70 post-infection (p.i.). In the medullary areas of these two heifers, there was only mononuclear cellular infiltration. In the two heifers slaughtered on Day 113, localised mononuclear cellular infiltration was observed in addition to cortical cell depletion and fibrosis, resulting in reduced adrenal weight when compared with the controls. In the thyroid glands of the infected heifers, gross enlargement of the follicles filled with pale staining colloids were observed in association with squamous metaplasia of the follicular epithelium and fibroplasia. Serum cortisol concentrations showed an appreciable but non-significant increase (P less than 0.05) between Weeks 2 and 6 p.i. in the infected heifers (5.6 +/- 0.86 ng ml-1 vs. 4.4 +/- 0.34 ng ml-1) when compared with the uninfected controls or the pre-infection level. Thereafter, cortisol levels declined though non-significantly throughout the rest of the study. However, there was a steady increase towards normal levels from Week 12 p.i. until the end of the experiment. Changes in the basal serum concentrations of thyroxine (T4) were also measured weekly. There was a progressive decrease in the levels of T4 from the third until the 11th week p.i., when the decrease became significant (P less than 0.05) and remained so until the 16th week when the experiment ended.  相似文献   

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