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Three groups of captive-reared striped bass Morone saxatilis ages 1, 3 and 12 yr, were examined for age-related changes of sperm characteristics including short-term storage. All groups had similar ranges of the following parameters (mean× SEM): expressible milt (5.6× 0.5 mI/kg body weight (BW) to 7.5× 2.1 mL/kg BW), percentage of motile sperm (55× 6% to 60× 2%), duration of sperm motility (69× 3 sec to 72× 5 sec) and percentage of viable sperm (91× 2% to 93× 2%). Compared to the 1 and 12-yr-old fish, the 3-yr-old fish produced the greatest number of spermatozoa (1,190× 370× 109 spermatozoa/kg), sperm concentration (120× 8 × 109 spermatozoa/mL) and spermatocrit (74× 4%). In addition, during short-term storage at 4 C, extender-preserved sperm samples of the 3-yr-old group showed a significantly higher ( P < 0.05) percentage of motile sperm and duration of sperm motility, compared to the other two groups. This suggests that short-term storage may be affected by the age of the male fish. Sperm longevity of the 3-yr-old group was successfully maintained for as long as 15 d, longer than that of the 1-yr-old group (9 d) and 12-yr-old group (7 d). Overall, the 3-yr-old fish appeared to have superior sperm quality than the 1 or 12-yr-old fish based on higher sperm production and increased sperm longevity.  相似文献   

美国条纹鲈,学名海鲈(Morone saxatilis).又名美洲狼鲈、条鲈、线鲈、淡水石斑等,隶属于鲈形目,鳍鲈科,狼鲈亚科,是一种溯河性鱼类,为美国的传统养殖鱼类。该鱼生长速度快,对环境的适应性强,尤其是对盐度及水温的适应范围广,适合于在淡水及咸淡水水体中养殖。其肉质细嫩鲜美,营养丰富,可与我国名贵的鳜鱼相媲美。美国  相似文献   

Abstract.— Two experiments were designed to improve upon existing methods for cryopreserving striped bass Morone saxatilis , semen. In the first experiment, two extenders, two cryoprotectant concentrations, and two freezing rates were evaluated on the basis of post-thaw semen motility after 1, 7, and 30 d of storage at −196 C. Semen samples cryopreserved at a freezing rate of −40 C/m resulted in a significantly higher percentage of motile sperm ( P < 0.001) and longer duration of spermatozoa motility ( P < 0.001) than samples cryopreserved at a freezing rate of -30 Chin. Also, the cryoprotectant dimethyl-sulfoxide yielded a significantly higher percentage of motile sperm ( P < 0.001) and longer duration of spermatozoa motility ( P < 0.001) when a 5% concentration was used instead of 7.5%. In the second experiment, the two extenders from Experiment I were re-evaluated and a new extender, which was a modified version of Extender 1, was tested. The samples were cryopreserved at -40 C/min with 5% DMSO and thawed in a 25 C water bath. Spermatozoa motility and fertilization ability were evaluated, and semen cryopreserved in Extender 2 yielded the longest duration of spermatozoa motility ( P < 0.001). the highest percentage of motile sperm ( P < 0.001). and the highest percentage of fertilized eggs ( P < 0.002) in comparison to Extenders I and 3.  相似文献   

Three experiments were performed in single-pass, flow-through systems to determine the dietary phosphorus requirement of striped bass Morone saxatilis. In Experiment 1, three semi-purified diets were formulated to contain 0.20, 0.40, or 0.60% total phosphorus (entirely from animal protein) and were fed to striped bass having an average initial weight of 321 g. After 14 wk of feeding, significant differences in bone and scale mineralization were found among treatment groups. At a level of 0.40% dietary phosphorus there was a significant improvement of serum calcium (Ca) and tissue mineralization. In Experiment 2, five diets were formulated with graded levels of monopotassium phosphate to yield total phosphorus levels of 0.15 (no P supplementation), 0.35, 0.55, 0.75, and 0.95% and fed to juvenile striped bass initially weighing an average of 7.9 g. After 6 wk, significant improvement in scale and vertebral mineralization occurred when fish were fed diets containing at least 0.55% phosphorus. Improvements were observed in growth, serum phosphorus, incidence of scoliosis, survival, and feed efficiency when the diet contained at least 0.35% P. In Experiment 3, the dietary phosphorus levels fed were 0.30, 0.38, 0.46, 0.54, and 0.62% total phosphorus using graded levels of monopotassium phosphate. Diets were fed to striped bass fingerlings initially weighing an average of 48 g. After 10 wk, significant improvement in scale, vertebral, and dorsal fin mineralization was observed when dietary phosphorus was at least 0.46%. A summary of the broken-line regression analyses of the data from these experiments indicated that the average total dietary phosphorus level required for optimal growth and mineralization of striped bass was 0.58%.  相似文献   

A 10-wk feeding trial was conducted to quantify the dietary threonine requirement of juvenile striped bass Morone saxatilis . The basal diet was analyzed to contain 42% crude protein with a calculated digestible energy (DE) level of 3,200 kcal/kg. L-threonine was added to the basal diet to yield five dietary treatments of 0.61, 0.81, 1.00, 1.18, and 1.40% available threonine on a dry-matter basis. Weight gain, specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and apparent nitrogen utilization (ANU) were significantly ( P < 0.05) affected by dietary threonine concentrations. Least-squares regression analysis of weight gain, SGR, FCR, and ANU indicated dietary threonine requirements (±SE) of 1.00 ± 0.19, 0.91 ± 0.11, 1.06 ± 0.09 and 1.13 ± 0.22% of dry diet, respectively. From these results, the average recommended dietary threonine requirement of juvenile striped bass is 1.03% of dry diet, 2.45% of dietary protein or 3.22 mg/kcal DE.  相似文献   

The polyunsaturated fatty acids of the n-3 family associated with fish and fish oils have been shown to have beneficial effects on prevention of heart disease in humans. However, in considering the potential health benefits of fish oil in human health, it is important to realize that the fatty acid composition and total lipid content of fish vary greatly. These variations may be due to species differences or variations within a species due to temperature, diet, developmental stage, sex or seasonal differences. The purpose of the study described here was to determine the effects of season, size class, and sex on the Occurrence of individual fatty acids in striped bass (Morone saxrrtilis). Fish were collected in June, July, August, September, and October. Filets with skin were analyzed for total lipid content. Methyl esters of fatty acids were separated and identified using capillary gas chromatography. Total mean lipid varied from as low as 12% to as high as 30%. There were no significant changes in total crude lipid content due to month collected or sex. However, total lipid content of filets increased significantly (P ≤ 0.05) as size increased. The fatty acids 18:1n–9 and 16:0 made up the majority (62%) of the fatty acids present in any season, size class, or sex. The monounsaturated fatty acids dominated in all fish. There were no significant differences in individual fatty acids due to sex. However, fish size had a significant influence on fatty acid composition. Overall, saturated fatty acids decreased as size increased, while polyunsaturated fatty acids increased or remained constant. There were no significant changes in mean percent saturated or monounsaturated fatty acids with respect to month when controlling for size. However, total percent polyunsaturated fatty acids decreased significantly in October compared to August and September. This overall decrease was due mainly to a decrease in 22:6n–3. Conversely there was a significant increase in 16:11n–9 in October. All other fatty acids remained constant. When data from this study were compared to fatty acid data from the literature, striped bass was not as good a source of 20:5n–3 and 22:61n–3 as sardines, anchovies or mackerel.  相似文献   

Four experiments were designed to evaluate the effects of osmolality, cryoprotectant, and equilibration time on striped bass sperm motility. In the first experiment, solutions of NaCI or KCI with osmolalities ranging from 0 to 700 mmol/kg were tested on sperm activation. Over 60% of the sperm were activated by isotonic NaCI and KCI solutions with a treatment osmolality of 350 mmol/kg. Sperm remained motile until osmolality increased to 600 mmol/ kg. In the second and third experiments, Extenders 1, 2 and 3 with osmolalities of 350, 500, and 600 mmol/kg, respectively, were tested. Sperm samples stored in Extender 2 showed significantly higher ( P 0.01) sperm motility after 10 min of exposure as well as greater ( P < 0.01) post-thaw motility when compared to samples stored in Extenders 1 and 3. In the fourth experiment, two trials were carried out to evaluate the effects of cryoprotectant and equilibration time. In the first trial, methanol with a concentration of 5% and 10% yielded the highest ( P < 0.05) sperm motility prior to freezing at all equilibration times examined. However, 5% DMSO yielded the highest ( P < 0.01) post-thaw motility (38 ± 3.6%). DMSO with concentrations of 10% and 15% resulted in 17 ± 2.3% and 6 ± 1.0% post-thaw motility, respectively. Both methanol and DMA, at all concentrations tested, resulted in less than 10% post-thaw motility. In the second trial, four DMSO concentrations with three different equilibration times were examined. We observed a significant ( P < 0.001) interaction effect between DMSO concentration and equilibration time. Post-thaw motility was significantly greater ( P < 0.01) with a concentration of 5% DMSO at all equilibration times examined, compared to 1.25, 2.5, and 10% DMSO. An average post-thaw motility of 40 ± 2.9% was achieved after 10 min equilibration using 5% DMSO.  相似文献   

根据对引进的美国杂交条纹鲈的生长发育需求及生理生态要求和食性,应用我国池塘精养技术,肥水培育苗种,进行调控水质,培养天然饵料,精心投喂,科学管理,经1年饲养管理,共出塘鱼种26000余尾,平均全长达14.0cm,平均尾重31.9g,成活率达22.7%。得出初步的苗种培育技术。  相似文献   

条纹狼鲈(Morone saxatilis),又名条纹石鮨、条纹鲈、线鲈、淡水石斑等,隶属于鲈形目、鲈科、狼鲈亚科,是一种溯河性鱼类。条纹狼鲈是美国的一种传统养殖鱼类,生长速度快,对环境适应性强,尤其对盐度及水温的适应范围广,适宜在淡水及咸淡水中饲养。山东省东营市渔业技术推广站自2001年6月30日开始试验,利用室内对虾育苗池饲养条纹狼鲈,并获得成功。现将试验情况报告如下:  相似文献   

Data on production of fingerling striped bass, Morone saxatilis, in 103 ponds at 17 hatcheries in 1988 were related to information on management practices and water qualities. Production was highly variable, with a median of 50,000/ha. No survival was evident in 12% of ponds; numbers harvested exceeded 250,000/ ha in 5% of ponds. Best survival resulted when larvae were stocked within 2 days after pond filling was started and at hatcheries with relatively low application rates of fertilizers during the prestocking interval. No survival was evident in ponds with pH >9.0 in the week after stocking. High pH's and probably toxic concentrations of un-ionized ammonia were related to water being in ponds for too long prior to stocking and to high applications of fertilizers. Examination of samples of larvae collected at stocking and the week after stocking documented a problem with swim bladder inflation. When larvae were stocked at D5 or D6 (Dl is day of hatch), inflation success averaged 91%: when stocked at ≥D7. inflation success averaged 60%. Measures proposed to improve production include: (1) Stock larvae prior to the critical period of swim bladder inflation(D4-D5). (2) Start filling ponds as close to stocking as is feasible (filling can be completed after stocking). (3) If the concentration of available nitrogen is low, apply no more than 300 µg/L of nitrogen in the prestocking interval. (4) Add phosphorus as needed, but avoid pH>8.5 until larvae are D14.  相似文献   

Four dietary protein sources were bio-assayed for amino acid availability, as estimated by true digestibility, when fed to striped bass Morone saxatilis . Diets were formulated to contain either herring fish meal, soybean meal, corn gluten meal or peanut meal as the sole source of dietary protein. A fifth diet, containing no protein, was fed to estimate the level of endogenous amino acids for calculation of true digestibility. The five dietary treatments were randomly assigned to ten tanks of striped bass having an average weight of 150 g per fish. All fish received the assigned diet fed at a rate 1.5% of the biomass per day for a period of 10 d. Fecal samples were collected from anesthetized fish by gentle, manual stripping of the lower digestive tract. Diets and feces were analyzed for dry matter, chromium, nitrogen and amino acid concentrations. There were no statistical differences (P > 0.05) among the protein sources for apparent dry matter digestibility or availability of arginine, threonine, valine and nonessential amino acids with the exception of cysteine. Corn gluten meal had a significantly lower availability coefficient for lysine, and peanut meal had significantly lower availability coefficients for histidine, isoleucine, leucine, and lysine when compared to herring fish meal and soybean meal. Statistically there were no differences between soybean meal and herring fish meal for any nutrient tested. These data suggest that in terms of amino acid availability and overall protein quality, soybean meal could be used to spare herring fish meal in striped bass diets, with corn gluten meal being equally as useful when supplemented with lysine or complemented with other proteins.  相似文献   

Mature striped bass ( Morone saxatilis ) were collected from the spawning reaches of the Choptank River, Maryland for the purpose of evaluating stress effects associated with capture. Two commonly used capture devices were evaluated—gillnetting and electrofishing. Results indicated that stress, as measured by changes in plasma corticosteroid and chloride concentrations, was significantly lower and recovery time quicker in those fish captured by electrofishing compared to gillnetting. By the end of the study period (48 h), those fish captured by electrofishing had recovered from the initial capture shock as evidenced by corticosteroid levels returning to near baseline levels. Conversely, at 48 h post-capture, those fish captured by gillnetting exhibited severe hypochloremia and elevated corticosteroid levels approaching that of the initial stress associated with capture.  相似文献   

Compensatory growth (CG) or “catch‐up growth” is a period of super‐accelerated growth following a period of suboptimal conditions (i.e., lack of prey availability or overwintering). Little is known about the CG response in pond‐raised fish and whether hybrid striped bass (HSB), Morone chrysops × Morone saxatilis, might exhibit the rapid growth states or improvements in other production characteristics that may accompany the response. To evaluate the potential for CG in HSB culture, a 16‐wk growth trial in twelve 0.1‐ha earthen ponds was conducted. Approximately 2850 fish (mean weight ± SD = 3.2 g ± 1.1) were stocked into ponds and subjected to one of four cyclic feeding regimens. Treatment regimens included a control (0 wk, fed twice daily to apparent satiation) and cycles of 1, 2, or 4 wk of feed deprivation, followed by 1, 2, or 4 wk of feeding to apparent satiation. Fish in the 4‐wk feeding regimen were offered feed twice during the feed‐deprivation period (once every other week). Growth, specific growth rate (SGR), hepatosomatic index (HSI), intraperitoneal fat ratio, and condition factor (CF) were measured every other week, while overall growth, feed efficiency (FE) (FE = [weight gain/feed fed] × 100), and survival were calculated at the trial termination. The effect of these feeding regimens on water quality was examined by monitoring pH, turbidity, total ammonia nitrogen, nitrite–nitrogen, nitrate–nitrogen, soluble reactive phosphorus, and chlorophyll a weekly; total nitrogen and phosphorous biweekly; and dissolved oxygen and temperature twice daily. Cyclic feeding elicited CG; fish subjected to the 2‐wk regimen had a significantly higher SGR than 0‐wk controls during all but the final refeeding period. FE was higher for all fish in the cyclic regimens, although only FE for fish in the 2‐wk regimen was statistically greater (40%) than the controls. HSI was the most responsive measure and significantly decreased in the 2‐ and 4‐wk treatments during feed‐deprivation period and overcompensated during the refeeding period. CF also varied with feeding cycle and proved to be an effective nonlethal measure of predicting a CG response. No statistical differences in water quality parameters were observed. These data suggest that CG can be effectively induced in pond‐raised HSB and that the increase in FE warrants further research for practical application. Future pond studies with fingerling HSB fish should be conducted with emphasis on feed‐deprivation periods of 2 wk and refeeding periods of at least twice that of the feed‐deprivation period.  相似文献   

Abstract— Grow-out performance of striped bass Morone saxatilis , palmetto bass ( M. saxatilis ♀ × M. chrysops ♂ ) and backcross hybrids [sunshine bass ♀( M. chtysops ♀ × M. saxatilis ♂) × M. saxatilis ♂] was examined in a two-part study. During part I fish (mean weight = 20.1 g) were stocked at a density of 56 fish/m3 in 1.8-m3 cylindrical fiberglass tanks connected to a central biological filter. Fish were fed a 38% protein trout ration daily and the study duration was 273 d. At harvest, no differences ( P > 0.05) in mean weight or feed conversion were detected among the fish types. However, there were differences in specific growth, with the striped bass having a significantly higher growth rate than the palmetto bass and the backcross hybrids being intermediate. The condition factor (K) for striped bass was also significantly lower (1.2) than that recorded for either of the other two groups. In addition, survival of striped bass (91%) was significantly higher than that of backcross hybrids (74%), while survival of palmetto bass (87%) was intermediate. The survival of backcross hybrids was adversely impacted by an infestation of the dinoflagellate Amyloodinium sp . During part II stocking density in each tank was reduced to 19 fish/m3. The study lasted 104 d. At harvest, no differences were detected in weight, survival, or feed conversion. However, there were significant differences in specific growth, length and K. Striped bass and backcross hybrids gained weight faster than palmetto bass. Length and K were inversely related with all groups being significantly different. Striped bass had the largest TL and the lowest K while, palmetto bass were the shortest with the highest K.  相似文献   

条纹石鮨摄食强度与代谢及能量收支间的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设日摄食率为0.4%、1.5%、4.0%三种水平,分别测定条纹石鱼旨Moronesaxatilis幼鱼的代谢及能量的收支情况。处于饱食(日摄食率4.0%)及维持状态(日摄食率1.5%)下,该鱼代谢率增加的峰值分别于摄食后3h及7h内出现,为静止时代谢水平的2.10倍和2.46倍,SDA(特殊动力作用)持续时间均为21h,SDA总耗能量分别占摄入能的13%和35.8%。条纹石鱼旨在饱食时的转化效率K(湿重)为20.85%。三种摄食水平下条纹石鱼旨的能量收支方程分别为:饱食状态(日摄食率4.0%)时,100C=8.4F+7.8U+13.0SDA+36.9(Rs+Ra)+33.9G;维持状态(日摄食率1.5%)时,100C=7.8F+4.1U+35.8SDA+52.3(Rs+Ra),其中G=0;减重状态(日摄食率0.4%)时,(F+U+R)/(C+P1)=67.3%,其中C+P1=14.4C+85.6P1,F+U+R=1.8F+8.1U+57.4R。  相似文献   

Abstract— Plasma profiles of reproductive and thyroid hormones were studied in captive striped bass Morone saxatilis during an 11-wk period encompassing the spawning season, and the effect of a sustained-release gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa)-delivery system (GnRHa-implant) on milt production was evaluated. The highest percentage of spermiating fish was observed between mid-April and mid-May, and mean total expressible milt ranged from 3.5 to 6.0 mL/kg. Plasma gonadotropin II (GtH II) increased significantly, though inconsistently, during the spermiation period, whereas testosterone and 11-ketotestosterone levels declined continually. Plasma 17,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one and 17,20β,21-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one remained low and unchanged during the peak of the spermiation period, while thyroid hormones were high and fluctuated without exhibiting a trend consistent with spermiation. The observed endocrine profiles suggest that captivity can diminish plasma GtH II and triiodothyronine levels in striped bass. Transfer of spermiating males from large holding tanks to small spawning tanks reduced total expressible milt after 14 d, but treatment with a GnRHa-implant restored milt volume, presumably due to the prolonged elevation of plasma GnRHa and GtH II induced by the GnRHa-implant. Also, treatment with the GnRHa-implant induced a two- to four-fold elevation of expressible milt for at least 20 d compared to control fish, while resulting in only a 5 to 15% decrease in sperm density. It appears that captivity and hatchery operations can diminish milt production in striped bass, and that GnRHa-delivery systems, via sustained elevation of plasma GtH II, can induce long-term enhancement in milt volume without affecting sperm density greatly.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The use of 12–mo long, but phase-shifted advanced and delayed photoperiod cycles in the regulation of the reproductive cycle was investigated in captive-reared female striped bass Morone saxatilis during the 3-yr study in an attempt to control the timing of sexual maturation under simulated photoperiod conditions. Phase-shifted photoperiod cycles did not induce a full shift in oogenesis during the first year cycles, but did in the following years. Spawning time, indicated by maximum oocyte diameters, was advanced up to 4 mo in females maintained under the phase-shifted advanced photoperiod, and delayed up to 4 mo when they exposed to the phase-shifted delayed photoperiod, compared to the natural spawning time in Spring (March-May). Phase-shifted photoperiod regimes shifted the profiles of plasma testosterone (T) and estradiol (E2), corresponding to the shift of oogenesis in the respective groups. Significant increases in T and E2 levels occurred during the vitellogenic phase, and these levels peaked before the occurrence of maximum oocyte diameters. The studies demonstrate that phase-shifted photoperiod regimes can be used to control oogenesis, and have implications for ensuring the year-round supply of mature female striped bass, particularly in domesticated striped bass.  相似文献   

Stress induced by severe confinement in cages and by simulated transport was evaluated in reciprocal white bass × striped bass hybrids (Morone chrysops × M. saratilis) after acclimation to various calcium concentrations in freshwater (5, 10, 20, 40, and 80 mg/L calcium) and various salinities (1, 8, 16, and 24%o) at 25 C. Survival was monitored in both confinement and transport events. In confinement events, changes in plasma osmolality were used as an indicator of osmoreg-ulatory dysfunction. After 6 h of severe confinement in cages, survival was significantly affected by treatments in both freshwater (FW) and saltwater (SW) events. Survival was greatest in 80 mg/L calcium in FW treatments and 8%o in the SW treatments. Simultaneous analysis of both FW and SW confinement data revealed that, after compensating for fish weight, survival increased as environmental ionic content increased (up to 8%o) then decreased with increasing salinity. Plasma osmolality decreased significantly from baseline levels with respect to confinement time in all FW treatments. Significant differences in plasma osmolality were observed among SW treatments: plasma osmolality of fish confined in 1%o decreased while those confined in salinities of 16 and 24%o increased. The plasma osmolality offish confined in 8%o remained near baseline levels. Almost no mortality (<5% in all treatments) occurred during (12 h) and after (5 d) transport in both FW and SW. Fish were in good condition and acclimated to transport water quality prior to transport events which may have been a major reason for high survival. Results from this study indicate that detrimental effects due to handling and transporting hybrid striped bass are reduced in FW environments that provide sufficient calcium and in SW environments which are near isoosmotic with the plasma.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of phytase on growth, apparent phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), magnesium (Mg), and copper (Cu) absorption, and apparent protein digestibility by striped bass Morone saxatills fed a high phytate diet. In experiment one, four diets with graded levels of phytase supplementation, 0, 500, 1,000, and 2,000 phytase units/kg of diet (PUkg), and a diet supplemented with inorganic P (positive control, total P, 0.73%; phytin P, 0.35%) were assigned to duplicate tanks, and were fed to fingerling striped bass for 16 wk. A digestibility trial was conducted at weeks 16–18, using 0.5% Cr2O3 as an indigestible marker in the diets. Phytase was sprayed post-extrusion on the basal diet (P-total, 0.58%; P-phytin, 0.35%). Experiment two consisted of a 2-wk digestibility trial with three treatments: 0 (basal; total P, 0.73%; phytin P, 0.34%), 1,000, and 2,000 PU/kg, assigned to four, three and three replicate tanks respectively. Each tank contained an average of 20 striped bass (mean weight: 400 9). The diet used was similar to the basal in experiment one, which was modified to have low essential trace mineral concentrations, in order to increase the sensitivity of the assay. In experiment one, significant improvements (P≤ 0.05) in growth, feed conversion ratios, and vertebral and scale ash concentrations of fish at the end of the experiment were achieved with either added inorganic P or increasing phytase supplementations. Results from both digestibility trials indicated that P absorption was improved with the addition of at least 500 PUkg. Absorptions of Ca and Fe were significantly increased (P≤ 0.05) and Zn absorption marginally improved (P≤ 0.06) when at least 2,000 PU/kg was supplemented to the diet. Protein digestibility, Mg and Cu absorption were not significantly different in any treatment. Whole carcass P retention was significantly improved with the addition of 1,000 PU/kg, and 2,000 PU/kg, when compared to fish fed the basal diet, 500 PU/kg and positive control treatments. Results from these experiments indicate that phytase supplementation of at least 1,000 PU/kg is adequate to maintain growth rate and health comparable to an inorganic P supplemented diet. In addition, bioavailability and utilization of P is increased with increasing phytase supplementation. Diet supplementation of 2,000 PU/kg increased Ca, Fe, and Zn digestibility by striped bass fed a high phytate diet.  相似文献   

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