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低温诱发肉鸡肺动脉高压综合征(PHS),动态观察限制光照对肉鸡PHS发病率及体内脂质过氧化作用的影响。将320羽1日龄肉鸡随机分为4组。常温组按常规饲养,24 h连续光照。3个低温组从14日龄起逐步降温诱发PHS,并于9~30日龄分别在夜间停止光照0、35、h。结果,低温组PHS发病率、右心全心比(RV/TV)、肺厚壁末梢血管百分率(%TWPV)和丙二醛(MDA)水平显著升高,而血浆超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性降低。限制光照组SOD活性升高而PHS发病率、RV/TV、TWPV和MDA显著降低。间歇光照组早期生长速度减慢,后期体质量得到补偿性增长,并在44日龄与连续光照组差异不显著。这一结果表明,减轻体内脂质过氧化作用,提高机体抗氧化酶活性并减轻以非肌型肺动脉肌型化为特征的肺血管重构,可能是限制光照使肉鸡PHS发病率降低的机理之一。  相似文献   

1. Growth rates and daily food intakes of small, sexed groups of broilers were compared under different photoperiodic regimes during the period from 28 to 49 d of age.

2. Reduction in the duration of illumination did not impair growth rate.

3. The sexes showed a differential response to the treatments.

4. There was evidence that the enhanced performance of females was due to an improvement in food conversion efficiency.  相似文献   

吉他霉素在肉鸡饲养中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
岳增华 《饲料工业》2005,26(21):34-36
将平均出生体重41g±1.94g的肉雏鸡按饲养试验随机分成2组,每组设2个重复,一组做对照组,日粮中不添加吉他霉素;另一组为试验组,日粮中添加吉他霉素100mg/kg。分2个阶段(0~3周龄、4~6周龄)进行肉鸡日粮中添加吉他霉素对提高肉鸡增重和提高饲料效率的试验研究,并观察吉他霉素对预防肉鸡呼吸道和消化道疾病及提高肉鸡成活率的作用效应。试验结果表明,在0~3周龄肉鸡日粮中每千克添加100mg吉他霉素,试验组比对照组多增重89.1g,可提高阶段增重14.6%(P<0.05),增重效果显著;在肉鸡4~6周龄内试验组比对照组多增重135.7g,可提高阶段增重9.9%(P<0.05),增重效果显著;全期试验组比对照组多增重224.8g,可提高增重11.40%(P<0.05),增重效果显著。在饲料消耗方面,在肉鸡0~3周龄期间,试验组比对照组多采食18.1g,提高采食量2%(P>0.05),饲料消耗差异不显著;在4~6周龄期间,试验组比对照组多采食46.2g,提高采食量1.5%(P>0.05),饲料消耗差异不显著;全期试验组比对照组平均每只多采食64.3g,提高采食量1.6%,饲料消耗差异不显著。在饲料报酬方面,吉他霉素可提高肉鸡0~3周龄饲料转化率12.1%;提高肉鸡4~6周龄饲料转化率8.4%;全期提高饲料转化率9.7%。这说明吉他霉素有明显的促进肉鸡生长,提高饲料转化率的作用;同时,吉他霉素在一定程度上可有效预防呼吸道和肠道疾病,提高鸡只的成活率。  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate the effect of in ovo feeding with glycerol on post‐hatch development in broiler chicks. A total of 408 fertile eggs were divided into six experimental groups consisting of five 0.9% saline solutions containing various concentrations of glycerol (12.5, 25.0, 37.5 and 50.0 nmol/ml), and a placebo group (inoculation with saline only) and a control group (without inoculation). Inoculations were performed at 17 days of incubation for the evaluation of hatchability, embryo mortality, body and viscera weights, intestinal epithelium morphometry, blood glucose and liver glycerol kinase activity of chicks at hatching. Inoculation of solutions containing glycerol did not influence body weight at hatching and relative weights of liver, pancreas, intestine and breast. There was a quadratic effect of glycerol levels on the weights of yolk residue and gizzard and on blood glucose, and an increasing linear effect on spleen and heart weights. Higher duodenum and ileum villous height and deeper jejunum and ileum crypts were obtained with 50.0 nmol/ml of glycerol. A linear increasing effect was also observed in liver glycerol kinase activity; however, lower blood glucose was observed with 37.5 and 50 nmol/ml of glycerol. It is therefore concluded that glycerol may be used at doses of 25 nmol/ml as a substrate in in ovo feeding of broiler chickens. However, further studies must be conducted not only to establish an optimal dose but also to evaluate the combination of this substrate with other nutrients used in the in ovo feeding.  相似文献   

1强化第1周的饲养管理,使饲养环境和管理达到最佳水平,争取第1周末体重达到165g为达到这一目标体重,首先提高第1周的育雏温度和垫料温度,过低的温度会降低第1周的生长率、均匀度和饲料报酬,并增加腹水综合征的死亡和淘汰率;第二是提供优质的饲料和充足的饮水,以满足肉仔鸡快速增重的营养需要。2在第2周进行适当的限饲或在2~3周龄喂给粉料,以降低猝死症、腹水综合征及腿病的发生率,提高成活率肉仔鸡在早期肌肉的生长速度较快于内脏器管的生长速度,常因心、肺功能不健全,不能满足肌肉快速增长所需要的营养和氧气,致使肉仔鸡在3~6周龄易出现…  相似文献   

Broilers fed complete diets to 21 but not 44 d of age grew faster with a better efficiency of food utilisation than broilers given a free-choice selection of the cereal and protein components. When finisher diets, varying in metabolisable energy (ME) and amino acid:ME ratios, were fed at high ambient temperatures (25 to 35 degrees C) broilers on the free-choice system selected similar amino acid:ME intake ratios, which were lower than the ratios contained in the complete diets. Differences in broiler performance between 22 and 44 d of age reflected variations in ME rather than amino acid intake.  相似文献   

刘仁亮 《中国家禽》2001,23(3):20-20
1选择优良的种苗   黄羽肉鸡种类繁多,如岭南黄、江村黄、 882、康达尔等,生长快,均匀度好,毛色整齐,饲养效益好。但是近几年,许多杂交肉鸡开始冲击市场,这些鸡苗主要来源于种鸡养殖户,用商品代肉鸡进行交配充当种蛋进行孵化,这些鸡苗在黄羽肉鸡鸡苗短缺、鸡苗市场好的季节尤为突出。有的是种蛋生产商利用国外肉鸡公鸡与红羽蛋鸡进行杂交。这些非正规场家通过杂交生产的鸡苗,生长速度慢,整齐度差,毛色杂乱,白羽鸡苗占 5%左右,严重影响了养殖户效益。因此,作为专业户在鸡苗引进时,一是选择正规场家生产的鸡苗,二是充分了…  相似文献   

亚硒酸钠饲养肉仔鸡试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
迄今 ,已有大量的国内外研究结果表明 ,日粮中硒缺乏或者不足 ,对畜牧业会造成极为严重的影响。我国不少地区因缺硒导致畜禽生产性能降低或者死亡。江西亦为硒缺乏区 ,据有关资料所载 ,江西省猪肝硒平均水平为0.5795±0.2653×10-6(干重) ,并且有部分样品的含硒量低于0.20×10-6。数据表明 ,江西省大部分县市处于缺硒病发病的临界状态。有的县市还存在严重缺硒的局部地区。为了考察实际生产条件下硒的应用效果 ,笔者于1999 -01作了肉仔鸡补硒试验。1试验材料亚硒酸钠(分析纯)———上海化学试剂采购供应站…  相似文献   

试验研究了光照优化管理对半开放式垫料平养黄羽肉鸡生产性能、鸡冠发育和免疫能力的影响。将900只1日龄黄羽肉鸡随机分为5组,每组3个重复,每重复60只。对照组采用持续光照模式,试验组(试验1~4组)采用白天自然光照,夜间补光18L∶6D、强度10 lx的光照优化模式。试验组(试验1~4组)的饲粮能量水平与对照组分别相差-0.42 MJ/kg、-0.21 MJ/kg、0 MJ/kg、0.21 MJ/kg。试验期50 d,分为1~21日龄和22~50日龄两阶段。结果显示,①在光照优化条件下降低日粮能量水平,生长性能差异不显著,但有提高日增重的趋势;②在光照优化条件下,能量水平在标准日粮的基础上提高0.21 MJ/kg,肉鸡的全期日增重提高5.25%;③两种光照模式对鸡冠发育无显著影响。④与对照组相比,光照优化组的褪黑激素水平提高了27.59%(P<0.05),免疫球蛋白水平有升高的趋势。试验表明:在本试验条件下,光照优化管理可促进肉鸡褪黑激素的分泌,降低肉鸡能量需求,而继续提高饲粮能量水平,在一定程度上还可进一步改善肉鸡生长性能。  相似文献   

多抗甲素复合预混料主要成分为从α-溶血性链球菌培养物中提取的多抗甲素。低浓度的多抗甲素即可激活机体细胞免疫和体液免疫机能.具有免疫调节作用,为一种新型免疫增强剂,具有提高畜禽机体的抗体水平和细胞免疫力,增强机体抗病力.降低发病率,提高成活率的作用:并且具有增强畜禽抗应激能力,促进畜禽生长,提高饲料报酬的功效。  相似文献   

采用微生态制剂 (抗痢宝Ⅰ号、抗痢宝Ⅱ号 )大肠杆菌多价灭活苗,球虫多价苗来预防治疗鸡的细菌病和球虫病。整个生产期禁用化学药物,生产无化学污染的“绿色”肉仔鸡。 1材 料 1. 1试验鸡   试验用鸡为“ AA”商品代健康混合雏。 1. 2微生态制剂   抗痢宝Ⅰ号、抗痢宝Ⅱ号,由黑龙江三江生物制品厂提供。 1. 3疫 苗   球虫多价苗由黑龙江省三江生物制品厂提供;大肠杆菌多价灭活苗由某科研所提供;鸡用其它疫苗由黑龙江省生物制品一厂提供。 2方 法 2. 1试验分组   1998年 4月 5日~ 30日, 1998年 4月 28日~ 6月 22日两次…  相似文献   

蚯蚓渣饲喂肉鸡的消化代谢试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
彭椒华 《饲料广角》2008,(21):35-36
为了更好开发蚯蚓渣这一饲料资源.本试验分析了蚯蚓渣的常规营养成分和氨基酸含量.并采用全收粪套算法测定了肉鸡对蚯蚓渣主要养分的代谢率。结果表明:蚯蚓渣粗蛋白质含量高达56.79%.仅次于秘鲁鱼粉,优于国产鱼粉和优质豆粕;氨基酸种类比较全面,必需氨基酸含量高,其中蛋氨酸含量为1.8%.高于进口鱼粉.赖氨酸含量为3.17%。高于一般鱼粉和优质豆粕。蚯蚓渣干物质中表观化谢能为14.16MJ/kg.蛋白质表观代谢率为96.04%.是一种营养价值很高的畜禽蛋白质饲料原料.  相似文献   

1. Male broilers from 21 to 56 d of age were fed their diet either mixed as pellets or mash, or as separate ingredients presented on a free‐choice basis, to determine whether feeding method affected growth, carcase composition or profitability to 56 d of age.

2. The 12 treatments were: 2 completely balanced diets fed as mash or pellets, 8 choice fed diets containing maize or sorghum as the energy source (whole or mash) and protein concentrate (pellets or mash) and 2 unbalanced mixed mash diets containing 50% grain (maize or sorghum) plus 50% protein concentrate.

3. For the choice treatments, one food, grain (maize or sorghum) or protein concentrate (mash or pellets), was placed in each feeder. Broilers fed the complete pelleted or mash diet received the diet in both feeders. Food consumption was recorded weekly. Broilers were weighed at 42 and 56 d of age.

4. There were no significant differences between treatments and the pelleted control diet with regard to body weight, food consumed, food efficiency, carcase ash, dressing percentage and mortality.

5. Choice fed broilers receiving the energy source as whole grains had larger gizzards while the higher protein diets (50/50) resulted in a higher carcase moisture and protein but lower carcase fat than the broilers fed the pelleted control diet.

6. The main advantage of choice feeding appears to be the economical savings of feeding whole grains as the energy source.  相似文献   

Glutamate (Glu), the major excitatory neurotransmitter in vertebrate central nervous system, is actively taken up and stored in synaptic vesicles. On the arrival of an action potential to the pre‐synaptic membrane and the subsequent opening of the voltage‐gated calcium channels and movement of Ca2+ into the neuron, these small vesicles fuse with the pre‐synaptic membrane to release the neurotransmitter content into the synaptic cleft. Because it has previously been shown that intracerebroventricular (ICV) glutamate plays a role in feed intake in broilers, the manipulation of its vesicular concentration could affect feeding behaviour. On the contrary, research on vesicular glutamate transporters has, so far, been carried out on mammalian species. In the present study, we aim to examine the effect of Chicago sky blue 6B (CSB6B), a glutamate vesicular uptake inhibitor, on feed intake and latency to start feeding in a commercial strain of meat type chickens. To do this, four experiments have been designed to investigate the effect of ICV injection of saline, glutamate, as a general agonist for glutamate receptors, CSB6B and the combination of Glu and CSB6B. The findings indicate that CSB6B increases feed intake and decreases the latency to start feeding in 24‐h‐feed‐deprived Ross 208 broilers.  相似文献   

1. Female broiler chicks reared in a 12‐h photoperiod which included a simulated “dawn” and “dusk” grew slightly faster than those reared in a 12‐h photoperiod of uniform light and others kept in continuous light.

2. This was apparently because the chicks subjected to dawn and dusk ate more food than those subjected to 12‐h uniform light and converted food more efficiently than those in continuous light.  相似文献   

文章旨在探讨日粮添加不同水平的面条渣对肉鸡生长性能、养分消化率、肠道绒毛形态及胴体性状的影响.试验选择600只平均体重为(40.25±0.76)g的肉仔鸡,随机分为4组,每组5个重复,每个重复30只,分别饲喂含有0、5%、10%和15%面条渣日粮,试验共进行42 d.结果:在试验初期(1~18 d)与对照组相比,面条渣...  相似文献   

庄新允 《中国家禽》2000,22(3):38-38
1大棚养鸡的好处1 1投资少、成本低、见效快建一个200m2 的塑料大棚投资不足2000元 ,每只鸡占用一元钱 ,正常情况下养一批肉鸡就能收回成本 ,而建造同样面积的普通鸡舍需要一万多元 ,每只鸡占用六元钱 ,其投资很长时间才能收回。建一个大棚两天就可完工 ,五天就能投入使用 ,而一栋鸡舍需要5~7d才能建成 ,半个月以后才能使用。1 2利用阳光取暖、降低能耗塑料大棚上面覆盖的草苫子是活动的 ,白天有太阳的时候可以卷起来 ,让阳光直接照射 ,提高棚内温度 ,下午落日时再放下盖严以利保温 ,这样可以大大降低能耗 ,节约燃料费用 …  相似文献   

彭赟  苏标松 《中国家禽》2002,24(23):26-26
1方法 1.1鸡种及处理 选择1日龄艾维茵鸡苗1000只,随机分成两组,每组为500只,一组利用垫料地面饲养,一组为网地结合饲养.  相似文献   

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