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In this study, we replaced fish meal with peanut meal (PM) in isonitrogenous and isolipidic diets for Pacific white shrimp at inclusion levels of 0, 70, 140, 210, 280 and 350 g kg?1. The diets were hand‐fed to three independent groups of shrimp three times a day over a 6‐week period. Shrimp fed PM diets at a level of 280 g kg?1 or higher had lower per cent weight gain compared with those fed the basal diet, whereas shrimp fed PM diets at 140 g kg?1 or higher had a lower feed utilization and protein efficiency ratio compared with shrimp fed the basal diet. The feeding rate in shrimp fed PM diets at 350 g kg?1 and the survival and protease activity in shrimp fed PM diets at 210 g kg?1 or higher were lower than that in shrimp fed the basal diet. Diets containing 280 g kg?1 or higher of PM caused an increase in the whole‐body moisture content of the shrimp, but decreased whole‐body protein and ash contents compared with the basal diet. Nutrient digestibility was lower or tended to be lower in shrimp fed a PM diet compared with those fed the basal diet. The activities of peroxidase and acid and alkaline phosphatases in plasma decreased with increasing levels of PM inclusion up to 210 g kg?1. Superoxide dismutase activity decreased at dietary PM levels of 280 g kg?1 or higher. Aflatoxin B1 residue in the muscle was not affected by any of the treatments and remained low. The data suggest that up to 140 g kg?1 of PM could be included in practical diets for Pacific white shrimp.  相似文献   

凡纳滨对虾生长性状遗传参数的估计   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
采用平衡巢式设计方法和人工授精技术,每个雄体配3个雌体,构建了18个父系半同胞家系和54个母系全同胞家系.分别测定了每个母系生长到5月龄60个全同胞个体的体质量、全长、体长、头胸甲长、头胸甲宽、头胸甲高、第一腹节背高、第三腹节背高和第一腹节背宽9个生长性状,应用数量遗传学原理,采用方差和协方差分析的方法,估算了5月龄凡纳滨对虾生长性状的遗传力及各性状间的遗传相关及表型相关.结果表明,利用父系半同胞组内相关法估计的遗传力是凡纳滨对虾各生长性状遗传力的无偏估计值.其中,体质量、全长、体长、头胸甲长、头胸甲宽、头胸甲高、第一腹节背高、第三腹节背高和第一腹节背宽狭义遗传力的估计值分别为0.460、0.392、0.303、0.234、0.251、0.330、0.282、0.321和0.356,属于中高等遗传力范围,显示出较高的选择育种潜力.基于父系半同胞遗传协方差组分及表型协方差分别估计的各性状间的遗传相关及表型相关表明,各个性状间均表现出高的正相关,其中遗传相关在0.750 ~0.976,体质量—全长的遗传相关为最大(0.976),全长—第三腹节背高的遗传相关为最小(0.750),表型相关为0.507~0.947,体质量—全长为最大(0.947),第一腹节背高—头胸甲高为最小(0.507).经t检验,各性状间遗传相关及表型相关均达到极显著水平,表明以任意一个生长性状为参数进行选育,均可达到改良凡纳滨对虾生长情况的效果.  相似文献   

Three six‐week growth trials and a digestibility trial were conducted to evaluate a fish meal analogue (FMA) as a replacement for fish meal (FM) in shrimp feeds. Trials 1 and 2 evaluated and confirmed the potential of FMA supplementation (0, 48.5, 97, 145.5 and 194 g/kg) as a replacement for FM up to 200 g/kg without balancing for phosphorus (P) in practical diets for juvenile Pacific white shrimp L. vannamei. At the end of trial 1, shrimp offered diets containing 48.5 g/kg FMA exhibited significantly higher weight gain (WG) than those fed with the diet containing 145.5 g/kg FMA. At the end of trial 2, dietary FMA inclusion at 48.5 and 97 g/kg significantly improved WG and protein retention (PR), while reducing FCR and protein content of shrimp body compared to the diet containing 194 g/kg FMA. To determine whether P deficiency is the cause of reduced growth, the third trial was conducted utilizing equivalent diet but balanced for P. At the end of trial 3, shrimp fed diet containing 48.5 g/kg FMA+P showed significantly higher WG and PR than those fed diet containing 145.5 g/kg FMA+P. No decreasing trend of growth was detected in the diets containing FMA compared to the FM‐based diet. Apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter, energy, protein and amino acids of FMA were determined using chromic oxide as an inert maker and the 70:30 replacement technique. The energy, protein and individual amino acid digestibility of FMA were significantly lower than those of soybean meal and FM which were run at the same time. Results of this work indicate that FMA can replace up to 200 g/kg FM in shrimp diets with supplemental inorganic P. Given the good growth across the range of inclusion without any indication of a growth depression, the low nutrient digestibility of FMA may be due to an atypical response or the product simply does not work with the testing technique.  相似文献   

The use of meat and bone meal (MBM) was evaluated as a replacement for fish meal in a practical diet formulated to contain 41% protein and 8% lipid. Anchovy meal was replaced by 0%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60% and 80% of MBM (diets 1–7) respectively. Healthy post larvae of Litopenaeus vannamei were reared in an indoor, semi‐closed recirculating system. Each dietary treatment was fed to triplicate groups of 40 shrimp per tank (260 L) arranged in a completely randomized design. The shrimp were hand‐fed to near‐satiation three times daily between 07:00 and 18:00 hours for 56 days. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) in growth performance among shrimp fed diets 1–6. However, shrimp fed diet 7 had significantly lower (P<0.05) growth than those fed diet 2 or diet 4. Survival ranged from 95% to 100% and did not significantly (P>0.05) differ. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) and carcass composition of the shrimp were not significantly (P>0.05) affected by dietary treatments. No significant differences (P>0.05) in protein efficiency ratio (PER) were found among shrimp fed diets 1‐6. However, shrimp fed diet 7 had significantly lower (P<0.05) PER than those fed diet 1 or diet 4. Results showed that up to 60% of fish meal protein can be replaced by MBM with no adverse effects on growth, survival, FCR, PER and body composition of L. vannamei.  相似文献   

Aquafeed production faces global issues related to availability of feed ingredients. Feed manufacturers require greater flexibility in order to develop nutritional and cost-effective formulations that take into account nutrient content and availability of ingredients. The search for appropriate ingredients requires detailed screening of their potential nutritional value and variability at the industrial level. In vitro digestion of feedstuffs by enzymes extracted from the target species has been correlated with apparent protein digestibility (APD) in fish and shrimp species. The present study verified the relationship between APD and in vitro degree of protein hydrolysis (DH) with Litopenaeus vannamei hepatopancreas enzymes in several different ingredients (n = 26): blood meals, casein, corn gluten meal, crab meal, distiller's dried grains with solubles, feather meal, fish meals, gelatin, krill meals, poultry by-product meal, soybean meals, squid meals and wheat gluten. The relationship between APD and DH was further verified in diets formulated with these ingredients at 30% inclusion into a reference diet. APD was determined in vivo (30.1 ± 0.5 °C, 32.2 ± 0.4‰) with juvenile L. vannamei (9 to 12 g) after placement of test ingredients into a reference diet (35 g kg− 1 CP; 8.03 g kg− 1 lipid; 2.01 kcal g− 1) with chromic oxide as the inert marker. In vitro DH was assessed in ingredients and diets with standardized hepatopancreas enzymes extracted from pond-reared shrimp. The DH of ingredients was determined under different assay conditions to check for the most suitable in vitro protocol for APD prediction: different batches of enzyme extracts (HPf5 or HPf6), temperatures (25 or 30 °C) and enzyme activity (azocasein): crude protein ratios (4 U: 80 mg CP or 4 U: 40 mg CP). DH was not affected by ingredient proximate composition. APD was significantly correlated to DH in regressions considering either ingredients or diets. The relationships between APD and DH of the ingredients could be suitably adjusted to a Rational Function (y = (a + bx)/(1 + cx + dx2), n = 26. Best in vitro APD predictions were obtained at 25 °C, 4 U: 80 mg CP both for ingredients (R2 = 0.86; P = 0.001) and test diets (R2 = 0.96; P = 0.007). The regression model including all 26 ingredients generated higher prediction residuals (i.e., predicted APD − determined APD) for corn gluten meal, feather meal, poultry by-product meal and krill flour. The remaining test ingredients presented mean prediction residuals of 3.5 points. A model including only ingredients with APD > 80% showed higher prediction precision (R2 = 0.98; P = 0.000004; n = 20) with average residual of 1.8 points. Predictive models including only ingredients from the same origin (e.g., marine-based, R2 = 0.98; P = 0.033) also displayed low residuals. Since in vitro techniques have been usually validated through regressions against in vivo APD, the DH predictive capacity may depend on the consistency of the in vivo methodology. Regressions between APD and DH suggested a close relationship between peptide bond breakage by hepatopancreas digestive proteases and the apparent nitrogen assimilation in shrimp, and this may be a useful tool to provide rapid nutritional information.  相似文献   

A series of growth, feed stability and consumption trials were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of salmon by‐product in practical diets for Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. This included a salmon by‐product meal (Salmon meal: SM) and a silage hydrolysate (hydrolysed salmon meal: HSM). The basal diet containing 120 g/kg SM was incrementally replaced (0. 25, 50, 75, 100%) by HSM to produce five test diets used in two trials. A sixth diet was included which evaluated gelatin supplementation (trial 1) or pH neutralization (trial 2). In trial 1, each diet was produced using two processing conditions (laboratory extruded and formed with meat grinder) and offered to shrimp in a clear water system. The results demonstrate that up to 50% of the SM can be used to replace with HSM; however, further increases resulted in reduced performance of shrimp. The addition of gelatin reduced leaching but there was limited effect of processing on leaching. There were no detectible effects of pH adjustment of the diets. Results indicated that the growth performance of shrimp has not influenced by HSM up to 60 g/kg to replace 50% of the SM in practical diets; however, higher levels resulted in significant decrease in performance.  相似文献   

为丰富凡纳滨对虾 (Litopenaeus vannamei) 生长和抗逆选育数据库,并为其生长和耐综合胁迫遗传改良提供科学参考,以5个不同遗传背景的凡纳滨对虾群体 [“兴海1号”(GS-01-007-2017) 核心群体、泰国和美国引进的4个群体] 为亲本,经交配获得80个全同胞家系,最终保留38个家系,利用多性状动物模型和ASReml 4软件估计凡纳滨对虾105日龄的生长和耐综合胁迫 [高盐 (35)、低pH (6±0.1) 与高氨氮 (70 mg·L−1) 三因子综合胁迫] 性状的方差组分及遗传参数。结果显示,生长性状的遗传力为高遗传力 [(0.37±0.09)~(0.51±0.10)],耐综合胁迫性状的遗传力为中等遗传力 (0.21±0.06),这表明通过选育改良生长和耐综合胁迫性状是可行的;生长性状 (包括体质量、体长、头胸甲长和腹节全长) 的遗传相关性普遍较高,介于 (0.54±0.13)~(0.99±0.01) (P<0.01);生长性状之间的极显著相关性表明,任何生长性状均可被其他生长性状替代以进行间接选择;生长性状与耐综合胁迫性状的遗传相关性呈低或中的正相关 [(0.11±0.23)~(0.39±0.19)],表明以生长性状为主选目标进行选育时,耐综合胁迫性状也可获得间接改良。  相似文献   

在室内条件下进行了玉足海参与凡纳滨对虾的混养实验,分析了单养与混养两种条件下养殖水体营养盐结构以及底质成分的变化,测定了对虾与海参的存活率与生长性能。结果显示,混养海参可以明显改变养殖系统的营养盐结构,可使水体中的磷酸盐和硝酸盐浓度有所升高,同时也可有效地控制系统中氨氮浓度。混养海参也可以大幅度地降低沉积物中有机质和硫化物含量,实验结束时混养组硫化物含量为(7.71±1.33)mg/kg,仅相当于单养组浓度的1/3。混养海参对对虾生长及存活具有明显的促进作用,其中混养组对虾体长特异增长率为(0.69±0.13)%/d,显著优于单养组(0.45±0.06)%/d;混养组对虾成活率可达72.5%±22.9%,显著高于对照组55.0%±17.5%。在混养系统内,对虾不会对海参的生存造成负面影响,海参能够有效地选择摄食和利用沉积物中的营养物质(对食物中有机质的同化率可达36.36%±13.79%),并以较快的速度生长。结果表明,在对虾养殖系统中混养玉足海参具有明显的环境与经济效益。本研究可为我国海水养殖业的可持续发展提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

Increasing economical and ecological concerns regarding the use of fish meal in diets for marine shrimp have led to the development of replacement strategies where soybean meal has received ample attention. Most studies evaluating these strategies have been carried out under laboratory conditions which greatly differ from production conditions in ponds. This study evaluated a fish meal replacement strategy using vegetable protein sources in practical feeds for marine shrimp reared in ponds. Juvenile Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) (0.03 g) were stocked into 16 0.1-ha low-water exchange ponds and reared over an 18-week period. Four commercially extruded diets formulated to contain 35% crude protein and 8% lipids were evaluated. These diets included varying levels of fish meal (9, 6, 3, and 0%) which was replaced by a combination of increasing levels of soybean meal (32.5, 34.9, 37.2 and 39.6% respectively) and corn gluten meal (0.0, 1.7, 3.2, and 4.8% respectively) to replace the protein originating from fish meal. At the conclusion of the experimental period, there were no significant differences (P  0.05) in shrimp production among the test diets. Mean final yield, final weight, feed conversion ratio and survival values ranged from 5363–6548 kg ha 1, 18.4–20.7 g, 1.38–1.12 and 84.0–94.0%, respectively. Although not significant, as higher levels of plant protein sources were included in the diets, the economic analysis showed a general increase in the partial gross returns of shrimp production. Results from this study demonstrate that fish meal can be completely replaced using alternative vegetable protein sources in practical shrimp feeds without compromising production and economic performance of L. vannamei reared in ponds.  相似文献   

为揭示不同盐度环境对凡纳滨对虾家系体质量和存活性状的影响,本研究标记来自72个家系的4348尾对虾,在盐度30(HS组)和盐度15(LS组)条件下混养60 d,分析体质量和存活性状的遗传参数以及基因型与环境互作效应。结果显示,HS组的凡纳滨对虾平均体质量和存活率均高于LS组。估算体质量、存活性状遗传参数,结果显示HS和LS组体质量的遗传力估计值分别为0.51±0.08和0.30±0.07,属高遗传力;转换后存活性状遗传力估计值分别为0.22和0.39,也表现为中高遗传力水平。综合HS和LS组的数据,估算的体质量和转换后存活性状遗传力分别为0.45±0.07和0.31,均表现为高遗传力水平。然而由于收敛原因,在估计模型中未能包括共同环境效应,上述遗传参数估计值偏高。估算基因型与环境互作效应(G×E),结果显示两个盐度间体质量和存活性状均表现为高度遗传相关(0.81~0.90),G×E方差组分与加性遗传方差组分比值均小于0.5,G×E效应均不显著。研究表明,尽管凡纳滨对虾的生长和存活性状在两个盐度下存在一定差异,然而基因型与盐度的互作效应并不显著,由此认为在盐度15~30的范围内,不需要针对不同的盐度建立不同的选育系。  相似文献   

以鱼粉和豆粕分别为主要动物性和植物性蛋白源,研究饲料中不同豆粕替代鱼粉比例对牙鲆幼鱼生长性能和生化指标的影响。设计4∶1、3∶1、2∶1和1∶1四种不同动植物蛋白比的等氮等脂饲料配方,按配方制备试验饲料,分别表示为D1、D2、D3和D4。牙鲆幼鱼随机分配到12个设有循环水系统的玻璃钢桶内(900L),每3桶鱼饲喂一种饲料,每天投喂饲料2次,每次达到表观饱食,饲喂期为56d。以增重率(WGR)、饵料系数(FCR)、特定生长率(SGR)、蛋白质效率(PER)、肝体指数(HSI)、肥满度(CF)、鱼体成分和饲料成本为依据,综合评价饲料中不同比例的豆粕替代鱼粉比例对牙鲆的饲养效果。通过测定尿素氮(BUN)、谷丙转氨酶(GPT)、谷草转氨酶(GOT)、游离脂肪酸(FFA)、总蛋白(TP)、甘油三酯(TG)、胆固醇(CHO)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)及低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)等生化指标,研究饲料中不同豆粕替代鱼粉比例对牙鲆蛋白质代谢和脂肪代谢的影响。随豆粕比例的增加,WGR、PER和SGR逐渐降低,FCR逐渐增加,当饲料中豆粕比例在24%以上时差异显著(P<0.05);HSI逐渐增加,且D1组显著低于其他...  相似文献   

A 6‐week feeding trial was carried out in glass tanks to determine the effects of partial replacement of fish meal (FM) with a combination of meat and bone meal (MBM), poultry by‐product meal (PBM), blood meal (BM) and corn gluten meal (CGM) in practical diets on the growth, nutrient digestibility and body composition of Pacific white shrimp. Six practical diets were formulated, containing two levels of crude protein (CP) (330 and 380 g kg?1) and similar crude lipid (CL) levels. For the 330 g kg?1 dietary protein level, 0, 357 and 714 g kg?1 FM were replaced by the mixture in Diets 1–3, respectively; while 0, 514 and 784 g kg?1 FM were replaced in Diets 4–6, respectively, for 380 g kg?1 dietary protein level. White shrimp‐fed diets containing 330 g kg?1 CP had significantly lower weight gain compared with white shrimp fed diets containing 380 g kg?1 CP. Increasing the mixture and dietary protein level significantly raised the body ash content of white shrimp. White shrimp fed a low‐protein diet obtained better nutrient digestibility compared with those fed a high‐protein diet.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the use of microalgae (Aurantiochytrium sp.) meal as a substitute for fish oil in the diet of juvenile Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) reared in a clear‐water system. Dietary treatments at five replacement levels (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) were performed in triplicate. After 46 days, only a slight difference in shrimp final weight was observed among treatments (0.61 g). An increase in final weight was observed with replacement of up to 50% fish oil for microalgae meal, while the optimal percentage of replacement estimated was 44.7%. Feed conversion rate (FCR) of animals fed a diet of Aurantiochytrium sp.meal to replace up to 50% fish oil decreased, and the optimal percentage of replacement estimated was 49.3%. The fatty acids profile in shrimp muscle tissue demonstrated an increase in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) from 10.03% to 14.28% with increased replacement of fish oil by microalgae meal in the diet. Therefore, the partial replacement of fish oil by microalgae meal resulted in improved shrimp growth and FCR, and total replacement of dietary fish oil had no negative effects on these parameters. In addition, inclusion of microalgae meal raises the level of DHA in shrimp muscle.  相似文献   

As an important feed ingredient, fermented soybean meal (FSM) has been widely used in aquatic animals due to its stable sources and reasonable price. Here, we evaluated the potential for replacement of fishmeal (FM) with FSM in diet of Litopenaeus vannamei. Five isonitrogenous (410 g/kg) and isolipidic (80 g/kg) diets were formulated: a control diet containing 320 g/kg FM and four experimental diets in which FM in control diet was replaced by FSM at 10 (FSM10%), 20 (FSM20%), 30 (FSM30%) and 40% (FSM40%). An 8‐week feeding trial was conducted in fifteen fibreglass tanks with 50 shrimps per tank. After 8 weeks trial, FSM20% had significantly enhanced growth performance (p < 0.05). No significant difference was found in body composition and digestive enzyme activities of all groups (p > 0.05). Through real‐time quantitative PCR analysis, tor and s6k expression levels of FSM20% were significantly up‐regulated (p < 0.05). Results of western blot showed that the phosphorylation of S6K was not significantly affected by different dietary treatments (p > 0.05), which suggested mTOR signalling pathway was not affected by FSM diets. Based on the above data, 20% replacement of FM with FSM was reasonable and advantageous for L. vannamei diet.  相似文献   

A feeding experiment was conducted to examine the potential of a commercial steam-processed-feather meal (SPFM) and feathers enzymatically hydrolysed for 60 or 120 min (EHF60 and EHF120) as substitutes for fishmeal (FM) in diets for white shrimp juveniles. Enzymatically hydrolised feathers or SPFM were blended through an extruder with soyabean meal (SBM) in a 1:1 ratio (EHF-SBM, SPFM-SBM). Isoproteic and isolipidic diets were formulated to contain 9% EHF60-SBM, 9% EHF120-SBM and 18% EHF60-SBM. These diets were compared with a diet containing 13.7% SPFM-SBM and a control diet designed to contain 18.4% FM and no feather. Quadruplicate groups of 15 shrimp (0.33 g initial-body weight) were fed twice a day on each diet for 4 weeks. The weight gain of shrimp fed on the three EHF-SBM diets did not differ from that of shrimp fed on the FM-control diet; however, shrimp fed on the SPFM-SBM diet gained less weight. The EHF60 and EHF120 coextruded with SBM in a 2:1 ratio were evaluated in a commercial rearing pond. Both ingredients included at 20% in the test diets were compared with a control diet containing 17.8% FM. Triplicate groups of juvenile shrimp (3.4 g initial-mean weight), randomly allocated in 1 m3 plastic cages, were fed with the test diets during 30 days. Growth (weight gain, specific-growth rate (SGR)) and nutritional value of the diets, food conversion ratio (FCR), protein-efficiency ratio (PER), digestibility were similar. In summary, these results indicate that white shrimp can be fed with a practical diet containing 20% EHF-SBM (2:1) without impairing growth or food conversion. The use of 20% EHF-SBM (2:1) allowed the fish-meal portion to be reduced by nearly by 55%.  相似文献   

Nine commercial feeding attractants and stimulants for Litopenaeus vannamei were evaluated by observation of behavioral responses in animals allotted in one Y-maze aquarium apparatus. In the validation phase, fishmeal–Brazilian origin (FMBO); fishmeal–Peruvian origin (FMPO); blood meal (BM), meat and bone meal (MBM), squid meal (SM), fish oil (FO) and fish solubles (FS) were evaluated. There was also a control without stimulatory raw material. The tested materials were included at 3% in neutral gelatin pellets (wet basis). In each behavioral observation, two different ingredients were offered at the same time in equal quantities, being allotted in the end of each chamber's arm. In Phase II after system validation, the following commercial attractants were tested: 80% crude protein (CP) vegetable dried biomass (VDB80), 68% CP vegetable dried biomass + glutamate + betaine (VDB68), complex of amino acids (alanine, valine, glycine, proline, serine, histidine, glutamic acid, tyrosine and betaine) with enzymatically digested bivalve mollusk (CAA), condensed fish soluble protein (CFSP), squid liver meal (SLM), betaine (Bet), dried fish solubles–low biogenic amines (DFSLB), dried fish solubles–high biogenic amines (DFSHB) and whole squid protein hydrolysate (WSPH). Attractants were used at a 3% level wet basis with neutral gelatin, without any additional ingredient source available. The best four commercial attractants from this phase (CAA, CFSP, SLM and WSPH) were compared under 0.5% and 1.0% levels. In Phase I of the study, a higher percentage of choices were observed for FMPO and FMBO. BM and FO were the least chosen ingredients. In Phase II, the worst results were observed for Bet, DFSHB and, mainly, for VDB80 and VDB68. When two-by-two comparisons were performed, results suggested that CFSP and CAA were the best commercial attractants tested. In the last phase, both CFSP and CAA at 1.0% level were significantly more chosen by shrimp than CFSP (0.5%), SLM (0.5 or 1.0%) or WSPH (0.5 or 1.0%). At both 0.5% and 1.0% levels, shrimp spent a similar amount of time feeding on CFSP and CAA. However, only CAA was statistically better than SLM and WSPH together. Further work is required to better elucidate the chemical drivers of chemostimulation for L. vannamei for each one of the attractants tested.  相似文献   

凡纳滨对虾全同胞家系的建立及生长比较   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
全同胞家系是遗传分析的重要材料。采用自然交配法建立了62个凡纳滨对虾第一代全同胞家系,对其中17个家系进行了比较研究。结果表明,各家系的孵化率、出苗率与雌性亲本的大小相关性不显著。17个家系中有7个家系显示生长优势,其大小顺序依次是A02>A11>A01>A17>A06>A08>A16;7个家系在40周内的生长速度较17个家系的平均值高23.2%。在所有家系中,A01、A02、A11等3个家系的体重显著大于其它家系(P<0.05),其平均生长速度较所有家系平均生长速度分别快25.5%、31.6%和31.0%。这3个家系的整齐度良好,在养殖中期的个体变异系数分别为11.58%、9.95%和8.48%,后期均小于5%,显示出优良的经济性状,为进一步选择培育凡纳滨对虾的快速生长新品系奠定了基础。  相似文献   

采用高效液相色谱法,研究了复方噁喹酸粉药饵投喂在凡纳滨对虾体内药动学和组织中消除规律,同时检测了噁喹酸对对虾源弧菌的最小抑菌浓度(MIC),建立了药动/药效(PK/PD)关系,提出了用药方案和休药期建议。结果显示,复方噁喹酸粉拌饵投喂给药,噁喹酸给药剂量为30 mg/kg(体质量),凡纳滨对虾血浆噁喹酸浓度—时间关系曲线均符合一级吸收二室开放动力学模型。血淋巴中噁喹酸达峰浓度(Cmax)、达峰时间(Tmax)、曲线下面积(AUC0-24)和消除半衰期(t1/2z)分别为14.70 mg/L、2 h、244.6 mg/(L·h)和18.56 h;肌肉、肝胰腺和鳃的峰浓度(Cmax)分别为4.11、17.20和7.01 mg/kg,消除半衰期(t1/2z)分别为10.71、12.31和16.75 h。噁喹酸对132株弧菌的MIC主要分布在0.15~1.25μg/m L,MIC50和MIC90分别为0.62和1.25μg/m L。PK/PD相互关系参数Cmax/MIC90和AUC0-24/MIC90分别为11.76和195.7。研究表明,噁喹酸以30 mg/(kg体质量)剂量药饵给药,凡纳滨对虾能很好地吸收噁喹酸,可以有效地防治弧菌引起的细菌性疾病。  相似文献   

C型凝集素是一种依赖于Ca~(2+)而发挥功能的糖蛋白,在一线的固有免疫防御过程中发挥着重要作用。围绕对虾C型凝集素开展深入研究,不仅可以丰富无脊椎动物固有免疫学内容,还有望将其开发为具有免疫增强效果的活性饵料,应用于对虾的健康养殖。本实验根据实验室前期转录组信息提示克隆获得了凡纳滨对虾一种新的C型凝集素基因(LvLc1,Gen Bank注册号:KY937940)。生物信息学分析显示LvLc1基因的开放阅读框全长891 bp,编码296个氨基酸,该基因编码的蛋白质含有一个保守的糖识别结构域(carbohydrate recognition domain,CRD),该结构域中具有潜在的半乳糖结合位点(QPD motif),进化发生分析显示LvLc1与来自节肢动物的甘露糖结合凝集素家族成员聚类在一起。对LvLc1基因的CRD结构域进行了原核重组表达与蛋白活性分析研究,结果显示:重组目的蛋白(rLvLc1)在Ca~(2+)存在的条件下,对多种病原菌(G~+、G~–和真菌)具有凝集作用,其凝集活性可被半乳糖、甘露糖、脂多糖等多种病原相关分子模式所抑制。研究表明,LvLc1作为C-型凝集素家族一个新成员,可能通过重要的模式识别受体作用,参与机体应答病原微生物侵染的防御过程。  相似文献   

E75是对虾蜕皮激素信号通路的关键调控因子。为了深入了解E75基因的结构和功能,本实验从转录组数据中筛选得到注释为凡纳滨对虾E75基因的转录本,经与基因组序列比对分析,鉴定发现凡纳滨对虾E75基因至少存在6种可变剪接体,分别命名为LvE75-1、LvE75-2、LvE75-3、LvE75-4、LvE75-5和LvE75-6。其中LvE75-1/2/4/5/6均包含DBD和LBD结构域,与果蝇E75A/C有相同的结构域,而LvE75-3仅包含LBD结构域,与果蝇E75D相同。在凡纳滨对虾蜕皮过程中,LvE75-1/2/3/4在D3~D4时期高表达,而LvE75-5和LvE75-6表达量很低。在成体组织中,LvE75各种剪切形式在所有检测的组织中均有表达,且在表皮、肠和鳃中表达较高,在肝胰脏、血细胞和淋巴组织中仅LvE75-3表达较高。实验通过双链RNA干扰LvE75基因的表达,在干扰样品中,检测到Halloween基因中的spo、phm和dib表达下调,shd表达上调,表明LvE75可能通过调控Halloween基因的表达来影响蜕皮激素的合成;同时E75基因的干扰也使同为蜕皮激素早期应答基因的Br-C基因和Ftz-F1基因表达下调,HR3基因表达上调,表明LvE75基因对蜕皮信号通路上下游基因均有作用。在LvE75基因持续干扰12 d后,凡纳滨对虾的蜕皮率显著低于对照组,而死亡率显著高于对照组,说明LvE75基因对凡纳滨对虾的蜕皮和生存具有重要作用。  相似文献   

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