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李茹秀 《林业研究》1995,6(3):71-73
Lastvears.manvrescarchaboutintcr-sPecificrclationshipofmixcdstandsforIarchandasht`crcrePeatcd,mostof\`tich,hot`cvcr,isfortheplantingtypeoflinc-bclt.Thispaperanalysisash-larchrclationshipfor26agcdartificialIarchstandmixedwithcvenagcdashinnaturalreqencration.SlTEANDMEASUREMENTMETHOl)ArtincialIarchstandmcasuredlocatcdatecologicaIcxPCrimcntstationinMaocrshanMountainForcstryFarmofNortbcastForcstryUnivcrsity'(El27'34',N45"24').LarchttasplantcdonagrcatPCaccofdescrtcdfieIdinl967t"itha…  相似文献   

王凤霞 《林业研究》1996,7(2):20-24
STUDYAREAANDareTH0DThestUdyareawasatthecompatheentllofXinkenIllWorkingUnitinchoershanExPenmentalForestFann,NortheastF0restryUniversity.Dunngthespnngofl967,Dahu-nanlarchwasplantedintheleftlandofsecon-daryf0rest.Beforeorafterplanhng,mal1yMancl1tlrial1ash,e1l11withwhitebarkandsolneotherbroad-leavedtLreesinvadedandgrewwell.NowManchunanashandDahu-nanlarchn1ixedforestshavebeenf0n11ed,inwhichManchurianashisdolninant.lnl984,2Pen1lanentplotsweresetupwiththeslzeof0.O6hnl',facil1gsoutheast,…  相似文献   

TllcbiologicalcycIingofnutricntclc-lllcntslntl1cccosystclnisthecyclingbctweentllcplantconununityandsoilwitl1intheccosys-tclll(Ot/ington,l986).ltformsol1ebranchofbiogQochcn1icalcyclesandislnarkedwitl1higl1spccdal1dil1tcl1sit}'.Biologicalcyclcofnutri-cntclenlcntsiscorrelatedwithforestproduc-tit'it3'closcly-tbeabsorptionandutilizatio11ofthe11utricntelemcntsoftheplantareillflu-cnccddircctl3'orindirectlybykindsofenvi-ronn1cntallbctorsandsomephysiologicalandlllatcrialproducingprocessareattectcd.Sot…  相似文献   

王录  陈祥伟  刘强 《林业研究》1994,5(2):22-28
NaturalregenerationofmanchurianashusuallytakesplacewheretherearesuitablesoilmoistureandseedbankofsecondarymanchurianashforestintheEasternMountainousAreaofNortheastChina.Sometimes,naturalregenerationofmanchurianashcanbefoundinpureconiferousplantation.Inordertofindoutthepossibilityofintroducingnaturalregenerationofmanchurianashinpureconiferousplantation,trialsandresear-cheshavebeencarriedoutindahurianlarchp1antationbyopeningupeffectbeltinthestands.lntheend,charactersofcommunitystructureandmicr…  相似文献   

落叶松水曲柳纯林与混交林根际土壤中养分浓度的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张彦东 《林业研究》2002,13(4):269-272
在落叶松水曲柳纯林与混交林中,采集林地土和根际土,测定了氮、磷、钾浓度,目的是探讨养分条件变化在混交林增产上的作用。结果表明:混交林林地土全氮浓度和水解氮浓度与水曲柳纯林相近,但要高于落叶松纯林。水曲柳在混交林中根际土全氮和水解氮浓度与纯林中的相近,而落叶松在混交林中根际土水解氮浓度明显高于纯林中的。混交林林地土全磷和全钾浓度与两个树种的纯林相差不大。混交林林地土有效磷、有效钾浓度均高于水曲柳纯林,而且水曲柳在混交林中根际土的有效磷和有效钾浓度与纯林中的相比明显增加,分别高出44.1%~79.6%和13.5%~25.6%。这说明水曲柳在混交林中磷和钾的利用状况得到了改善。表2参15。  相似文献   

Based on the main characteristies of growth,ohenology and resistance at both seed-ling stage (one year old) and sampling stage (seven years old) of Dahurian larch (Larix gmelinii(Rupr.)Rupr.) from seventeen provenances in China ranging from 47°10′ to 52°25′N and 119° 57′to 130°25′E,the rules and patterns of infraspecific geolgraphic variation have been studied by using variance analysis,corelation analysis,partial correlation analysis and regression analysis.The best provenance for local site and its neighborhood was selected according to the growth char-acteristies of seven years provenance test on Liangshui Experimental Forest Farm of NortheastForestry University.  相似文献   

柴一新  刁绍起 《林业研究》1995,6(3):109-113
Dahurianlarch(Larixgmelinii)isamaintreesPeciesinartificialstandsandManchuriaash(Fnainusma:dehurica)isavaluabIehardwoodsPeciesinti1eforestareaofnortheastChina.SomestUdiesrevealedthatthemixedstandbythetwospecieshadpositivemixedeffectSandnutritionrelationshipwasoneofthemaincausesforthepositiveeffects.lnsomeresearches,itwasfoundthatinline-belttwoflarch-ashmixedstand,theconcentra-tionofavailablephosphorusofsoilinlarchbeltwas2ntimesoftl1atinashbelt.Itisdeducedthatinsuchmixedstandtheashcanabsorbmo…  相似文献   

落叶松幼中龄林主要测树因子生长规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
落叶松是一个分布广,易栽培,早期生长快的树种,因此,研究落叶松幼、中龄林主要测树因子的生长规律,对落叶松的早期管理有着很重要的指导意义。结果表明,落叶松幼、中龄林的主测树因子呈幂函数型生长曲线,其直径平均生长量多在0.4 cm以上,树高平均生长量均在0.4 m以上,而在20 a后,材积平均生长量高达0.002 m3。  相似文献   

The larch (Larix) genus is the most important species group in the forest ecosystems in Northeastern China, occupying about 25% of the forest areas. The high tolerance to coldness and relatively fast growth rate make this genus the main species group for forestation. According to the predictions of the global circulation model CGCM3, temperature could rise by 2–4 °C over the next 100 years. Few studies have been conducted on the response of larch species to climate warming in Northeastern China. Such studies are becoming increasingly needed due to the economic and ecological significance of this genus. This paper studies the potential distribution ranges of three larch species under the current and the warming climate conditions. A new classification and regression tree technique, Random Forest, was used to investigate the potential distributions of three larch species, based on 18 environmental variables which reflect the climate, topography and soil conditions of Northeastern China. The results showed that the biological coldness index (BCI) is the most important factor for Dahurian larch, annual precipitation (AP) is the most important factor for Korean larch and elevation (DEM) is the most important factor for Prince Rupprecht larch.  相似文献   

Plantationsofdahurianlarch(LarixgmeIini(Rupr)Rupr.)haveestablishbdandhavebecomeanimportanttimberspeciesintheforestreserveresourcesinthenortheastofChina.Soformingtheforesttableswhichhavehighprecisionformakinglogicalmanagementdecisionsha$beenimportantproblemstobesolvedquicklyinforestrypractice.Uptonow,thereisalackofsystematicforestrytablesfordahurianlarchplantations.Themainpurposeofthispaperistotrytoconstructaseriesofsomeforestrytablesfordahurianlarchplantations.MATERIALSANDMETHODSData…  相似文献   

通过两种线小卷蛾对落叶松人工林轻、中、重度危害的研究,提出了两种线小卷蛾对落叶松人工林生长影响的定量计算方法,得出了两种线小卷蛾对落叶松人工林生长量的影响.结果表明,害虫发生程度越重,落叶松林各项生长量下降越多.  相似文献   

Numerous approaches have been developed to quantify forest structure modules.A variety has measured each as part of stand attributes.This study was carried out in managed mixed stands in northern Iran.The objective was to quantify stand structure and its variation before and after tree marking through the Gini index and structural triangle method.A full sampling inventory was taken in 2004 and 2014 at the beginning and end of a period,before and after tree marking operations in five stands.The results indicate that the Gini index was 39.5,62.2,43.0,82.0 and 74.0%forⅠ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,ⅣandⅤstands respectively.Furthermore,approximate structural diameters were determined as a large category forⅠ,Ⅱ,ⅢandⅤstands while standⅡhad an intermediate-large class pre-tree marking to an intermediate-small class post-tree marking.The paired t-test results were not significant for tree numbers and growing stock changes for all species,and for beech,hornbeam,and velvet maple before and after tree harvesting in the whole stand.Therefore,the Gini index and the structural triangle method can be used for natural stand modeling,structural diversity designation,and for management practices in nature-oriented forestry strategies.  相似文献   

刺槐林是中国北方丘陵半干旱区典型的生态防护林树种之一。通过自然降雨径流场定位观测试验,本文对辽宁西部地区(1850-12225E,4024-4234N)刺槐生态防护林及其采伐迹地的产流、产沙特征和土壤水分动态变化规律进行了定量研究。采伐迹地与刺槐林地相比二者之间的产流量和产沙量存在显著差异,采伐迹地的产流量和产沙量比刺槐林地分别增加40%-177%和180%-400%。典型降雨产流水文过程线显示,刺槐林地径流峰值比采伐迹地低1.0-2.5?0-3m3穝-1,且径流峰值出现的时间比采伐迹地滞后10-20min。谐波分析表明,刺槐林地与采伐迹地土壤含水量随年内降水量变化分干、湿两季,呈周期性变化,刺槐林地土壤年平均含水量比采伐迹地高2.3%。研究结果表明:刺槐生态防护林具有涵养水源、增加土壤水分、减少地表径流与土壤侵蚀的重要作用。图2表4参12。  相似文献   

吴俊民  吴保国 《林业研究》2000,11(2):103-105
lntroductionConcerningthemechanismoftheinteractionbe-tWeentreespeciesinthelarch(LafisgmelinI)-ash(PraxiPusmandShuFbe)mixedforest,wehavestudiedtheaIIelopathiceff6ctsoftheIarchvolatilematter,litterandrootsecretion.onthegroWthofash.TheobtainedresultsshowedclearIythatthelarchvoIatiIematt6rplayedaninhibitivepart,andboththeIarchIitt6randrootsecretionpIayedanobviousfystimuIatingpaFtontheashgroWth(Wu2oooa,2ooob,2oooc).Thispapermakesastudyofanotherallelo-pathicway(Ieaching)betWeenlarchandash.T…  相似文献   

Investigations were made in korean pine, mongolian scots pine and dahurian larch plantations in Laoshan Plantation Experiment Station of Maoershan Experiment Forest Farm of Northeast Forestry University. Data are tabulated on the amount and seasonal and annual fluctuations of fractional composition of the litter (conifer needles, branches, cones, bark scales, broad leaves) in the three plantations. The accounts of conifer needle branch and bark scale litter are as follows: korean pine: 71.16%, 6.23% and 7.32%; mongolian scots pine: 43.65%, 18.52 % and 32.12%; dahurian larch: 90.30%, 7.83% and 1.85%. There are certain broadleaf litter in dahurian larch and mongolian scots pine plantations (account for 7.61% and 8.92% respectively). The litter wither and fall concent ratively in autumn in dahurian larch plantation and scattered all year long in korean pine and mongolian scots pine plantations. Along with the increase of stand age, the absolute amount of litter tend to increase, the relative amount of main fractional compositions (conifer needle, branch and bark scale) in korean pine and mongolian Scots pine plantations maintain stead, whereas in dahurian larch plantation, the relative amount of conifer needle is decreased gradually and the relative amount of other fractional compositions are increased gradually.  相似文献   

lntroductionThepIantingofFraxiusm8ndShurfoabeganatShangzhi,Kedong,YianandFujincountiesofHei-longjiangProvincein196o'.Ash(hainusmand-shurica)andlarch(LarisgmehnI),AshandKoreanpine(PinuskoraiensiS)mixedstandwereremainednow,whichwereartificial,orformedbyplantingAshatterpIantingpureconiferousforest,orinducedbyestablishingeffectareainnaturalashforest.TherearemanyreferencesonthegrowthofashmixedstandinChina.Butinthepast,thestudyoftherela-tionshipbetWeentheincreasinggrowthofmixedstandwithdiffe…  相似文献   

Tree growth and carbon dynamics are important issues especially in the context of climate change. However, we essentially lack knowledge about the effects on carbon dynamics especially in mixed stands. Thus, the objective of this study was to test the effects of climatic changes on the above and below ground carbon dynamics of a mixed stand of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) by means of scenario simulations. To account for the typical tree interactions in a mixed-species stand a spatial explicit tree growth model based on eco-physiological processes was applied. Three different climate scenarios considering altered precipitation, temperature, and radiation were calculated for an unthinned and a thinned stand. The results showed significant changes of above and belowground biomass over time, especially when temperature and radiation were increased additionally to decreased precipitation. The reduction in biomass increments of Norway spruce were more attenuated above than below ground. In contrast, the results for beech were the opposite: The belowground increments were reduced more. These results suggest a shift in the species contribution to above and belowground biomass under dryer and warmer conditions. Distinct effects were also found when thinned and unthinned stands were compared. A reduced stand density changed the proportions of above and below ground carbon allocation. As a main reason for the changed growth reactions the water balance of trees was identified which lead to changed biomass allocation pattern. This article belongs to the special issue “Growth and defence of Norway spruce and European beech in pure and mixed stands”.  相似文献   

以怀化市鹤城区针阔混交林为研究对象,选择具有代表性的11块20 m×20 m标准地,进行树种组成结构分析,并利用Weibull分布函数开展直径分布研究。结果表明:(1)标准地内乔木层阔叶树以檫木、枫香、木荷为主,针叶树以杉木、马尾松、柏木为主。林木总蓄积量比重值位于前5位的树种是:杉木、枫香、马尾松、楠木、檫木,分别占总蓄积量的18.52%、18.36%、18.13%、12.88%、12.70%。(2)林分直径结构分析表明,树木直径分布曲线均呈不规则单山峰状曲线,应用Weibull分布函数拟合反映直径分布,并进行x2检验,效果比较理想。(3)各标准地林分的混交度均值都大于0.7,各优势树种的平均混交度比较高,按从大到小排序为马尾松杉木木荷檫木苦槠白栎枫香楠木柏木。  相似文献   

水曲柳落叶松混交林中细根空间分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王庆成 《林业研究》2002,13(4):265-268
采用根钻取样方法对年生水曲柳落叶松混交林中细根空间分布状况进行了研究。结果表明,水曲柳落叶松地下生物量的空间分配差异显著。在林分水平上,水曲柳的根生物量密度高于落叶松(分别为4442.3和2234.9g/m3)。两树种在相邻区域中分配的细根生物量较高,表明种间根系竞争较弱。落叶松行间的水曲柳细根生物量密度和根长密度均高于水曲柳行间的落叶松细根,表明水曲柳地下部分具有较强能力。根系的空间分布有利于混交林中水曲柳的生长。图1表4参19。  相似文献   

Following clearcutting applying the conventional stem-only harvesting method in a Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stand and different levels of removal of logging residue, the nutrient fluxes from the heaps of logging residue and from the O horizon were monitored over four growing seasons and the soil nutrient pools were determined. Three levels of removal of logging residue were carried out using (i) conventional stem-only harvesting (no residues removed); (ii) residues removed; and (iii) removal of branches (foliage left on site). The heaps of logging residue were a minor source of inorganic N entering the soil in the water percolating through the heaps, but they were a significant source of organic N, P, Ca, Mg, and especially K. Nutrient fluxes from the O horizon were in general greater under the heaps of logging residue as compared to soils without overlying logging residue. The leaching of inorganic N from the O horizon under the heaps of logging residue resulted in a net loss of these compounds, while the O horizon without overlying logging residue gained N. The removal of logging residue significantly decreased the extractable K pools in the soil while it or conversely, the presence of residue heaps had no significant effect on the pools of organic matter and the pools of N, P, Ca, and Mg in the O horizon and in the 0–10 cm soil layer. The results show that the short-term effects of logging residue on nutrient dynamics in the soil can be complex and difficult to interpret in terms of site productivity as there are changes in the nutrient fluxes, which imply the opposite effects on site productivity. However, the results do indicate that, in the short-term, the removal of logging residue does not impair pools of N in the soil nor site productivity on sites where the availability of N limits productivity.  相似文献   

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