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微波处理松材线虫病疫木技术研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
该文对利用微波处理松材线虫病疫木技术进行了研究,结果表明:不论木材厚薄大小、含水量多少、在微波处理炉腔内怎样堆放,以及环境温度、微波功率等因素的如何变化,只要SWB-Ⅱ型隧道式微波除害处理设备显示的木材表面温度大于68℃,持续30min,就能有效地杀死松木中的松褐天牛和松材线虫。  相似文献   

松材线虫病疫木安全利用新途径   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
该文在实地调查的基础上研究了利用松材线虫病疫木种植茯芩并杀死其中的松材线虫、松褐天牛达到安全利用的方法。研究表明:疫木种植茯苓第63天,样木中的松材线虫可全部死亡;第77天松褐天牛可全部死亡,种植240 d后,茯苓可采收,每立方米疫木可收益约1 100元。对利用疫木种植茯苓在种植技术、时间及安全性方面进行了可行性分析,并对经济效益和对生态环境的影响进行了评估。  相似文献   

松材线虫病检疫检验取样方法的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对24个样本分别采用木条(10g)和0.6cm钻头钻取的木屑(10g)作为分离材料进行线虫分离,利用方差分析的方法对线虫分离结果进行分析,其差异不显著,两种取样方法对线虫检验的结果没有影响,对19个样本分别采用木条(10g)和用1cm的钻头钻取的木屑(10g和5g)3种分离材料进行线虫分离,同样利用方差分析对虫分离结果进行分析,其差异也不显著,3种分离材料对线虫检验结果同样没有影响。因此,利用电钻取样是可行的,这种方法快速简便,易于推广应用。  相似文献   

通过林间设置松褐天牛Monochamusalternatus引诱剂,对引诱到的松褐天牛进行分离,10分钟后就能检查出有无病原线虫的存在,50分钟后线虫全部游离到水中。该方法具有在病害传入早期及时发现和检测时间短等优点  相似文献   

松材线虫病致病机理的研究进展   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:35  
杨宝君 《中国森林病虫》2002,21(1):27-31,14
该文对松材线虫病的致病机制的研究进行了概述。目前对松材线虫病的病原有两种看法,一种认为松材线虫是惟一病原,另一种认为病原为松材线虫和细菌两种生物。对于松材线虫的致病机理,目前存在3种观点。第1种观点认为松材线虫的酶使松树薄壁细胞的细胞壁和细胞膜遭到破坏,树脂不正常地从树脂道中渗漏并扩散到相邻的管胞中,使水分输导受阻,导致萎蔫。第2种观点认为松树感染了松材线虫后,木质部内挥发性萜烯类物质的含量增加,这些物质进入管胞在管胞中形成空洞,致使水分输导受阻。第3种观点认为松树感染松材线虫后,体内产生有毒物质,这些物质使松树萎蔫。  相似文献   

防治松材线虫病的室内药剂筛选   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用40%克线磷乳油、3%克百威颗粒剂、35%阿维菌素乳油及4.5%高效氯氰菊酯乳油4种药剂,分别以6种浓度梯度对松材线虫进行室内药剂生测,初步筛选出防效较好的药剂为40%克线磷乳油,其最佳的使用浓度为200mg/L。  相似文献   

选用来自松材线虫Bursaphelenchus xylophilus(Steiner & Buhrer)Nicle病疫区的6株病树和1块沙发板条作为试验材料,进行了培养温度和时间对疫木直接保湿培养松材线虫分散型3龄幼虫发育成熟影响的研究。结果表明,30℃恒温条件下培养72h,幼虫的成虫率25%,高于25℃的成虫率。30℃培养72h,25℃培养96h以上时进行松材线虫快速检验,结果受疫木中线虫的分布和含量影响较小。  相似文献   

松材线虫染病黑松上钻蛀性昆虫生态位的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2006年8月和10月,在浙江省舟山市和安徽省滁州市的松材线虫病典型发生区调查了黑松上的钻蛀性害虫的种类,分析了衰弱木上优势虫种的生态位宽度、生态位相似性和生态位重叠值。结果表明:在感染松材线虫病的黑松上共发现7种昆虫,其中钻蛀类害虫5种,天敌2种。在两地生活于松树主干上的昆虫种类不尽相同,而且具有各自不同的生态位宽度,存在不同程度的生态位重叠,对空间和营养资源的利用有不同比例的相似性。依据其各自生物学特性和生活习性的不同达到竞争的平衡和共存。  相似文献   

日本松材线虫病研究的最新动向   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
该文重点对近2a日本松材线虫病的研究文献进行整理分析。目前松材线虫病的研究仍是日本国森林病虫害的主要研究课题。在松树的抗(感)病机理、线虫在树体内的活动与增殖规律、线虫与天牛的关系、生物防治以及新技术在研究中的应用等方面取得较大进展。  相似文献   

绿僵菌Mf2菌株对松材线虫的毒力测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索绿僵菌Metarhigium anisopliae Mf2菌株对松材线虫的毒杀效果,从4种常见培养基PDA,PPDA,SDAY,SMAY中选择一种最适于绿僵菌Mf2菌株营养生长及产孢的培养基,测定该菌株对松材线虫的毒杀活性。结果表明,Mf2菌株在PPDA培养基中生长速度最快,14 d后菌落直径大于其他3种培养基,为76.00 mm;培养14 d后PPDA培养基中菌株产孢量最高,为5.667×1010个孢子,显著高于其他培养基上的产孢量,约为处于第2位的PDA培养基上产孢量的2.5倍;绿僵菌Mf2菌株具有较高杀线虫活性,处理36 h后校正死亡率为98.52%。绿僵菌Mf2菌株对松材线虫毒力测定表明具有很高的毒性,有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

松材线虫病是松林的毁灭性病害,过去几十年已在日本、韩国及中国等东亚国家迅速传播扩散.加强对非疫区的监测与保护是目前关注的重点,利用1%阿维菌素微囊悬浮剂对马尾松进行树干注药以预防松材线虫病,研究结果表明,树干注药处理区的枯死松树要显著少于不实施注干的对照区,且处理区内枯死松树比率不超过2%.因此,通过树干注药技术施用1%阿维菌素微囊悬浮剂对预防松材线虫病能起到显著效果.  相似文献   

研究和综述了寄生松科植物的伞滑刃属(Bursaphelenchus)的线虫23种,松材线虫的寄主松科植物108种、携带昆虫40种及发病的环境条件。  相似文献   

松材线虫对湖南林业和生态环境影响的风险性分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
遵循国际植物保护公约(IPPC)制定的有害生物分析准则,结合森林植物检疫对象的特点,从地理和管理标准、传入、定殖、定殖后扩散的可能性、潜在的经济和环境重要性在对松材线虫传入湖南进行了风险分析。证明松材线虫完全符合检疫性有害生物地理和管理标准,随松类植物及产品的调运从国内外疫区传入的可能性极大,在湖南完全能够定殖,定殖后能迅速扩散并暴发成灾,不仅对全省林业生产影响极大,而且严重威胁世界自然遗产武陵源风景区的安全,提出了3种降低风险的管理措施。  相似文献   

诱抗试验结果表明:(1)IBA、乙烯、IBA+乙烯对马尾松的诱抗效果达60%,而IBA+乙烯对黑松苗的诱抗效果为125%。(2)Ca2++IBA对黑松苗的诱抗效果为3667%。(3)除Sa+IBA对黑松苗的诱抗效果为167%外,其余Sa的各处理效果均不明显。(4)铵的单用、混用或与Ca2+混用对马尾松诱抗效果均可达668%~100%。  相似文献   

The ability of the pine wood nematode,Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, a pathogen that causes pine wilt disease, to kill cortical cells of Japanese black pine,Pinus thunbergii, during early development of the disease was conjectured to be a function of nematode developmental stage. A tangential segment of bark was removed from a 2-cm-long current-year stem. The cortex-exposed segments with cut cortical resin canals were designated as + RC-segments and those without them as − RC-segments. When a nematode population containing many older juveniles and adults (NL) was inoculated onto the cut surface, the − RC-segments were still alive 4 d after inoculation, as were non-inoculated control segments. When cortex-exposed segments were inoculated with either a nematode population containing many younger nematodes (NS) or with nematodes isolated from inoculated pine cuttings that also contained many younger juveniles, most tissue cells in − RC-segments died 4 d after inoculation, suggesting that younger juveniles killed pine cells directly, in contrast with older juveniles and adults. When nematodes were inoculated onto + RC-segments in which they could easily enter resin canals, both NL and NS killed the segment tissues. This suggests that NL is pathogenic to pine cells while living in resin canals. Such differences in the pathogenicity of NL and NS to pine parenchymatous cells were also demonstrated in a pathogenicity assay system using bark peelings, which allowed an estimate of direct attack on the cambial cells by nematodes. Based on these results, we hypothesize that younger juveniles are pathogenic to pine parenchymatous cells, while adults and older juveniles are not pathogenic. This work was supported in part by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No.01440012 and 06454088) and for Young Scientists (to K.I.) from Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports of Japan, and by a grant from PROBRAIN.  相似文献   

对杨树溃疡病及松材线虫病对树木电指标的影响进行研究.结果表明:杨树溃疡病胁迫下,毛白杨扦插苗POD酶活性先增大后减小,PPO酶活性持续增大,树木干部电容和单位电容呈减小趋势,而树木干部阻抗呈增大趋势,最先表现出统计学差异性的指标是POD酶活性,其次为树木干部电容,之后为树体干部阻抗,最后是PPO酶活性;树木干部电容和单位电容与马尾松枯针率均有显著的正相关关系,同时利用树体干部电容0.5 nF为阈值,判断马尾松是否感染松材线虫的准确率可达89.26%.  相似文献   

The effect of water-stress conditioning on water relations and histological features ofPinus thunbergii Parl. inoculated with avirulent isolate ofBursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner and Buhrer) Nickle, pine wood nematode, were investigated. Pines were kept under 8 days cycle of severe water stress. One-half of the water-stressed pines died as a result of infection by avirulent pine wood nematode and water stress tended to induce increased susceptibility and/or decreased resistance of pines to avirulent pine wood nematode. In dead pines, the water conducting function of xylem was lost, and all of the parenchyma cells died. In surviving pines, the xylem hydraulic conductivity and the xylem water content were significantly reduced (12 to 23% and 77 to 83%, respectively) compared to controls. Safranin dye perfusion of excised axis stem segments indicated that the water conductance was limited to the very narrow peripheral area of xylem. Embolism caused by cavitation in the tracheids occurred in the central part of xylem and in that dysfunctional region of the xylem the axial parenchyma cells surrounding the epithelial cells, and ray parenchyma cells partly degenerated but the epithelial cells survived. The disruption of tracheid shape observed in surviving pines indicates that avirulent pine wood nematode temporarily disturbed cell division of the cambium. Considering the differences in responses between dead pines and surviving pines after inoculation with avirulent pine wood nematode, the death of water-stressed pines apparently resulted from death of cells, in particular the vascular cambium and the loss of xylem hydraulic function by cavitation.  相似文献   

When pine trees are invaded by pine wilt diseases,the severely infected pine trees will die and fall down,or they will be removed when found to be damaged by the disease.It gives rise to the invasion of other species in these empty niches originally occupied by pine trees,i.e.,competing surrounding trees or understory shrubs will invade the empty niches during the following years.As a result,the spatial distribution and pattern of the main tree species in a pine forest will change,and a niche variety in the...  相似文献   

The interactions between pine wood nematode and three bacterium strains isolated from the nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, which are two strong pathogenic bacterium strains, Pseudomonas fluorescens GcM5-1A and Pseudomonas putida ZpB1-2A and a weak-pathogenic bacterium strain, Pantoea sp. ZM2C, were studied. The result showed that the strong-pathogenic GcM5-1A strain and ZpB1-2A strain significantly increased fecundity, reproduction rate, and the body volume of the adult nematode. Meanwhile, pine wood nematodes significantly promoted reproduction of the two strong-pathogenic bacterium strains. However, the weak-pathogenic bacterium strain, ZM2C, completely inhibited reproduction of pine wood nematodes. Aseptic pine wood nematodes significantly inhibited reproduction of the strain ZM2C. The results indicated that mutualistic symbiosis exists between pine wood nematodes and the two pathogenic bacteria it carries. The phenomenon showed that the pathogenic bacteria carried by the nematode were not accidentally contaminated, but rather had existed as symbionts of the nematode with which it had coevoluted over a long period. The role of mutualistic symbiosis in the process of pine wilt disease was also discussed. __________ Translated from Journal of Nanjing Forestry University, 2005, 29(3): 1–4 [译自: 南京林业大学学报, 2005, 29(3): 1–4]  相似文献   

When pine trees are invaded by pine wilt diseases, the severely infected pine trees will die and fall down, or they will be removed when found to be damaged by the disease. It gives rise to the invasion of other species in these empty niches originally occupied by pine trees, i.e., competing surrounding trees or understory shrubs will invade the empty niches during the following years. As a result, the spatial distribution and pattern of the main tree species in a pine forest will change, and a niche variety in the main population will occur. In the end, the direction of the succession and restoration of the pine forest ecosystem will be affected. In our study, a Pinus massoniana forest with the dominant shrub, Pleioblastus amarus, was invaded by pine wood nematode and was clear cut. Selecting this community as our research object, we studied the effect of the invasion of the pine wood nematode on the growth of the dominant shrub, P. amarus, in this Pinus massoniana forest. Our results show that, after the attacked pine trees were removed, the niche was occupied by Pleioblastus amarus and other shrubs, which benefited the growth of P. amarus to its climax. Growth of P. amarus at the climax stage was greater compared with the unhealthy pine forest and the control group.  相似文献   

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