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The existence of peste des petits ruminants (PPR) in domestic ruminants and camels in Sudan during 2008–2012 was investigated. Lung tissues and serum samples were randomly collected from sheep, goats, cattle, and camels at different areas of Sudan. A total of 12,384 serum samples were collected from clinically healthy 7413 sheep, 1988 camels, 1501 cattle, 1459 goats, and 23 gazelles at different areas in the Sudan. They were examined for PPR antibodies using competitive ELISA (cELISA). The overall detected seroprevalence of PPR in tested sera was 49.4%; seroprevalence values within species were 67.1, 48.2, 25.8, 2.1, and 21.7% in sheep, goat, cattle, camels, and gazelles, respectively. The highest seroprevalence (68.1%) was observed in sera collected from Darfur states, then the central states (54.3%). A total of 1276 lung tissue samples (623 sheep, 324 cattle, 220 camels, and 109 goats) were collected. The majority of lung samples were collected from clinically healthy animals that showed lesions on PM in slaughterhouses (95%) and during PPR outbreaks; samples were tested for PPR antigen using immunocapture ELISA (IcELISA). PPR antigen was detected in 233 out of the 1276 tested samples (18.3%). Positive results were observed in samples collected from clinically healthy and diseased animals. The observed prevalence values in each species were 33.6, 21.1, 15.4, and 12.3% in camel, goat, sheep, and cattle, respectively. PPR antigen was detected in samples from different areas; however, the highest prevalence (63.9%) was found in samples collected from the eastern states, then Khartoum state (28%). Trials for virus isolation were done in different cell cultures. Out of 30 IcELISA-positive samples inoculated in primary bovine and ovine kidney cells, Vero cells, the PPR virus was successfully isolated from 15 (eight sheep, five camels, and two goats) samples in the three cell culture types. Using RT-PCR, PPRV nucleic acid was detected in all 25 IcELISA-positive tested samples.  相似文献   

Innervation of the horn region in domestic ruminants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Corynebacterium equi has been recovered from the gastrointestinal tract of sheep and cattle. It can be found in all parts of the gut, and around 80% of animals have the organism in one or more intestinal sites.C. equi could be detected in the faeces of sheep which were kept caged and free from recontamination by the organism.  相似文献   

The distribution and organisation of the intralingual lymphoid tissue was studied in sheep, goat and cattle. For each species, the tongues of two animals were harvested and divided in sample blocks extending over the total surface of the tongue. With 2.5 mm intervals, ten serial histological sections were made for conventional histological staining (haematoxylin-eosin, Van Gieson, Masson's trichrome) and immunohistochemical staining of lymphoid cells (anti-CD3, anti-CD21, anti-CD45). Lymphocytes were scattered in the subepithelial propria-submucosa and in the connective tissue cores of the lingual papillae. The connective tissue cores of fungiform papillae, including those located on the lingual apex, and vallate papillae showed relatively more lymphocytes than the propria-submucosa. Lymphoid cell aggregations were even more abundant beneath the grooves surrounding the vallate papillae in small ruminants. In cattle, a well-organised lingual tonsil was additionally found at the root of the tongue. CD3-positive lymphocytes were observed in all species examined. CD21-positive lymphocytes were numerous in the lymphoid nodules of the bovine lingual tonsil but very scarce in the ovine and caprine tongues. Therefore, the lymphoid cell aggregations in the tongues of small ruminants should not be referred to by the term 'lingual tonsil'.  相似文献   

Craniofacial anomalies, eye malformations, and permanent flexures of the forelimbs are common malformations seen in ruminants grazing semiarid rangelands of Northeastern Brazil. To investigate the cause of these malformations, we fed 2 suspected plants, Mimosa tenuiflora or Prosopis juliflora, to groups of 4 pregnant goats each. Fresh green M. tenuiflora was collected daily and fed ad libitum to 4 goats in group 1 throughout pregnancy. This treatment group also received a supplemental feed concentrate equivalent to 1% body weight. Four goats in group 2 received a ration with 70% of P. juliflora pods and 30% hay throughout pregnancy. Four control goats were fed supplemental feed concentrate (1% body weight) and hay ad libitum throughout pregnancy. Goats treated with P. juliflora pods and the control goats delivered 9 normal kids. The four goats that were fed M. tenuiflora during pregnancy delivered 4 kids, 3 of which had abnormalities similar to those observed in field cases, including cleft lip, unilateral corneal opacity, ocular bilateral dermoids, buphthalmos with a cloudy brownish appearance of the anterior chamber due to an iridal cyst, and segmental stenosis of the colon. Malformations induced experimentally by M. tenuiflora were similar to those observed in field cases, suggesting that M. tenuiflora is a cause of the field cases observed in the Brazilian semiarid rangelands.  相似文献   

Heartwater in hosts other than domestic ruminants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The importance of further research on the susceptibility of wild hosts to Cowdria ruminantium infection is discussed. The literature is surveyed and an attempt is made to divide the various species described into susceptible and refractory hosts. The reasons for the numerous apparently conflicting reports are considered and it is suggested that those making further inquiries in this field of work take these factors into account.  相似文献   

The prevalence of swine gastrointestinal parasites was determined from all listed large swine operations (28) and a geographically representative sample (70) of the population of small hog farm operations in Oklahoma. Fecal samples (n = 975) were collected from 98 farms. From the 98 farms, parasites were recovered in pig feces as follows: Ascaris, 53.0%, strongyles, 53.1%, Trichuris, 35.7%, spirurids, 6.1%, Strongyloides, 19.4%, coccidia, 57.1%, and Balantidium, 55.1%. A higher percentage (16.5%) of hogs maintained on cement floors were positive for Ascaris than were those on either dirt lots (11.9%) or slatted floors (9.9%), but pigs on dirt lots were more often positive with a higher percentage of coccidia (21.0%) than those on either cement or slatted floors (8.5% and 6.0%, respectively). Prevalence of Trichuris was essentially the same (6.8% to 11.3%) in hogs from all 3 management practices.  相似文献   

Summary Botswana has one of the largest reserves of wild antelopes in the world. The economy of Botswana and the livelihood of its people are dependent to a large degree upon cattle production, and to a lesser degree upon sheep, goats and game animals. Field studies in Botswana have indicated a severe degree of parasitic infestation in cattle, sheep and goats under semi-arid and drought conditions. Contrary to findings in other countries, many cattle in Botswana do not develop or maintain strong a resistance to helminthiasis. Helminthiasis in wild ruminants does not appear to be a severe herd problem, although individual animals under conditions of stress can be severely parasitized. Although transmission of some parasites from wild ruminants to domestic livestock and vice versa may occur it is unlikely that the wildlife species contribute to helminthiases in domestic livestock.
Sumario Botswana posee una de las mayores reservas de antílopes del mundo. La economía del país y el sustento de sus habitantes dependen en gran medida de la producción de ganado vacuno, y en menor grado de los ovinos, cabras y caza. Estudios de campo realizados en Botswana han indicado una seria infestación parasitaria en bovinos, ovinos y caprinos en condiciones semiáridas y de sequía. Contrariamente a los resultados obtenidos en otros paises, muchos bovinos en Botswana no desarrollan ni mantienen buena resistencia contra la helminthiasis. La helminthiasis en los ruminantes salvajes no parece ser un problema grave, aunque algunos animales bajo condiciones de “stress” pueden hallarse severamente parasitados. A pesar de que puede ocurrir la transmisión de algunos parásitos de los animales salvajes a os bovinos y viceversa, es improbable que aquellos contribuyan a la helmintiasis del ganado.

Résumé Botswana a une des plus grandes réserves d’antilopes sauvages du monde. L’économie du pays et la subsistance de ses gens dépendent à un haut degré de l’élevage de bovidés, et secondairement des ovins, des chèvres et du gibier. Des études de campagne faites à Botswana ont indiqué un sévère degré d’infestation parasitaire des bovidés, ovins et chèvres dans des conditions semi-arides et de sécheresse. Au contraire de ce qu’on a trouvé ailleurs, beaucoup de bovidés à Botswana ne developpent ni conservent une forte résistance vers l’helminthiase. L’helminthiase en les ruminants sauvages ne semble pas être un problème grave, même si quelques animaux individuels dans des conditions de “stress” peuvent être sérieusement parasités. Malgrè la possibilité de transmission de quelques parasites des animaux sauvages aux bovins domestiques et vice versa, ce n’est pas probable que ceux-là contribuent à l’helminthiase du bétail.

Effects of gastrointestinal nematode infection on metabolism and nutrient utilisation in sheep are reviewed. Infection induces protein deficiency by increasing the demand for amino acids in the alimentary tract while reducing supply through depression of appetite. Mechanisms through which improved protein nutrition could improve the performance of the host are then discussed. Opportunities for capitalising on such effects are limited by our rudimentary understanding of the cell-mediated immune response in gastrointestinal epithelial tissue. Both resistance of the animal to larval establishment and performance in the face of larval challenge can be enhanced by improved protein nutrition. However, enhanced immune responses may not necessarily be synonymous with improved productivity except at luxurious levels of protein intake, because of apparently competing demands for protein. Such levels of protein nutrition are difficult to achieve in pasture-based systems, because of the protein limiting role of the rumen. Work with protein-protecting tannins to overcome this limitation is discussed. The much more limited evidence for effect of mineral nutrition, particularly copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), cobalt (Co) and phosphorus (P), on outcome of larval challenge is also reviewed.  相似文献   

Effects of gastrointestinal nematode infection on metabolism and nutrient utilisation in sheep are reviewed. Infection induces protein deficiency by increasing the demand for amino acids in the alimentary tract while reducing supply through depression of appetite. Mechanisms through which improved protein nutrition could improve the performance of the host are then discussed. Opportunities for capitalising on such effects are limited by our rudimentary understanding of the cell-mediated immune response in gastrointestinal epithelial tissue. Both resistance of the animal to larval establishment and performance in the face of larval challenge can be enhanced by improved protein nutrition. However, enhanced immune responses may not necessarily be synonymous with improved productivity except at luxurious levels of protein intake, because of apparently competing demands for protein. Such levels of protein nutrition are difficult to achieve in pasture-based systems, because of the protein limiting role of the rumen. Work with proteinprotecting tannins to overcome this limitation is discussed. The much more limited evidence for effect of mineral nutrition, particularly copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), cobalt (Co) and phosphorus (P), on outcome of larval challenge is also reviewed.  相似文献   

Potent anthelmintics were introduced into the Swiss market several decades ago. Despite this, gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN), lungworms and the large liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) can successfully inhabit Swiss ruminant farms. This is mainly due to a high reproductive capacity as well as very efficient survival strategies. In addition some species readily develop anthelmintic resistance. GIN-infections in young cattle are under comparatively good control. However, prophylactic measures are compromised where adult stock is also affected due to incomplete development of immune protection. Under these circumstances control measures must include all age groups. This results in fewer helminths in refugia thus may accelerate the development of anthelmintic resistance. This review aims to present a synopsis of the significance of the major helminth infections obtained on pasture by large and small ruminants in Switzerland. Currently available strategies for strategic helminth control are summarized and an outlook is given on new developments which might expand the spectrum of control measures relevant for veterinary practice in the future.  相似文献   

Consensus Statements of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) provide veterinarians with guidelines regarding the pathophysiology, diagnosis, or treatment of animal diseases. The foundation of the Consensus Statement is evidence-based medicine, but if such evidence is conflicting or lacking, the panel provides interpretive recommendations on the basis of their collective expertise. The Consensus Statement is intended to be a guide for veterinarians, but it is not a statement of standard of care or a substitute for clinical judgment. Topics of statements and panel members to draft the statements are selected by the Board of Regents with input from the general membership. A draft prepared and input from Diplomates is solicited at the Forum and via the ACVIM Web site and incorporated in a final version. This Consensus Statement was approved by the Board of Regents of the ACVIM before publication.  相似文献   

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