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随着社会的进步、经济的发展、人们生活水平的日益提高,农业生产和农产品消费发生了巨大变化,农产品的生产从重视产量到产量与品质、安全并重,购买农产品从注重价格、数量到更加注重质量、安全,农产品安全问题日益成为消费者关注的焦点. 相似文献
种植业生产中农药污染现状与控制对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对农业种植业生产过程中农药使用情况进行调查研究,阐述了农药污染的发生现状,从杜绝农药面源污染的角度和科学用药的技术层面,提出了有效控制农药污染的对策。 相似文献
龙州县农作物病虫测报工作现状与发展对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
病虫测报是植保工作的基础,是实现"预防为主,综合防治"植保方针的前提,是实现"绿色植保、公共植保"的重要组成部分,健全有效的测报体系是完成病虫预测预报、信息发布、传递以及指导防治的关键。从病虫测报人员、测报体系建设情况、预报手段等方面,分析其中存在的问题,并就病虫测报工作今后的发展对策提出建议。 相似文献
泰顺县是全国生态示范县。本县产茶历史悠久,茶叶一直是传统经济作物,也是泰顺山区农民增加收入的重要来源。现茶树种植面积3533hm2,年产茶1600t。本县的三杯香、雪龙茶等名优茶品种,以品质香高味醇,在市场上享有盛誉。近年来,本县茶业发展坚持立足本区域生态环境资源优势,实行无公害生产,稳步发展绿色、有机茶叶。但是,茶园分散,经营规模小,茶农的质量安全认识水平和栽培管理水平参差不齐,就整体而言,仍存在农残超标等质量安全隐患。探讨茶园病虫害综合治理技术,降低农药残留,生产无公害茶叶,仍旧是目前茶叶植保工作的1个重要问题。1病虫发… 相似文献
农作物易受多种病虫的侵害,病虫灾害不仅对农业生产,而且对国民经济和人民生活造成严重的影响。为了更有效地预测、防御和治理农业病虫灾害,确保我省农业生产总体开发取得更大成效,振兴江西经济,现将我省农业病虫灾害发生动态及其治理对策简述于下。一、病虫危害的严重性我省常见的主要农作物病虫在200种以上,其中发生普遍、危害较重的占三分之一左右。这些病虫对农作物产品的产量和质量 相似文献
Integrated Pest Management of Pest Mole Crickets with Emphasis on the Southeastern USA 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
There are at least 70 species of mole crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae). Some are rare, others are innocuous, and a few are important pests. These soil-dwelling pests damage underground parts of a long list of cultivated plants. Although tillage and flooding are used successfully in some situations to bring these pests to the soil surface and expose them to vertebrate and other predators, chemical pesticides are widely used against them. Knowledge of their life history is used to time application of chemical treatments to save money, but is not used as widely as it might be. Classical biological control has been used against immigrant mole crickets in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the southern USA. In Florida, three Scapteriscus species from South America cause major damage to pastures and turf and are targets of a classical biological control program. Population levels of two of the pest species have been reduced substantially in Florida by establishment of a tachinid fly (Ormia depleta) and a steinernematid nematode (Steinernema scapterisci) from South America. The nematode also functions as a biopesticide. Managers of pastures and turf in Florida have thus far derived benefit from these classical biological control agents without understanding their function: use of chemicals is reduced when mole cricket populations are lower due to action of these organisms. Future enhancement of the action of O. depleta and of a sphecid wasp (Larra bicolor, which also was introduced from South America) probably will demand deliberate planting of nectar sources for adults of these biological control agents, and the advantage will be to managers who adopt such a strategy. Chemical pesticide use is strongly promoted by a large chemical industry, whereas biopesticidal use has thus far been little promoted and sales have been few. Even managers who do not change their simple strategy of pesticide use in response to damage by mole crickets, and have no knowledge of the differing life cycles of the three Scapteriscus species or of the presence and action of the classical biological control agents, will derive benefit as these biological control agents (and a predatory beetle which has not yet been released) increase their distribution. 相似文献
J.C. Headley 《EPPO Bulletin》1973,3(3):51-59
Even though there have been many actions to limit chlorinated hydrocarbons used to control insects, many significant environmental problems connected with agricultural pest control remain. To deal with environmental effects in pest control strategy requires economic evaluation even though there are analytical difficulties. Environmental effects of pest control methods can be given economic meaning through the use of implied values measured in terms of sacrifices of conventional benefits. Where the biological significance of damages from pest control methods is known, the problem is to evaluate the differences in net benefits for alternative strategies. However, for those damages which involve uncertainty some sort of hazard-benefit analysis is needed with the ultimate decision made by persons responsible to society for value judgements. More co-operation is needed by economists and pest control experts to provide the best information possible within the limits of their professional expertise including analyzing pest control methods in the time dimension. High quality scientific analysis reduces the uncertainty for political decisions. 相似文献
江西森林病虫害发生现状、原因及可持续,控制对策探讨 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文从森林病虫害可持续控制的观点出发,分析了江西森林病虫害危害现状,探讨了江西省森林病虫害可持续控制的基本对策和措施。 相似文献
L. Metcalf 《Phytoparasitica》1994,22(4):275-279