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SUMMARY Cashmere goats and Merino sheep were grazed together at 7.5 animals per ha on annual rye grass and clover pasture in southern Victoria, a winter rainfall area. Intake of parasitic larvae was measured in oesophageal extrusa samples collected from 2 animals of each species, 4 times in one week, on 7 occasions between mid-March (autumn) and mid-June (winter). Pasture contamination with larvae was measured at the same times. The number of larvae per kg of green grass was lower than on green clover; the most heavily contaminated portion of the pasture was the mat of dead herbage on the ground. The diet selected by goats contained more green grass and dead herbage and less clover that that of sheep (P < 0.01). Goats ingested 643 infective trichostrongylid larvae per kg dry matter intake (DMI) versus 274 per kg DMI for sheep in autumn, increasing to 1892 versus 1143 in early winter. The heavier trichostrongylid burdens of goats compared with sheep, when grazed together, are due in part to greater rates of infection consequent on different grazing patterns as well as greater susceptibility to infection.  相似文献   

An investigation into the seasonal changes in the population structure of Haemonchus and Trichostrongylus in tracer goats was conducted over 12 months at Serdang, an area in southern West Malaysia with year-round tropical rainfall. Successive groups of parasite-free tracer goats were grazed for a month alongside naturally infected adult goats and necropsied for worm counts 14 days after their removal from pasture. No hypobiotic larvae of Trichostrongylus were recovered. Hypobiotic larvae of Haemonchus were evident during each month of the year but accounted for only a very small proportion of the total Haemonchus burden. Very low levels were encountered from December through to June. Comparatively higher levels of hypobiosis were observed thereafter with a peak of 7.4% in September. The factors responsible for hypobiosis were not clearly defined but the phenomenon was associated with increasing levels of soil moisture storage. Host resistance, adult worm population of tracers and population of ingested L3 were ruled out as possible inducing factors.  相似文献   

Sheep faeces incubated for 7 days at 27 degrees C for cultivation of third-stage nematode larvae were sprinkled daily with urine from sheep or with solutions of components normally occurring in sheep urine. Larval development was completely blocked in cultures sprinkled either with sheep urine, with solutions of 2 or 4% urea, or with urine from which urea or the phenol components had been extracted. Only a few third-stage larvae developed in cultures sprinkled with 1% urea. Normal larval development occurred in cultures sprinkled with either the phenol component from urine, or with solutions of 0.035% phenol, 0.035% p-cresol, 0.3% allantoin, 0.3% hippuric acid or 2.8% NaCl. Normal larval development also occurred in all control cultures sprinkled with water, including one culture where there was urine in the space between the outer and inner beaker used for cultivation. It is suggested that the inhibitory effect of urine on larval development is mainly caused by ammonia produced when urinary urea is brought into contact with urease of faecal origin. It is, however, an unsolved question why urine, from which urea had been removed, also inhibited larval development.  相似文献   

More than 2900 faecal samples and 200 herbage samples were examined from January 1986 to January 1989 during a study of the host/parasite relationships of the gastrointestinal nematodes of a herd of farmed red deer in Surrey. The pattern of faecal egg output from the hinds appeared to conform to a tri-modal distribution with peaks during spring, the periparturient period and late summer. Third stage larvae were present on the herbage during every month. The new generation appeared in June but levels of larvae remained low until the autumn. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to the farming of red deer.  相似文献   

Paddocks near Gawler, South Australia, were grazed by newly weaned sheep which received either no anthelmintic treatment, regular 3-weekly treatment or a single treatment in February. A decline in the faecal egg count of untreated sheep in autumn associated with the ingestion of infective larvae indicated that the sheep had developed a resistance to reinfection. At the end of the experiment, 10 sheep were experimentally infected with Trichostrongylus vitrinus larvae to demonstrate this resistance. Untreated sheep grew less wool and had lower body weights when compared with treated animals and were extremely 'daggy'. A single treatment in February did not prevent production losses or scouring.  相似文献   

In each of two consecutive years, groups of breeding ewes were removed from a hill farm in the west of Scotland on four occasions, namely late pregnancy, early lactation, autumn and early winter. At slaughter the major nematode genus present in the alimentary tract was Ostertagia, with O circumcincta the predominant species but three species previously found in Scottish hill sheep, Bunostomum trigonocephalum, Strongyloides papillosis and Chabertia ovina were absent. An absolute increase in total nematode burden and faecal egg count was apparent in the ewes commencing in late pregnancy, reaching a maximum during lactation and falling again in autumn and early winter. This peri-parturient increase in the nematode population could not be solely attributed to the maturation of previously inhibited larval stages but was primarily the result of the development of recently ingested infection; the latter situation thought to be due to a temporary relaxation of immunological response by the ewe at parturition or early lactation. Serum pepsinogen values in ewes remained elevated throughout the grazing season and were always higher than those of their lambs, suggesting that the ewe, although allowing few parasites to become established, was under considerable challenge in the autumn. The worm burdens of the lambs were always low in autumn and early winter with Ostertagia spp being the major genus present during the autumn and Trichostrongylus spp being the predominant genus during the early winter.  相似文献   

A convenient and space-saving technique for extracting nematode larvae from bovine faeces is described. The numbers of larvae recovered using this technique are similar to those obtained by conventional methods.  相似文献   



This study investigated seasonal changes in naturally acquired gastrointestinal nematode (GIN) infections on two Lithuanian goat farms with different parasite control practices.


On both farms, nematode faecal egg counts (FEC) and larval cultures were obtained from 15 adult and 10 young goats at bi-weekly intervals from April 2012 to April 2013. Goats on farm A were dewormed with ivermectin (0.3 mg/kg body weight) in October/November 2012, whereas the animals on farm B were left untreated. Thirteen young goats were slaughtered in August/November 2012 and April 2013 and worm burdens in the gastrointestinal tract were enumerated. In goats from both farms, Teladorsagia, Trichostrongylus, Oesophagostomum, Chabertia and Haemonchus were the dominant GIN genera. Herbage contamination with infective third-stage larvae (L3) peaked in July/August and resulted in high FEC in September/October. Parasitological examination at slaughter showed that Teladorsagia spp. and Haemonchus contortus survived the winter, both in the abomasal mucosa as adults and as early fourth-stage larvae (EL4). Deworming on farm A significantly reduced FEC, especially of H. contortus, at the start of the grazing period compared with the untreated farm B (P < 0.05).


Goats were heavily infected with several GIN throughout the year. Strategic anthelmintic treatment during housing significantly reduced nematode egg output, in particular by H. contortus, at the start of the grazing season.  相似文献   

Thirty-nine weaned steer calves (mean weight 284 kg) were maintained under dry-lot conditions and assigned (based on fecal nematode egg count) to one of three treatment groups of 13 animals each as follows: control (no treatment), fenbendazole (5 mg kg-1), and ivermectin (0.2 mg kg-1). Fecal samples were collected 12 h before treatment, at treatment, and 12, 24, 48 and 72 h after treatment for determination of nematode eggs per gram, and (after culture) infective larvae per gram and population distribution. The effect of treatment on egg development was observed in feces collected 12 and 24 h after treatment. There was essentially no difference in efficacy, based on egg counts, of fenbendazole and ivermectin. Egg count was reduced 100% by both anthelmintics at 72 h after treatment. Viability, based on percent of eggs reaching the infective larval stage, of developing stages at 12, 24, and 48 h after fenbendazole treatment was 0.1%, 1.1%, and 0%; after ivermectin treatment the corresponding values were 23.7%, 30.1%, and 28.6%, respectively. Fenbendazole treatment resulted in little or no development of eggs and/or larvae in feces deposited 12 and 24 h after treatment, whereas development proceeded normally (compared with the control group) in ivermectin treated feces. Population distribution of infective larvae was predominantly Haemonchus and Cooperia with some Ostertagia and Oesophagostomum.  相似文献   

Fresh fecal specimens from deer were examined for nematode eggs (primarily Haemonchus and Ostertagia), using a flotation technique (sugar, sp gr = 1.27), and then were reexamined for up to 200 days after storage in 2.5, 5, or 10% formalin, absolute methyl alcohol, or 70% ethyl alcohol at room temperature (20 C) or after storage without preservative at 4, 0, or -20 C. For long-term storage, 10% formalin was the best fixative for recovery of eggs (compared with the rate of recovery of eggs from fresh feces). Approximately 50% of the strongyle eggs were detected in feces stored in formalin for 200 days. However, between days 3 and 10 of storage, the recovery rate was low (less than 50%), presumably due to ion binding. Alcohols were unsuitable for preservation, and storage at 0 or -20 C resulted in an egg recovery rate of less than 50%. Storage at 4 C for 50 days resulted in approximately 90% recovery of nematode eggs. Number of Parelaphostrongylus tenuis larvae recovered from fecal specimens stored in 10% formalin for 24 days was greater than that recovered from fresh fecal specimens.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine whether trichostrongylid nematode larvae become contaminated with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis when they develop in the faeces of sheep with Johne's disease. Nematode larvae were hatched from ova in the faecal samples of affected sheep. Larval sheaths were removed and these as well as exsheathed larvae were subjected to radiometric culture for M. paratuberculosis. The organism was recovered from washing water used to prepare the larvae, third stage larvae and larval sheaths, but not from exsheathed larvae. The recovery of M. paratuberculosis from larvae was associated with the severity of the histological lesions in affected sheep and with the results of culture of the organism from intestinal tissues and faeces. Nematode parasites of sheep might be able to act as mechanical vectors for M. paratuberculosis as the organism associates with infective third stage larvae when these develop in the faeces of sheep with Johne's disease.  相似文献   

Molecular techniques are of growing importance in the study of anthelmintic resistance in trichostrongylid worm populations. A knowledge of the genetic determinants of benzimidazole (BZ) resistance has made it possible to construct a molecular tool for genotyping individual worms, in respect of mutation of the beta-tubulin gene responsible for BZ resistance. This tool offers new possibilities in the diagnosis of BZ resistance, and also in the study of anthelmintic use and other breeding management factors that can affect the selection of BZ-resistant alleles in worm populations. New molecular methods have also made it possible to study the origin and diversity of BZ-resistant alleles in trichostrongylid populations. The results demonstrate the value of a multidisciplinary approach to the study of anthelmintic resistance, combining molecular, ecological and epidemiological techniques.  相似文献   

Faecal samples from clinically normal farmed red deer, wapiti, fallow deer; and feral red deer and white tail deer were examined for members of the genus Yersinia. From 922 samples 176 strains of Y.enterocolitica, 56 strains of Y.frederiksenii, 29 strains of Y.kristensenii, eight strains of Y.intermedia, and seven strains of Y.pseudotuberculosis were isolated. High isolation rates of Yersinia sp. were recorded from some farms. Two herds had isolation rates of 33.3% and 36.8%. Sixteen strains of Yersinia sp. in addition to strains of Y.psuedotuberculosis were found to be Hela cell invasive. The majority of these strains were confined to a single herd and represented Y.enterocolitica biotypes I, II and III, Y.intermedia, Y. fredericksenii, and Y.kristensenii.  相似文献   

Differential diagnosis of Mecistocirrus digitatus infection relies on morphological examination of either eggs in faecal samples or L3 larvae developed in vitro. Technical limitations hinder the practicability of these approaches. Hence, in order to develop a specific diagnostic measure for M. digitatus infection, we determined the sequence of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of its ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and designed primers for PCR-based species-specific amplification of the ITS to differentiate between M. digitatus and other common gastrointestinal (GI) nematode species. The newly designed primers amplified a single specific 520 base pair (bp) fragment from the M. digitatus ITS, and its detection limit was as low as 0.001 ng. Further, this sensitivity suggested that the specific fragment could be amplified even from a unicellular egg that collected directly from uteri of an adult M. digitatus female. In fact, we designed a method that employs a small piece of a cover slip and a filter paper by which we could differentially amplify a PCR fragment from a unicellular egg. The reliability of the specific PCR assay was also demonstrated with 10 oval samples that collected from bovine faeces by using sugar flotation method. These data suggested that the specific PCR assay of the ITS region of M. digitatus rDNA could be useful for the identification of GI nematodes.  相似文献   

Worm-free Holstein tracer calves were used to assess the seasonal variation in number and course of development of nematode parasites of cattle on an irrigated pasture located in the California Sierra foothills. The most common genera of nematodes found in the abomasum and small intestine were Ostertagia and Cooperia, respectively. The infective Ostertagia larvae on herbage were most numerous in early spring and lowest in summer months. Arrested development of Ostertagia occurred in mid-to-late spring. The percentage of the population of Ostertagia found to be arrested larvae was constant (73% to 95%) over 4 years, even though the total number of nematodes in the genus was markedly different. Levels of infection with Ostertagia and Cooperia were found to correlate with pasture contamination occurring in the preceding fall and concurrent winter months. In the cecum and large intestine, Oesophagostomum venulosum was found to be the most common nematode. It is suggested that this species may replace Os radiatum as the cattle nodular worm in regions where climate is similar to that of the southwestern coast of North America. Evidence of seasonal hypobiotic development of Oe venulosum was found. Other genera of nematodes observed in tracer calves were Trichostrongylus, Haemonchus, Bunostomum, Trichuris, and Dictyocaulus.  相似文献   

The type and level of infective strongylid nematode larvae on pasture were monitored fortnightly from July 1995 to June 1996 in the central highlands of Kenya. The number of larvae on pasture was moderate, reaching > 1,200 kg(-1) dry matter of grass during the period of, and soon after, the rains, and remained low in the dry seasons. The number of larvae on pasture was directly related to the rain-fall pattern which was found to be the most important factor for the development of eggs and free-living stages. Haemonchus was the predominant genus, followed in decreasing order by Trichostrongylus, Cooperia, Oesophagostomum and Bunostomum. The mean total adult worm burdens of tracer calves released at monthly intervals were related to the levels of herbage larvae and there was a positive correlation between faecal worm egg counts and worm burdens (r = 0.58) during the study period. These results indicate that a reduction in the contamination of pasture with nematode eggs before the rains could result in pastures carrying fewer larvae and thus form the basis of effective worm control programmes for cattle.  相似文献   

Several variables in the Cornell-Wisconsin centrifugal flotation technique were studied using helminthologically sterile bovine feces to which known numbers of Haemonchus contortus eggs had been added. Neither mode of mixing (levigation versus conventional), volume (15-60 mL) of water used for making the feces water suspension nor specific gravity (1.20-1.33) of the sucrose flotation solution affected egg recovery. Optimal times for centrifugation at 264 x g of first the feces water and then the feces sucrose suspension were three and five minutes respectively. Under these conditions 62.6% of the eggs were recoverable and there was a linear relationship between the number of eggs recovered and those added to the feces. About 30% of the unrecovered eggs were found in the fecal debris retained on the strainer. About 5% of the unrecovered eggs were found in the supernatant discarded after the feces water centrifugation and also in the matrix of the viscous sucrose solution. Addition of the detergent Triton X-100 caused a decrease in egg recovery. False negatives were not encountered between 3 to 70 epg; at 1.44 epg there was only one in 14 samples. Optimum procedures for the technique are presented.  相似文献   

For the study of pasture infectivity in the northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria, variable numbers of helminth-free tracer lambs grazing an unimproved pasture were slaughtered monthly throughout a period of 12 months. The numbers of worms recovered showed that large numbers of infective trichostrongyle larvae were ingested with the pasture from June till October. Infectivity started to decline from November until the end of January after which the pasture became completely free of parasitic nematode larvae and remained so until the end of May.  相似文献   

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