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Data on particulate strontium sulfate fluxes and strontium to chlorinity ratios were compared to provide insights into the strontium cycle of the North Pacific. Freedrifting sediment traps were used to derive large particle fluxes between depths of 100 and 3500 meters in the eastern and western North Pacific Ocean. Flux data revealed substantial quantities of acantharian skeletons and cysts (both made of strontium sulfate) settling through the upper kilometer of the water column. The greatest fluxes of celestite were detected at 400 meters. Minimal to nondetectable fluxes noted at and below 900 meters provide evidence that by this horizon, the majority of acantharian specimens had dissolved, thereby contributing to the pool of dissolved strontium. Growth and subsequent dissolution of acantharians in the upper kilometer are qualitatively consistent with the well-developed minimum and maximum strontium to chlorinity ratios that are consistently noted in these waters. These fluxes of particulate strontium and model calculations for fluxes of dissolved strontium indicate that acantharians play an important role in the ocean's strontium budget.  相似文献   

The chemistry and spectroscopy of monovalent derivatives of calcium and strontium are described. Laser-driven chemical reactions of calcium and strontium vapors with a variety of small molecules have provided many new free radicals. In general, these species are analogous to the stable molecules obtained in traditional inorganic or organometallic chemistry, but some new families of molecules have been discovered.  相似文献   

Varying the calcium, phosphorus, carbonate, and lactate content of the diet was shown to affect the deposition in bone of Sr(89) to a degree quite different from concurrent effects on Ca(45) deposition. The influence of these findings on the evaluation of the Sr(90) fallout hazard is discussed.  相似文献   

Complementary DNAs for the beta subunit of the dihydropyridine-sensitive calcium channel of rabbit skeletal muscle were isolated on the basis of peptide sequences derived from the purified protein. The deduced primary structure is without homology to other known protein sequences and is consistent with the beta subunit being a peripheral membrane protein associated with the cytoplasmic aspect of the sarcolemma. The protein contains sites that might be expected to be preferentially phosphorylated by protein kinase C and guanosine 3',5'-monophosphate-dependent protein kinase. A messenger RNA for this protein appears to be expressed in brain.  相似文献   

Perfusion of the preoptic-anterior hypothalamus with excess calcium ion in ground squirrels produces a drop in core temperature. The magnitude of the drop is directly dependent on ambient temperature. Respiration, heart rate, and oxygen consumption are also reduced during perfusion of calcium ion. It is concluded that the depression of body temperature during calcium ion perfusion is due to generalized depression of the neurons of the preoptic-anterior hypothalamus.  相似文献   

Burk RL  Stuiver M 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1981,211(4489):1417-1419
Values of the oxygen isotope ratios (delta(18)O) in tree-ring cellulose closely reflect the delta(18)O values in atmospheric precipitation and hence mean annual temperature. The change in delta(18)O in cellulose is 0.41 per mil per degree Celsius for selected near-coastal stations. The values of delta(18)O in precipitation and cellulose also change with altitude, as demonstrated for Mount Rainier, Washington. A temperature lapse rate of 5.2 degrees +/- 0.5 degrees C per 1000 meters calculated from cellulose delta(18)O values agrees with the accepted mean annual lapse rate of 5 degrees C per 1000 meters for this region. Cellulose delta(18)O values and delta(18)O values of carbon dioxide equilibrated with leaf water differ by a fixed 16 per mil.  相似文献   

Strontium concentration and isotopic data for subsurface flowing groundwaters of the Ganges-Brahmaputra (G-B) delta in the Bengal Basin demonstrate that this is a potentially significant source of strontium to the oceans, equal in magnitude to the dissolved strontium concentration carried to the oceans by the G-B river waters. The strontium concentrations of groundwaters are higher by a factor of about 10 than typical G-B river waters and they have similar 87Sr/86Sr ratio to the river waters. These new data suggest that the present contribution of the G-B system to the rise in 87Sr/86Sr ratio in seawater is higher by at least a factor of 2 to 5 than the average over the past 40 million years.  相似文献   

The strontium-to-calcium ratio (Sr/Ca) of reef coral skeleton is commonly used as a paleothermometer to estimate sea surface temperatures (SSTs) at crucial times in Earth's climate history. However, these estimates are disputed, because uptake of Sr into coral skeleton is thought to be affected by algal symbionts (zooxanthellae) living in the host tissue. Here, we show that significant distortion of the Sr/Ca temperature record in coral skeleton occurs in the presence of algal symbionts. Seasonally resolved Sr/Ca in coral without symbionts reflects local SSTs with a temperature sensitivity equivalent to that of laboratory aragonite precipitated at equilibrium and the nighttime skeletal deposits of symbiotic reef corals. However, up to 65% of the Sr/Ca variability in symbiotic skeleton is related to symbiont activity and does not reflect water temperature.  相似文献   

Analysis of several well-documented specimens from each of the three volcanic series on Oahu gives the following mean ratios of Sr(87) to Sr(86): the Waianae series, 0.7030 +/- 0.00010 (sigma); the Koolau series, 0.70385+/- 0.00009 (sigma); and the Honolulu series, 0.7029 ++/- 0.00006 ( sigma). The mean ratio of Sr(87) to Sr(86) of the Koolau series specimens is significantly higher than the means of the other two series. With one exception, significant differences in Sr(87)/ Sr(86) within a series were not found, even though some large compositional differences existed.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic-driven accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and projected ocean acidification have raised concerns regarding the eventual impact on coral reefs. This study demonstrates that skeleton-producing corals grown in acidified experimental conditions are able to sustain basic life functions, including reproductive ability, in a sea anemone-like form and will resume skeleton building when reintroduced to normal modern marine conditions. These results support the existence of physiological refugia, allowing corals to alternate between nonfossilizing soft-body ecophenotypes and fossilizing skeletal forms in response to changes in ocean chemistry. This refugia, however, does not undermine the threats to reef ecosystems in a high carbon dioxide world.  相似文献   

The oxygen isotope compositions (delta(18)O) of eclogitic xenoliths from the Roberts Victor kimberlite range from 2 to 8 per mil relative to SMOW (standard mean ocean water). This surprising variation appears to be due to fractional crystallization: the eclogites rich in oxygen-18 represent early crystal accumulates; the eclogites poor in oxygen-18 represent residual liquids. Crystal-melt partitioning probably exceeded 3 per mil and is interpreted to be pressure-dependent. Anomalous enrichment of oxygen-18 in cumulate eclogites relative to ultramafic xenoliths suggests that crystal-melt partitioning increased after melt-formation but prior to crystallization.  相似文献   

Carbon and oxygen isotope analysis through a 30-year (1944 to 1974) growth of Montastrea annularis from Hen and Chickens Reef (Florida Keys) shows a strong yearly variation in the abundances of both carbon-13 and oxygen-18 and a broad inverse relationship between the two isotopes. Normal annual dense bands are formed during the summer and are characterized by heavy carbon and light oxygen. "Stress bands" are formed during particularly severe winters and are characterized by heavy carbon and heavy oxygen. The isotopic effect of Zooxanthellae metabolism dominates the temperature effect on the oxygen-18/oxygen-16 ratio. The isotopic results on the deep-sea solitary coral Bathypsammia tintinnabulum, where Zooxanthellae are nonexistent, indicates that the abundance of the heavy isotopes carbon-13 and oxygen-18 is inversely related to the growth rate, with both carbon and oxygen approaching equilibrium values with increasing skeletal age.  相似文献   

[目的]探索水温和雌雄配比对罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)能量代谢和生长的影响,为进一步分析与解决罗氏沼虾生长缓慢的问题提供科学依据.[方法]根据能量收支方程[摄食能(Ce)=生长能(Ge)+排粪能(Fe)+排泄能(Ue)+蜕壳能(Ee)+呼吸能(Re)]及凯式定氮法,分别计算罗氏沼虾各部分的代谢能值,分析4种水温(20、22、26和30℃)及3种雌雄配比(1:1、1:2和1:3)对罗氏沼虾能量代谢和生长的影响.[结果]雌、雄罗氏沼虾的绝对摄食能均随水温上升而升高,其中雌虾在各水温处理组间差异显著(P<0.05,下同),雄虾则表现为非相邻水温处理组间差异显著;雄虾在26℃下的绝对生长能显著高于其他3个水温处理组,雌虾在26℃下的绝对生长能显著高于20和22℃水温处理组;雌、雄罗氏沼虾在20℃下均未蜕壳,在22~30℃下其绝对蜕壳能随水温上升而升高,在30℃时达最大值(雌虾1371±272 J/g,雄虾1035±598 J/g);雌、雄罗氏沼虾的特定生长率在26℃下显著高于其他3个水温处理组;罗氏沼虾的绝对呼吸能表现为高温处理组(26和30℃)高于低温处理组(20和22℃).单性饲养下,性成熟雄虾的绝对摄食能、绝对生长能和特定生长率随数量上升而降低,且每个水槽放养1尾雄虾显著高于每个水槽放养2~3尾雄虾;性成熟雄虾绝对呼吸能则随数量上升而显著升高.不同雌雄配比下,性成熟罗氏沼虾的绝对生长能随雄虾数量上升而显著降低,雌雄配比1:1的特定生长率显著高于雌雄配比1:2和1:3;雌雄配比1:1的绝对排泄能显著低于雌雄配比1:2和1:3,其占摄食能的百分比随雄虾数量上升而上升.[结论]高温更适合罗氏沼虾的生长发育,且以26℃最适宜,在此水温条件下罗氏沼虾新陈代谢更旺盛.在性成熟罗氏沼虾生长过程中,其能量积累可能受打斗、占区和交配等生物学行为影响,且相同密度下雄虾比例增加有可能加剧影响.  相似文献   

The elevations and ages of a sequence of three uplifted Pleistocene coral reefs on the Northwest Peninsula of Haiti have been determined. With the assignment of a sea level of +6 meters (relative to the present day) at 130,000 years before present and constant uplift of the reefs, the data indicate that sea level stood -10 and -13 meters at 108,000 and 81,000 years before present, respectively. These results are in substantial agreement with those reported for Barbados and New Guinea and support the hypothesis of constant uplift for each area. Sea level data from raised reefs indicate that the interglacial marine oxygen isotope oscillations during oxygen isotope stage 5 are a result of 30 percent ice volume effects and 70 percent temperature effects.  相似文献   

A unique mode of asexual reproduction in recently collected specimens of Goniopora (Scleractinia) is reported. Skeleton is absent from new polyps; the skelton develops independently of the parent colony as the new polyps themselves increase. The young colonies eventually become detached. The cycle seems to be a response to a sandy habitat, a conclusion reached by analogy With Fungia and Manicina.  相似文献   

Well-preserved fossil marine organisms generally yield very positive delta(18)(PO(4)(3-)) values which are considered to result from relatively good preservation of the original oxygen-isotope composition of phosphatic material deposited under isotopic equilibrium conditions in oceanic water whose O(18):O(16) ratio was more positive than that of modern oceans.  相似文献   

雪卡毒素中毒是一种全球暴发的海洋食源性疾病,食用含有0.1 μg雪卡毒素的珊瑚鱼即可引起中毒。研究建立了一套快速、高效、高灵敏度的ASE-SPE-HPLC/MS/MS检测方法来保证人类健康,该方法在1.0~50.0 μg·kg-1范围内线性良好,相关系数在0.99以上,检出限为0.03 μg·kg-1,定量下限为0.1 μg·kg-1,基质加标的回收率在95%以上。较之传统方法,该方法有较好的回收率和提取效率。  相似文献   

The relationship between the (Na(+) and K(+))-activated adenosine triphosphatase enzyme system implicated in sodium-transport by cell membranes and the calcium-activated adenosine triphosphatase, which is generally associated with calcium uptake, was examined in microsomes from skeletal muscle. Whereas sodium and potassium did not modify the relatively low adenosine triphosphatase activity seen in the absence of calcium, a pattern similar to that of the sodium-transport enzyme system was seen afer the addition of CaCl(2). The calcium-activated adenosine triphosphatase was stimulated equally by sodium or potassium alone, but both the rate and extent of calcium uptake were enhanced more by potassium than by sodium at concentrations below 0.12 mole per liter. In the absence of either of these ions addition of calcium failed to activate adenosine triphosphatase although significant amounts of calcium were taken up by the microsomes.  相似文献   

不同有机物料配比对玉米秸秆高温堆肥的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探索纯玉米秸秆高温堆肥的可行性,通过添加中药渣和固体氨基酸研究了不同有机物料配比对玉米秸秆高温堆肥的影响。结果表明:不同比例的中药渣和固体氨基酸都能促进玉米秸秆高温堆肥过程,各堆肥腐熟评价指标如温度、pH、EC和C/N都有显著变化;通过种子发芽指数试验发现,T3处理(玉米秸秆1 000 kg+中药渣150 kg+固体氨基酸15 kg)效果最佳。主成分分析结果说明单一指标并不能完全评价堆肥的腐熟度,综合考虑堆肥添加物料的成本和堆肥环境因素,在实际玉米秸秆堆肥中,推荐采用T3处理即添加15%中药渣和1.5%固体氨基酸的配方。  相似文献   

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