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The Butler iron meteorite has been found to have, with respect to other iron meteorites, an unusually high cobalt content (1.4 percent by weight), unusually high germanium contents in the kamacite and the taenite phases, and an unusually low cooling rate (0.5 degrees C/10(6) years). It is suggested that Butler formed in a different environment from that of the rest of the iron meteorites.  相似文献   

The Butler iron meteorite has been found to have a germanium concentration of 2000 parts per million, which is about five times higher than the highest concentration that has been measured previously in an iron meteorite. The gallium concentration is 87 parts per million, which is among the highest concentrations found in these objects. The nickel content is 16.0 percent, the second highest nickel concentration known in a meteorite displaying a Widman st?tten pattern. The high Ge/Ni ratio, as well as the association of a high nickel content with high gallium and germanium contents, make this object an exception to two geochemical generalizations regarding the iron meteorites.  相似文献   

Accelerator mass spectrometer dating of an assemblage of fibrous and leather footwear from Arnold Research Cave in central Missouri documents a long sequence of shoe construction by prehistoric Midwestern peoples, beginning perhaps as early as 8300 calendar years before the present (cal years B.P.). An earlier fibrous sandal form dates from 8325 to 7675 cal years B.P., and later fibrous or leather slip-ons span the period from 5575 to 1070 cal years B.P. The assemblage adds to a growing picture of the highly varied nature of prehistoric footwear production in the United States throughout the Holocene.  相似文献   

Shoreline erosion along man-made lakes in North Dakota and South Dakota has led to the discovery of stratified preceramic cultural remains in an area where previously few such materials have been found. One important exposure, the Walth Bay site, contains a 7000-year sequence of alluvial and eolian deposition capping an abandoned Missouri River terrace. Three distinct soil profiles are associated with successive Late Paleo-Indian, Plains Archaic, and Plains Village Tradition occupations.  相似文献   

Legeckis R 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1977,197(4309):1179-1181
During 1975, westward-moving long waves with a period of about 25 days and a wavelength of 1000 kilometers were observed at a sea surface temperature front in the equatorial Pacific on infrared images obtained by a geostationary environmental satellite system. The absence of these waves during 1976, and the above-average equatorial sea surface temperatures during 1976, may be related to a decrease in the southeasterly trade winds during that year.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in bill morphology and body size of the Caribbean purple-throated carib hummingbird is associated with a reversal in floral dimorphism of its Heliconia food plants. This hummingbird is the sole pollinator of H. caribaea and H. bihai, with flowers of the former corresponding to the short, straight bills of males, the larger sex, and flowers of the latter corresponding to the long, curved bills of females. On St. Lucia, H. bihai compensates for the rarity of H. caribaea by evolving a second color morph with flowers that match the bills of males, whereas on Dominica, H. caribaea evolves a second color morph with flowers that match the bills of females. The nectar rewards of all Heliconia morphs are consistent with each sex's choice of the morph that corresponds to its bill morphology and energy requirements, supporting the hypothesis that feeding preferences have driven their coadaptation.  相似文献   

By considering the present occurrence of hydrocarbons, past geologic conditions, and timing of deposition, deformation, and metamorphism, realistic limits to hydrocarbon occurrences in the Appalachians may be defined. Additional consideration of thermal gradients and present depths to possible sedimentary rocks in the footwall beneath the Blue Ridge-Piedmont overthrust indicates that hydrocarbon stability is unlikely beneath much of it today.  相似文献   

Four Missouri stalagmites yield consistent overlapping records of oxygen and carbon isotopic changes and provide a climate and vegetation history with submillennial resolution from 75 to 25 thousand years ago (ka). The thorium-230-dated records reveal that between 75 and 55 ka, the midcontinental climate oscillated on millennial time scales between cold and warm, and vegetation alternated among forest, savanna, and prairie. Temperatures were highest and prairie vegetation peaked between 59 and 55 ka. Climate cooled and forest replaced grassland at 55 ka, when global ice sheets began to build during the early part of Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 3.  相似文献   

Approximately 50,000 carbonized fruits of the species Chenopodium berlandieri recovered from Russell Cave, Alabama, and dating to 1975 +/- 55 before the present, exhibit a set of interrelated morphological characteristics reflecting domestication (thin testa, truncate margin, rectanguloid fruit cross section, ligulate cotyledons, and increased internal fruit volume). These morphological characteristics establish the presence of a domestic variety of Chenopodium in the eastern United States by 2000 years ago.  相似文献   

A bluff on the eastern coast of Mexico reveals a cross section through an ancient beach deposit now lying 4 meters above sea level. Radio-carbon dates on the shells within the deposit reveal an age of 1940 years. The deposit appears to be valid evidence for submergence greater than that of the present, but whether that submergence was due to a higher eustatic stand of the sea or whether there has been an uplift of the land since that time cannot yet be determined.  相似文献   

Serologic surveys of vertebrates to determine rates of eastern encephalitis infection were made to discover the most likely disseminators of virus in nature. Of the techniques available, neutralization is the most specific, and antibody is known to persist for many years. This communication reports a fivefold increase in sensitivity of neutralizing-antibody detection by the application of a plaquereducing technique.  相似文献   

A specific association with the cyanobacterium Anabaena oscillarioides was established by positive bacterial (pseudomonad) chemotaxis to Anabaena oscillarioides heterocysts. This association enhanced nitrogen fixation in A. oscillarioides, and positive chemotaxis was particularly strong during periods of active nitrogen fixation. Addition of compounds known to elicit positive chemotaxis in pseudomonads interfered with the establishment of the association, while removal of these compounds led to reestablishment of the association. Anabaena oscillarioides excretion products, some of which are exuded from heterocyst-vegetative cell junctions, are likely to be responsible for positive chemotactic responses. Chemotaxis-controlled associations such as this one explain in part why aquatic bacterial-algal and bacterial-particle associations occur sporadically and are heterogeneously distributed in time and space.  相似文献   

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