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Effluent, air, and soil samples near a battery factory in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, where HgCl2 is used to prevent mold growth, were collected to explore the potential for pollution of the environment from industrial discharge of Hg. Flameless atomic absorption spectrophotometry was used for Hg determinations. The concentration of Hg in the effluent ranged from <0.2 to 5.2 mg L?1 and the Hg concentration varied greatly within and among sampling days, showing different peaks. Air contained a mean of 4.0 μg m?3 with little variation within and between sampling days. Soils near the factory contained high Hg levels, from 6.7 to 472 mg kg?1 in the immediate vicinity, the highest level being associated with disposal of solid waste (defective batteries). Downwind the concentration of Hg decreased with increasing distance from the factory resulting in a soil concentration of 1.0 mg Hg kg?1 about 2 km away. Upwind the Hg concentration decreased drastically within a distance of 100 to 200 m.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the last decade, a chlor-alkali plant operates in Sagua la Grande, in the central part of Cuba. The factor is equipped with a treatment system for trapping Hg in the waste water, which did not always function efficiently. During 1985–1988, a first evaluatian of the environmental impact by Hg was made. Analyses of a terrestrial plant (Mimosa pudica), soils, sediments and aquatic organisms, taken from a dam upstream, that atmospheric pollution by Hg is only restricted to the factory and its surrounding. Nevertheless, the liquid wastes discharged to Sagua la Grande River, have affected aquatic systems downstream up to the estuarine zone of the river mouth. This is confirmed by the examination of core and surface sediment samples, suspended matter, awnaquatic plant (water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes) and a sea urchin (Lytechinus variegatus). Different control measures have now limited the Hg discharges and should bring a progressive recuperation of the affected area.  相似文献   

土壤与大气环境中硫行为及其对植物的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
阐述了土壤的含硫状况、硫素主要形态、农业生态系统中硫肥的增产效应,大气中含硫化合物的主要来源及行为,对生态系统补偿以及浓度过高对植物的危害等。指出土壤含硫状况因区域和土壤类型而异,土壤硫素形态对植物的有效性明显不同,植物对土壤硫的需求量存在很大差异。在大气环境中硫的主要来源是火山喷发等自然源和含硫燃料(如煤炭)燃烧释放的人为源,植物生态系统与大气环境间存在着硫的交换与平衡,大气SO2在一定浓度下对生态系统具有重要的补偿效应,浓度过高则对植物生长与生理反应产生一系列的不利影响。  相似文献   

Summary It is commonly assumed that a large fraction of fertilizer N applied to a rice (Oryza sativa L.) field is lost from the soil-water-plant system as a result of denitrification. Direct evidence to support this view, however, is limited. The few direct field, denitrification gas measurements that have been made indicate less N loss than that determined by 15N balance after the growing season. One explanation for this discrepancy is that the N2 produced during denitrification in a flooded soil remains trapped in the soil system and does not evolve to the atmosphere until the soil dries or is otherwise disturbed. It seems likely, however, that N2 produced in the soil uses the rice plants as a conduit to the atmosphere, as does methane. Methane evolution from a rice field has been demonstrated to occur almost exclusively through the rice plants themselves. A field study in Cuttack, India, and a greenhouse study in Fort Collins, Colorado, were conducted to determine the influence of rice plants on the transport of N2 and N2O from the soil to the atmosphere. In these studies, plots were fertilized with 75 or 99 atom % 15N-urea and 15N techniques were used to monitor the daily evolution of N2 and N2O. At weekly intervals the amount of N2+N2O trapped in the flooded soil and the total-N and fertilized-N content of the soil and plants were measured in the greenhouse plots. Direct measurement of N2+N2O emission from field and greenhouse plots indicated that the young rice plant facilitates the efflux of N2 and N2O from the soil to the atmosphere. Little N gas was trapped in the rice-planted soils while large quantities were trapped in the unplanted soils. N losses due to denitrification accounted for only up to 10% of the loss of added N in planted soils in the field or greenhouse. The major losses of fertilizer N from both the field and greenhouse soils appear to have been the result of NH3 volatilization.  相似文献   

The effects on a number of soil physical and aeration parameters of compaction during spring pre-sowing operations were measured on a clay soil (49% clay). A soil-tyre contact stress of 200 kPa was applied by tractor tyres.
Yield of an oat crop was reduced by 30% as a result of compaction. Total porosity of the soil was reduced by 6% v/v owing to loss of pores > 60 μm, and water retention was increased. The resultant decrease in air-filled porosity greatly reduced gas diffusion and air permeability coefficients of the soil, and, for a time, O2 content of the soil atmosphere was significantly lowered in the compacted treatment. Penetrometer resistance after sowing was 3.5 MPa in the control and 4.5 MPa in the compacted treatment; in the latter, root growth was inhibited until the soil dried and cracked. By the end of June, canopy temperature measurements indicated water stress in the oat crop on compacted soil but not in that on the control.
The results obtained indicated that air permeability, measured in the field, of 1 mm s−1 provides a satisfactory single value below which crop growth is likely to be reduced.  相似文献   

Samples of soils and mosses were collected near a geothermal power plant, which is located in one of the most active geothermal fields of the world (Southern Tuscany). High concentrations of Hg (up to 1.8 μg g?1 d.w.) occur in mosses as far as 0.6 km from the geothermal plant, and the Hg uptake of mosses is unrelated to the species except for Bryum torquescens. The Hg in the soil was lower than in mosses, and the greatest concentrations in soil were near the Travale-22 well, which feeds the most powerful geothermal plant (30 MW) in the area. In addition, the concentrations of Hg detected in soil cores and in old bottom leaves of several specimens of Hypnum cupressiforme show that this element has been emitted into the air also in the past probably since the discovery of T-22 well in 1972.  相似文献   

A nine-week sampling and analysis program was completed at a large municipal wastewater treatment plant to characterize the fate of Hg entering the plant. Mercury removal in primary treatment averaged 79%, and the average Hg removal across the entire plant was approximately 96%. Mercury loadings on the secondary (activated sludge) treatment process were elevated to near plant influent levels due to the recycle of spent scrubber water from sewage sludge incinerator emissions control equipment. This internal recycle of spent incinerator scrubber water resulted in elevated Hg loadings to the incinerators, and effectively reduced the Hg control efficiency of the emissions control equipment to near zero. Measurements indicate that approximately 95% of the Hg mass entering the plant is discharged to the atmosphere via sludge incinerator emissions. These results indicate that municipal wastewater treatment facilities can remove Hg from wastewater quite effectively; however, where wastewater sludge is incinerated, almost the entire mass of Hg removed from the wastewater can be discharged to the atmosphere.  相似文献   



Middle-European floodplain soils are often contaminated with mercury (Hg) and periodically flooded. In this study, the influence of a flooding event and subsequent dewatering on the volatilization of elemental Hg and methylated species was investigated in a laboratory experiment.

Material and methods

Undisturbed soil cores were taken from a topsoil (12.1?±?0.75 mg kg?1 Hg) at the Elbe River in Lower Saxony, Germany. Soil columns were incubated at 20 °C with varying soil moisture (water-saturated for 2 weeks, 95 and 90 % water content for 1 week each), and the redox potential (EH) was recorded. The gaseous Hg that accumulated in the headspace of the flux chamber of the columns was pumped over cooled traps filled with adsorber material and analyzed by gas chromatography/inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for the various Hg species.

Results and discussion

The watering of the soil resulted in a rapid decrease in the EH and the achievement of strongly reducing conditions (EH??1 Hg at the beginning to 5.78 μg L?1 Hg at the end of the experiment. Species analyses revealed that exclusively elemental Hg volatilized. The volatilization rate was between 1.73 and 824 ng m?2 h?1 Hg, which is consistent with other studies at the Elbe River.


Even when flooded for a longer period of time, floodplain soils should show neither emission of methylated Hg nor exceptionally high volatilization of elemental Hg.  相似文献   

Falandysz  J.  Brzostowski  A.  Kawano  M.  Kannan  K.  Puzyn  T.  Lipka  K. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2003,148(1-4):127-137
Fourteen species of wild growing mushrooms and surface (0–10 cm) soils were collected near Lake Wdzydze in the northern part of Poland in 1996–1997 to understand the status of mercury pollution. Concentrations of mercury in mushrooms varied between 100±30 and 2400±1900 ng g-1 dry matter in caps and 60±1 and 1300±1500 ng g-1 dry matter in stalks. Concentrations of mercury in underlying soil were between 30±1 and 140±120 ng g-1 dry matter (between 36±18 and 63±100 ng g-1 depending on the soil type). Bioconcentration factors (BCF: concentrations in mushroom/concentrationin soil) of total mercury were between 2.3±1.1 and 90±110 for caps, and between 2.1±1.0 and 53±56 for stalks. Scaly tooth (Sarcodon imbricatum) contained the greatest concentrations of mercury in the flesh. However, there was no significant relationship (p >: 0.05) between mercury content in the fruiting bodies of this speciesto soil mercury concentrations. A significant (p < 0.01) positive relationship between mercury content in caps to underlying soil was noted for European cow bolete (Suillus bovinus), while a negative relationship between mercury content in caps and stalks to underlying soil was observed for Sandy knight-cap (Tricholomaflavovirens), Shaggy scale-head (Pholiota squaroso-adiposa),Gypsy mushroom (Rozites caperata) and Pine spike cap (Chroogomphus rutilus).  相似文献   

Ipomoea aquatica is commonly used as a vegetable and pig food in Thailand. The present study shows that the leaves and floating stems of this plant collected near a caustic soda factory in Thailand had accumulated between 0.75 to 1.26 ppm (average 0.95 ppm) Hg in the leaves and 0.28 to 0.68 ppm (average 0.43 ppm) Hg in the floating stems. Leaves and floating stems from unpolluted areas had Hg contents between 0.01 to 0.17 ppm and 0.01 to 0.06 ppm, respectively. The contaminated I. aquatica in the study area represents an additional source of Hg, since fish from the same area are also polluted with Hg. This constitutes a serious risk to public health.  相似文献   

A soil sample from a tomato field showed cellulase activity after 1 week of storage but showed no cellulase activity when stored for 1 yr. Addition of cellulose and inoculation with untreated soil induced cellulase activity in remoistened, heated soil. Selective inhibition of bacteria or fungal growth in the incubated soil indicated that fungi were the more important source of cellulase in this soil. Over 60% of the isolates tested, showed cellulolytic activity on CMC-agar. Although organic debris was a minor component in the soil sample, most of the cellulase activity was localized in this fraction. Cellulase activity was extracted with 0.1 m phosphate buffer (pH 7), but not with distilled water. The activity of the extract ' was lost on keeping at 80°C for 10 min and was optimal at pH 5. The extract hydrolyzed either soluble or insoluble substrate.  相似文献   

Shrinking of Lake Chany in W Siberia exposed 10,000 km2 of former lakebed. On this new land we studied a chronosequence of young soils. The fraction of microbial C in total organic C had stabilized at 3% after 30 to 40 y. Concentration of organic C increased within the first 50 to 100 y to 4–5% in the first 10 cm, and to 2–3% at 10–20 cm depth. The amount of sequestered C is equivalent to about 2.5 d of current anthropogenic CO2 emissions.  相似文献   

土壤压实对土壤物理性质及小麦氮磷钾吸收的影响   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
为了研究土壤压实对土壤物理性质以及小麦养分吸收情况的影响,在2006和2007年进行了两轮田间试验.试验中,先用旋耕机对田块进行旋耕,耕深10cm,然后使用手扶式、轮式、履带式拖拉机在旋耕后的田块中通过1次(T1)、2次(T2)、4次(T3)以对土壤进行压实处理,对照组(T4)不作任何压实处理.压实处理后再次对土壤表层进行浅旋耕,耕深5 cm,耕后用播种机进行小麦播种,小麦品种为南京-601.试验结果发现,次表层土壤的压实处理显著影响次表层土壤的容重,孔隙度,小麦蛋白质含量以及植物中N、P、K的含量.除次表层的土壤容重在T3组中最大,T4组中最小外,其他参数值在T4组中最大,T3组中最小.并且,随着次表层土壤压实程度的增加,几乎所有的参数(土壤容重除外)都有所减少.不过,与第一年相比,参数值在第二年略有增加.总之,土壤压实严重破坏土壤结构,不利于小麦对养分的吸收.  相似文献   

Uptake of Ca, Mg, K, Mn, Fe, Al, Rb, Ph, Cu, Zn, and Cd in vascular plants from a birch forest area near a Cu smelter in northern Norway was investigated. The primary objective was to study metal uptake in plants growing in a strong local acidification gradient. Decreased levels of Mn, Mg, and Ca found in Betula pubescens, Vaccinum myrtillus, and Deschampsia flexuosa near the smelter corresponded to a decrease in base saturation of the soil. This suggests that appreciable soil acidification has taken place. The level of Rb in Vaccinum myrtillus and Sorbus aucuparia increased significantly towards the smelter, probably due to the higher soil acidity. Elevated levels of Cu, Zn, Ph, and Cd in surface soil were found with values up to 2500 mg kg?1 Cu within 1 km from the smelter. These concentrations decreased significantly with distance, but metal contamination was detectable up to 27 km from the smelter along the prevailing wind direction. A corresponding decrease was detected for Cu in the four plant species analyzed. Elevated levels of Zn, Ph, Fe, and Al were found in some, but not all, species.  相似文献   

Historically as part of its national security mission, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Y-12 National Security Facility in Oak Ridge, TN acquired a significant fraction of the world’s supply of elemental mercury. During the 1950s and 1960s, a large amount of elemental mercury escaped confinement and is still present in the watershed surrounding the Y-12 facility. A series of remediation efforts have been deployed in the watersheds around the Oak Ridge site. However, most recently, concentration of total mercury in fish and water of the lower East Fork Poplar Creek (EFPC) of Oak Ridge has increased although majority of the mercury contamination in the local soils is present in the form of mercury sulfide. We have studied the extractability, solubility, and bioavailability of mercury sulfide in Oak Ridge soils. Dynamics of the dissolution of mercury sulfide by various extractants, including acids and a chelating agent, have been investigated. After three seasons of planting, soil mercury sulfide is more easily dissolved by both 4 M and 12 M nitric acid than is pure mercury sulfide reagent as indicated by their dissolution kinetics. Mercury release by EDTA from HgS-contaminated soil increased with time of reaction and soil mercury level. This chelating chemical increases the solubility of mercury in HgS-contaminated Oak Ridge soil. The results also show that mercury sulfide in contaminated Oak Ridge soils was still to some extent bioavailable to plants. The increase of bioavailability of soil mercury sulfide after three seasons of planting may contribute to the recent increase of mercury levels in water of the Lower East Fork Popular Creek (LEFPC) of Oak Ridge.  相似文献   

华南大宝山矿周边土壤和大豆的重金属污染   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Concentrations of Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Cr and Ni in soybean (Glycine max L.) grown near the Dabaoshan Mine were investigated, and their potential risk to the health of inhabitants was estimated. In the Fandong (FD) and Zhongxin (ZX) villages, which are near the Dabaoshan mineral deposit, concentrations of Pb (0.34 mg kg-1 for FD), Cd (0.23 mg kg-1 for ZX) and Cr (1.14 and 1.75 mg kg-1 for FD and ZX, respectively) in the seeds of soybean exceeded the tolerance limit set by Chinese standards. The estimated daily intakes (EDIs) from consumption of soybean seeds for FD inhabitants were 0.570, 0.170, 38.550, 142.400, 1.910 and 14.530 μg d-1 kg-1 boby weight for Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Cr and Ni, respectively. Our results indicate that soybeans grown in the vicinity of the Dabaoshan Mine accumulate some metals, and the seeds pose a potential health risk to the local inhabitants.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the occurrence and concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), in particular, volatile monoterpenes, in soil atmosphere under silver birch (Betula pendula L.) and two conifers, Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), and to determine the effects of the most relevant monoterpenes on transformations of soil N. The study site was a 70-year-old tree species experiment in Kivalo, northern Finland. VOCs were collected using two methods, passive air samplers and a chamber method. In soil atmosphere under spruce and especially under pine, the concentrations of monoterpenes were high, α- and β-pinene, Δ-3-carene and myrcene being the most abundant compounds, whereas concentrations of monoterpenes in soil atmosphere under birch were negligible. Samples of humus layer from the birch stand incubated in vitro and exposed to vapors from monoterpenes typical of coniferous forest soil showed decreased rates of net N mineralization but simultaneously increased rates of C mineralization. The response of soil microbial biomass C and N to different monoterpenes varied, but some monoterpenes considerably decreased soil microbial biomass. Altogether these results suggest that these compounds have negative effects on soil N transformations, but may serve as carbon and energy source for part of soil microbes.  相似文献   


Tephra from volcanic eruptions contains only small amounts of mercury (Hg) right after the eruption because the high temperature at eruption evaporates Hg in volcanic ash. Thus, accumulation of Hg in tephra soil layers during the dormant periods of the volcano may reflect Hg deposition while the layer was exposed to the atmosphere. To estimate sequential changes in Hg deposition, we measured the Hg content and accumulation in tephra layers from 6 sites in Hokkaido known to have many tephra layers derived from volcanic eruptions over a 34,000-year period. Mercury content and accumulation rate in the soil profiles varied widely depending on the tephra. In each tephra layer, the Hg content and accumulation rates increased principally at the upper soil horizons and decreased at the lower depths. The Hg deposition rates calculated from the amount of Hg accumulated in the tephra layers were similar within the same tephra. These characteristics of Hg distribution indicate that Hg deposition accumulated on the surface of each tephra layer during the period the tephra layer was exposed to the atmosphere. Although physicochemical processes such as leaching out, wind erosion, and volatilization might lead to over- and/or underestimation of the deposition rates, our estimated amounts of Hg were markedly higher in the tephra soils after 1,600?year?BP than before that time. The results of this study suggest that tephra layers in Hokkaido offer important implications for understanding of the historical changes in atmospheric Hg deposition.  相似文献   

Young seedlings raised from six different Norway spruce seed provenances were grown in heavy-metal contaminated soils at two severely polluted areas. After ten months, the rate of survival ranged from 30% – 42% and from 45% – 52% at the two polluted areas, respectively. Comparisons of the genetic structure analysed at eight polymorphic enzyme loci showed that the heterozygote frequencies at four of these loci have substantially increased in the surviving seedling collections across all provenances as compared to the initial embryo samples. These results were discussed in relation to the metabolic role of the respective enzymes in response to environmental stress and the possibly greater reaction efficiency of the heterozygous enzyme phenotypes in order to recognize a probable overdominant selection regime.  相似文献   

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