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Hilbert-Huang Transformation(HHT)is a recently-developed method for non-linear signal processing (Huang et al,1998).By performing empirical mode decomposition(EMD)with HHT,various frequency compo-  相似文献   

Xenorhabdus nematophila HB310, which is highly virulent for many insects, is symbiotic with Steinernema carpocapsae HB310. Toxin II was obtained using methods such as salting out and native-PAGE from the cells of X. nematophila HB310. The histopathology of toxin II on H. armigera larvae was studied by dissecting an olefin slice of the midgut. The symptoms showed that the histopathology of the H. armigera midgut was similar to that of other novel midgut-active toxins such as the δ-endotoxins from Bacillus thuringiensis, as well as Tca from Photorhabdus luminescens W14. The midgut tissues of H. armigera fourth-instar larvae began to transform after the oral intake of the toxin Ⅱ over 6 h. First, the anterior region of the peritrophic membrane (PM) began to degrade followed by the elongation of the columnar cells. The epithelium decomposed gradually, and the midgut tissues were either loose or disordered. The PM disappeared after 12 h but reappeared after 72 h following transient or sublethal exposure to the toxin Ⅱ. Toxin Ⅱ also directly destroyed in vitro PMs of H. armigera.  相似文献   

In winter,spring and summer,the rhizome of wild Elytrzgia repens of Heilongjiang Province was selected to extract the soluble which whole protein and the apoplastic protein,and analyzed by SDS-PAGE.The result indicated that there were two specific polypeptides in two types protein from winter;their relative molecular weight were identified as 52 ku and 26 ku by analyzing software:the apoplastic protein from winter had the ability of modifing the growth of ice crystal which appeared hexagonal in shape observed with the phase-contrast photomicroscope.So the apoplastic protein from winter has the antifreeze characters and the 52 ku protein is more likely the antifreeze protein.  相似文献   

Farmers’ markets have enjoyed a resurgence in the past two decades in Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom. This increase in popularity is attributed to a host of environmental, social, and economic factors, often related to the alleged benefits of local food, alternative farming, and producer–consumer interactions. Steeped in tradition, there are also widely held assumptions related to the type of food and food vendors that belong at a farmers’ market in addition to the type of experience that should take place. There remains a need to explore and analyze these fundamental aspects of the farmers’ market and to consider how they influence their formation and function. This paper argues that discourses of authenticity are central to the identity of the farmers’ market, and that they are constructed differently “from above” by those seeking to regulate farmers’ markets in particular jurisdictions and “from below” by managers, producers, and consumers at individual markets. A literature-based discussion is complemented and grounded by consideration of institutional statements regarding authenticity and of key results from a survey of managers, food vendors, and customers at 15 farmers’ markets in Ontario, Canada. It is demonstrated that while the general discourse about authenticity at the farmers’ market is built around strict, almost ideological assumptions about the presence of “local food” and those who produce it, community-level responses reflect considerable diversity in the interpretation and composition of the farmers’ market. It is suggested that a binary view of authenticity, where some farmers’ markets are cast as “real” and others presumably not, is highly problematic as it tends to ignore a large and important middle ground with multiple identities.  相似文献   

The stable carbon isotope ratio of atmospheric CO(2) (δ(13)C(atm)) is a key parameter in deciphering past carbon cycle changes. Here we present δ(13)C(atm) data for the past 24,000 years derived from three independent records from two Antarctic ice cores. We conclude that a pronounced 0.3 per mil decrease in δ(13)C(atm) during the early deglaciation can be best explained by upwelling of old, carbon-enriched waters in the Southern Ocean. Later in the deglaciation, regrowth of the terrestrial biosphere, changes in sea surface temperature, and ocean circulation governed the δ(13)C(atm) evolution. During the Last Glacial Maximum, δ(13)C(atm) and atmospheric CO(2) concentration were essentially constant, which suggests that the carbon cycle was in dynamic equilibrium and that the net transfer of carbon to the deep ocean had occurred before then.  相似文献   

This short review is to list pros and cons which are based on the literature and personal experience in cel culture studies related to possible commercial production of artiifcial meat as functional fo...  相似文献   

This short review is to list pros and cons which are based on the literature and personal experience in cell culture studies related to possible commercial production of artificial meat as functional food. The general view of muscle composition and determinants of meat quality are shortly described. Principles of muscle cell propagation in culture and mutual relationships between different cell types present in this organ are briefly discussed. Additionally, the effects of some cytokines and growth factors for muscle cell growth and muscle tissue development are indicated. Finally, conclusion remarks related to detrimental consequences of meat production to natural environment as well as personal opinion of author on the prospects of artificial meat production are declared.  相似文献   

This short review is to list pros and cons which are based on the literature and personal experience in cell culture studies related to possible commercial production of artificial meat as functional food. The general view of muscle composition and determinants of meat quality are shortly described. Principles of muscle cell propagation in culture and mutual relationships between different cell types present in this organ are briefly discussed. Additionally, the effects of some cytokines and growth factors for muscle cell growth and muscle tissue development are indicated. Finally, conclusion remarks related to detrimental consequences of meat production to natural environment as well as personal opinion of author on the prospects of artificial meat production are declared.  相似文献   

[Objective] The experiment studied on insecticidal and antifeedant action of on Portulaca oleracea L.to provide theoretical basis for developing a new botanical insecticide by taking Portulaca oleracea L.as a raw material.[Method] The insecticidal activities of the ethanol extracts and 5 kinds of extracts with petroleum ether,chloroform,ethyl acetate,n-butanol,water from Portulaca oleracea L..against Aphis sp.was studied;Leaves are using drug treatments of 5 extracts anti-feedant activity of Aphis sp.[Result] The results showed that 95% ethanol extract displayed high contact activity to Aphis sp.The corrected mortality after 48 h reached 95.4 % under the concentration of 50.00 mg·ml-1 and the insecticidal activities of 5 extracts against Aphis sp.was in the order that petroleum ether > chloroform > n-butanol > ethyl acetate >water.Five kinds of anti-feeding activity in the extract of the order for the water> ethyl acetate> n-butanol > chloroform >petroleum ether.[Conclusion] The extract from Portulaca oleracea L.has a strong contact toxicity of pesticide active on Aphis sp.substances and for a small polar compounds,the strong anti-feeding activity is a kind of larger polar compounds.  相似文献   

The indirect electro-synthesis of p-tolualdehyde was studied using Mn^3 /Mn^2 redox couple and Mn^2 was changes into Mn^3 on the Pb/Sb electrode. The effects of temperature,current density,electrolytic time on current efficiency,and the electrolytic and reaction conditions of oxidiazing p-xylene were also studied. The results showed that the yields of ptoluaidehyde were 74. 90% and the current recovery was 65. 50%. The reaction solution can be used repeatedly and no wastes were produced during the ptolualdehyde production process.  相似文献   

During the last century, as the area of wheat grown under advanced grain husbandry has increased worldwide, so too has the importance of Fusarium ear scab (FES) (synonym, Fusarium head blight) caused by several species of the fungus Fusarium. Yield losses due to FES can total 20%-40% and more depending on climatic conditions. During the last twenty years epidemics of FES in cereals have become chronic all over the world, including the United States and Russia. The most destructive of t…  相似文献   

[Objective] The aim of this study was to provide the theoretical basis for variety identification of carambola and pomiculture.[Method] The molecular structure of vessels in stem secondary xylem from three carambola varieties of Malaysia 8,Misi and Malaysia B17 were studied by cell image analysis system and microphotography.[Result] The molecular structure of vessels in stem secondary xylem from carambola was as follows:the first type had tails in two ends,the second type had tail in one end,and the third type had no tails in two ends.The average length of vessel elements was from 328.88 to 366.09 μm,while its average width was from 44.61 to 52.43 μm.Most of the end wall was simple perforation plates,while the alternate-opposite pitting was the major forms of pitting.[Conclusion] Most characteristics of vessel elements from carambola were evolutionary characters of vessel elements in the process of phylogeny,but there were more primitive characters,for example,both two ends of vessel had tails or just one end had tail,and end wall was inclined.The molecular structure of vessel from carambola was in accordance with its ecological adaptability,and the growth characteristics of different varieties were also in accordance with the difference of molecular structure of vessel.  相似文献   

为了解《山西农业科学》的学术水平和栽文质量。以《山西农业科学》2007年-2011年刊发的论文为统计样本,采用文献计量法对其栽文、引文及作者情况进行统计分析。结果表明,该刊5年间共出版60期,刊栽论文1961篇,其中,基金论文889篇,基金论文占比平均为45.33%;发文的引文总量为16309篇,篇均引文为8.32篇;引文语种外文占总引文量的21.29%,略高于该刊2003年-2005年的21.20%;普赖斯指数2007年-2011年呈逐年增加趋势;该刊所载论文第一作者属山西省省外的有413篇,占20.89%.且从2007年-2011年其所占的比例呈逐年递增趋势。该刊的各项指标都有了较大的提高,但还需要从自身质量抓起,并加强多渠道的宣传,为期刊的科学发展而努力。  相似文献   

A recent study by McGee (Agriculture and Human Values, 32, 255–263, 2015) from the University of Oregon has led to discussions in international media and on the web. This study addresses an interesting question and applies advanced statistics for its analysis. However, we identify several methodological flaws that invalidate the results. First, McGee tests a hypothesis that does not correspond to his main question and which does not allow McGee to derive the conclusions that are drawn in his paper and reported in the media coverage. Second, the data used are not adequate for the analysis because: i) the dependent variable does not reflect the greenhouse gas emissions characteristics of organic agriculture (e.g. different emission factors in organic and conventional agriculture or avoidance of emissions from fertilizer production), ii) the explanatory variables neglect the livestock sector, and iii) trade aspects are missing. Third, McGee fails to discuss his findings in the light of quite a substantial body of experimental, bio-physical research from the US and elsewhere.  相似文献   

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