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Objective To compare serum and skin surface IgA concentrations from atopic and normal dogs.
Procedure IgA concentrations in sera and skin washings of 20 clinically normal dogs that had no history of pruritus or skin disease were compared to those obtained in 20 dogs with a diagnosis of atopy determined by history, clinical examination and positive intradermal skin test.
Results There was no significant difference in the mean serum IgA concentration in normal dogs (252 ± 187 mg/L) versus atopic animals (314 ± 327). When skin washings from all sites in both groups were compared, atopic dogs had significantly greater concentrations of IgA in their skin washings than normal dogs as evaluated by an enzyme-linked immunoassay (P < 0.001). However, there was no significant difference between the individual sites of the skin washings of atopic and normal dogs.
Conclusion IgA concentrations of skin washings in atopic dogs were greater than in normal dogs. Further investigations need to determine if the greater concentrations were caused by nonspecific inflammation or by secretion of allergen-specific IgA onto the skin surface.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoids are reported to bias cytokines to a Th2 phenotype. However, this dogma has been advanced largely from studies utilizing potent glucocorticoid analogs. The current study was conducted to revisit the issue of glucocorticoid modulation of Th1/Th2 cytokine production and evaluate migration inhibitory factor (MIF) mRNA expression in cultured pig splenocytes treated with physiologically relevant concentrations of cortisol (CORT). Dexamethasone (DEX) was included for comparison. In Experiment 1, DEX, at 150 and 300 nM, suppressed concanavalin (ConA)-stimulated IFNgamma at both 12 and 24 h in culture, and IL-10 at 24h (P<0.05). Both 150 and 300 nM CORT suppressed IL-10 at 24 h (P<0.05), but neither concentration affected IFNgamma at 24 h. In Experiment 2, cells were cultured with a broader range of CORT for 48 h following ConA. Parallel cultures with identical treatments also were conducted in separate plates for evaluation of glucocorticoid regulation of MIF mRNA. IFNgamma was reduced by 300 nM DEX at 12, 24, and 48 h (P<0.05), whereas 150 and 300 nM CORT blunted IFNgamma at 24 h (P<0.05), but not 48 h. ConA increased IL-2 (P<0.01), but none of the steroid treatments affected IL-2. At both 12 and 24 h, IL-10 was reduced by 300 nM DEX and by 150 and 300 nM CORT (P<0.05). ConA increased relative abundance of MIF mRNA (P<0.001), but no steroid treatment affected MIF mRNA. In Experiment 3, steroid additions were delayed by 24 h after ConA, and cytokine concentrations evaluated 48 h later. Again, separate cultures were used for determination of effect of treatments on MIF mRNA. None of the steroid treatments affected IFNgamma, but 300 nM DEX reduced IL-10 (P<0.05). All of the CORT treatments (75-300 nM) reduced MIF mRNA (P<0.05), whereas DEX did not affect MIF mRNA in this experiment. The current experiments suggest that both DEX and high physiological concentrations of CORT can suppress both type 1 and type 2-like cytokines in cultured pig splenocytes. But, IL-10 was generally more sensitive to CORT suppression with increased time in culture than was IFNgamma. In addition, MIF mRNA could be suppressed by delayed addition of CORT to porcine splenocytes. Taken together, the data do not support the hypothesis that CORT directs the cytokine milieu toward a type 2 bias in cultured pig splenocytes.  相似文献   

This study evaluated a new perspective in the diagnosis of dermatitis in dogs with signs suggestive of allergic skin disease. The results obtained with CMG IMMUNODOT tests using the technique of allergen-specific strip tests, as employed for human allergy diagnosis, were compared with those obtained by the intradermal skin test (IDST). Forty-eight cases completed the diagnostic evaluation, which included IDST, flea-control program, exclusion of sarcoptes and, for some cases, a 1- to 2-month stabilization period on a restricted protein source diet and testing the serum in the presence of allergen-specific IgE and total IgE. The most common disorders included house and storage dust mites, allergic dermatitis and flea-allergic dermatitis together with atopy. This was confirmed serologically. In the case of positive IDST to pollens, Aspergillus spp. and cat epithelium, CMG IMMUNODOT strip tests were negative. A total of 25% of cases were considered to be primarily associated with food hypersensitivity, but only 4% were confirmed serologically. This study emphasizes the value of CMG IMMUNODOT tests as a support in the diagnosis of dog allergy.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal colonization was compared in healthy dogs and in dogs with atopic dermatitis. Bacterial swabs were collected from the nasal mucosa, ear and perineum of 43 healthy and 24 atopic dogs and also from potentially infected skin lesions of the atopic dogs. Coagulase positive staphylococcal isolates were identified to the species level. At the time of this study Staphylococcus intermedius was considered a single species but has since been recognized as comprising at least three species with canine isolates believed to belong to Staphylococcus pseudintermedius . Of atopic dogs, 87.5% were colonized with S. intermedius compared to only 37.2% of healthy dogs. The ear was the only carriage site that showed any significant difference in S. intermedius isolation between healthy and atopic dogs. The perineum represented the most frequently colonized mucosal site for both groups. Sampling the nasal mucosa alone identified 71.4% of atopic and 37.5% of healthy S. intermedius carriers. Inclusion of a perineal swab identified 100% of atopic and 93.8% of healthy carriers. S. intermedius was isolated from all the lesional sites sampled from atopic dogs. Significantly fewer dogs were colonized by Staphylococcus aureus than S. intermedius , and there was no significant difference between S. aureus colonization of atopic and healthy dogs. S. aureus was not recovered from any lesions in atopic dogs. The results show that S. intermedius carriage is more prevalent in atopic dogs compared to healthy dogs and that to identify staphylococcal carriers both the nasal mucosa and the perineum should be sampled.  相似文献   

Pathogenesis of canine atopy has not been completely elucidated. In humans, sulphido-leukotrienes (s-LT) play a role in atopy, and increased production of s-LT occurs in the skin and peripheral leukocytes after allergen challenge. The study population included 16 clinically normal and 13 atopic dogs. All atopic dogs had in common a positive reaction (4+) to the intradermal injection of house dust mite (allergen of reference). Blood samples and skin biopsies were collected. Sulphido-LT synthesis by peripheral leukocytes after stimulation was measured, and no statistically significant difference was found between clinically normal and atopic dogs. Sulphido-LT concentrations in skin samples from stimulated and unstimulated sites were measured, and no statistically significant difference was detected between clinically normal and atopic dogs or between lesional and nonlesional skin within the atopic group. Clinical signs of atopic dogs were graded by owners and no correlation was found between their severity and cutaneous concentrations of s-LT. In this study there was no increase in s-LT synthesis in atopic dogs.  相似文献   

During the last decade, oral cyclosporin (CsA) has proven to be effective, in randomized controlled trials, for the treatment of atopic dermatitis (AD) in human patients. The purpose of this blinded randomized controlled trial was to test the hypothesis that CsA was successful in reducing the gravity of clinical signs of AD in dogs. Thirty dogs with nonseasonal AD were randomly allocated to receive an oral solution of either NEORAL CsA (5 mg kg-1) or prednisolone (0.5 mg kg-1) once daily for 6 weeks. Before, and 3 and 6 weeks after therapy, skin lesions were graded by clinicians using the Canine AD Extent and Severity Index (CADESI). Pruritus was assessed by the owners using a visual analog scale (PVAS). In both groups, CADESI and PVAS values were significantly lower at 6 weeks post treatment than before the initiation of therapy (Friedman test, P < 0.0004). The percentage reductions in CADESI and PVAS values from baseline were not statistically different between groups (Mann-Whitney test, P > 0.3). In this experiment, the tolerability and safety of oral CsA and prednisolone appeared similar. One-fifth of dogs given oral CsA occasionally developed diarrhoea or soft stools. One dog that was given CsA developed a generalized papillomatous skin eruption during the second half of the trial. Our study provides randomized controlled trial evidence that CsA reduces the severity of clinical signs in dogs with nonseasonal AD. Moreover, the anti-allergic efficacy of CsA appears comparable with that of prednisolone. We propose that oral CsA should be considered as a valuable alternative to glucocorticoid therapy in dogs with AD.  相似文献   

In this study, serum immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) concentrations were examined in atopic and non-atopic dogs receiving different levels of parasite control. Significantly lower serum total IgG1 concentrations were found in non-atopic dogs receiving stringent parasite control than in atopic dogs or non-atopic dogs receiving less stringent parasite control. Examination of serum total IgG1 concentrations of atopic dogs after six months of allergen specific immunotherapy (ASIT) showed a significant increase in serum total IgG1 concentrations. It is proposed that serum total IgG1 concentrations are affected by parasitism, atopic dermatitis and ASIT.  相似文献   

Canine atopic dermatitis (AD) is a pruritic skin condition that shares many clinical and pathophysiological features with its human counterpart. A major therapeutic challenge of AD is the control of the skin inflammatory process. A detailed knowledge of the pro-inflammatory molecules involved in cell recruitment in AD would allow for a better control of the disease. We thus have studied the protein expression of P-selectin, ICAM-1 and TNF-alpha in the lesional and non-lesional skin of atopic dogs that had been treated for bacterial infections. Despite a low-to-mild inflammatory process, P-selectin protein was clearly upregulated in the lesional skin areas when compared with non-lesional skin (four-fold average increase). This P-selectin upregulation was accompanied by signs of functional changes such as increased cell margination, and membrane-associated protein expression. Although the expression of ICAM-1 and TNF-alpha was not enhanced in the lesional versus the non-lesional skin, there was a trend towards a correlated upregulation of both molecules. Further studies will help elucidate the significance of the substantial overexpression of P-selectin in canine AD, in particular in a scenario where bacterial antigens are not contributing as pro-inflammatory stimuli.  相似文献   

Dermatophagoides farinae is a frequent allergen in canine atopic dermatitis despite its reported scarcity in the UK, and the aim of this study was to determine whether dogs were uniquely exposed to this species. Der f 1 and Der p 1 in dust collected from living room carpets, bedroom carpets and dog beds of 13 houses with no dogs, 13 with healthy dogs, and 16 with Dermatophagoides-sensitized atopic dogs were quantified by ELISA. Der p 1 levels (microg g(-1) house dust) were significantly higher than Der f 1 in living rooms (Der p 1 median = 1.9, 95% CI = 2.05-6.32, n = 42; Der f 1 median = 0.07, 95% CI = 0.01-0.06, n = 42), bedrooms (Der p 1 median = 4.35, SD = 5.52; Der f 1 median = 0.01, 95% CI = 0.001-0.1, n = 42) and dog beds (Der p 1 median = 1.04, 95% CI = 1.4-8.1, n = 29; Der f 1 median = 0.008, 95% CI = 0.01-0.04, n = 29) (P < 0.0001). Living rooms in houses without dogs had significantly greater Der p 1 levels (median = 7.0, 95% CI = 3.53-15.8, n = 13) than houses with healthy (median = 1.19, 95% CI = 0.44-3.49, n = 13) or atopic dogs (median = 0.78, 95% CI = 0.63-2.42, n = 16) (P = 0.0004). Environmental flea control in living rooms and washing dog beds was associated with significantly reduced Der p 1 levels. This confirms that D. pteronyssinus is common but D. farinae is rare in the sampling area. Apparent sensitization to D. farinae is probably due to cross-reaction. A combination of environmental measures could reduce allergen exposure.  相似文献   

Aim of the present study was to determine the distribution and quantification of Malassezia yeasts on a wide number of cutaneous sites in atopic dogs by means of a semiquantitative swab technique. A possible relationship between the presence of clinical signs and the occurrence and population size of yeasts was attempted. Forty-one privately owned atopic dogs of different age and breed were sampled. Results were expressed as colony forming units per swab. Malassezia colonies obtained from each plate were counted, scored and typed. All dogs yielded Malassezia pachydermatis from at least one skin area. Yeast population mean size by site was 6.98 (S.D.=3.47) as compared to other body areas. The frequence of isolation was higher from interdigital areas (70.7%), ears (63.4%), nail folds (35.7%), mouth (33.3%), groin (30.9%), conjunctiva and axillae (23.8%), perineum and anus (19%), perianal glands (9.5%). Ears, anus, interdigital areas, perianal glands and groin yielded the largest mycotic amount. M. pachydermatis was the sole species of yeast to colonize canine skin in examined animals. No statistical correlation between the presence of cutaneous alterations and Malassezia isolation was detected. Highest scores were not exclusively found on affected areas, but also on lesion-free sites, demonstrating that atopic animals can be heavily colonized also in apparently healthy areas.  相似文献   

In humans, the urinary aquaporin-2 (U-AQP2) excretion closely parallels changes in vasopressin (VP) action and has been proposed as a marker for collecting duct responsiveness to VP. This report describes the development of a radioimmunoassay for the measurement of U-AQP2 excretion in dogs. In addition, the localization of AQP2 in the canine kidney was investigated by immunohistochemistry. Basal U-AQP2 excretion was highly variable among healthy dogs. Two hours after oral water loading, the mean U-AQP2/creatinine ratio decreased significantly from (231 +/- 30) x 10(-9) to (60 +/- 15) x 10(-9) (P = 0.01), while the median plasma VP concentration decreased from 4.2 pmol/l (range 2.2-4.8 pmol/l) to 1.2 pmol/l (range 1.0-1.9 pmol/l). Subsequent intravenous administration of desmopressin led to a significantly increased mean U-AQP2/creatinine ratio of (258 +/- 56) x 10(-9) (P = 0.01). Two hours of intravenous hypertonic saline infusion (20% NaCl, 0.03 ml/kg body weight/min) significantly increased the mean U-AQP2/creatinine ratio from (86 +/- 6) x 10(-9) to (145 +/- 23) x 10(-9) (P = 0.045), while the median plasma VP concentration increased significantly from 2.2 pmol/l (range 1.1-6.3 pmol/l) to 17.1 pmol/l (range 8.4-67 pmol/l) (P < 0.001). Immunohistochemistry revealed extensive labeling for AQP2 in the kidney collecting duct cells, predominantly localized in the apical and subapical region. As in humans, U-AQP2 excretion in dogs closely reflects changes in VP exposure. Urinary AQP2 excretion may become a diagnostic tool in dogs for the differentiation of polyuric conditions such as (partial) central or nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, primary polydipsia, and inappropriate VP release.  相似文献   

In humans with atopic dermatitis (AD), the epicutaneous application of allergens (atopy patch tests or APT) to which the patients are sensitized often results in the development of inflammation resembling that of spontaneous skin lesions. Dogs are affected with a natural homologue of human AD, but information on the induction of positive patch testing reactions is limited. The objectives of this pilot study were to determine the nature and cellular dynamics of inflammation occurring after APT in dogs hypersensitive to house dust mite and flea allergens. Laboratory Beagles were sensitized experimentally to Dermatophagoides farinae house dust mites (two dogs), Ctenocephalides felis flea saliva (one dog) or both (two dogs). Two other dogs served as nonsensitized controls. Both allergens and saline were applied epicutaneously. Macroscopic evaluations and skin biopsies were performed at 4, 24, 48 and 96 h after starting allergenic challenge. Biopsies were evaluated histologically and immunohistochemically with a panel of monoclonal antibodies specific for canine leucocyte antigens. Positive macroscopic reactions consisted of erythema, oedema and induration, and they occurred between 24 and 96 h after allergen application. Macroscopic and microscopic APT reactions developed only whenever serum IgE was present against tested allergens. Microscopically, positive APT was associated with epidermal hyperplasia, Langerhans' cell hyperplasia, and eosinophil and lymphocyte epidermotropism. Dermal inflammation was mixed and arranged in a superficial perivascular to interstitial pattern. Numerous IgE+-CD1+ dendritic cells and gamma-delta T-lymphocytes were observed. Macroscopically and microscopically, APT reactions in these experimentally sensitized animals resembled those seen in lesional biopsy specimens of dogs and humans with spontaneous AD. Therefore, APT in hypersensitive dogs provides a relevant experimental model to investigate the pathogenesis and treatment of both canine and human AD skin lesions.  相似文献   

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