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目前市场上浓缩饲料生产和销售为了迎合经销商和养殖户的要求,普遍追求高蛋白质含量,而仅用常规的豆粕、鱼粉、肉骨粉、棉菜粕难以配合出粗蛋白含量达45%以上而价格又能  相似文献   

佛手瓜又名洋茄子、安南瓜、棒瓜,为蔬菜、饲料兼用高产作物。进入生长后期的佛手瓜茎叶秧蔓,据国内测定粗蛋白质19.5%、粗脂肪3.5%、粗纤维17.7%、无氮浸出物42.5%、灰分16.8%、钙3.5%、磷0.5%。蛋白质含量大大高于甘薯蔓,与苜蓿近似,是一种高植物蛋白新饲源。由于当地对利用茎叶秧蔓喂猪缺少实践经验,造成摘瓜后的鲜秧蔓大部分刈割后堆放在田间地头而废弃掉。为了广开饲料来源,缓解饲料紧缺,降低饲养成本,我们在本市佛手瓜主要产地的圣井镇,对专业户饲养的生长肥育猪进行了佛手瓜鲜茎叶打浆料代…  相似文献   

农俊 《湖南饲料》1998,(3):13-14
很多资料曾经报道过酶制剂对生长肥育猪具有良好的促生长作用。为了验证其效果,笔者做了酶制剂对生长肥育猪的饲喂效果试验。一、材料与方法: 1、材料:选用广东省珠海经济特区溢多利有限公司生产的饲用复合酶818B。  相似文献   

目的:为探讨佛手瓜鲜茎叶作猪饲料的效果,方法:日粮水平分为高,中,低3个试验组和对应的3个对照组作对比试验。结果:日粮水平高,中,低3个试验组经济效益均高于对照组。用佛手瓜鲜茎叶喂生长肥育猪,日粮营养水平越低。生长肥育猪的日增重,饲料报酬和经济效益,比对照组的效果越好。结论:佛手瓜鲜茎叶是较好的青饲料。  相似文献   

据不完全统计,我国年产稻草等各类秸秆数亿吨。但由于这类秸秆营养价值低、适口性差,尤其不能被单胃动物所利用,以至造成巨大的浪费。2005年4月份,在湖南省邵阳市东风猪场将稻草经粉碎、膨化、发酵等处理后,替代麦麸对生长肥育猪进行饲喂试验,取得了令人满意的效果,现报道如下。1材料与方法1.1发酵稻草粉的制作工艺1.1.1粉碎将干净、无霉变的干稻草经粉碎机粉碎,过80目筛。1.1.2膨化将粉碎过筛后的稻草粉装入膨化罐中封闭,蒸汽压加至15.15×105Pa,保持15 m in,然后再加压至20.20×105Pa(约210℃),瞬间开阀,稻草粉骤然喷出,爆开臌胀。1.1.3…  相似文献   

狼尾草饲喂生长肥育猪效果试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
罗金炼 《养猪》2004,(5):12-12
厦门市六兴畜牧有限公司同畜牧专家教授反复进行不同品种牧草如杂交黑麦草、狼尾草等饲喂预试对比试验后,确定狼尾草为养猪最佳牧草。为验证其具体的饲喂效果,做此试验,现将结果报告如下。在本公司猪场选择90日龄左右、体重相近、健康的杜长大三元杂种肥育猪40头,随机分成2组,每组20头,每组2个重复,每个重复10头,各组公母  相似文献   

本试验以肉猪为试材,进行了同等饲粮养分含量情况下,使用高赖氨酸玉米和普通玉米为主要能量原料的生长效果对比试验。结果表明,使用高赖氨酸玉米对肉猪25~100kg阶段的生长速度,食欲和饲料效率无显影响。在目前原料价格情况下,使用高赖氨酸玉米可使每头肉猪多获利5~13元。  相似文献   

珍珠高粱饲喂肥育猪试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
70头60kg左右杜长大杂种猪,随机分成4组做饲养试验。对照组饲喂普通玉米—豆粕型饲粮,试验一、二、三组饲粮分别用珍珠高粱100%、50%、25%代替玉米。试验期30d。结果,日增重随着珍珠高粱比例的增加而提高,分别为866g、810g、736g,比对照组的731g分别高18.38%、10.76%、0.68%,试验一、二组与对照组差异显著(P<0.05)。料重比随着珍珠高粱比例的增加而下降,分别为3.59、3.38、3.10,试验一组与对照组的3.74差异显著(P<0.05)。珍珠高粱可以用任意比例代替玉米饲喂肥育猪,效果优于玉米。  相似文献   

邹熙发  曲乃贵 《养猪》1991,(1):10-10
海草是生长在近海滩涂盐场晒水池及水沟中的一种水生单子叶植物,属眼子菜科(potamogeto-naceae)学名川蔓藻(Ruppiarostellata koch),又名沟草。我县有9个乡镇邻海,滩涂面积12万亩,其中生长海草的晒水池约5万亩,平均每平方米水面可采7—10千克鲜嫩海草,资源十分丰富,6—10月份为海草繁殖旺季。  相似文献   

玉米秸秆中木质素、纤维素、半纤维素含量较高,适口性差,一般不能直接用于饲养动物。而经过物理方法和生物学方法处理过的秸秆已在反刍动物饲养中得到广泛应用,但在猪等单胃动物上的应用较少,其主要原因是消化率低。本研究利用酶及微生物为主的发酵剂(沈农牌秸秆发酵剂)处理玉米秸秆,测定了营养成分的变化和离体及活体消化率,测定了秸秆粗  相似文献   

玉米秸秆的利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
玉米籽实成熟收穗后的黄干秸秆,是农区发展草食家畜生产潜力巨大的饲料资源。但收穗后的秸秆,随着水分的丧失,秸秆内营养物质发生一系列的变化,细胞壁变厚老化,粗纤维增加,木质素增多,并且结构稳定,营养成分难以被家畜消化吸收;随着叶绿素的消失,维生素(如胡萝卜素)的含量大幅度降低,结果使干秸秆饲料质地粗硬,适口性下降,消化率低,营养价值不高,利用受到限制。要充分开发利用秸秆资源,需经科学处理调制,从营养角度计算,3~4 kg秸秆经加工调制后喂牛相当于1 kg玉米饲料的营养价值。玉米的粮秸比是1∶1.8,也就是说收1 t…  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of NutriDense low-phytate corn in conjunction with increasing added dietary fat on growing and finishing pig performance. Diets in both experiments were corn-soybean meal-based, with yellow dent or NutriDense low-phytate corn and 0, 3, or 6% added choice white grease arranged in a 2 x 3 factorial design. There were 25 to 28 pigs per pen and 7 pens (replications) per treatment in both experiments. In Exp. 1, a total of 1,162 gilts with an initial BW of 44.6 kg were used in a 28-d growth study. A constant true ileal digestible (TID) Lys:ME ratio of 2.80 g/Mcal and available P:ME ratio of 0.90 g/Mcal were maintained in all treatment diets. Overall (d 0 to 28), there were no corn source x added fat interactions (P >/= 0.79). Regardless of corn source, ADG and G:F increased (linear, P = 0.03) with increasing added fat. There were no differences (P >/= 0.34) in pig growth performance between those fed NutriDense low-phytate or yellow dent corn. In Exp. 2, a total of 1,128 gilts with an initial BW of 81.6 kg were used in a 28-d growth study. A constant TID Lys:ME ratio of 2.15 g/Mcal of ME and available P:ME ratio of 0.75 g/Mcal were maintained in all treatment diets. Overall (d 0 to 28), there was a tendency (P = 0.07) for a corn source x added fat interaction for G:F, which can be explained by the improved G:F in pigs fed yellow dent corn only when 6% fat was added to the diet, whereas G:F was improved at both 3 and 6% added fat in pigs fed NutriDense low-phytate corn. There were no differences (P >/= 0.18) in growth performance between pigs fed NutriDense low-phytate or yellow dent corn. These results indicate that increasing added fat improved growth performance regardless of the corn source. In addition, growth performance was similar for pigs fed NutriDense low-phytate or yellow dent corn.  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate growth performance, carcass cutting yield, and processing characteristics of boneless hams and bellies from finishing pigs fed diets containing 0, 5, 10, or 20 ppm of the phenethanolamine ractopamine hydrochloride (RAC). Sixty pigs were blocked by starting weight and randomly assigned to pens (four pigs/pen) within each of three blocks. Treatments were then randomly assigned to the pens to total six pens of the 0-ppm level and three pens each at the 5-, 10-, and 20-ppm RAC levels. Weight gain and feed consumption were monitored and animals were slaughtered by weight block after approximately 48 d on trial. Slaughter weight, ADG, and feed/gain were improved (P less than .05) for RAC treatments. Dressing percentage was higher and increased linearly (P less than .05) for RAC treatments. Carcass weight, length, leaf fat weight, backfat thickness, loin eye area, and color, marbling, and firmness of the longissimus were evaluated. The RAC-treated carcasses were heavier (P less than .05) and loin eye area increased linearly (P less than .05). One side of each carcass was fabricated using National Association of Meat Purveyors specifications. Trimmed hams and loins from the RAC treatments were heavier (P less than .05) than those from control animals. No differences (P greater than .05) in carcass cutting yield (percentage of trimmed primal cuts) were observed between treatments. However, trimmed hams and loins from the 20-ppm RAC treatment represented a greater (P less than .05) percentage of carcass weight than did those from control animals. Ractopamine did not affect raw belly or bacon characteristics (P less than .05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

通过秸秆发酵菌剂的研制和饲料转化试验,对菌活性与营养成分等指标进行检测,优选出最佳微生物菌株组合,培制出可用于秸秆发酵饲料的高活性复合菌剂,探明了其应用效果,并提出了秸秆复合原料经短期处理转化为优质生物饲料的发酵技术。  相似文献   

Two consecutive experiments were performed to evaluate the effects on the immune response of corn cob mix (CCM) in an organic pig diet. The immunoglobulin (Ig) M, IgA and IgG responses against an intramuscularly injected model antigen, bovine thyroglobulin, were used as indicator. The experiments were performed in an organic barn with nine pens of four crossbred pigs (two barrows and two sows) from 45 kg to slaughter. In the first experiment, the organic concentrate was mixed with organic CCM-silage to obtain three concentrate: CCM ratios of 100:0, 80:20 and 60:40 (w:w). In the second experiment, three concentrates were produced to obtain diets with equal nutrient levels on a dry matter basis after 0%, 20% and 40% CCM inclusion. Higher inclusion rates of CCM in the ration were accompanied by lower thyroglobulin-specific IgG responses. These effects could not be attributed to one specific component of the CCM, such as fatty acid composition, although there was a degree of correlation with lower vitamin A concentrations. Mycotoxin concentrations were absent or minimal. The study indicated that dietary ingredient composition may affect immunocompetence.  相似文献   

Growth and carcass traits of finishing swine fed amino acid-supplemented raw soybean (RSB) diets were examined. Experiments 1 and 2 were identical and included the following treatments: 1) corn-soybean meal (SBM), 2) corn-RSB (lysine equal to Diet 1), 3) Diet 2 + .15% L-lysine (LYS), 4) Diet 3 + .1% L-threonine (THR), 5) Diet 3 + .05% L-tryptophan (TRP), 6) Diet 3 + .15% DL-methionine (MET) and 7) Diet 3 + THR + TRP + MET equivalent to Diets 4 to 6. The unsupplemented corn-RSB diet reduced (P less than .05) gain, gain:feed, plasma urea N, loin eye area, and percentage of muscling compared with the corn-SBM diet. The addition of LYS or LYS + TRP generally improved these response variables, whereas the addition of LYS + THR or LYS + MET tended to reduce gain and gain:feed compared with the LYS addition alone. The LYS + THR + TRP + MET addition resulted in growth and carcass traits that were intermediate between those of pigs fed the corn-RSB and the corn-SBM diets but not different (P greater than .05) from either. Experiment 3 included Diets 1, 2 and 7 from Exp. 1 and 2, in addition to the following treatment: corn-RSB + LYS + THR + TRP. The LYS + THR + TRP addition improved (P less than .05) growth and carcass traits compared with the LYS + THR + TRP + MET addition.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Six trials involving 888 pigs (Study 1) and three trials involving 360 pigs (Study 2) were conducted at various geographical locations in the U.S. and Canada to evaluate the effect of ractopamine hydrochloride on the performance and carcass characteristics of finishing swine. All trials were conducted using a randomized complete block design. Trial data were pooled within study for statistical analysis. Pigs averaged approximately 64.5 kg (Study 1) and 65.9 kg (Study 2) initially and had ad libitum access to a 16% crude protein corn-soybean meal or barley-soybean meal diet. Ractopamine was included in the diet at 0, 2.5, 5, 10, 20 or 30 ppm (Study 1), or at 0, 5, 10, 15 or 20 ppm (Study 2); diets were fed for an average of 45 d (Study 1) and 50 d (Study 2) to a final weight of about 104.3 kg (Study 1) and 106.6 kg (Study 2). Carcass dissection data were collected in three of the six trials in Study 1 (0, 5 and 20 ppm ractopamine) and in all three trials in Study 2 (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 ppm ractopamine). All ractopamine levels improved (P less than .05) ADG and feed: gain (Studies 1 and 2) above those of control pigs. Ractopamine levels of 10 to 30 ppm (Studies 1 and 2) improved (P less than .05) dressing percentage over controls. Pigs fed ractopamine at 5 and 20 ppm (Study 1) and 10, 15 and 20 ppm (Study 2) had increased (P less than .05) dissected leanness compared with controls.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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