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The objective of this study was to determine whether aging would alter the beneficial effects (tenderness, juiciness, and flavor) of enhancing beef chuck and round steaks with a 20% solution of water, ammonium hydroxide, salt, and carbon monoxide. A randomized, complete block design was used, with 2 treatments [0% (control) and 20% (pump)], 3 aging periods (1, 2, and 3 wk), 3 muscles (M. triceps brachii from the clod heart, M. biceps femoris from the sirloin cap, and M. rectus femoris from the knuckle), and 3 replications. There were a total of 12 subprimals per treatment per aging period (n = 72 each). Individual steaks were cut to a thickness of 2.54 cm and packaged in a high-oxygen modified-atmosphere package (80% oxygen, 20% carbon dioxide). At the end of the aging period, steaks were vacuum packaged and frozen. Steaks were used to determine Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBS) and consumer sensory ratings. For all muscles, WBS values were lower for pump steaks than control at every aging period (P < 0.050). In addition, as aging period increased, WBS values for all steaks increased. Consumer taste panels revealed more desirability for tenderness, juiciness, flavor, and overall acceptability for pump steaks than control steaks. In addition, steaks aged for 1 d were more desirable than steaks aged for 7 and 14 d (P < 0.050). These data indicate that aging does not decrease the benefits (tenderness, juiciness, and flavor) of enhancement.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the tenderness of beef chuck and round muscles when enhanced with ammonium hydroxide and salt at different pump levels. A randomized, complete block design of 4 treatments and 3 muscles with 3 replications was used, with a total of 15 subprimals per treatment. Treatments included a 0% (CON), 15% (T15), 22.5% (T22), and 30% (T30) target pump. The triceps brachii (TB), biceps femoris (BF), and rectus femoris (RF) muscles were studied. Muscles were injected with a solution of ammonium hydroxide and sodium chloride (patent-pending technology from Freezing Machines Inc., Dakota Dunes, SD). Individual steaks were cut to a thickness of 2.54 cm, vacuum-packaged in trays, and frozen. Warner-Bratzler shear force, pH, and sensory evaluations were determined. Shear force decreased as the target pump percentage increased for all muscles (P < 0.050): TB = 39.9, 35.1, 32.1, and 27.0 N; BF = 39.4, 26.2, 23.3, and 19.3 N; RF = 42.7, 32.9, 30.7, and 28.9 N for CON, T15, T22, and T30, respectively. In all cases, there were no shear force differences between T15 and T22 (P > 0.050). As percentage pump increased, pH increased. The ultimate pH was moderately strongly to strongly related to shear force (r = 0.55, 0.70, and 0.80 for RF, TB, and BF, respectively). Trained taste panel ratings revealed an increase in tenderness, decrease in connective tissue, and an increase in juiciness as pump level increased for all muscles. In all cases but one (juiciness of the RF), the CON had the least desirable ratings and shear force values (P < 0.050). There were no major differences between T15 and T22, and T30 steaks tended to have an uncharacteristic soft and mushy texture. For this reason a 20% target pump level was determined to be the optimum pump level. These data suggest that adjusting pH in beef with ammonium hydroxide and salt can increase tenderness in muscles from the beef chuck and round. Any level of treatment was beneficial, with the greatest shear force benefit occurring in muscle pumped to 30%.  相似文献   

Thirty-eight muscles of the beef chuck and round were histochemically stained to characterize fiber-type composition in order to facilitate optimal muscle use in value-added products. Select-grade chucks and rounds (n = 4 each) were chosen to represent two carcass weight classes (250 to 295 kg and 363 to 410 kg) and two yield grades (1 and 3). Muscles were sectioned and stained with a procedure that included a succinate dehydrogenase and an adenosine triphosphatase staining technique. Number and diameter of beta-red, alpha-red, and alpha-white muscle fibers were used to determine muscle fiber percentage, muscle fiber area, and percent area in each muscle. Weight did not significantly (P > 0.05) affect these muscle fiber-type characteristics, probably because of limited sample numbers. Muscles containing greater than 40% beta-red fibers were classified as red; greater than 40% alpha-white fibers were classified as white. All other muscles were classified as intermediate. Nine of 12 round muscles were white, including semitendinosus, biceps femoris, rectus femoris, adductor, and semimembranosus. The chuck muscles were red (10 of 26), intermediate (9 of 26), and white (7 of 26). These data indicate variable fiber-type composition of most of the muscles of the beef chuck and round. Functional and biochemical traits of each muscle fiber class would be expected to create different processing characteristics, which would influence optimal muscle use in value-added products.  相似文献   

Beef carcasses (n = 150) of A-maturity were selected randomly to determine baseline shear force and sensory panel ratings, assess variation in tenderness, and evaluate mean value differences between Certified Angus Beef (CAB), commodity Choice, and Select steaks. Three steaks were removed from the triceps brachii (TB), longissimus lumborum (LL), gluteus medius (GM), semimembranosus (SM), biceps femoris (BF), and quadriceps femoris complex (QF), and assigned to Warner-Bratzler shear (WBSF) and sensory panel analyses. As anticipated, marbling score and measured percentage of i.m. fat were greatest (P < 0.05) for CAB, intermediate (P < 0.05) for Choice, and least (P < 0.05) for Select carcasses. A muscle x quality level interaction (P < 0.05) was observed for WBSF values and sensory panel tenderness ratings. The TB, LL, GM, and BF steaks from CAB carcasses had lower (P < 0.05) WBSF than Select steaks from the same muscles. Even though WBSF values did not differ (P > 0.05) between CAB and Choice QF and TB steaks, the LL and GM steaks from CAB carcasses were more tender (P < 0.05) than Choice-grade LL and GM steaks. The TB from Select carcasses had higher (P < 0.05) WBSF values than TB steaks from CAB or Choice carcasses, but sensory panel ratings indicated that quality level showed little consistency among the GM, SM, BF, and QF. Trained sensory panelists rated CAB LL steaks more tender (P < 0.05) than LL steaks from Choice and Select carcasses, and Choice LL steaks were evaluated as more (P < 0.05) tender than those from Select carcasses. These results demonstrate that the influence of marbling on tenderness was more evident in muscles of middle meats than in end cuts, particularly in muscles of the round.  相似文献   

Retail packages (n = 288; 24 of each product in each treatment group) of inside round steaks, T-bone steaks (strip loin and tenderloin), top sirloin steaks, and ground beef were used to evaluate effects of dietary supplementation of vitamin E to cattle on product performance during retail display. Products from control animals and cattle fed 500 IU x animal(-1) x d(-1) or 1,000 IU x animal(-1) x d(-1) were evaluated. Except for ground beef, dietary supplementation of vitamin E increased (P < 0.05) alpha-tocopherol concentrations in beef muscle from cattle fed 1,000 IU x animal(-1) x d(-1). Although not all differences were statistically significant, retail display-life was greater for all steaks from cattle fed 1,000 IU x animal(-1) x d(-1) than for those from control cattle. Ten percent of the inside round and tenderloin steaks from cattle fed 1,000 IU x animal(-1) x d(-1) had mean overall appearance scores of 3 ("moderately undesirable") at 72 to 78 h and 54 to 60 h, respectively, whereas 10% of the inside round and tenderloin steaks from control cattle had mean overall appearance scores of 3 at 54 to 60 h and 42 to 48 h, respectively. Each of the retail cuts in this study (irrespective of the amount of alpha-tocopheryl acetate that was fed to the animal that generated it) was categorized as "high," "medium," or "low," based on the alpha-tocopherol concentration in the primal cut or ground beef batch from which it originated. Retail cuts in the medium a-tocopherol concentration category had increased retail display life of 4.0 h for ground beef (P < 0.05) over those in the low alpha-tocopherol category. Retail cuts in the high alpha-tocopherol concentration category had increased retail display life of 10.7 h for inside round steaks and 4.0 h for ground beef (P < 0.05) over those in the medium concentration category. Vitamin E supplementation of cattle at 1,000 IU x animal(-1) x d(-1) for at least 100 d can be used to increase retail caselife and to improve the overall color acceptability of steaks and ground beef products. Although far from a perfect relationship, these data strongly suggest that increasing the alpha-tocopherol concentration in a beef cut will increase its retail case life.  相似文献   

Retail cutting tests were conducted on subprimals from cattle fed zilpaterol hydrochloride (ZH) to determine if the improved carcass composition and red meat yield resulting from ZH feeding would translate into increased retail yields of ready-to-cook products. As part of a 3-phase study, selection of carcasses from Holstein steers was done once (fall 2008), followed by the collection of carcasses from beef-type steers on 2 separate occasions (beef study I: summer 2009; beef study II: spring 2010). Each of the 3 groups of steers was assigned previously to 1 of 2 treatments, treated (fed 8.3 mg/kg of ZH for 20 d) or control (not fed ZH). All steers were slaughtered and carcasses were fabricated in commercial beef-processing establishments. Only those carcasses grading USDA Choice or higher were used. Five subprimals were used for both the calf-fed Holstein study (n = 546 subprimals) and beef study I (n = 576 subprimals): beef chuck, chuck roll; beef chuck, shoulder clod; beef round, sirloin tip (knuckle), peeled; beef round, top round; and beef round, outside round (flat). Seven subprimals were used in beef study II (n = 138 subprimals): beef chuck, chuck roll; beef round, sirloin tip (knuckle), peeled; beef round, top round; beef round, eye of round; beef loin, strip loin, boneless; beef loin, top sirloin butt, boneless; and beef loin, tenderloin. A simulated retail market environment was created, and 3 retail meat merchandisers prepared retail cuts from each subprimal so salable yields and processing times could be obtained. Differences in salable yields were found for the calf-fed Holstein steer chuck rolls (96.54% for ZH vs. 95.71% for control; P = 0.0045) and calf-fed Holstein steer top rounds (91.30% for ZH vs. 90.18% for control; P = 0.0469). However, other than heavier subprimals and an increased number of retail cuts obtained, total salable yields measured on a percentage basis and processing times were mostly unaffected by ZH. Cutability advantages of feeding ZH are achieved primarily in the carcass-to-subprimal conversion rather than in the subprimal-to-retail conversion.  相似文献   

Our objective was to compare the effects of feeding steam-flaked, high-oil corn with normal steam-flaked corn to which yellow grease was added to equalize dietary fat on performance and carcass characteristics of finishing beef steers, and palatability, retail case life, and fatty acid composition of strip loins. Angus steers (n = 120; initial BW = 288 kg) were allotted to dietary treatments consisting of 1) normal mill-run, steam-flaked corn plus added fat (NMR) or 2) high-oil, steam-flaked corn (HOC) and assigned randomly to pens (12 pens/treatment with 5 steers/pen). Performance (ADG, DMI, and G:F) was measured over time, and cattle were shipped to a commercial abattoir for collection of carcass data after 165 d on feed. Carcass data were collected at 48 h postmortem on all carcasses, and 2 carcasses from each pen were selected randomly for collection of strip loins (IMPS #180A). At 14 d postmortem, 4 steaks (2.54 cm thick) were removed for retail display, trained sensory panel analysis, Warner-Bratzler shear force determination, and fatty acid analysis. Daily BW gain was greater (P = 0.03) and G:F was increased 8.4% (P = 0.01) for steers fed NMR compared with HOC, but DMI was not affected (P > 0.10) by treatment. No treatment differences were observed (P > 0.10) for HCW, 12th-rib fat, KPH, and yield grade. Marbling scores were greater (P = 0.01) for NMR than for HOC, and LM area tended (P = 0.07) to be greater in NMR than in HOC carcasses. The proportion of carcasses grading USDA Choice did not differ (P = 0.77) between treatments, but a greater (P = 0.04) proportion of carcasses graded in the upper two-thirds of Choice for NMR vs. HOC. Trained sensory panel traits and Warner-Bratzler shear force values did not differ between treatments (P > 0.10), and no differences (P > 0.10) were detected for purge loss or fatty acid composition. Overall, ADG and G:F were less and marbling score was decreased, but there were no differences between treatments in beef palatability, retail case life, or concentrations of fatty acids in strip loins.  相似文献   

Crossbred barrows and gilts (n = 168) were used to test the effects of supplemental Mn during the growing-finishing period on performance, pork carcass characteristics, and pork quality during 7 d of retail display. Pigs were blocked by BW and allotted within blocks to pens (5 pigs/pen in blocks 1, 2, 5, and 6, and 4 pigs/pen in blocks 3 and 4). A total of 36 pens was randomly assigned to 1 of 6 dietary treatments, where the basal diets were formulated with (PC) or without (NC) Mn in the mineral premix, and supplemented with 0 or 350 ppm (as-fed basis) of Mn from MnSO4 or a Mn-AA complex (AvMn). Pigs were slaughtered at a commercial pork packing plant when the lightest block of pigs averaged 113.6 kg. During fabrication, boneless pork loins were collected and transported to Oklahoma State University, where 2.5-cm-thick LM chops were packaged in a modified atmosphere (80% O2 and 20% CO2) and subsequently placed in display cases (2 to 4 degrees C) under continuous fluorescent lighting (1,600 lx) for 7 d. Pig performance was not (P > or = 0.44) affected by supplemental Mn; however, during the grower-II phase, pigs fed the basal diets including Mn consumed less (P < 0.02) feed and tended to be more efficient (P < 0.09) than pigs fed the basal diets devoid of Mn. Throughout the entire feeding trial, neither dietary nor supplemental Mn altered (P > or = 0.22) ADG, ADFI, or G:F. Chops from pigs fed the diets supplemented with MnSO4 received greater (P < or = 0.05) lean color scores and had a redder (greater a* and hue angle values), more vivid color than chops from pigs fed the diets supplemented with AvMn. Additionally, LM chops from pigs fed the PC diets supplemented with MnSO4 were darker (lower L* values; P < 0.05) than chops from pigs fed the NC diets or PC diets supplemented with 0 or 350 ppm of AvMn. Even though discoloration scores were similar during the first 4 d of display, chops from pigs fed the PC diets supplemented with MnSO4 were less (P < 0.05) discolored on d 6 and 7 of retail display than chops from pigs fed the PC or NC diets and diets supplemented with AvMn (dietary treatment x display time, P = 0.04). Results of this study indicate that feeding an additional 350 ppm of Mn from MnSO4 above the maintenance requirements of growing-finishing pigs does not beneficially affect live pig performance but may improve pork color and delay discoloration of pork during retail display.  相似文献   

Miniature and domestic sows at 108 to 110 days of the gestation were exposed to atmospheric carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations of 150 to 400 ppm for 48 to 96 hours. Overall stillbirth rates were 6.7%, 34.8%, 42.3%, and 80.0% in the sows exposed to CO in concentrations of 200, 250, 300, and 350 ppm, respectively. A significant linear relationship was determined between these concentrations of CO and the resultant maternal carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) concentration (P less than 0.01). The frequency of stillbirth increased significantly when maternal COHb concentration exceeded 23% saturation of hemoglobin. The COHb concentrations in new-delivered pigs (cesarean section) were greater than maternal COHb concentrations by 3 to 22%. Common gross lesions in stillborn pigs were cherry red discoloration of the subcutaneous tissues, muscle, and viscera and accumulation of a large volume of serosanguineous pleural effusion. Hypoxic ischemic leukoencephalopathy was found in new-delivered pigs from 3 of 14 litters. Lesions included focal leukoencephalomalacia, glial-vascular proliferation, multifocal hemorrhage, and vacuolation of the neuropile. Many extramedullary hematopoietic centers were present in liver sections.  相似文献   

Concern has been raised about green discoloration of injection-site lesions in chuck muscles in modified-atmosphere packages. Objectives were: 1) to recreate green lesions, 2) to compare the severity of discoloration of injection-site lesions in chucks from carcasses of control or vitamin E-supplemented steers, and 3) to identify pigment(s) responsible for discoloration via in vitro color reactions. In Exp. 1, 23 steers (BW = 415 kg; 37 d before harvest) were injected with one of 12 pharmaceuticals, following label directions for route and dose, with the exception of a 5-mL maximum dose, to identify a product that could result in discoloration. Two vaccines (Products A and B) resulted in greening. In Exp. 2, 50 steers were injected (i.m.) with Product A and assigned to the control or vitamin E (1,000 IU/steer daily for 60 d) group. After retail display, 80 and 72% of steaks from the control and treatment groups, respectively, were discolored. Although vitamin E did not reduce (P = 0.53) greening, there was a trend (P = 0.10) toward delay discoloration of lesions from the treatment group. In Phase I of Exp. 3, pigments extracted from green lesions obtained from Exp. 2 were compared with solutions, exposed to a high partial pressure of oxygen (ppO), of myoglobin (Mb), copper sulfate, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), vaccine, and aluminum hydroxide either alone or in combination. In Phase II of Exp. 3, solutions of two or more of Mb, Cu, sodium sulfide, sodium sulfite, sodium sulfate (Na2SO4), and H2O2 were made at pH 7.2 or 5.5 and exposed to low or high ppO. Normal muscle tissue displayed a 3.2 and 56.7% decrease in absorbance/microg of protein as wavelength changed from 654 to 656 nm and 656 to 658 nm, respectively. Pigments from control and treatment group green tissue displayed a 164.5 and 621.3% increase, respectively, in absorbance/microg of protein as wavelength changed from 654 to 656 nm. As wavelength changed from 656 to 658 nm, the absorbance/microg of protein for control and treatment group lesions decreased by 75 and 109%, respectively. The Mb+Cu+Na2SO4 solution, at pH 5.5 and high ppO, exhibited similar absorbance trends as green lesions indicating that greening may result from a Mb, Cu, and Na2SO4 interaction. Results indicated that greening varies with pharmaceuticals and oxidation of tissue cannot be controlled with vitamin E supplementation. Research on the causative agents of green discoloration, with an emphasis on compounds containing sulfate or Cu, is needed.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the effect of CaCl2 injection on round muscles obtained from Bos indicus bulls and late-castrate steers. In Exp. 1, the biceps femoris (BF) muscle from the left side of each of 15 bull carcasses was injected within 30 min postexsanguination with .3 M CaCl2 at 10% by weight while either intact (n = 8) on the carcass or after hot boning (n = 7). The right sides served as controls. In Exp. 2, the semimembranosus (SM) muscles from the carcasses of nine steers (castrated at 16 mo of age) were hot-boned within 30 min postexsanguination and one-half were injected with CaCl2 as described above. Hot boning had no effect (P greater than .05) on shear force values. Calcium chloride injection dramatically reduced shear force requirements at 1, 8, and 14 d postmortem compared with noninjected controls in both experiments. Cooking traits of the SM muscle were not affected (P greater than .05) by CaCl2 injection. However, BF muscles injected with CaCl2 required more (P less than .05) time to cook and had greater (P less than .05) cooking losses than BF controls. Calcium chloride injection of prerigor round muscles reduced aging time needed for normal tenderization to 1 d postmortem. Hot boning was successfully used in conjunction with CaCl2 injection to facilitate the injection process.  相似文献   

To measure the effects of dietary fat on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, and beef appearance, moisture binding, shelf life, and palatability, 168 crossbred beef steers (317 +/- 1.0 kg) were allotted randomly, within weight blocks, to a randomized complete block design with a 3 x2 + 1 factorial arrangement of dietary treatments. Main effects were level of yellow restaurant grease (RG; 0, 3, or 6%) and level of alfalfa hay (AH; 3.5 or 7%), with the added treatment of 6% tallow and 7% AH in barley-based diets containing 15% potato by-product and 7% supplement fed for 165 d (all dietary levels on a DM basis). Dietary treatment did not (P >0.10) affect DMI, LM area, beef brightness, or beef texture. Level of RG linearly increased (P <0.05) ADG from 1.48 to 1.60 kg/d, diet NE(m) from 2.4 to 2.6 Mcal/kg, diet NE(g) from 1.7 to 1.9 Mcal/kg, and internal fat from 2.1 to 2.4%. Level of RG linearly increased (P <0.05) G:F from 0.184 to 0.202, but decreased (P <0.05) beef firmness score from 3.0 to 2.8 and fat luster score from 3.1 to 2.8. Level of AH did not (P >0.10) affect any of the measurements; however, AH interacted with level of RG on fat thickness and yield grade (linear; P <0.05), as well as marbling score and percentage of carcasses grading USDA Choice (quadratic; P <0.05). Fat thickness and yield grade increased with increasing RG level in 3.5%, but not in 7%, AH diets. In steers fed 3.5% RG, marbling scores and percentage of carcasses grading Choice were greatest when fed with 3.5% AH, and least when fed 7% AH. Steers fed tallow had lower marbling scores (P = 0.01) and percentage of carcasses grading Choice (P = 0.066) than those fed RG. Retail storage attributes, including visual and instrumental color, decreased during storage (P <0.01), but were not (P >0.10) affected by diet. Trained sensory panel scores for initial tenderness increased quadratically (P = 0.07) as dietary RG increased, but diet did not (P >0.10) affect drip loss, cooking loss, or trained sensory panel scores for sustained tenderness, initial and sustained juiciness, and beef flavor. Therefore, RG increased diet energy, improved performance, and increased carcass fatness; however, dietary fat and AH did not affect most measurements of water retention, color stability, or palatability of beef.  相似文献   

Crossbred pigs (n = 185) were used to test the effects of dietary Fe supplementation on performance and carcass characteristics of growing-finishing swine. Pigs were blocked by BW, allotted to pens (5 to 6 pigs/pen), and pens (5 pens/block) were allotted randomly to either negative control (NC) corn-soybean meal grower and finisher diets devoid of Fe in the mineral premix, positive control (PC) corn-soybean meal grower and finisher diets with Fe included in the mineral premix, or the PC diets supplemented with 50, 100, or 150 ppm Fe from Availa-Fe (an Fe-AA complex). When the lightest block averaged 118.2 kg, the pigs were slaughtered, and bone-in pork loins were collected during fabrication for pork quality data. During the grower-I phase, there was a tendency for supplemental Fe to reduce ADG linearly (P = 0.10), whereas in the grower-II phase, supplemental Fe tended to increase ADG linearly (P = 0.10). Even though pigs fed NC had greater G:F during the finisher-I phase (P < 0.05) and across the entire trial (P = 0.07), live performance did not (P > or = 0.13) differ among dietary treatments. There were linear increases in 10th-rib fat depth (P = 0.08) and calculated fat-free lean yield (P = 0.06); otherwise, dietary Fe did not (P > 0.19) affect pork carcass muscling or fatness. Moreover, LM concentrations of total, heme, and nonheme Fe were similar (P > 0.23) among treatments. A randomly selected subset of loins from each treatment was further fabricated into 2.5-cm-thick LM chops, placed on styrofoam trays, overwrapped with polyvinyl chloride film, and placed in coffin-chest display cases (2.6 degrees C) under continuous fluorescent lighting (1,600 lx) for 7 d. During display, chops from NC-fed pigs and pigs fed the diets supplemented with 100 ppm Fe tended to have a more vivid (higher chroma value; P = 0.07), redder (higher a* value; P = 0.09) color than LM chops of pigs fed 50 ppm of supplemental Fe. Moreover, greater (P < 0.01) redness:yellowness ratios in chops from pigs supplemented with 100 ppm Fe indicated a more red color than chops from PC-fed pigs or pigs fed diets supplemented with 50 ppm Fe. In conclusion, however, increasing dietary Fe had no appreciable effects on performance, carcass, or LM characteristics, suggesting that current dietary Fe recommendations are sufficient for optimal growth performance, pork carcass composition, and pork quality.  相似文献   

分别用0%(A)、4%氢氧化钙(B)、4%氢氧化钙+41%食盐(C)、4%氢氧化钙+2%食盐(D)处理稻草,水分调至45%,填紧压实,密封保存于贮罐内1个月,然后用瘤胃尼龙袋法测定稻草有效降解率,分析相关营养指标。试验结果表明,B、C、D可极显著(P<0.01)降低稻草DM中NDF、ADF含量,分别平均降低11.67%、13.18%;极显著提高(P<0.01)DM中Ash,Ca含量,分别平均提高28.84%、6.06倍。氢氧化钙与食盐结合(C、D组)复合处理稻草,与A组对比,可极显著地(P<0.01)提高DM、OM、NDF有效降解率,分别平均提高43.30%、44.32%、20.48%。C、D组与B组对比,可显著或极显著提高DM、OM、NDF有效降解率,表明复合处理效果优于单独用氢氧化钙处理稻草的效果,有效降解率随着食盐添加量的提高而提高,表明食盐对提高稻草营养价值有重要作用。  相似文献   

通过时间序列上围封和放牧的对比,研究了退化盐碱草地土壤碳、氮、磷储量及其变化与放牧管理的关系。结果表明,持续放牧5、6、8年后退化草地地上生物量分别降低了10.3%、52.6%和80.7%;而围封5、6、8年后地上退化草地地上生物量分别增加了33.9%、72.4%和92.2%;地下生物量对放牧管理的响应趋势与地上生物量相同。持续放牧增加了土壤pH和容重,降低了土壤养分浓度;围封对土壤pH、容重和土壤养分浓度的作用与放牧相反。围封后,表层土壤有机碳和总磷储量逐渐增加,总氮储量先降低后增加。然而放牧下,表层土壤碳、氮、磷储量均表现为先增加后降低。由于土壤容重的降低,封育5年后,围封地土壤碳、氮、磷储量要低于放牧地。土壤碳储量的变化对地上生物量的变化响应显著,因此,地上植被的变化能作为土壤碳储量有效的指示因子。  相似文献   

Forty USDA Select and 40 upper two-thirds USDA Choice beef carcasses were used to determine the effects of postmortem aging on tenderness of 17 individual beef muscles. Biceps femoris-long head, complexus, gluteus medius, infraspinatus, longissimus dorsi, psoas major, rectus femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus, serratus ventralis, spinalis dorsi, supraspinatus, tensor fasciae latae, teres major, triceps brachii-long head, vastus lateralis, and vastus medialis muscles were removed from each carcass. Seven steaks (2.54-cm thick) were cut from every muscle, and each steak was assigned to one of the following postmortem aging periods: 2, 4, 6, 10, 14, 21, or 28 d postmortem. After completion of the designated aging period, steaks were removed from storage (2 degrees C, never frozen), cooked to a peak internal temperature of 71 degrees C, and evaluated using Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF). Analysis of WBSF revealed a 3-way interaction (P = 0.004) among individual muscle, USDA quality grade, and postmortem aging period. With the exception of the Select teres major, WBSF of all muscles (both quality grades) decreased with increasing time of postmortem storage. Nonlinear regression was used to characterize the extent (aging response) and rate of decrease in WBSF from 2 through 28 d postmortem for each muscle within each quality grade. In general, WBSF of upper two-thirds Choice muscles decreased more rapidly from 2 to 10 d postmortem than did corresponding Select muscles. Muscles that had greater aging responses generally had greater 2-d WBSF values. The upper two-thirds Choice psoas major, serratus ventralis, and vastus lateralis muscles required similar aging times to complete a majority of the aging response (< or =0.1 kg of aging response remaining) compared with analogous Select muscles. The upper two-thirds Choice complexus, gluteus medius, semitendinosus, triceps brachii-long head, and vastus medialis muscles required 4 to 6 d less time to complete a majority of the aging response than did comparable Select muscles. Aging times for Select biceps femoris-long head, infraspinatus, longissimus dorsi, rectus femoris, semimembranosus, spinalis dorsi, supraspinatus, and tensor fasciae latae muscles were > or =7 d longer than those for corresponding upper two-thirds Choice muscles. Results from this study suggest that muscle-to-muscle tenderness differences depend on quality grade and aging time and that postmortem aging should be managed with respect to individual muscle and USDA quality grade.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the effects of changes to the stable environment on exhaled markers of respiratory inflammation in six horses with clinical histories of recurrent airway obstruction. The horses were maintained for two weeks under conventional stable management (straw bedding and hay) and for two weeks on a reduced-dust regimen (paper bedding and ensiled grass), in a crossover study design. Exhaled ethane and carbon monoxide (CO) and exhaled breath condensate hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) were measured every three days under each regimen. The presence of clinical signs of airway inflammation (nasal discharge and cough) was monitored daily. The reduced-dust regimen was associated with fewer clinical signs of airway inflammation than the conventional regimen. Exhaled ethane and CO were significantly lower on the reduced-dust regimen and these markers were correlated with clinical signs of respiratory inflammation, but exhaled H(2)O(2) was not affected by the management regimen.  相似文献   

Effects of repetitive use of anabolic implants on beef carcass quality, tenderness, and consumer ratings for palatability were investigated using crossbred steer calves (n = 550). Steers from five ranches were randomly allocated to one of 10 different lifetime implant strategies or to a nonimplanted control group. Cattle were implanted at some or all of five phases of production (branding, weaning, backgrounding, feedlot entry, or reimplant time). Carcasses from the control group had higher (P < 0.05) marbling scores than carcasses from steers in all other treatment groups. Implanting steers at branding, weaning, or backgrounding vs. not implanting steers at these production stages did not affect (P > 0.05) marbling scores. Steers implanted twice during their lifetime produced carcasses with higher (P < 0.05) marbling scores than did steers receiving a total of four or five implants. Steaks obtained from carcasses in the control group had lower (P < 0.05) shear force values and were rated by consumers as more desirable (P < 0.05) for tenderness like/dislike than steaks obtained from carcasses in all other treatment groups. Implanting steers at branding or weaning production stages did not affect (P > 0.05) steak shear force values, consumer ratings for like/dislike of steak tenderness, or percentage of consumers rating overall eating quality of steaks as satisfactory. Implanting steers at backgrounding vs. not implanting steers at this production stage increased (P < 0.05) steak shear force values, but did not influence (P > 0.05) consumer ratings for like/dislike of steak tenderness or percentage of consumers rating overall eating quality of steaks as satisfactory. Steaks from nonimplanted steers were rated as more desirable (P < 0.05) for overall eating quality than steaks from steers implanted two, three, four, or five times. Use of implants increased (P < 0.05) average daily gain by 11.8 to 20.5% from weaning to harvest compared with nonimplanted controls. Implant strategies increased (P < 0.05) hot carcass weight of steers by 8.9 to 13.8% compared with the control group. Use of implants also increased (P < 0.05) longissimus muscle area and decreased (P < 0.05) estimated percentages of kidney/pelvic/heart fat, but did not affect (P > 0.05) dressing percentage or adjusted fat thickness. Our findings suggest that beef quality, palatability, and production characteristics are influenced by lifetime implant protocols.  相似文献   

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