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农业生态系统健康研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
农业生态系统健康是农业生态系统的综合特征,它具有活力、稳定和自调节能力,是实现生态农业建设目标的重要保障。重点阐述了农业生态系统健康研究方向、农业生态系统健康评价方法、农业生态系统健康与人类健康的关系,提出病虫杂草生态管理是实现农业生态系统健康的有效途径,探讨了农业生态学在农业生态系统健康研究和生态农业建设中的作用。  相似文献   

生态系统健康及其评价研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了当前生态系统健康及其评价的研究进展,包括生态系统健康的概念、评价方法及指标等,并以农业生态系统健康为例进行了特别论述。最后指出目前研究中存在的主要问题和今后生态系统健康评价的研究方向。  相似文献   

农业生物多样性与生态系统健康及其管理措施   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
阐明了农业生物多样性内涵及其影响因素、生物多样性在维持农业生态系统健康的作用,指出农业生物多样性的保持不仅在于保持生物的完整性与多样性,更应注重农业生态系统健康及其管理。并提出农业生物多样性的管理对策。  相似文献   

农业生态系统健康是农业生态系统的综合特征,它具有生态结构、功能和抗逆特征,是实现生态农业建设目标的重要保障。根据滹沱河山区农业生态系统的特征和农业生态系统健康的内涵,从生态结构、功能和抗逆3方面选取了17项指标,构建了滹沱河山区农业生态系统健康的评价指标体系。应用层次分析法、综合评判法等多种方法,在县域尺度上对滹沱河山区的6区县进行农业生态系统健康评价。最终得到如下结果:处在不健康状态的是五台县,处在亚健康状态的是繁峙、忻府区、原平、定襄,代县农业生态系统接近于亚健康状态。其农业生态健康综合评价结果的排名次序为原平>繁峙>定襄>忻府区>代县>五台。  相似文献   

农业生态系统服务及其管理学要义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
农业生态系统作为联系人类社会系统与自然生态系统的界面(Interface), 其服务功能的健康发挥对整个农业系统稳定及人类生存与社会可持续发展具有现实和长远意义。本文综述了农业生态系统服务的研究现状、内涵与内容, 从现有农业生态系统服务功能的量化评估指标和方法着手, 提出了农业生态系统服务的量化难、研究技术相对滞后、研究机制缺位和研究力量薄弱成为农业生态系统服务研究的瓶颈, 以及意识问题制约农业生态系统服务的研究进程等国内外研究中存在的主要问题, 并展望了未来农业生态系统服务的研究趋势。最后, 从概念层面、机制层面和技术层面提出促进农业生态系统服务功能健康发挥的管理学要义。  相似文献   

生态系统健康学与生态系统健康评价   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  

自1941年Leopold提出土地健康以来,有关生态系统健康的研究逐渐引起学界重视。何谓生态系统健康争论颇多,论文在对其发展历程进行梳理的基础上对当前生态系统健康的概念进行系统总结,以供学界研究,并得出了一些研究启示。  相似文献   

农田生态系统服务及其价值的研究进展   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
农田生态系统在人类控制下已逐渐演变成了提供农产品的集约化生产系统。尽管与自然生态系统相比, 农田生态系统服务功能有所下降, 但其在提供农产品的同时还在向人类提供大量的生态服务。近年来, 生态系统服务稀缺性变得越来越突出, 农田生态系统的多功能性受到了空前的重视。本文首先明确了农田生物多样性是农田提供多种生态系统服务的基础, 然后回顾了2000年以来国内外农田生态系统服务及其价值化领域取得的主要研究进展, 包括对农田产品供给、碳汇、土壤保持和养分循环、水调节等功能的评价以及对农田生态系统服务及其价值化的综合研究。与此同时, 我们也应该注意到农业生产还对人类社会和自然环境产生了各种消极影响, 认识到权衡农田生态系统在农业生产中的各项利弊的重要性。通过对比不同农业生产模式对农田生态系统服务供给的影响, 提出未来发展多功能农业将是实现农田对人类福祉最大化的重要方向。最后, 文章指出我国发展多功能农业的主要措施是: (1)确保18亿亩耕地在空间上的存在; (2)与森林、草地、湿地、水域等其他自然生态系统在空间上合理配置; (3)在农业区域充分发展以观光休闲功能为主的休闲农业, 实现农田生态系统社会文化价值; (4)逐步实施农业生态补偿。  相似文献   

农业生态系统的氮素循环研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在自然和人为作用的双重驱动下,地球表面氮素的生物地球化学过程及其环境效应成为当前全球变化中区域研究的重要内容。探讨了氮素循环各个过程及其数量特征,对氮素循环模型进行了介绍,并对当前生态系统中氮素循环的研究热点进行了简要的论述。  相似文献   

森林生态系统健康评估研究进展   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
 森林生态系统健康评估是当前热门研究方向之一,已成为国内外森林状况评估和森林资源管理的标准。笔者在浏览国内外大量文献的基础上,从森林生态系统健康概念、评估指标体系、评估方法、评估公式和评估标准与结果表达等方面,分析研究森林生态系统健康评估的研究现状,指出其存在的问题,并展望森林生态系统健康评估研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

生态系统健康理论与评价方法探析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
阐述了生态系统健康理论的形成与发展以及评价生态系统健康的方法和指标 ,并简介了我国生态系统健康理论在温室生态系统的应用。  相似文献   

生态系统健康研究现状及其定量化研究初探   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
阐述了健康的生态系统定义及其研究瓶颈与途径 ,健康的生态系统可以活力、组织性和恢复力等定性指标描述和衡量。中尺度生态系统定量化健康评价研究的主要瓶颈是确立健康生态系统标准。生态系统健康评价研究的途径可从生态系统受胁迫压力角度、系统恢复力或系统反作用力角度以及生态系统受到潜在“威胁”预测和健康预防的角度考虑 ,而系统结构和功能相结合是生态系统健康评价的基础  相似文献   

通过对比分析全球主要生态系统研究网络,评估非洲生态系统研究和监测能力及差距,提出构建非洲生态系统监测网络的框架与方案,形成洲际生态系统评估方法及监测网络布局设计;并通过建立典型监测站,作为非洲生态系统监测网的示范和培训基地,为非洲提供一个生态系统管理的示范,为提升非洲乃至全球应对气候变化的能力提供支持。  相似文献   

Declining ocean health, increasing human demands on marine ecosystems, and a history of management focused on individual activities, species or sectors has led to calls for more comprehensive, integrated management that considers entire coupled social-ecological systems. This transition to ecosystem-based management (EBM) for the oceans will certainly face a number of hurdles, and many practitioners struggle with how to move forward with EBM. In this paper, we assess whether the necessary science exists to support EBM. Specifically, we evaluate the state of the social and natural sciences for three research areas that are critical to EBM: (1) ecosystem services, (2) cumulative impacts, and (3) ecosystem variability and change. For each of the three research areas, we describe its importance to EBM and assess existing and emerging information and application of this knowledge, focusing on the US West Coast. We conclude that available science is not the bottleneck for moving forward with comprehensive EBM for this region, although we highlight important remaining knowledge gaps, particularly within the social sciences. Given imperfect and uncertain knowledge, EBM calls for an adaptive management approach, starting with readily available information, and continuously adapting as new information emerges. This synthesis can serve as a basis for comparison for other regions; it provides guidance for organizing information in support of EBM and outlines many novel and broadly applicable scientific approaches.  相似文献   

The maintenance of wild populations of Greater Rhea (Rhea americana) through effective management requires an understanding of their habitat requirements in terms of vegetation composition and field configuration. We studied the relative influence of some anthropogenic variables (presence of route, house and fences) and resource variables (presence of water source, composition and coverage of plant species, vegetation height and bare soil), on the habitat use by a population of rheas in a cattle ranch of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Habitat use was determined indirectly by documenting the number of faeces in summer, autumn-winter and spring 1999. The presence or absence of faeces was related to the measured variables through discriminant analysis that allowed the elaboration of predictive models of habitat use by this species. Contrary to what was expected, those variables related to human activity showed a low predictive value on the habitat use by rheas when compared with resource variables. Rheas preferentially selected the stream area in all seasons and sites with great percent cover of Bupleurum sp., Phyla canescens, Sida leprosa, Plantago lanceolata, Trifolium repens, Lolium multiflorum, Stipa spp., and Stenotaphrum secundatum. Low vegetation height was another important component of rhea's habitat in summer and autumn-winter. The high accuracy level obtained by validation tests of this model supports its utility for the management of rhea populations in other cattle ranches of the region, and to analyze the suitability of other ranches for reintroduction programs.  相似文献   

The soil provides a great variety of microhabitats for myriad organisms of different size, physiological activity, behavior and ecosystem function. Besides abundance of participating soil organisms, their species diversity facilitates maximum exploitation of the resources available in the different habitats. At various levels of resolution, species can be categorized into classes performing ecosystem functions and, within each functional class, into guilds of species with similar life course characteristics. Measurement of the diversity and abundance of species within a functional class provides insights into the nature of ecosystem functions and services and to the health of the soil. At higher resolution, species diversity within guilds of a functional class may infer the degree of exploitation of available resources and the complementarity of an ecosystem service; diversity among the guilds of a functional class may indicate successional complementarity of the services. A diversity of guilds within a functional class expands the range of conditions over which ecosystem services are performed while species diversity within a functional class and its guilds contributes to the magnitude of the services. Consequently, diversity of species within functional classes is a key element of the biological component of soil health. In the context of ecosystem services and soil health, the biomass or metabolic activity of species are more useful measures of their abundance than numbers of individuals. Thus, understanding of soil health and ecosystem function requires, besides knowledge of species diversity within functional classes, assessment of the range of functions currently performed in the system and the abundances of organisms by which they are performed. We propose a diversity-weighted abundance product for comparison of the functional magnitude of different assemblages of like organisms.  相似文献   

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