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A six-year (1999–2005) experiment of drought manipulation was conducted in a Quercus ilex Mediterranean forest (Southern Catalonia) to simulate predicted climatic conditions projected for the decades to come. The aim was to investigate the direct and indirect effects of drought conditions on acid and alkaline phosphatase activity in soil and on P concentrations in soil, leaves and litter throughout the year. Soil acid phosphatase activity was higher than soil alkaline phosphatase activity. Drought reduced acid phosphatase activity in soil in all seasons, including summer and winter, the seasons with less biological activity due to water and cold stress. Reductions of soil water content between 13 and 29% reduced soil acid phosphatase activity between 22 and 27% depending on the season. Drought reduced alkaline phosphatase activity (by 28%) only in winter. Soil acid and alkaline phosphatase activities were positively correlated with soil water content in all seasons. In contrast short-term available-P which increased under drought in several seasons was weakly correlated with soil phosphatase activities. As a result, immediately/short-term available-P concentration ratios decreased in all the seasons (between 10 and 71%). Drought increased foliar P concentration and reduced the C/P concentration ratio in litter fall of the dominant tree Q. ilex. Drought also decreased the ratio between organic C and short-term available-P in soil. The results show that soil phosphatase activity is more directly dependent on changes in water availability than on changes in its substrate, short-term available-P. These effects of drought have several implications: the accumulation in the soil of labile P not directly available to plants, the increase in potential P losses from leaching and erosion during the torrential rainfalls typical of the Mediterranean climate, and changes in plant, litter and soil C:P stoichiometry that may lead to changes in soil trophic chains.  相似文献   

Afforestation and deforestation are key land-use changes across the world, and are considered to be dominant factors controlling ecosystem functioning and biodiversity. However, the responses of soil microbial communities to these land-use changes are not well understood. Because changes in soil microbial abundance and community structure have consequences for nutrient cycling, C-sequestration and long-term sustainability, we investigated impacts of land-use change, age of stand and soil physico-chemical properties on fungal and bacterial communities and their metabolic activities. This study was carried out at four sites in two geographical locations that were afforested on long-established pastures with Pinus radiata D. Don (pine). Two of the sites were on volcanic soils and two on non-volcanic soils and stand age ranged from 5 to 20 y. Microbial communities were analysed by biochemical (phospho-lipid fatty acids; PLFA) and molecular (multiplex-terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism; M-TRFLP) approaches. Both site and stand age influenced microbial properties, with changes being least detectable in the 5-y-old stand. Land use was a key factor influencing soil metabolic activities as measured by physiological profiling using MicroResp. Pasture soils had higher microbial biomass (P < 0.001), and metabolic activities (P < 0.001), and basal respiration rates were up to 2.8-times higher than in the pine soils. Microbial abundance analysis by PLFA showed that the fungal to bacterial ratio was higher in the pine soils (P < 0.01). Community analysis suggested that soil bacterial communities were more responsive to site (principal component 1; P < 0.001) than to land use (principal component 5; P < 0.001). In contrast, the fungal community was more affected by land-use change (principal component 1; P < 0.001) than by site, although site still had some influence on fungal community structure (principal component 2; P < 0.001). Redundancy analysis also suggested that bacterial and fungal communities responded differently to various soil abiotic properties, land-use change and location of sites. Overall, our results indicate that the change in land use from pasture to P. radiata stands had a direct impact on soil fungal communities but an indirect effect, through its effects on soil abiotic properties, on bacterial communities. Most of the changes in bacterial communities could be explained by altered soil physico-chemical properties associated with afforestation of pastures.  相似文献   

Litter decomposition on the forest floor is an essential process in soil nutrient cycles and formation. These processes are controlled by abiotic factors such as climate and chemical litter quality, and by biotic factors such as microbial community diversity and activity. The aim of this study was to investigate the importance of litter depth with respect to (i) chemical litter quality as evaluated by solid-state 13C NMR, (ii) enzyme activities, and (iii) microbial functional diversity in four different litter layers (OLn, OLv, OF, and OH). A Mediterranean soil profile under an evergreen oak (Quercus ilex L.) forest was used as a model. The recalcitrant OM fraction, corresponding to the deepest layer, showed low enzyme activities. Peroxidases and fluorescein diacetate hydrolases (FDA) were more active in the OLn layer and probably originated largely from plants. High cellulase activity in the OLn and the OLv layers, which are rich in polysaccharides, corresponded with the high content of O-alkyl carbon compounds. Following polysaccharide degradation, laccases and lipases were much more evident in the intermediate layers. This spatial variation in nutrient demand reflected a preferential degradation of the specific plant polymers. Phosphatases were more active along the three upper layers and probably reflected a P limitation during litter degradation. Alkaline/acid (AcPAlP/AcP) ratio increased in the deepest layer, suggesting an increased participation of bacteria AlP in phosphatase pools. Results of BiologTM also indicated spatial variations in microbial functionality. Indeed, FF plates showed the highest functional diversity in the uppermost layer, while ECO plate functional diversity was highest in the intermediate layers. Finally, our results indicated that microbial activity and functional diversity of micro-organisms change with litter depth on a very small scale and vary with chemical organic matter (OM) composition. Thus, the observed increases in the biological variables studied were determined by the evolution of OM chemical structures, the nature and availability in C nutrients, and they ultimately resulted in a progressive accumulation of recalcitrant compounds.  相似文献   

Pasture and afforestation are land-use types of major importance in the tropics, yet, most flux tower studies have been conducted in mature tropical forests. As deforestation in the tropics is expected to continue, it is critical to improve our understanding of alternative land-use types, and the impact of interactions between land use and climate on ecosystem carbon dynamics. Thus, we measured net ecosystem CO2 fluxes of a pasture and an adjacent tropical afforestation (native tree species plantation) in Sardinilla, Panama from 2007 to 2009. The objectives of our paired site study were: (1) to assess seasonal and inter-annual variations in net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) of pasture and afforestation, (2) to identify the environmental controls of net ecosystem CO2 fluxes, and (3) to constrain eddy covariance derived total ecosystem respiration (TER) with chamber-based soil respiration (RSoil) measurements. We observed distinct seasonal variations in NEE that were more pronounced in the pasture compared to the afforestation, reflecting changes in plant and microbial activities. The land conversion from pasture to afforestation increased the potential for carbon uptake by trees vs. grasses throughout most of the year. RSoil contributed about 50% to TER, with only small differences between ecosystems or seasons. Radiation and soil moisture were the main environmental controls of CO2 fluxes while temperature had no effect on NEE. The pasture ecosystem was more strongly affected by soil water limitations during the dry season, probably due to the shallower root system of grasses compared to trees. Thus, it seems likely that predicted increases in precipitation variability will impact seasonal variations of CO2 fluxes in Central Panama, in particular of pasture ecosystems.  相似文献   

不同覆盖措施对枸杞根系生长和土壤环境的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
耐旱枸杞是西北干旱地区重要的经济作物,为了进一步了解不同覆盖时间和覆盖材料对枸杞土壤环境和水分利用的影响,为枸杞抗旱节水栽培与水分高效利用研究提供理论依据,以3年生‘宁杞1号’为试验材料,研究了秸秆和地膜在春季和秋季进行覆盖后,枸杞根系生理特性和分布、土壤储水量和温度等根系和土壤环境的变化规律。结果表明:地膜和秸秆覆盖都可以提高土壤储水量,秋季覆盖更有利于冬季水分储存,使土壤储水量在早春分别增大到裸地对照的117.1%和114.4%;地膜和秸秆秋季覆盖使土壤平均温度比裸地对照高18.0%和7.1%,春季覆盖使平均温度比裸地对照分别高6.4%和2.3%;不同覆盖处理均可以增大根系比导率年平均值,秋季覆膜比导率变化最显著,达裸地对照的109.95%,春季覆秸秆比导率变化最小,仅为裸地对照的100.3%;覆盖处理在低温季节可以使根系活力升高,而在高温季节可以使根系活力降低;根冠比在秋季和春季覆膜后变化最显著,分别为裸地对照的87.42%和90.35%;表层0~20cm和水平距离40~60cm处,细根分布比例最大的均为秋季覆膜,分别达裸地对照的133.5%和116.7%,细根分布比例最小的均为春季秸秆覆盖。综合分析表明,覆盖模式与植株根系的生长、分布和土壤水分状况密切相关,使土壤环境和根系分布发生变化,更有利于利用土壤浅层和横向较远处的水分和营养物质。  相似文献   

蚕豆生长及土壤酶活性对低分子量聚乙烯的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究与推广环保型可降解地膜, 是解决当前农田白色污染的重要途径。与普通地膜比较, 可降解地膜降解时间短, 残留物以分子量较低的线性低密度聚乙烯(LLDPE)为主。研究低分子量聚乙烯对作物生长及土壤性质的影响, 对可降解地膜的推广具有重要意义。本研究模拟自然条件, 以添加低分子量聚乙烯(LMWPE)的壤土盆栽种植蚕豆, 并设定不同的LMWPE添加量, 研究全生育期蚕豆的株高、复叶数、结荚数及土壤中脲酶、过氧化物酶、蔗糖酶活性对LMWPE的响应。结果显示: 与不添加LMWPE且种植蚕豆的处理(CK1)比较, 全生育期中添加LMWPE(分别按覆盖地膜1年、10年、50年、100年折算的添加量)且种植蚕豆处理的蚕豆株高、复叶数及土壤脲酶活性、过氧化物酶活性显著高于CK1, 且随着LMWPE添加量增加, 土壤酶活性及蚕豆株高和复叶数增幅越显著, 但各处理土壤蔗糖酶活性及蚕豆结荚数差异不显著。蚕豆根系的形成和生长对3种土壤酶活性具有显著影响。3种土壤酶活性与株高、复叶数显著相关, 但与结荚数无显著的相关性。本研究结果表明, 土壤中添加LMWPE对蚕豆生长及3种土壤酶活性有激活作用, 以添加量为2.80 g·kg-1处理的影响最为明显。  相似文献   

京津冀地区土地利用/覆被与景观格局变化及驱动力分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用土地利用转移矩阵和景观破碎化指数、景观多样化指数采用典型样带对京津冀地区1990年、2000 年土地利用数据进行了土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)和景观格局变化(LPC)的定量及定性分析, 探讨了其影响因素, 为该区域土地资源可持续利用提供依据。结果发现区域内居民地附近LUCC 和LPC 强度最大, 尤其北京、石家庄等地变化明显。利用多年社会经济统计数据, 通过相关分析和主成分分析, 定量地确定社会经济、农业生产条件和交通是京津冀地区LUCC 和LPC 的主要驱动因子。而后,定性分析了地形复杂度和政策对京津冀地区LUCC 和LPC 的影响, 发现西部及北部山区地形较复杂, 人类活动干扰较小, 故LUCC 和LPC在平原地区表现更突出。但生态政策如退耕还林还草和土地开发整理等对西部山区LUCC 和LPC 有不同程度的影响。最后, 综合分析各驱动力在不同地区影响的差异, 发现社会经济发达的大城市的驱动因素主要为社会经济, 而传统农业区主要受农业生产条件的影响。通过以上定量及定性分析京津冀地区LUCC 和LPC 的驱动因子, 尤其是对驱动因素的时空分异规律分析, 为土地管理决策、土地资源保护等提供了科学的依据和指导。  相似文献   

通过盆栽试验研究了铅锌尾矿污染土壤中施用有机肥、石灰、蛭石和白云石等4种改良剂对光叶紫花苕生长发育、叶绿素及重金属Cu、Cd、Pb、Zn积累特性的影响,并分析了施用改良剂后土壤pH和有效态重金属含量的变化。结果表明,与对照相比,不同改良剂及其不同施用水平均能不同程度地提高土壤pH,显著降低土壤各重金属有效态含量,并显著抑制了Cd、Pb向光叶紫花苕地上部转移,降低了重金属在光叶紫花苕植株地上部的积累,改善了光叶紫花苕的生长和发育,光叶紫花苕株高、地上部鲜重和地下部鲜重、叶绿素含量均有不同程度增加,其中株高和地上部鲜重增加达到显著水平。4种改良剂的不同处理水平对光叶紫花苕地下部重金属含量影响均达显著水平。  相似文献   

土地利用转变会导致土壤微环境及生理生化过程发生改变,继而影响土壤温室气体的产生和排放。目前关于土地利用转变对温室气体通量的研究主要集中于CO_2,而对CH_4研究甚少。本文以黄土台塬为研究区,重点分析不同土地利用方式的土壤CH_4通量特征与其影响因素的关系,并明确其关键影响因子,为预测整个黄土台塬土地利用方式转变对温室效应的贡献提供基础数据。以陕西省永寿县马莲滩林场为研究对象,于2015年4月—2016年3月,采用静态箱-气相色谱法,对耕地、天然草地、灌木林地、乔灌混交林地、乔木林地和果园的CH_4通量特征进行研究,并分析土壤CH_4通量与土壤温度、地表温度、含水量及全氮的关系。不同土地利用方式土壤CH_4平均通量差异显著(P0.05),但表现相似的季节变化,呈现夏秋季高于冬春季特征。林地、园地、耕地土壤均为CH_4吸收汇,其吸收能力(平均值)为乔灌混交林(51.24μg·m~(-2)·h~(-1))乔木林(44.80μg·m~(-2)·h~(-1))灌木林(31.52μg·m~(-2)·h~(-1))草地(25.89μg·m~(-2)·h~(-1))果园(18.97μg·m~(-2)·h~(-1))耕地(14.89μg·m~(-2)·h~(-1))。不同土地利用方式土壤CH_4吸收与土壤温度、全氮和地表大气温度均呈正相关;与土壤含水量呈负相关。其土壤表层(0~20 cm)温度是6种土地利用方式土壤CH_4吸收的主要影响因素。总之,自然条件下的土壤CH_4吸收率明显高于农业土壤CH_4吸收率,耕地转变为林地后土壤的CH_4吸收能力增强,土壤对减缓温室效应的贡献增大。  相似文献   

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