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离子交换树脂膜测定肥料养分在土壤中的变化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在25℃恒温培养条件下,采用离子交换树脂膜(IERM)连续提取法研究了不同肥料(尿素、氯化钾、磷酸二氢钙、缓释复合肥)养分(氮、磷、钾)在土壤中的变化。结果表明,几种肥料养分释放速率各异,缓释复合肥氮、磷养分释放在前期(28 d)释放较慢。用该方法提取肥料养分(N、P、K)在土壤中的释放累积量随时间的增加而增大,用Elovich、双常数、一级扩散、抛物线扩散4种动力学方程来描述二者的关系,拟合度都达到了极显著水平(r=0.863**~0.999**)。用该法测定肥料在土壤中释放养分的变化特性与用其测定的土壤本身养分的变化特性相似。从而提出了离子交换树脂膜法作为一种评价肥料养分在土壤中的变化特性的较理想方法的可能性。 相似文献
离子交换树脂膜吸附土壤养分的动力学研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
采用从英国进口的离子交换树脂膜和室内埋置法研究了取自河北玉田县的4个土壤吸附土壤磷、钾、钙、镁和锰的动力学。结果表明,在0.5-26h的吸附时间内,随着提取时间的延长,树脂膜吸附的土壤磷、钙量和锰量显著增加,而吸附的钾量减少。 相似文献
采用从英国进口的离子交换树脂膜和室内埋置法研究了取自河北玉田县的 4个土壤吸附土壤磷、钾、钙、镁和锰的动力学。结果表明 ,在 0 .5~ 2 4h的吸附时间内 ,随着提取时间的延长 ,树脂膜吸附的土壤磷、钙量和锰量显著增加 ,而吸附的钾量减少。 相似文献
应用离子交换树脂膜法评价缓释复合肥料供肥特性的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在25℃连续恒温培养条件下,采用离子交换树脂膜(IERM)提取,测定了不同缓释复合肥料(SRCF)在土壤中的氮、磷、钾养分的供肥特性,并与盆栽水稻的养分吸收进行比较。结果表明:56.d内2种SRCF在土壤中NO3--N和NH4+-N养分的日均供应量占普通复合肥(NCF)的3.3%~58.1%,并以NH4+-NNO3--N;2种SRCF的H2PO4-和K+的日均供应量占磷、钾施用量分别为NCF的14.9%、23.2%和92.7%、64.5%。与NCF相比,SRCF氮素和磷素养分在土壤中释放具有明显的缓释作用。Elovich和抛物线扩散方程的b值可分别用来表征SRCF的NO3--N、H2PO4-和NH4+-N、K+养分在土壤中释放后被吸收的日均供肥量。用离子交换树脂膜法提取测定的SRCF养分在土壤中的供肥特性与该法测定的土壤本身养分的供肥特性相似。SRCF氮、磷、钾养分累积释放量与盆栽水稻氮、磷、钾养分吸收量呈显著或极显著的正相关(r=0.869~*0.994**)。用离子交换树脂膜提取测定和评价缓释复合肥料在土壤中养分的供肥特性是一种比较理想的方法。 相似文献
应用离子交换树脂膜测定土壤钾素有效性的研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
用国产离子交换树脂膜室内埋置法提取测定了我国北方24种土壤的速效钾含量。结果表明,用阳离子交换树脂膜提取的土壤钾与用1mol/L中性NH4OAc及土壤养分综合系统评价方法提取的钾(ASI-K)分别呈显著和极显著的正相关;与盆栽试验不施钾处理玉米幼苗吸钾量呈极显著的正相关,明显高于常用的1mol/L中性NH4OA提取钾与锱某试验玉米幼苗吸钾量之间的相关性。说明可以用国产离子交换树脂膜较好地评价北方土 相似文献
用阳离子交换树脂膜法和传统化学提取法评估土壤有效钾 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Four testing methods using cation exchange membrane (CEM),ammonium acetate,ASI(0.25mol L^-1 NaHCO3 0.01mol L^-1 EDTA 0.01 molL^-1 NH4F) and 1.0molL^-1 boiling nitric acid,respectively,were used to evaluate soil available K.The soil K tested by CEM was significantly correlated with that by the other (conventional)methods(r^2=0.43^**-0.95^***).The soil K tested by CEM saturated with NH4HCO3(15min extraction)was most closely correlated with that by the other methods(r^2=0.60^**-0.95^***),Potassium availability,as predicted by soil test,was comparable to actual K uptake by canola and wheat grown on the soils in growth chamber.Regression analyses showed that plant K uptake was more closely correlated wiht K extracted by CEM(r^2=0.56^**-0.81^***)than that by the conventional methods(r^2=0.46^***-0.81^***),most colsely correlated with that by NH4HCO3-saturated CEM for 15 min (r^2=0.81^***).and worst correlated with that by HNO3(r^2=0.45^**-0.72^***) 相似文献
KURT BUNZL 《European Journal of Soil Science》1974,25(4):517-532
The rate of ion exchange reactions of humic substances (humic acid and peat) with lead ions was investigated at 25 °C. All experiments were carried out under finite solution-volume conditions. To the well-stirred aqueous suspensions of the above samples lead ions were added in such small amounts that, after attainment of the equilibrium, the initial equivalent fraction of lead in the humic substance had increased only by a small amount. The kinetics of such differentially small ion exchange processes were studied as a function of the initial lead content of the samples. The experiments showed that the absolute rates for the uptake of small amounts of lead ions decrease, if the initial lead content of the samples increase. The relative rates of ion exchange, i.e. the rates with respect to the extent of each reaction, showed a more complicated behaviour, as they can exhibit a minimum at a certain initial lead content of the sample. The rate-determining step of the above ion exchange experiments was shown, by interruption tests, to be diffusion of the ions through the Nernst-film surrounding the ion exchanger particles. Theoretical calculations of the rates of film-diffusion controlled ion exchange processes were carried out and the results revealed that the rates of any differential ion exchange reaction should decrease with increasing initial content of the ion adsorbed, their exact magnitude depending, among other quantities, strongly on the separation factor. The relative rates for the attainment of the equilibrium, on the other hand, depend much less on the initial ionic composition of the ion exchanger. A comparison of the experimental and the calculated results yields satisfactory agreement if the experimentally determined dependence of the separation factor on the lead content of the samples is taken into account. 相似文献
KURT BUNZL 《European Journal of Soil Science》1974,25(3):343-356
The rate of ion exchange of humic substances (humic acid and peat in the hydrogen form) with lead ions was investigated. As in processes occurring in nature, the lead solution was added in all our experiments slowly and continuously at a constant feed rate to the well-stirred water-suspended humic substances. Control experiments were also performed with a well-defined synthetic ion- exchange resin (carboxylic acid type). The uptake of divalent lead ions by the humic substance and by the ion-exchange resin, which is coupled with the release of an equivalent amount of hydrogen ions, proceeds as a function of time according to a characteristic sigmoidal curve. During the initial phase, the rate of ion exchange increases continuously with time, even though the humic substances become more saturated with lead ions. Theoretical calculations, based on a film diffusion process as the rate-determining step, show that this behaviour should indeed be observed if any solution, containing exchangeable counter ions, is added continuously to an ion exchanger suspended in a solvent. The theory predicts further, in agreement with the experimental results, that in the initial phase of the ion-exchange reaction, the uptake of the counter ions is proportional to the square of the time. If experiments are performed with different rates of addition of the counter ions, the time required to exchange a certain amount of counter ions should be proportional to α-1/2, where α is the rate at which the ions are added. This prediction is also in accordance with the experimental results. 相似文献
土壤硒的形态及有效硒的提取 总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18
本文研究了陕西省几种主要土壤中硒的形态,并提出了一种土壤有效硒的浸提方法。土壤无机态硒的易溶部分依照杰克逊对无机磷分级方法被分为NH4Cl-Se、Al-Se和Fe-Se三类。三部分硒总量占全硒含量的37—65%,平均为48%。三者的比例大致为Fe-Se>Al-Se>NH4Cl-Se,它们与全硒和NaHCO3-Se均呈显著相关,与水溶态硒相关不显著;由盆栽试验证明,土壤有效硒的NaHCO3浸提法可以用作判断土壤对作物供硒能力的指标,而水溶态硒在本试验范围内与作物吸收性不一致。 相似文献
土壤中钼的含量很低,根据现有资料,我国土壤中钼的平均含量是1.7ppm,有效态钼的含量更少,一般在0.1ppm以下.为了明确土壤的含钼量和合理施用钼肥来提高农作物产量,有必要测定土壤中有效态钼.过去习用的测定方法是硫氰酸钼比色法和极谱法[3],测定下限为1ppm,因此取样量大,分离手续烦琐,分析过程冗长,每周每人仅能分析10个左右标本. 相似文献
灌溉水中HCO3-对菜豆吸收利用土壤有效养分的影响 总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6
石灰性土壤条件下灌溉水中HCO3-和不同HCO3-水平对菜豆的生长及吸收利用土壤有效养分的影响进行了盆栽和水培试验。结果表明,在该土壤条件下以HCO3-含量较高的水进行灌溉明显降低菜豆对土壤养分的吸收利用能力,抑制养分向叶和果荚的分配;HCO3-含量越高,影响也就越明显。钙可在一定程度上减轻HCO3-前不利影响。 相似文献
植物对~(137)Cs污染土壤的修复 总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2
选用了南瓜、油菜、虎尾草、红梗叶甜菜、东升叶甜菜和红甜菜等几种植物,通过盆栽模拟,研究不同活度137Cs污染的广东大亚湾水稻土、浙江秦山水稻土和北京褐土的生物修复作用。结果表明,供试植物在3种土壤上均对137Cs有较强的吸收能力,并随137Cs施入量的增加而增加,两者呈显著正相关r2=0.9989。在污染水平相同的情况下,试验发现,虎尾草、油菜和南瓜所吸收137Cs的比活度随土壤的pH值降低而增加。6种植物的生物修复能力差异较大,综合评价结果为,对137Cs污染土壤修复能力的顺序是:虎尾草>油菜>红梗叶甜菜>南瓜>红甜菜>东升叶甜菜。 相似文献
在综合分析人工纯林土壤退化过程和原因的基础上,尝试性地提出了土壤性质极化的新概念,即由于单一树种的长期连续生长或连栽,使土壤性质偏离原平衡态并朝某个方向非平衡或极端化发展的趋势,且认为它是造成人工纯林连栽障碍的根本原因;建立单指标和综合指标的土壤极化指数模型,提出人工纯林土壤极化程度的分级标准和分类体系,并应用该模型研究了黄土高原南部残塬沟壑区刺槐(Robinia pseu-doacaciaL.)人工纯林的土壤性质极化问题,结果表明其属于旱化兼贫养化极化类型。 相似文献