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Porosity and soil water properties of Caribbean volcanic ash soils   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract. Volcanic ash soils are generally recognized as soils with excellent and stable physical properties. Here we characterized the porosity and water properties of volcanic ash Andosols and Nitisols from Guadeloupe in contrasting banana systems: (1) perennial crop without mechanization, (2) mechanized and regularly replanted crop. Desiccation from 1 kPa to 1550 kPa moisture tension leads to significant shrinkage in the Andosol, representing a 50% reduction of the void space. The clayey Nitisol exhibited limited shrinkage. Soil clods from the mechanized plots had a significantly smaller macroporosity than that from perennial plots. The soil hydraulic conductivity was also drastically reduced in the compacted layers of the mechanized plots. However, Nitisols appeared to be less affected than Andosols. Laboratory compression tests showed that both soils were susceptible to compaction at soil moisture close to field capacity. The shrinkage properties of the Andosol were due to microaggregation of non-crystalline components upon drying. The relative stability of the macroporosity in the Nitisol was probably related to the presence of stable microaggregates made of halloysite and iron oxide. Two major processes promote soil structure degradation in the Andosol under mechanized banana cropping, surface desiccation and soil compaction. They are both induced by repeated tillage after clearing.  相似文献   


P status of soils derived from volcanic ash in Guatemala was investigated. Growth chamber and greenhouse studies were conducted with H‐3 hybrid corn (Zea mays). All plants exhibited P deficiency symptoms and yielded less dry matter when they were grown on soils that received only lime at a rate equivalent to 2,240 and 4,480 kg/ha. The P content of plants was low and correlated with P deficiency symptoms. Application of P (336 and 672 kg/ha) under constant liming corrected the P deficiencies and increased dry matter. In comparative studies, plants grown on a highly fertile, non‐volcanic soil showed vigorous growth and yielded high dry matter. Apparently, P was limiting productivity in volcanic ash soils of Guatemala, and due to low exchangeable Al, addition of only lime did not produce beneficial results. The soils responded to P fertilization and they should be supplied large quantities of this macronutrient.  相似文献   


The CEC of volcanic ash derived soils in Guatemala was measured following equilibration with 1.5 and 6.0 me P/100 g soil supplied through KH2PO4 solutions. An increase in CEC resulted due to P reaction and the increase was substantial after removal of soluble Al from P reacted soils. The average ratios of increase in CEC to P retained were 0.49 and 1.63 in the former and later, respectively. P apparently neutralized positive charges on the surface of amorphous component and those internally in the soil particles resulting in a net increase in negative charge (CEC).  相似文献   

Intensive cultivation of crop fields using agricultural chemicals and fertilizers has led to changes in ecological systems, resulting in a high possibility of environmental pollution by contamination, or occasional reactions not only in the soil but also in the water and the atmosphere. Some substances are known to be very toxic to human beings at low concentrations. For example, nitrosamines are believed to be carcinogenic and mutagenic.  相似文献   


To gain a better understanding of the distribution of charred plant fragment C (CPFC) and its contribution to organic C (OC) in the particle size fractions of Japanese volcanic ash soils, each of four soil samples was divided into six particle size fractions, namely three sand-sized aggregate (20–53, 53–212 and 212–2,000 µm) fractions, one silt-sized aggregate (2–20 µm) fraction, and two clay-sized aggregate (< 0.2 and 0.2–2 µm) fractions. Furthermore, after HCl–HF treatment of these aggregate fractions, sub-fractions of less than specific gravity (s.g.) 1.6 g cm?3 (< 1.6 fraction) were isolated using s.g. 1.6 g cm?3 sodium polytungstate solution. Microscopic observation indicated that the charred plant fragments, which are black or blackish brown, were the main components in the < 1.6 fractions. Therefore, the OC in this fraction was designated as CPFC. In all the soils studied, the quantitative distribution of the CPFC of the silt-sized aggregate fractions to total CPFC of whole soils, ranging from 59 to 84%, was greatest among the aggregate fractions. The sum of the distribution (%) values of the CPFC in the three sand-sized aggregate fractions varied from 6.9 to 33%, while that in the two clay-sized aggregate fractions ranged from 1.1 to 9.4%. Similar to the CPFC, in all soils, the quantitative distribution of the OC in the aggregate fractions was greater in the silt-sized aggregate fractions (52–76%) than in the other aggregate fractions (0.1–20%). In all soils, the quantitative contribution of total CPFC to total OC of whole soils ranged from 10 to 28%. The CPFC/OC values in the aggregate fractions were 21% or more in 10 samples from a total of 24 fractions, with a maximum value of 34%. On the basis of the findings obtained in the present study, it is assumed that in Japanese volcanic ash soils the silt-sized fraction is an important reservoir of CPFC and OC, and CPFC merits attention as one of the constituents of OC in particle size fractions.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect of land use on the water retention capacity of Umbric Andosols in south Ecuador was studied. The objective was to acquire a better insight into the hydrological processes of the ecosystem and the role of the soil, in order to assess the impact of changing soil properties due to land use change on the hydrology of the high Andes region. Field data on the water retention capacity at wilting point of Umbric Andosols were collected for both cultivated field conditions and original bush vegetation. The pH in water and in NaF, texture, organic matter content and dry bulk density were measured to show which physicochemical soil characteristics are responsible for the water retention of the Umbric Andosols and for the irreversible loss in water retention due to air drying. Organic matter content appears to be very important and certainly more important than allophane clay content. Water retention of the organic litter layer was calculated to be 16 mm, this would be lost when vegetation was cleared and the land cultivated.  相似文献   


The advanced classification of brown forest soils (BFS) is based on the specific properties of these soils, including the acid ammonium oxalate extractable aluminum (Alox) and lithic fragment contents, as well as their vertical distributions in the soil profile. In the present study, these properties were used to classify BFS, resulting in four types: (1) H-Alox-NGv BFS, (2) H-Alox-Gv BFS, (3) M-Alox BFS, (4) L-Alox BFS. H-Alox-NGv BFS is derived from volcanic ash characterized by a high Alox content and no lithic fragment, whereas L-Alox BFS is derived from weathered bedrock and has a low Alox content. H-Alox-Gv BFS and M-Alox BFS are derived from mixtures of volcanic ash and weathered bedrock. H-Alox-Gv BFS is characterized by high Alox content and many lithic fragments, whereas M-Alox BFS has moderate Alox content. H-Alox-NGv BFS and black soils (BLS) develop from accumulated volcanic ash, as indicated by declining Alox and clay content with decreasing depth in the surface horizons, as a result of successive additions of less-weathered volcanic ash to the soil surface.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the extend of volcanic ash deposition and distribution in some soils of Malaysia. A total of 12 soil types of different geology and locations from Peninsular Malaysia and West Sarawak were collected and analysed for their physico‐chemical and dissolution analysis. All soils under study belonged to either the order of Inceptisols, Ultisols or Oxisol. They were acidic and had relatively low CEC and exchangeable bases. The Al saturation percent were higher in the Ultisols as compared to the Oxisols. Field and laboratory investigations, and the dissolution analysis comprising of the binary ratio, ferrihydrite percent and allophane content, suggested that the soils under study were highly weathered and non‐allophanic. The soils of West Sarawak, however, may contain a reasonable deposits of the volcanic ash materials, as shown by the higher pHNaF values of near 9.4, but other laboratory analysis were still not conclusive of the result.  相似文献   


In the present study, two volcanic ash soils (soil A and B) from a temperate broad-leaved forest in eastern Japan were aerobically incubated under repeated dry-wet cycles and continuously constant moisture conditions. The primary aims were to quantify the potential for enhancement of carbon dioxide (CO2) release owing to increased water fluctuation and to examine differences in the responses of volcanic ash soils with different physicochemical properties. Soil B, rather than soil A, was a typical Andosol. During incubation at 20°C for 120 days with five dry-wet cycles, the CO2 release rate was measured periodically. Abundance of the stable carbon isotope in CO213C-CO2) was measured to capture changes in the origin of decomposed soil organic matter (SOM) owing to the dry-wet cycles. The CO2 release rate under the dry-wet cycles was up to 49% higher than the values predicted from a parabolic relationship between CO2 release and water content during incubation under the continuously constant moisture condition. The magnitude of CO2 release enhancement was 2.7-fold higher in soil B relative to that in soil A. The δ13C-CO2 value in the dry-wet cycles was enriched by 0.3–2.3‰ compared to that during incubation under the continuously constant moisture conditions, suggesting that the decomposition of well-metabolized and/or old SOM was enhanced by the dry-wet cycles. Thus, the present study suggests that Andosols, which have been believed to have a strong SOM stabilization ability, are vulnerable to dry-wet cycles. Then, increased water fluctuation in a future warmer world would have significant potential to stimulate CO2 release from soils.  相似文献   

Daily matrix flow at 1-m depth in a volcanic ash soil was calculated during a period of one year using Darcy's law. Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of undisturbed core samples could be expressed as a unique function of the soil water content. Hydraulic gradient obtained from soil water suction by a tensiometer installed at 90- and 110-cm depths, and hydraulic conductivity converted from the soil water content by time domain reflectometry (TDR) were monitored every 30 min throughout a year in a maize (Zea mays L.) Chinese cabbage (Brassica pekinensis Rupr.) field. The matrix flow obtained by this method was substituted for the water balance equation to estimate the bypass flow, and monthly and annual evapotranspiration. Annual rainfall in 1997 was 989 mm and evapotranspiration was estimated to be 730 mm. Net matrix flow at 1-m depth was 164 mm downward even though upward matrix flow occurred during half of the year. Downward flow determined by the water balance method exceeded the downward matrix flow during two heavy rain events in the year and the difference between the two flows was 63 mm, which was considered to correspond to a bypass flow. The bypass flow accounted for only 6.4% of the annual rainfall. Matrix flow was well monitored by the application of unsaturated Darcy's law in a field, and monthly evapotranspiration and bypass flow could be quantified by the introduction of the water balance equation.  相似文献   

Noninvasive geophysical methods have a great potential for improving soil‐biological studies at field or regional scales: they enable the rapid acquisition of soil information which may help to identify potential habitats for soil biota. A precondition for this application is the existence of close relationships between geophysical measurements and the soil organism of interest. This study was conducted to determine whether field measurements of apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) are related to abundances of earthworms in tilled soils. Relationships between ECa and earthworm populations were investigated along transects at 42 plots under reduced and conventional tillage at a 74 ha field on sandy‐loam soil in NE Germany. Relations were analyzed with linear‐regression and spatial analysis. The apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) was quantitatively related to earthworm abundances sampled 5 months after the geophysical measurements. No relationship was found, however, in plots under conventional tillage when analyzed separately. If earthworm abundances were known at every other location along the transects and if the state‐space approach was used for analysis, the analysis of ECa measurements and earthworm abundances indicated that 50% of the earthworm samples could have been substituted by ECa measurements. Further research is needed to fully evaluate the potential of ECa measurements for predicting earthworm habitats in tilled soil.  相似文献   

The properties of soils, even in short distances differ from point to point. These spatial variabilities may be described by geostatistics. This method determines the spatial structure of a specified variable. In this study, we measured the sorptivity of soil in field under tilled and no-tilled conditions with different sampling distances by using a simple method and performed the geostatistical analysis on the obtained data. The measurements were done on the corners of a regular network having dimensions of 5 m × 5 m in a tilled and no-tilled soil, and 0.5 m × 0.5 m in the same tilled soil. The results revealed that sorptivity had spatial structure in a tilled soil with 0.5 m × 0.5 m grid distances and no spatial structure occured in 5 m × 5 m distances, so it was believed that sorptivity is a structural variable only for short distance. The range of variogram was between 3.09 and 3.42 m for the sorptivity with 0.5 m × 0.5 m grids. The spherical model was the best-fitted theoretical variogram. In addition to the simple method for sorptivity measurement, we measured the sorptivity using double rings, which is known as Talsma method. Statistical tests showed a significant and non-significant difference between the two methods in 5 m × 5 m and 0.5 m × 0.5 m grids, respectively. In the simple method for sorptivity measurement, a ring with 10 cm height, 10 cm diameter, and about 2 cm depth of water was applied, but the rings used in the Talsma method were about three to four times larger. Therefore, it is concluded that for short distances, the sorptivity of simple method is in accordance with that obtained in Talsma method. The kriging method was used to estimate the presumed unknown values of sorptivity in some locations in the 0.5 m × 0.5 m grid distances. Results revealed that kriging method is capable enough to estimate the sorptivity if the variable has a spatial structure.  相似文献   

The morphology and chemical composition of fungal sclerotium-like grains collected from the buried humic horizon of volcanic ash soil in Mt. Myoko were examined using a scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersion xray micro-analyzer (EDX), and electron probe micro-analyzer (EPMA). A high C content, low level of Si and high concentration of Al characterized the grains considered to correspond to the sclerotia of Cenoccocum graniforme. The 27Al MAS NMR spectrum of the sclerotia showed the existence of 6- and 4-coordinated Al. X-ray diffraction analyses supported the presence of amorphous Al (ex. Al-humus complex) in the sclerotia.  相似文献   

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from arable soil while maintaining productivity is a major challenge for agriculture. Biochar is known to reduce N2O emissions from soil, but the underlying mechanisms are unclear. This study examined the impact of green waste biochar (20 Mg ha?1) and lime (CaCO3; 2 Mg ha?1) application on soil gas transport properties and related changes in these to soil N2O and CO2 emissions measured using automated chambers in a field experiment cropped with maize. In situ soil water content monitoring was combined with laboratory measurements of relative soil gas diffusion coefficient (Dp/D0) at different matric potentials, to determine changes in Dp/D0 over time. Cumulative N2O emissions were similar in the control and lime treatment, but much lower in the biochar treatment. Cumulative CO2 emissions decreased in the order: lime treatment > biochar treatment > control soil. When N2O emissions were not driven by excess N supply shortly after fertilisation, they were associated with Dp/D0 changes, whereby decreases in Dp/D0 corresponded to N2O emissions peaks. No distinct pattern was observed between CO2 emissions and Dp/D0. Cumulative N2O emissions were positively related to number of days with Dp/D0 < 0.02, a critical limit for soil aeration. These results indicate that improved soil gas diffusivity, and hence improved soil aeration, may explain the effect of biochar in reducing N2O emissions. They also suggest that knowledge of Dp/D0 changes may be key to explaining N2O emissions.  相似文献   



-situ sorbent amendment is a relatively low-cost, low-impact approach for remediation of soil contaminated with heavy metals (HMs), and thus is considered a way to be favored in developing countries. In this study, materials of non-hazardous, alkaline agronomic and industrial by-products were used as sorbents to explore their capacity of in situ immobilization of multiple HMs in mining-impacted arable soil. These sorbents included fly ash (FA), biochar (BC) and apatite (AP) and they were implemented with varying ratios of combinations. Results of soil microcosm tests showed that after incubation for 90 days, concentrations of Pb, Zn, and Cd in their exchangeable forms determined by a sequential extraction method significantly decreased in amended soils, as opposed to the unamended control. Of the five sets of amendments, the composite of FA, BC, and AP resulted in the maximum reduction (up to 80%) in the mobility of Pb, Zn, and Cd in soils. The mechanisms underlying the immobilization of HMs in amended soils might involve processes of surface precipitation, ion exchange and complexation, in which the physicochemical properties of sorbent materials played an important role. The immobilization efficacy of sorbent amendments on HMs in soil was further supported by pot experiments in which significant inhibition of HM accumulation in the belowground and aboveground tissues of maize was observed after 50-day cultivation in amended soils as compared with control soil. Together, these results suggest that the application of cost-saving and environmentally friendly materials derived from wastes as sorbents to remediate soils contaminated with multiple HMs is promising for developing countries like Vietnam.  相似文献   

Montane volcanic ash soils contain disproportionate amounts of soil organic carbon and thereby play an often underestimated role in the global carbon cycle.Given the central role of Al and Fe in stabilizing organic matter in volcanic ash soils,we assessed various extraction methods of Al,Fe,and C fractions from montane volcanic ash soils in northern Ecuador,aiming at elucidating the role of Al and Fe in stabilizing soil organic matter(SOM).We found extractions with cold sodium hydroxide,ammonium oxalate/oxalic acid,sodium pyrophosphate,and sodium tetraborate to be particularly useful.Combination of these methods yielded information about the role of the mineral phase in stabilizing organic matter and the differences in type and degree of complexation of organic matter with Al and Fe in the various horizons and soil profiles.Sodium tetraborate extraction proved the only soft extraction method that yielded simultaneous information about the Al,Fe,and C fractions extracted.It also appeared to differentiate between SOM fractions of different stability.The fractions of copper chloride-and potassium chloride-extractable Al were useful in assessing the total reactive and toxic Al fractions,respectively.The classical subdivision of organic matter into humic acids,fulvic acids,and humin added little useful information.The use of fulvic acids as a proxy for mobile organic matter as done in several model-based approaches seems invalid in the soils studied.  相似文献   

Soils of the northwestern part of the Taal Volcano in the Philippines representing four geomorphological units (upper, middle, and lower slopes and alluvial plains) were investigated and related to soil productivity. Results revealed that the soils on the upper and middle slopes contained higher amounts of organic matter and available P and displayed a low P retention together with more favorable physical properties such as loamy soil texture, loose and friable and well-drained soils compared to those on the lower slopes and in the alluvial plains. Due to these favorable soil characteristics, sustained agricultural production was higher at the upper elevations than at the lower elevations. Year-round multistorey / mixed cropping systems of cultivation in the upper and middle landscapes were also made possible because the higher precipitation was evenly distributed coupled with cooler temperatures compared the conditions on the lower slopes and in the alluvial plains. On the other hand, the soils on the lower slopes and in the alluvial plains had a clayey texture and contained a lower amount of organic matter and available P, in addition to the lower precipitation, resulting in reduced land utilization, as indicated by the limited types of crops grown and lower yield of crops.  相似文献   

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