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主要造林树种的施肥技术谢福光(福建省林业科学研究所)林木施肥是一项技术性很强的营林措施,合理与否直接影响到林木施肥的经济效益。不同树种、品种、年龄和生育期有不同的营养要求,立地条件、施肥量与配比、肥料种类、施肥时间与方法等均会影响林木施肥的效益。1林...  相似文献   

肥料在苗木生长中的作用极其重要,不同的肥料和不同的施肥技术方法对苗木有着不同的影响。生产林业优质苗木,科学掌握苗木培育过程中不同的施肥方法、技术,是保证苗木生长发育和造林成活的重要技术环节之一。本文对基肥、种肥、追肥、叶肥的作用及施用方法进行了概述,提出了苗木施肥过程中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

人工林施肥技术研究的几个问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合我国人工林经营现状,分析和阐述了在人工林施肥研究和应用过程中存在的问题及原因,提出了优化施肥技术、提高肥料利用率的对策。着重指出在人工林施肥中应重视林业生产的特点,深入开展林业施肥基础研究,加快进行林业新型肥料的开发。  相似文献   

施肥,是杨树丰产林集约栽培措施之一。山东的杨树丰产林立地条件复杂,不同类型土壤的养分含量差别较大,不同树种品种的需肥性也有所不同,而杨树丰产林施肥的方法,数量和肥料种类却未能随之变化,有的甚至盲目的认为施用量越多,效果会越好,实际上并不是这样。为此,我们从1982年开始,在省内杨树丰产林主要栽培区,进行了定位试验和调查研究。针对杨树丰产林需肥量、土壤养分状况,施肥效应和合理施肥指标等问题,进行了探讨。现将结果报告如下。  相似文献   

林木施肥是一项技术性很强的营林措施,合理与否直接影响到林木施肥的效果.不同树种、品种、年龄和生育期有不同的营养要求,立地条件、肥料种类、施肥量与配比、施肥时间与方法等均会影响林木施肥的效果.  相似文献   

采用滇西北亚高山可用于山地造林的川滇长尾槭、西南花楸等6个乡土阔叶树种,研究不同肥种对其容器苗生长的影响。结果表明:6个树种不同施肥处理150 d苗木的各生长指标,在施肥与不施肥及不同肥种间存在明显差异,施肥具有明显的增长效应。尿素和复合肥对6个树种苗木的生长都有很好的促进作用;硫酸钾对中甸山楂作用明显。  相似文献   

以根据苗圃33.33 hm2落叶乔木配方施肥项目为基础,阐述了林业苗圃测土配方施肥技术的过程与方法、目的和原则、施肥时期、施肥方法、林业苗圃常用的肥料,总结了林业苗圃测土配方施肥的4个关键技术:科学采集,委托检测;确定配方,对症下药;科学用肥,田间监测;技术研究,修订配方,以期提供参考。  相似文献   

林业高效系列专用肥,于2003年获得了国家星火计划及国家农业科技成果转化资金计划的支持,现已合作建成了年产1万吨林业有机高效系列专用肥生产能力的中试厂;在全省建立完成重点试验示范基地14个,做到了覆盖面广,针对性强,效果明显,构建了全方位营销网络。现已完成年生产、销售林业专用肥3000余吨,推广使用专用肥面积达6000多公顷,应用于林业重点工程建设、企业基地造林等,效果好。多年来,在造林中形成的不施肥,或只施单质肥、普通复合肥的观念一直存在。简单的施用单质肥、无机复合肥不仅不能满足林木生长需要,还可能造成林木生长缓慢,营养供应不均,土壤板结并严重破坏生态环境的不利局面。科学施肥就是最大限度的利用肥料养分,减少肥料浪费,提高肥效,有针对性的对某一作物进行测土专业配方,以最少的施肥投入达到最大的收益。测土施肥是当前国家大力主张推广的农业生产手段。在农业生产上已经具有一定规模。测土配方施肥可使肥料利用率提高5 ̄10个百分点,有效减少养分被蒸发、渗入地下或流入河流,减轻化肥源污染,提高土壤肥力。测土配方施肥后,可大大减轻农作物病害的发生。我们先后在全省12个重点造林地区取回林地土壤样本进行测土配方,并通过各树种的施肥...  相似文献   

钱世文  赵国强 《林业科技》1999,24(5):5-6,12
苗圃施肥对培育壮苗、提高造林成活率和林木生长量有重要作用。在我国农业生产中已广泛推行了配方施肥技术,即根据作物需肥规律、土壤养分含量状况、供肥性能与肥料效应,以有机肥为基础,计算最佳营养条件下植株的养分含量与对照区植株养分含量的差值,分析土壤的养分供应情况,在产前提出N、P、K的适宜用量和比例,使传统的施肥技术向现代化的土壤肥力管理技术迈进了一大步。本项研究借鉴农业配方施肥理论,探讨该项技术在林业苗圃中应用的可能性。1 试验地概况与研究方法试验树种为兴安落叶松(Larixgmelinii),苗木…  相似文献   

采用对比排列的试验设计,分别对不同量的配方肥、不同量的有机肥及配方肥与有机肥共同施肥,研究了施用不同肥料及用不同施肥方法施肥后测定独活各小区及对照小区的高生长、粗生长的情况。试验结果表明:施肥对高生长、粗生长有显著影响,肥料8对独活高生长影响最大,肥料8>肥料7>肥料4;3种施肥方式的高生长分别增加了1.5%、0.8%,表明当有机肥的量为2 kg/株时,增加配方肥,可增加产量,但相互间无显著差异:肥料8、肥料7、肥料4的植株高生长分别比对照增加60.8%、58.3%、57.1%,增产效果明显;肥料8独活粗生长最好,在粗生长方面肥料8>肥料7,但两者间无显著差异,增产2.9%,表明有机肥在2 kg/株,肥料充足的情况下,增加化学肥料对地径生长的影响不大。由此可见,施用配方肥与有机肥,或足够数量的有机肥时,独活生长好,这为少施或不施尿素、过磷酸钙、硫酸钾,多施有机肥促进独活增收提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

分别设计钙肥不同肥源、钙肥不同用量、钙肥不同施用方法等试验,结果显示,叶面喷施有机螯合钙、硝酸钙、美钙镁,杨梅固形物、果实硬度、酸度均有不同程度下降。钙肥不同喷施浓度结果显示,随着钙浓度增加,增幅加大;钙肥不同施用方法显示,叶面喷施钙肥果实钙含量显著高于土浇施和对照。  相似文献   

不同桉树复合肥基肥对比试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用单因素随机区组设计,对比了几种不同桉树复合肥(硫酸造粒肥、水蒸气造粒肥、有机-无机肥、有机-无机肥+微生物菌剂、红鹰肥)对桉树生长的影响.结果表明各施肥处理1.5年生树高比CK增加9.30%~23.67%;2.0年生胸径比CK增加13.28% ~ 18.96%;2.0年生桉树单株材积比CK增加38.86% ~64.41%.各处理间桉树树高、胸径、材积影响大小顺序均为有机无机肥+微生物菌剂>水蒸气造粒肥>有机无机肥>硫酸造粒肥>红鹰肥> CK.因此,有机-无机肥与微生物的配合施用可有效提高肥料利用率,促进桉树的生长.  相似文献   

Fertilization is indispensable to the establishment success of many eucalypt plantations. Split application of fertilizer has proven effective in agronomic systems; however, its potential impact on eucalypt tree growth and fertilizer uptake efficiency (FUE) is not well understood. This study investigated the effects of split fertilizer applications on seedling growth and biomass production, nutrient uptake, and FUE for the Guanglin No. 9 clone [hybrid of Eucalyptus grandis (Hill ex Maiden) × Eucalyptus urophylla S.T. Blake]. Three application timings and a control were established at rates of 125 and 250 g inorganic fertilizer (16N–7P–7K) per seedling. Split application played a more pronounced role than fertilization rate in eucalypt seedling growth and biomass accumulation. Compared to a single-time application, split applications increased eucalypt seedling height and root collar diameter growth, biomass, and nutrient uptake. The ratio of root to seedling dry mass showed a decreasing trend with split applications, whereas ratios of stem and branch to seedling dry mass tended to increase with split applications. Split applications also significantly improved FUE compared to the single-time application treatment. Findings of this study suggest that split applications of inorganic fertilizer with two application times could be an appropriate fertilization method to improve seedling growth and FUE of this eucalypt clone.  相似文献   

根据毛竹需肥规律,研制了3种生物有机肥,并进行了施肥效果试验。结果表明:1号生物有机肥效果最好,能有效促进毛竹林生长发育,单位面积增加的新竹数和新竹重量最大,与对照(不施肥)相比,2年内每667m^2增加新竹数32.根,增加新竹总重量766.4kg;各生物有机肥之间新竹平均胸径没有显著差异;施肥能提高毛竹林纯收入,其中以每667m^2施125kg的1号生物有机肥效果最佳,2年内比不施肥的竹林每667m^2增加纯收入309.8元。  相似文献   

The retention of applied 35S was studied in a lysimeter experiment, in which the lysimeters, consisting of soil columns with intact field and groundlayer vegetation, had previously been treated with either sulphuric acid, NPK or a combination of sulphuric acid and NPK.35S was applied as Na235SO4 to all lysimeters in an amount corresponding to 2 kg S ha?1, 3 months before the termination of the experiment. Of the applied 35S, 4.7 ± 1.6% (the error term showing the standard error of the mean) was leached from the lysimeters; 35SO42?, was preferentially sorbed in the upper part of the B horizon, >61% being sorbed in the B horizon as a whole. The influence of previous treatments was seen in SO42? content in the B horizon and also in the SO42? concentrations in the leachates from the lysimeters. Sorption of 35SO42? was enhanced by the acid treatment in the A0 and A1/A2 horizons. Ratios between water-extractable SO42? and KCl-extractable SO42? varied from 0.88 in the A1/A2 horizon to 0.46 in the lower part of the B horizon, indicating a preferential sorption of less available SO42? fractions in that part of the soil.Significant positive correlations between soil organic carbon and various sulphur fractions, both labelled and unlabelled, indicated the importance of biological S transformations in the A0 and A1/A2 horizons.Positive correlations between KCl-extractable Al and KCl-extractable SO42? were found in the B horizon. Equilibrium calculations suggested that the SO42? activity and Al3+ activity in leachates from control and acidified lysimeters were within the stability fields of basaluminite (Al4(OH)10SO4), activities in leachates from the latter group of lysimeters, also being close to jurbanite (Al(OH)SO4).  相似文献   

Results from long-term fertilizer experiments on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) planted on old arable land in the north-eastern German lowlands demonstrate the necessity for fertilization with KMg on poorly buffered sandy soils.Applying KMg to young Scots pine increased pole production over a 60 year period by a total of 129 m3 ha−1 (26%). In other experiments the improvement was as much as 93%.KMg manuring on light soils ensures optimal K and Mg nutrition and creates the conditions for uninterrupted growth and healthy development of the plantation. On degraded soils, KMg treatment leads to improved utilisation of the low soil nitrogen supply.With increasing eutrophication due to atmospheric nitrogen, KMg fertilization overcomes the depletion of soil cations and resulting imbalance in tree metabolism.Adequate application of KMg is a prerequisite for success in underplanting with beech (Fagus silvatica) on soils with a land use classification below 30, increasing the growth in height of beech by about 30%.KMg fertilizer favours biomass production and thus the fixation of N deposited through the atmosphere by the vegetation. Thereby, KMg fertilizer use and other silvicultural measures reduce the negative effects of atmospheric N-input in forest ecosystems to a certain extent, especially the N-pollution of groundwater. However, they cannot replace the technologies to reduce the N emissions.  相似文献   

盆栽仙客来肥料筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文对盆栽仙客来不同生长发育阶段的施肥种类及营养配比进行了试验研究,结果表明,仙客来小叶数量较少受肥料种类的影响,冠径也较少受到肥料类型的影响,肥料类型主要影响仙客来的株高和生物量,同时也影响植株对病虫害的耐受性,而对仙客来小叶数量和冠径影响不大。花多多12号及以15-15-30为配比的自配肥料适宜仙客来的生长。  相似文献   

Forest fertilizer trials are often impaired by high experimental variability. Multiple covariance analysis provides a means of removing not only the confounding effect of differences in initial growing stock between experimental plots but also the influence of other variables such as initial foliar and soil nutrient levels, and inter-tree competition. Unblocked fertility gradients can sometimes be partially controlled by using plot position or dummy variables as covariates. Considerable gains in precision and additional information from available data can be achieved by use of multiple covariance methodology. Three examples are presented to illustrate the efficacy of the technique and the specific benefits its application confers.  相似文献   

采用立地养分效应配方施肥模型研究毛竹专用肥,考察不同施肥处理对毛竹新竹株数及竹笋产量的影响,结果表明:在N:P:K=108:25:63施肥处理下,毛竹材用林新竹增长数最大,比对照处理CK增加新竹525株/hm~2。在N:P:K=284:124:236施肥处理下,毛竹笋材两用林新竹增长数最大,比对照处理CK增加新竹600株/hm~2。在N:P:K=213:93:177施肥处理下,毛竹笋材两用林笋产量增长最大,比对照处理CK增加360%。综合上述结果,取平均值为毛竹专用肥基本配方:N:P:K=45%:20%:35%。  相似文献   

本试验就叶面肥料对枣树生长发育前期的影响进行了研究,结果表明:叶面施肥可增加枣树叶片厚度、叶面积、百叶重、花序数、枣吊长度及叶片数等。各种叶面肥的效果不尽相同,其中,"植物氨基酸液肥"的效果最好,"植物营养活力液"次之;矿质肥也有一定的效果。本文就枣树年周期中发育前期的发育特点及适宜的叶面肥料进行了讨论,并总结了叶面肥对不同指标的影响顺序。  相似文献   

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