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Peculiarities of reproduction, early ontogeny, methods of egg incubation, and influence of temperature on development are compared in wolffish (Anarhichas lupus L.) and in salmonids, mainly Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Reproductive indices of females are similar in both species, but differ in males due to the small production of sperm in wolffish, a difference explained by internal fertilization in the latter species. The rate of embryonal development until the beginning of differentiation of fin fold at the same temperature is similar in both species, but the period from activation to hatching is more than twice as long in wolffish as in Atlantic salmon. Wolffish hatch at a more advanced stage with a small remnant of yolk sac and begin to feed shortly thereafter. As in Atlantic salmon, eggs and larvae of wolffish have a wide range of temperature resistance except before and after hatching. Based on the difference of life cycles in wolffish and salmon, technologies for their artificial breeding are compared.  相似文献   

Mortality of artificially fertilized, laboratory incubated eggs of common wolffish,Anarhichas lupus L., was 100% within 2–3 weeks, at the gastrulation step. The eggs from batches with a high proportion of normally cleavaged eggs died later than the eggs from batches with a low proportion of such eggs. Light micrographs of egg shells showed ulceration of the outer layer and subsequent destruction of the inner layer of zona radiata, caused byFlexibacter sp. The bacterial infection provoked premature hatching at later stages of embryonal development. Treating eggs with glutaraldehyde at a concentration of 600 mg l–1 every third to fifth day during incubation prevented the mortality caused by bacteria.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on the survival, growth rate and growth efficiency of larval and juvenile common wolffish, Anarhichas lupus L. were studied at 0–31 days and 9–12 months post-hatching, respectively. The influence of temperature regime during egg incubation on subsequent survival and growth was also examined. The fish were reared at constant water temperatures of 5, 8, 11 and 14°C, and all groups were fed dry pellets. At age 1 month, maximum growth rates were observed at 11 and 14°C. Growth rates and survival of early juveniles were dependent upon incubation history, high growth being obtained only if rearing temperature exceeded the temperature of egg incubation. In juveniles at age 9–12 months, the relationships between temperature and growth, and temperature and growth efficiency were parabolic: the optimum water temperatures for growth (Topt.G) and growth efficiency (Topt.GE) were 11°C and 9.7°C respectively. The growth rate and growth efficiency at these water temperatures were 0.9% day–1 and 0.45 g weight gain per g food offered, respectively. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Wolffish (Anarhichos lupus) larvae were first fed in a low water-level raceway system, with two new types of formulated dry feed diets. Water level in the rearing tank was 1.5 cm. The fish showed a high preference for feeding from the surface. During the first week the fish experienced a drop in dry weights. The highest SGR of 5.8% was obtained between day 35–60. The best feeding regime gave a survival rate of 82 (2.5)%. Results indicate failure to initiate feeding as a main cause of mortality in the fed groups. Death by starvation occurred after 30–40 days. It is speculated whether the large difference in growth rates between the two feeding regimens is due to differences in carbohydrate levels between the two feed types. The rearing tank technology proved, with minor adjustments, to be self-cleaning and well suited for first feeding of wolffish.  相似文献   

Eggs of spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor Olafsen)were incubated at constant 4, 6 and 8 °C, and disinfected withglutaric dialdehyde (150 p.p.m. for 5 min) once ortwice a month during two thirds of the incubation period, to prevent growth ofmicroorganisms. Hatching of apparently normal larvae started earlier when eggswere disinfected twice a month compared to once a month at all incubationtemperature regimes. The time to 50% hatch was 900 and 920 day-degrees (16 and16,5 weeks) at 8 °C, 835 and 880 day-degrees (20 and 21 weeks)at 6 °C and 725 and 800 day-degrees (26 and 28,5 weeks) at 4°C, in the egg groups disinfected twice or once a month,respectively. The best survival until hatching was noted when eggs weredisinfected twice a month and incubated at 6 and 8 °C.Survivalwas very low at 4 °C. Prematurely hatched larvae wereregistered in all egg groups disinfected twice a month and the highestfrequencywas noted in the 8 °C groups. The larval weight at normalhatching in the 6 and 8 °C groups was negatively correlatedwith incubation temperature and intervals of disinfection during the incubationperiod, but after 42 days feeding with live feed (unenrichedArtemia) the weights of the larvae were not significantlydifferent. The specific growth rates of the larvae from the eggs incubated at 6°C and 8 °C were 3.0% and 3.2%, respectively.The mean survival of larvae was between 88% and 96% at 42 days post-hatching.Young wolffish originating from the 6 °C incubation groupsshowed lowest mortality.  相似文献   

In order to define temperature regimes that could benefit successful production of spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor) juveniles, experiments with offspring from two different females were carried out. The larvae were fed a new formulated feed or a commercial start‐feed for marine fish, both of which have given high survival rates. In the first experiment newly hatched larvae were fed at constant 6 °C, 8 °C, 10 °C and 12 °C as well as at ambient seawater temperature (2.9–4.5 °C) during 63 days. High survival, 90% to 96%, was registered at ambient and most constant temperature regimes, whereas in the 12 °C groups survival was reduced to 80%. Growth rate (SGR) was very low, 1.8% day?1, at the low ambient temperatures. Growth rate was positively correlated with temperature and varied between 3.1% day?1 to 4.7% day?1, from 6 °C to 12 °C. In the second experiment, set up to include potential detrimental temperatures and study beneficial effects of a more restricted, elevated first‐feeding temperature regime, the larvae were fed at constant 8 °C, 10 °C, 12 °C, 14 °C and 16 °C until 30 days post hatch, followed by constant 8 °C for the next 33 days. In this experiment, low survival, 25% and 2.0%, was registered at 63 days post hatch when larvae were reared initially at 14 °C and 16 °C respectively. The survival of the larvae at the other temperature regimes varied from 47% to 64%, highest survival rate (64%) was found at 8 °C. The lowest specific growth rate, 2.6% day?1, was noted in the 16 °C group. At constant 8 °C to 14 °C (regulated to 8 °C), the SGR varied from 4.45% day?1 to 5.13% day?1. The larvae grew faster in the experiment when initially comparable temperatures (8 °C, 10 °C and 12 °C) were regulated to constant 8 °C after 30 days compared with the first experiment where feeding was carried out at the same constant temperatures (8 °C, 10 °C and 12 °C) during the whole experimental period.  相似文献   

The effects of different concentrations of cryoprotectant (dimethyl sulfoxide; DMSO), cooling rate and straw size on the post-thaw motility of frozen sperm from spotted wolffish, Anarhichas minor, were studied. There was no significant difference in the post-thaw motility of sperm treated with three different concentrations of DMSO (10, 20 and 30%). Similarly, there was no significant difference in the post-thaw motility of spermatozoa when using different freezing rates (i.e. distance of straws from the surface of liquid N2, 4.7, 5.5 and 7.1°C min−1) and the straw size (0.5 and 1.0 ml) did not affect survival. The cryopreservation of sperm can be used to make up for the frequent lack of sperm and/or the unsynchronised timing of sperm production in spotted wolffish males and the ovulation time in females. The results show that sperm from spotted wolffish can be frozen to secure access to viable sperm, but further experiments are needed in order to reveal the effect of different parameters on the post-thawing mortality and define the optimum conditions for cryopreservation.  相似文献   

This study deals with the influence of temperature on the hatching of eggs of Diplectanum aequans, a branchial ectoparasite of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). At temperatures of 20 °C, 25 C and 30 °C hatching takes place within a few days of laying, whereas at 15 C and 10 C it occurs respectively between the 7th and the 12th day and between the 11th and the 19th day. No hatching has been observed at 5 C. Development is not completely inhibited at 5 C as the eggs can, at least partially, go on maturing and will subsequently hatch as soon as higher temperatures are encountered.  相似文献   

Egg samples were collected from captive striped trumpeter maintained under phase-shifted and simulated ambient photothermal regimes and incubated at 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 or 16 °C. No eggs hatched at 9 °C. Time to hatch decreased from 9.6 to 4.2 days as temperature increased from 10 to 16 °C. Survival to hatch was low at 10 and 11 °C, but similar within the range 12–16 °C. Larval length at hatching was greatest at 14 °C, with no significant difference in yolk volume or muscle depth at vent across the range of temperatures. The results of our study suggest that the optimal temperature for the incubation of striped trumpeter eggs is 14 °C, which is higher than found previously.  相似文献   

Cold-active burbot (Lota lota (L.)) display reduced food intake during the summer. The impact of temperature on their energy budget was investigated in starved fish in a laboratory setting, simulating summer (20°C) and winter (4°C) conditions, to elucidate the impact of high temperature on burbot metabolism. Metabolic effects in burbot were compared to roach (Rutilus rutilus (L.)), which typically fast in winter. During warm acclimation, starvation (four weeks) resulted in a metabolic depression of oxygen consumption in both species. In roach, metabolic rate decreased by 55% after two weeks of starvation. Burbot, in contrast, displayed an immediate depression of metabolic rate by 50%. In both species, no reductions were observed in the cold. The temperature-induced differences between the metabolic rates at 20°C and 4°C showed a lower thermal sensitivity in burbot (Q 10 = 1.9) compared to roach (Q 10 = 2.7). Notably, for each species, energy consumption during starvation was highest under experimental conditions simulating their natural active periods, respectively. Warm acclimated roach relied mainly on muscle reserves, whereas in cold acclimated burbot, liver metabolic stores made a major contribution to the energy turnover. In cold acclimated roach and warm acclimated burbot, however, starvation apparently reduced swimming activity, resulting in considerable savings of energy reserves. These lower energy expenditures in roach and burbot corresponded to their natural inactive periods. Thus, starvation in burbot caused a lower energy turnover when exposed to high temperatures. These season-dependent adaptations of metabolism represent an advantageous strategy in burbot to manage winter temperature and withstand metabolism-activating summer temperatures, whereas roach metabolism correlates with the seasonal temperature cycle.  相似文献   

Full scale experiments in tanks were conducted to elucidate the effect of photoperiod regime, dietary fat level and stocking density on growth in spotted wolffish. The study showed that continuous light (LD24:0) did not give a higher final mean weight or faster overall growth rate in spotted wolffish compared to constant 8 h light and 16 h darkness (LD8:16). However, there were indications that the fish needed time to adapt to a new photoperiod regime. The feeding experiment indicated a negative relation between dietary fat level and growth, where fish given 15% fat in the diet had a 13% higher final mean weight compared to fish on a diet with 20% fat. However, no conclusions could be made. The final mean weight was 10% higher at 25 kg/m2 compared to 40 kg/m2, indicating a negative impact of high stocking density on spotted wolffish.  相似文献   

For surface disinfection of marine fish eggs Buffodine (1.06% free iodine), glutaraldehyde, chloramine-T and sodium hypochlorite (5% free chlorine) were tested using plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) as the main species for evaluation. Glutaraldehyde was the most promising candidate of the four chemicals tested. Good bactericidal effects without any documented negative effects on eggs and larvae were obtained at concentrations of 400–600 mg l–1 and contact times of 5–10 min. Replicated experiments under identical disinfection conditions revealed a clear correlation between the degree of successful surface disinfection and the initial bacterial load of the egg batch.  相似文献   

Osteological malformations are always considered an important problem in intensive aquaculture. This work studies the effect of rearing temperature on malformations in sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax. To this end, two batches of the species were subjected to the following incubation/cultivation temperatures: 15 °C/natural and 19/19 °C, from fertilization until 190 days after hatching. The different malformations were studied in 1643 juveniles at 190 days and classified by categories. The Chi-square statistic was calculated to verify the relationship between the presence of anomalies and the application of different temperatures. The percentage of anomalies observed in individuals reared at a high temperature (19/19 °C) was 66.44%. In both temperature systems, opercular malformations were those which caused a greater delay in growth. The results found indicated that temperature played a very important role in the development of deformations, which may be of interest from the viewpoint of aquaculture.  相似文献   

Turbot fry (10–20 mm) and juveniles (85–110 mm) were transferred directly from 16.0–16.5 C to 1.0 C, 2.5 C, 5.5 C or 8.0 C seawater. The fry were more sensitive to cold water than juveniles. The fry survived for 1 week at 8.0 C but not at 5.5 C, whereas juveniles survived at 5.5 C but not at 2.5 C. Transfer of juveniles to 1.0 C and 2.5 C seawater caused a high mortality, a marked increase in plasma Cl- concentration, decrease in muscle water content, and hyperglycaemia. Acclimation to 5.5 C (juveniles) or 8.0 C (fry and juveniles) markedly reduced the sensitivity to 1.0 C exposure.  相似文献   

The spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor) is considered a promising species for coldwater aquaculture. It is a sedentary, bottom-dwelling fish which exhibits a calm and “non-stressed” behaviour in captivity. There are, however, no reports on the physiological responses to stressors in this species. In the present study we investigated primary (cortisol secretion) and secondary (glucose mobilization) responses to common aquaculture stressors like disturbance and hypoxia. Pre-stress plasma cortisol levels were within those generally considered representative for unstressed fish (~ 10 ng ml− 1), whereas basal glucose levels were unusually low (0.3–0.4 mM). After exposure to a short, but severe disturbance challenge (emptying the tank of water for 10 min), the increase in plasma cortisol level was slow and relatively weak, reaching a peak level of 25 ng ml− 1 4 to 8 h after disturbance. When the fish were exposed to a gradually decreasing oxygen level in the tank, a significantly elevated plasma cortisol level (35 ng ml− 1) was seen in the fish that remained in the tank until oxygen saturation had decreased to 20% oxygen saturation after 2.5 h. However, a two-fold higher plasma cortisol level (~ 70 ng ml− 1) was seen in all fish exposed to reduced oxygen levels (60, 40 and 20% oxygen saturation) after 3.5 h recovery in normoxic water. Plasma glucose levels showed only moderate increases (~ 70%) following disturbance and hypoxia challenges. An in vivo injection of ACTH caused a strong elevation of plasma cortisol (peak level ~ 170 ng ml− 1), demonstrating a high capacity for interrenal steroidogenesis in the spotted wolffish. The slow and relatively weak cortisol response to stressors, and low plasma glucose levels, may relate to the sedentary lifestyle of the spotted wolffish. The stress-response is characterised by a passive (reactive) coping style, which is considered adaptive for farming of this species.  相似文献   

The development of Northeast Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) eggs, obtained from artificial fertilisation during the spawning season in the Biscay Bay area, was monitored at five temperatures (ranging from 8.6 to 17.8 °C). The times to intermediate stages (III–V) and total hatching, obtained in this study, agree with the results of previous studies undertaken some years ago. However, the times over stages IA, IB and 50% hatching indicate that development rates differed significantly between the studies; this could be related to an effect of the previous thermal history of the eggs, or to experimental biases. Daily mortality (Z) during the embryonic period was found to vary between 0.17 and 0.38, using traditional exponential decay models. The estimates of mortality rate were found to range consistently with those derived from previous studies on Northwest Atlantic mackerel eggs without predation. However, the shape of the survivorship-curve during the development pursued in this study has indicated that mortality is not constant in time. Similarly, the suitability of an exponential model to describe daily mortality should be considered.  相似文献   

The effect of thermal history (16 and 20°C) on growth of juvenile turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (initial mean weight 72.6 g, n = 157) was studied. Fish were divided into four groups, two groups remaining at constant temperature (C16, C20), while fish in the other groups were transferred from either 16 to 20°C (F16-20) or from 20 to 16°C (F20-16). Between 35 and 42 fish in each tank were individually tagged at the start of the experiment. The final mean weights were significantly higher in the F20-16 group (230 g) than in the C20 (213 g), F16-20 (211 g) and C16 (205 g) groups. The overall growth rate was highest in the F20-16 group (1.17% day−1) but comparable in the three other groups (1.00–1.04% day−1). Our findings indicate that, even at near-optimal temperature for a given size, the temperature history of the fish may influence future growth. Based on these indications, we conclude that as turbot grow larger, the temperature should be reduced to take advantage of the change in optimal temperature for growth with increasing fish size rather than rearing at constant temperatures.  相似文献   

Embryonated eggs of theEuropean native white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes Lereboullet weresubjected to three periods of storage usingpolystyrene boxes and, afterwards, artificiallyincubated. At the end of the longest storage(42 days) survival rate was 98.3%, with 65%developed to stage 2 juvenile. Differentstorage periods allowed the staggeredproduction of juvenile batches within a monthperiod. The same containers used for storagewere also suitable for transport.  相似文献   

Growth experiments carried out with two juvenile crayfish species, Astacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz and Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana), at different temperatures and densities highlighted the problem of cannibalism under conditions aimed at intensifying crayfish production. Cannibalism proved to be much lower in A. leptodactylus than P. leniusculus, suggesting that the former might be the better candidate for astaciculture. In the first of two population survival trials, A. leptodactylus showed a higher survival rate than P. leniusculus, with 26% of P. leniusculus surviving in the first replicate, compared to 42.3% of P. leniusculus, and 40.76% surviving in the second replicate, compared to 47.6% of P. leniusculus. The same trend was observed in the second experiment, with P. leniusculus showing survival rates of 48.5 and 55.3% (first and second replicates, respectively) in comparison to 65.2 and 68.2%, respectively, for A. leptodactylus. It is therefore highly likely that if P. leniusculus were to become established in Turkey, it would outcompete the native A. leptodactylus even if it were not to be devastated by the crayfish plague that has decimated the native species. The experiments also highlighted the problem of differential growth, with some juveniles hardly growing at all while others reached a relatively large size. The range in carapace length (CL) was 9–18 mm for A. leptodactylus and 8.5–18.5 mm CL for P. leniusculus at the end of the first experiment. While both species grew quickly, P. leniusculus hatched earlier, giving it an advantage over A. leptodactylus; consequently, by the end of the summer, the juveniles of the former were larger than those of A. leptodactylus. Specific growth rate values showed that the juveniles of the two species had similar growth rates. The results also revealed that growth was not significantly affected by density in both species at 15°C, but at 25°C, growth was significantly better at a density of 234 juveniles m−2 than at 468 juveniles m−2, and better at 468 juveniles m−2 than at 937 juveniles m−2 (P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively). We conclude that P. leniusculus is a good candidate for aquaculture as it has a rapid growth rate and early hatching and maturity; however, its aggressive behavior may make it a less attractive proposition than A. leptodactylus, which is also fast growing but less aggressive. This study is a part of PhD study of M.M. Harlıoğlu, who is supported by Fırat University Elazığ, Turkey.  相似文献   

In order to assess the most suitable feeding schedule for pirarucu, Arapaima gigas, we placed groups of seven fish in 12 1-m3 cages and investigated various feeding variables in a 2 × 2 factorial design. The feeding variables analyzed were one feeding (OC) or two feedings (TW), feeding daily (1D) or every other day (2D), and their interactions: one feeding once per day (OC/1D), two feedings per day (TW/1D), one feeding every other day (OC/2D) and two feedings every other day (TW/2D). The experiment lasted for 45 days, and the fish were maintained on a commercial extruded diet. The results showed similar final weights between fish maintained on feedings OC and TW, but higher ones in fish fed 1D than 2D. Weight gain was higher when the fish were fed TW and 1D. Apparent feed conversion was not affected in fish fed OC or TW and 1D or 2D. Daily feed consumption was also higher for the feeding schedules of TW and 1D. The combination of feeding schedules produced higher final weights and weight gains for fish fed OC/1D and TW/1D. The apparent feed conversion value was higher only in fish fed TW/1D. Daily feed consumption values were significantly higher in fishes fed TW/1D. The lowest value was recorded for OC/2D.  相似文献   

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