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Current estimates of pollutant aerosol input to southern Lake Michigan are based on a single calculated emission inventory and various estimates of the fraction of emissions that enter the Lake. Alternative, but still crude, estimates of urban elemental emissions and their wet and dry deposition in the lake are made here. Observed elemental concentrations in urban air are used to calculate emissions and recently measured wet and dry deposition parameters are used to calculate deposition. All available treatments conclude that atmospheric inputs of at least Fe, Pb, Ti, and V are sizable fractions of total lake input of these metals. This study suggests tentatively that 1) wet and dry inputs from the atmosphere are about equal, 2) between 3 and 15 % of elemental pollutant emissions from Chicago and NW Indiana enter the Lake, and 3) this fraction increases with particle size.  相似文献   

Atmospheric bulk deposition was collected on a monthly basis in the Lake Michigan basin from September 1975 through December 1976 to determine the atmospheric loading of trace elements to Lake Michigan. The sampling network consisted of bulk collectors located at 21 locations in the northern and southern basin. Atmospheric loading rates to Lake Michigan were estimated as (in units of 105 kg yr?1): Al-50; Fe-28; Mn-6.4; Zn-11; Cu-1.2; Pb-6.4; Cd-0.11; Co- <0.25; Ca-798; Mg-155; Na-110; K-64. Atmospheric deposition of all elements measured was greater in the southern basin than in the northern basin as a result of intense urban/industrial activity in the former. The percentage of total atmospheric deposition falling in the southern basin was: Fe-74%, Al-71%; Mn-75%; Zn-67%; Cu-62%; Pb-78%; Cd-74%; Co- ti 56%; Ca-79%; Mg-62%; Na-65%; K-61 %. Atmospheric loading rates reported are in general agreement with estimates made by others from emission inventories and aerosol concentrations. Atmospheric loadings were estimated to represent 10% or more of the total loadings to Lake Michigan from tributary and erosion sources for the trace elements Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb. Also, atmospheric deposition may account for recent accumulations of Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb and Co in southern Lake Michigan surficial sediments. The atmospheric Ph flux to southern Lake Michigan was estimated as ~1.7 μg sm?2 yr?1 for 1975–1976 which compares favorably with the 1972 anthropogenic Pb flux of 1.3 μg cm?2 yr?1 (total ? ~1.5 μg cm?2 yr?1) as determined from Pb-210 dating (Edgington and Robbins, 1976). The geographical distribution of trace element loading implicates the southern periphery of Lake Michigan as the principal emission source area.  相似文献   

Sediment trap sampling at an offshore site in southern Lake Michigan has continued for an 18 year period with a sampling frequency ranging from weekly to semi-annually. During the 6 month unstratified period sediment trap mass and tracer profiles are nearly constant and they have been used to describe the extent of sediment resuspension. After stratification, mass flux rapidly declines and particle tracers are removed from the epilimnion at the rate of 0.5–1 m.d1. Exponential profiles of mass flux clearly show the persistence of a benthic nepheloid layer. High frequency sampling with near-bottom sequencing traps show order of magnitude ranges in mass flux over a few day period.  相似文献   

陈方正  任健  刘思涵  胡克林 《土壤通报》2021,52(6):1348-1359
构建一套既能减少人力、物力和财力投入,又能保证原有信息丢失最少的土壤肥力综合评价体系,对于指导农业生产和土地利用规划具有重要作用。研究选取洞庭湖流域南部的四个行政市为研究区,综合考虑表征土壤立地条件、剖面构型、土壤物理性状、土壤养分四个方面的14项指标,通过主成分分析确定了最小数据集(MDS),对其土壤肥力指数(SFI)进行了综合评价,并分析了研究区耕地土壤肥力的主要限制因子。结果表明:1)研究区耕地主要偏酸性,土壤容重较紧实;氮素养分处于较高水平,磷素养分处于中上水平,钾素养分处于较低水平。2)选取的最小数据集包括成土母质、剖面土体构型、阳离子交换量、容重、有机质、有效磷和全钾等7项指标。全数据集与MDS的均值与标准差均十分接近,其Pearson相关系数达到0.788(P < 0.01)。3)土壤肥力的高值区主要位于洞庭湖南部附近集中连片的水稻种植区,低值区主要分布于海拔相对较高的丘陵部位或靠近城市建筑区的低植被覆盖率区,磷素与钾素为研究区内土壤肥力的主要限制因素。研究结果为洞庭湖流域南部土壤肥力综合评价和土壤培肥提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

The hypothesis that air pollution is a major source of some water pollution trace elements in Lake Michigan (Winchester and Nifong, 1971) is reexamined. Hazards evaluation techniques are used to assess the overall transfer efficiency of pollution from air to the lake. This efficiency was found to be at least 25%, which supports the hypothesis. It is suggested that the problem be studied taking into account local mesoscale systems (such as lake breeze) and the distribution of air trajectory, wind speed and stability categories.  相似文献   

A transport model as a function of particle size is presented which couples Chicago area meteorological data through the mixed layer with laboratory and field data on water surface dry deposition. The model is used to (a) estimate a minimum mass transfer efficiency by dry deposition from the Chicago area to Lake Michigan, (b) compare this minimum with the maximum wet deposition likely, and (c) estimate the transfer efficiency of trace metals. Dry deposition is found to cause 15% or more mass transfer efficiency of aerosols to the Lake. This value is considered to be equal to or greater than the efficiency of precipitation scavenging mass transfer. However, dry deposition as a function of particle size is such that the transfer of trace metals by this mechanism appears to be a few percent or less. Consequently, precipitation scavenging appears to be the dominant mechanism for trace metal transfer to Lake Michigan.  相似文献   

太湖流域农业污染压力分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
太湖及其流域的水环境质量呈现严重恶化趋势,农业污染物的排放是太湖流域水体环境恶化的主要原因之一。太湖流域农业污染物主要来源于种植业、畜禽养殖业和水产养殖业的生产过程。本文从综合考虑种植业、畜禽养殖业和水产养殖业生产过程中产生的污染物对水环境影响的角度,构建农业污染压力模型,计算农业污染压力指数,定量分析了处于太湖流域的江苏省常州和宜兴两市农业污染物排放对水环境影响的严重性。研究结果表明:两市农业生产过程中产生的氮和磷污染物是造成水体污染的主要贡献者,其污染压力指数普遍大于1;农业污染压力指数在空间分布上存在明显差异;虽两市近年来单位面积化肥农药的使用量有所减少,但仍远远高于安全使用量的上限,以常州市为例,2008年单位耕地面积化肥施用量为452.71 kg.hm 2,为2000—2008年期间最少的一年,但仍然高于发达国家为防止化肥对水体污染所规定的平均化肥施用量的安全上限225 kg.hm 2。本文从整体上分析了农业污染物排放对水环境产生的影响,对实现水资源的可持续利用和水环境管理具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Samples were collected from a railroad ferry between Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Ludington, Michigan, from 27 May, 1970, to 20 October, 1971, to determine the spatial and temporal distribution of primary production and several physical and chemical variables. Conductivity, silica, total P, soluble reactive P, plant pigments, and C uptake exhibited inshore-offshore differences, and all but silica were highest at the Wisconsin inshore station, thus suggesting nutrient enrichment of Lake Michigan by Milwaukee. Temperature, pH, phenolphthalein alkalinity, nitrate, silica, plant pigments, and C uptake showed varying degrees of seasonal change. A bimodal seasonal abundance of phytoplankton was revealed.  相似文献   

柴达木农田土壤Cd的积累影响及风险预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】土壤重金属空间结构特征是土壤环境质量评价及重金属污染评价的基础。本文用地质统计学方法研究了柴达木盆地原生地和耕种50年的农田土壤镉的空间分布特征,对土壤镉进行质量评价,同时分析了农业耕种对土壤镉积累的影响,调查统计了灌溉水、肥料、农药等农业源土壤镉的输入量,为农田镉积累的风险预测提供参考。【方法】以柴达木盆地诺木洪农场的一块原生地(从未耕种过的土地,可以认为无化肥污染)和一块耕种地(已种植了50年的农田)为研究对象,从原生地采集22个土壤样本,耕种地采集50个土壤样本进行镉含量的测定,同时检测灌溉水、农药、化肥中的镉含量,并进行每年农田输入量的统计。用Excel软件进行数据处理,反比权重法(IDW,Inverse Distance Weighting)插值,GIS9.3进行空间分析和图像处理;以单项污染指数法评价土壤镉质量,评价模式为Pi=Ci/Si(Pi为污染物镉的单项污染指数,Ci为污染物镉的实测数据,Si为污染物的评价标准)。评价标准分别以农业部公布的行业标准《无公害食品 枸杞生产技术规程》(NY/T 5249-2004)和《绿色食品 枸杞》(NY/T1051-2006)产地环境标准要求下的《绿色食品 产地环境技术条件》(NY/T 391-2000)为依据。依据农业源土壤镉输入量,以土壤现状值为起点,以绿色食品标准限量值为终点,测算输入量积累突破两端差值的年限。【结果】原生地22个土壤样品的镉平均含量为0.30 mg/kg,是土壤背景值的两倍(0.14 mg/kg),达到无公害食品(0.60 mg/kg)和绿色食品(0.40 mg/kg)标准;种植50年农田的50个土壤样品的镉平均含量为0.43 mg/kg,是土壤背景值的3倍,达到无公害食品标准,但超过绿色食品标准。用于灌溉的河水的镉含量为0.0036 ng/kg。检测生产中使用的15种农药和7种肥料,其中的镉导致每年土壤镉增加3444 mg/hm2。最严重的污染源是鸡粪,施入土壤后每年导致土壤镉增加2025 mg/hm2,其次依次为复合肥(使土壤镉增加576 mg/hm2),磷酸二铵(增加432 mg/hm2),有机肥(增加360 mg/hm2)。【结论】以小尺度空间分布和全量统计研究的诺木洪农场土壤镉含量这一单一指标衡量,可以看出诺木洪原生地土壤是清洁的,能够满足无公害、绿色食品的生产;但是研究选择的多年耕种田已经遭到重金属镉的污染,只能达到无公害食品标准,而达不到绿色食品标准。现行生产中的施肥措施是导致诺木洪土壤重金属镉污染的一个重要因素,其中鸡粪对镉污染的贡献最大,其次是复合肥、磷酸二铵和有机肥。如果继续现在这种耕种方式,以现有的原生地镉含量均值为0.30 mg/kg进行计算,76.3年后该土地镉含量将超过0.40 mg/kg的绿色标准上限。  相似文献   

Certain trace elements which are strongly associated with air pollution sources in the Lake Michigan basin may be contributing significantly to lake water pollution by an atmospheric fallout route. In this paper a partial inventory of air pollution emissions for 30 trace elements is presented for the Chicago, Milwaukee, and northwest Indiana metropolitan areas, based on available published information. The inventory is then compared with actual stream inputs measured for Zn, Cu, and Ni and with estimates of pre-industrial unpolluted stream inputs for 28 elements. Evidence indicates that the atmosphere may now be a major source of Zn in Lake Michigan, and atmospheric inputs of Cu and Ni may also be considerable. Moreover, the evidence suggests that air pollution probably exceeds expected unpolluted stream inputs for many additional elements in Lake Michigan, highlighting the need for more comprehensive chemical data to quantify the evaluation.  相似文献   

It was recently reported that tetracycline could enhance the mobility of manure-derived Escherichia coli within saturated porous media (Walczak et al. (Water Research 45:1681-1690, 2011)). It was also shown, however, that E. coli from various sources could display marked variation in their mobility (Bolster et al. (Journal of Environmental Quality 35:1018-1025, 2009)). The focus of this research was to examine if the observed difference in the mobility of manure-derived tetracycline-resistant (tet(R)) and tetracycline-susceptible (tet(S)) E. coli strains was source-dependent. Specifically, E. coli were isolated from Lake Michigan, and the influence of tetracycline resistance on Lake Michigan-derived E. coli was investigated through column transport experiments. Additionally, a variety of cell morphology and surface properties were determined and related to the observed bacterial transport behavior. Our experimental results showed that, consistent with previous observations, the deposition rate coefficients of the tet(R)E. coli strain was ~20-100% higher than those of the tet(S)E. coli strain. The zeta potential of the tet(R)E. coli cells was ~25 mV more negative than the tet(S)E. coli cells. Because the surfaces of the E. coli cells and the quartz sands were negatively charged, the repulsive electrostatic double-layer interaction between the tet(R)E. coli cells and the quartz sands was stronger, and the mobility of the tet(R)E. coli cells in the sand packs was thus higher. The tet(R)E. coli cells were also more hydrophilic than the tet(S)E. coli cells. Results from migration to hydrocarbon phase (MATH) tests showed that about ~35% more tet(S)E. coli cells partitioned to the hydrocarbon phase. As it was previously shown that cell hydrophobicity could enhance the attachment of bacterial cells to quartz sand, the difference in cell hydrophobicity could also have contributed to the observed higher mobility of the tet(R)E. coli cells. The size of the tet(R) and tet(S)E. coli cells were similar, suggesting that the observed difference in their mobility was not size-related. Characterization of cell surface properties also showed that tet(R) and tetS E. coli cells differed slightly in cell-bound lipopolysaccharide contents and had distinct outer membrane protein profiles. Such difference could alter cell surface properties which in turn led to changes in cell mobility.  相似文献   

Aerosol samples and meteorological data were collected at a mid-southern Lake Michigan site (87° 00′ W, 42° 00′ N) from May through September 1977. Hi-volume samplers with cellulose fiber filters and a digital meteorological data recording system were operated on board the U.S. EPA's R/VRoger R. Simons during four intensive sampling periods. Aerosol samples were analyzed by atomic absorption spectroscopy for seventeen trace elements. A diabatic drag coefficient method was used to determine aerosol deposition velocity (v d ) overlake. A meanv d of 0.5 cm s?1 was found for the 0.1v d to a long-term climatological record, annual dry deposition loadings to the southern basin for nine elements were estimated. For four elements, Fe, Mn, Pb, and Zn, dry deposition loadings to the southern basin alone of at least 500, 30, 250, and 100 (×103 kg yr?1) were found. For Fe and Mn, these loadings represent about 15% of the total of all inputs to Lake Michigan. for Zn and Pb, about one-third to one-half of the annual loading from all sources is from dry deposition of atmospheric aerosol.  相似文献   

艾比湖流域降水与径流变化特征分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
以艾比湖流域的博尔塔拉河(博河)和精河为例,基于1961-2008年的水文气象数据,运用Mann-Kendall非参数检验、线性倾向估计、小波分析等方法,分析流域内2条河流的变化趋势及周期特征,得到以下结论:(1)48年来,艾比湖流域博乐站和精河站降水量均呈现增加的趋势,其中,博乐站的线性倾向斜率为8.54mm/10年;精河站的线性倾向斜率为12.74mm/10年。(2)博河和精河年径流量均呈现极显著的增加趋势,其Z值分别为2.42和2.45,两者均通过а=0.05显著性检验。(3)艾比湖流域年降水量序列的小波系数等值线分布比较密集,存在明显的小波系数高低值中心震荡。两站年降水量在48年的时间序列中存在多个周期。(4)流域内2条河流均有明显的周期性变化,尤其以年代际周期最为显著。在每个周期中径流量又经历了几次"丰枯"交替。(5)博河和精河2条河流径流量与降水量的相关系数分别为0.564和0.490,均通过a=0.01的R显著性检验,表明降水是流域径流量的重要补给源之一。  相似文献   

A sand ridge up to 25 m high separates Lake Chilwa, Malawi, from its former Indian Ocean outlet. Consisting of beach sands capped by dunes, the sand bar was formed by the growth of spits across the northern end of the lake. Mineralogical studies of the sands indicate that they were derived from northern and western areas of the Chilwa basin and were brought to the lake during a period of increased runoff and rainfall intensities. The formation of the sand bar in the early Holocene represented a radical change in the hydrology and biology of Lake Chilwa, from an open fresh water lake to a closed saline lake with a marked tendency to fluctuate in level.  相似文献   

Fluxes,residence times,and sources of some elements to Lake Michigan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fluxes of 28 elements to Lake Michigan are calculated from literature data on sedimentation rates and concentrations in sediments and water. Lake Michigan residence times are roughly 104 lower than oceanic residence times. A mass balance has been formulated for 24 elements, with soil and aerosol as the only sources. These sources provide fourfold excesses of Cu, Hg, Sb, Se, and V, and order of magnitude deficits for Ca, Mg, Na, and Cl, but account (to within 50%) for the observed inputs of Ag, Al, As, Br, Co, Cr, Fe, K, La, Mn, S, Si, Sc, Th, and Zn. Except for Al, Co, La, Si, and Th, deposition from aerosol accounts for at least one-fifth of the total input.  相似文献   

基于GIS的星云湖流域生态敏感性评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于GIS技术,根据星云湖流域主要生态问题选取6个因子,采用多因子加权求和模型对星云湖流域生态敏感性及其空间分布进行了评价分析,并按生态敏感性评价值将研究区划分为高度敏感区、中度敏感区、低度敏感区和不敏感区4个等级。结果表明:研究区高度敏感、中度敏感、低度敏感和非敏感区域面积分别为104.08km~2,124.52km~2,102.78km~2,39.30km~2;中度及以上敏感区面积约为228.60km~2,占流域总面积的61.67%,生态敏感性总体较高,空间上主要分布在江城镇、星云湖及其湖滨和雄关乡等;建议将高度敏感区划定为生态保护区加以重点保护,中度敏感区划定为控制发展区,低度敏感区和非敏感区为适宜发展区。评价结果能较好地反映流域综合生态敏感性空间分布特征,可作为流域土地资源开发建设和环境规划与保护的依据,并为高原湖泊流域开展类似研究提供参考。  相似文献   

确定日降雨的侵蚀性雨量标准是提高基于日降雨数据的降雨侵蚀力模型计算精度的重要前提.利用鄱阳湖流域降雨数据,采用最小偏差法,确定该流域日降雨的侵蚀力雨量标准.结果表明:(1)鄱阳湖流域次降雨的侵蚀性雨量标准为14.0 mm,降雨侵蚀力偏差系数为1.8%,土壤侵蚀损失率2.8%,降雨场次错选度为14.9%.(2)流域内各站...  相似文献   

青海湖流域土壤保持量动态变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
[目的]对青海湖流域近24a的土壤保持量进行评估,揭示其时空变化规律,为定量评估青海湖流域土壤保持功能和区域土壤保持的重要性提供理论支撑。[方法]利用通用土壤流失方程(USLE)和GIS技术,评估和揭示1987—2010年青海湖流域土壤保持量的时空动态变化。[结果]近24a来青海湖流域土壤保持量平均为4.68×108 t/a;单位面积土壤保持量高值区分布在青海湖流域主要河流的河源区及中部地区,低值区主要集中分布在青海湖周围、河谷以及青海湖流域西北部地区。在各生态系统中,高寒草甸的土壤保持量最大,平均为2.68×108 t/a。近24a来青海湖流域土壤保持量呈先增加后减小的变化趋势,并在2005年达到最大,相比于1987年,2010年其土壤保持总量共计增加了2.17×108 t,其中,高寒草甸的土壤保持量增加最多,增加了1.20×108 t。[结论]近24a来,青海湖流域土壤保持功能在不断增强,土壤侵蚀程度不断减弱,表明青海湖流域的生态环境在不断改善。  相似文献   

青海湖流域土壤侵蚀敏感性评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以青海湖流域为研究区,根据《生态功能区划技术暂行规程》,选择降雨侵蚀力、地形起伏度、土壤质地、植被类型作为土壤侵蚀敏感性的评价指标,在ArcGIS支持下生成单因子敏感性评价图,在此基础上基于ArcCIS的空间叠加分析功能,对土壤侵蚀敏感性进行综合评价.结果表明:研究区域内土壤侵蚀中度敏感区域占大部分,达到62.02%;高度敏感区域其次,为20.82%;轻度敏感区域和极敏感区域较少,分别为16.92%和0.24%.其中,对土壤侵蚀敏感性较高的地方主要有天峻县西北部和海晏县东部.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖是中国最大的淡水湖,揭示流域降雨侵蚀力时空演变及其对入湖泥沙的影响对科学指导流域生态保护与修复、促进流域生态文明高质量发展具有重要意义。基于鄱阳湖流域63个气象站1961—2017年逐日降雨量和鄱阳湖五河入湖悬移质输沙量(以下简称输沙量)年数据,采用Mann—Kendall非参数检验、双累积曲线、线性回归等方法,分析了流域降雨侵蚀力和入湖输沙量动态过程,定量评估了降雨侵蚀力变化和人类活动对入湖输沙量的影响。结果表明:鄱阳湖流域平均降雨侵蚀力为10 034.1(MJ·mm)/(hm2·h),介于6 738.8~12 734.8(MJ·mm)/(hm2·h),呈西南地区低、东北地区高的空间分布格局;降雨侵蚀力年际间呈不显著的上升趋势(P>0.05),在21世纪10年代最大,20世纪60年代最小。鄱阳湖入湖年均总输沙量1 183.3×104 t,呈极显著下降趋势(P<0.01),在20世纪70年代最大,21世纪00年代最小。入湖总输沙量和赣江、信江及修水输沙量分别在1992年、1999年后发生趋势性减少(P<0.01)。以输沙量突变前的时段为基准期,突变年份后人类活动和降雨侵蚀力变化对入湖总输沙量变化的影响程度分别为-138.1%和38.1%;对赣江入湖输沙量变化的影响程度分别为-125.8%和25.8%;对信江入湖输沙量变化的影响程度分别为-121.3%和21.3%;对修水入湖输沙量变化的影响程度分别为-141.4%和41.4%。近60年降雨侵蚀力变化表现为增加入湖输沙量,而人类活动(水库建设、水土保持和采砂活动)是鄱阳湖入湖输沙量减少的主要原因。  相似文献   

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