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Aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, fatty acids and heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Ni, Zn, Fe and Cd) were analyzed in bulk deposition samples at two locations within the metropolitan area of Caracas, Venezuela. One of the sampling sites was located in the center (urban site, 1), while the other was in the outkirts of the city (rural site, 4). In general, a higher flux was observed for the deposition of pollutants at site 1 than at site 4. These fluxes showed relatively large short-term variations, while the long-term integrated deposition was found to be relatively constant throughout the sampling period. Wet deposition did not affect the flux of most of the pollutants studied, with the exception of Pb and the fatty acids of an anthropogenic origin.  相似文献   

Carpet-forming bryophytes (mosses) have been used extensively since the late 1960's in assessing regional and temporal variability of atmospheric heavy-metal deposition. A large-scale decrease in heavy-metal deposition occurred during the 1970's in Sweden, probably also in other parts of northern Europe. The decrease was closely related to known changes in atmospheric emissions.  相似文献   

Calcium and seven minor inorganic components (iron, manganese, nickel, chromium, copper, cadmium and lead) were determined in aerosols collected at the Alfabia and Sóller stations (Majorca, Spain), 1100 and 100 m above sea level, respectively. The results obtained reveal a marked influence of long-distance transport of natural and anthropogenic materials. A statistical study allowed the metals to be grouped according to their origin.  相似文献   

The element content of the snow at one of the central regions of the European part of the U.S.S.R. was studied by means of atomic absorption analysis. The distribution of various elements, including heavy metals, between liquid and solid phases is reported. The deposition rate of heavy metals on the soils of the forest-steppe zone has been calculated.  相似文献   

农作物叶片对大气沉降重金属的吸收转运和积累机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,农产品的重金属超标问题已经引起了公众的广泛关注,也是国内外学者研究的热点.要实现农产品重金属污染的有效防控,首先需要解决的就是重金属来源问题.目前已有的研究大多集中在根系对土壤中重金属的吸收机制研究,且已基本探明作物根系对重金属的吸收转运机制,包括根际离子的活化,根细胞的吸附和扩散、跨膜运输,根皮层细胞的横向运...  相似文献   

Two wet/dry atmospheric deposition sampler types were compared for 1 yr. The resistance required to open each of ten collectors was determined. Additionally, the opening and closing history of each sampler was recorded using a microdatalogger with a resolution of 1 min. The frequency distribution of amount of time that a collector was open was used to evaluate the comparability of opening and closing of each collector. Weekly amounts of rainfall for each of the collectors was used to determine the efficiency of collection as compared to a Belfort 5–780 weighing rain gauge. The performance of a collector as determined by the efficiency of collection and also by the distribution of frequencies of times that a sampler was exposed to precipitation were statistically different for the different sampler configurations. Disclaimer. Publication, does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of Department of the Army and the US Military Academy, nor does mention of trade names or commerical products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. Not subject to copyright restrictions, work of US Government.  相似文献   

The Heavy Metal Eulerian Transport (HMET) model has been used to calculate the exchange of As, Cd, Pb and Zn between European countries in 1985. The model was run separately for each emitter country and the computed deposition field was used to calculate the contribution of the emitter to each receptor country. The results of these computations are presented in the form of a country budget matrix for each metal. Accuracy of such computations is dependant on the size and linearity of the numerical method applied to the transport equation. Exchange of heavy metals due to atmospheric transport over Europe is significant. Approximately 30% to 90% of the heavy metals emitted from each country is deposited in other countries. The remaining mass is deposited in European seas, Atlantic Ocean and transported outside the model domain. The largest part of the emission from each country is deposited in the same country. The next largest fraction is transported to the nearest neighbors. The results indicate also a significant long range ransport of heavy metals to the Soviet Union. This is partly justified by the size and location of this receptor country, as well as, the prevailing meteorological conditions in Europe. However, this large transport to USSR is slightly overestimated due to some artificial properties of the numerical method applied to basic model equations. In addition to the country budget, export versus import and emission versus deposition of metals were analyzed for each country. The largest positive difference between export and import was found for Poland, German Federal Republic and Yugoslavia (As, Cd and Zn), and United Kingdom, Italy and Belgium (Pb). The Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia are the countries where import of all metals is significantly larger than export. When emission versus deposition of heavy metals is analyzed, the Soviet Union has much higher emissions than deposition of all metals compared to other European countries.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the economic implications of alternative scientific explanations of observed forest decline. The various explanations can be grouped into two categories. One category posits direct damage to the forest canopy that is reversible. The other category posits indirect damage via soil quality changes that may be irreversible or slow to recover. The paper argues that the decision maker should take into account all of the explanations in designing a control strategy for acid deposition. It would be costly to wait until a single explanation has emerged victorious. If the irreversible decline explanation turns out to be correct, the forest damages will already have been sustained with no recovery possible. Assuming that the impact of acid deposition is to reduce forest productivity by 5% per annum then the annual losses to the commercial timber industry in Canada is estimated to be $197 million ( in 1981 dollars). To this an annual loss of $1.29 billion (in 1981 dollars) should be added for disruption to recreation and wildlife habitat values.  相似文献   

Nine years of atmospheric deposition data have been analyzed from six locations along the Canadian shore of Lake Ontario. Results indicate that atmospheric deposition is affected by large scale air masses which influence the entire northern shore, and local inputs which at times could mask the large scale air masses effects. The observed increase in acidity in atmospheric deposition in the early seventies may be due to an imbalance caused by a greater reduction in total suspended particles than in SO2 emissions.  相似文献   

Measurements of sulphate concentration in precipitation from individual snow storms of several hours duration in the Western Lake Ontario region indicate that approximately 9–66 mg M?2 of SO is being deposited into the Lake per storm. This amount is up to several times more than daily average values over long periods found by other workers. Using a mean sulphate concentration of 4 mg l?1 and an annual accumulation of precipitation of 760 mm, the yearly sulphate deposition by precipitation is about 0.1 % of the total mass of sulphate in the Lake; however, more significantly, it is of the same order of magnitude as that discharged directly into the Lake by industry.  相似文献   

Soil samples were taken at 0—10 cm and 10—20 cm depth from 7 clay‐marsh sites used as grassland close to Nordenham in the north of Lower Saxony, Germany. The sites had been contaminated by deposition of heavy metals from industrial exhausts, the level of contamination varying according to their distances from a lead factory. The soils were analyzed to assess the depth‐specific effects of NH4NO3 extractable and total amounts of Zn, Pb, and Cu on basal respiration, adenylates, ergosterol, and biomass C estimated by fumigation extraction (FE) and substrate‐induced respiration (SIR). Most of the chemical and biological properties studied decreased with depth, but depth‐specific differences in the relationships between these properties rarely occurred. The biomass C/soil organic C ratio was at a relatively high level, but most consistently reflected pollution as a decrease with increasing heavy metal load, independently of the method used for biomass C estimation. However, the SIR estimates were on average 44 % lower than those of FE, mainly due to pH effects. The metabolic quotient SIR‐qCO2 increased with increasing NH4NO3 extractable and total heavy metal contents, but also with decreasing pH, whereas the FE‐qCO2 remained unaffected by heavy metals and pH. The ATP/FE‐biomass C ratio was on average 8.2 μmol g—1 and negatively affected by soil pH, but also by total Zn, NH4NO3 extractable Zn and Cu. The ergosterol/FE‐biomass C ratio was on average 0.29 %, i.e. at a very low level, and increased with increasing heavy metal content. This indicates a change in the community structure towards fungi.  相似文献   

河北典型农田大气重金属干沉降通量及来源解析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
重金属是影响农田土壤环境质量和农产品品质的主要污染物,大气沉降是农田重金属的来源之一。长期以来,由于观测资料缺乏,对于我国农业区大气重金属的沉降量和来源认识一直不清楚。本研究基于河北典型农田连续1年的外场观测,测试分析了大气气溶胶9个粒径段中25种金属元素的含量,结合干沉降阻抗模型估算了这些金属的干沉降量,并利用PMF模型对其来源进行了解析。结果表明,该区域25种金属元素在细粒子(DP ≤ 2.1 μm,DP为空气动力学直径,下同)、粗粒子(2.1<DP ≤ 9 μm)和巨粒子(DP>9 μm)中的质量浓度存在较大差异。重金属(如:Zn、Cd和Pb等)主要富集在细粒子,而地壳源的金属(如:Al、Fe和Th等)主要富集在粗粒子。大多数金属元素的浓度呈现冬春季高于夏秋季的变化特征。Cr是细粒子和粗粒子中质量浓度最高的重金属,其次为As、Zn、Pb、V和Sb。重金属中,Cr的大气干沉降量最高,达350.7 mg·m-2·a-1,其次是As、Sb和V,分别为153.4 mg·m-2·a-1、103.1 mg·m-2·a-1和102.3 mg·m-2·a-1。研究区域大气中金属元素的主要来源为道路扬尘、工业、矿尘、燃煤和机动车排放。巨粒子中的金属主要来自矿尘源(62.0%),细粒子中的金属主要来自燃煤、机动车和工业源(67.7%)。颗粒物的粒径越小,人为排放源的贡献越大,重金属的污染风险(富集因子)也越高。农田重金属污染防治需要充分考虑大气沉降的输入及来源的变化。  相似文献   

The bioavailability of heavy metals (Cd, Zn, Pb, Cu) and the abundance of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) were studied in two agricultural fields close to a Pb-Zn smelter and three fields outside the pollution zone all cultivated with maize (Zea mays L.). Metal extractability with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)-NH4OAc and Ca(NO3)2, plant metal uptake, and mycorrhizal parameters (spore number, root colonization) were assessed at two growth stages (six-leaf and maturity). Despite regular liming, the availability of Cd, Zn, and Pb was markedly higher in the two metal-polluted fields than in the three uncontaminated fields. However, the AM abundance was not correlated with metal availability. Root colonization and spore numbers in the metal polluted fields were relatively high, though at plant maturity the former was significantly lower than in one of the uncontaminated fields. The very low AM abundance in the two other unpolluted fields was related to other factors, particular soil and plant P status and soil pH. AM root colonization did not substantially prevent plant metal accumulation, since the metal concentrations in maize grown on the polluted fields strongly exceeded normal values, and for Cd and Pb reached the limits of toxicity for animal feed.  相似文献   

Transport and distribution of heavy metals were determined in soil and vegetation (Acer Rubrum) of intact forest microcosms. Litter from a contaminated forest and baghouse dust from a primary Pb smelter were applied to three of the microcosms, while three uncontaminated microcosms served as controls. Total dosages for Ph, Cd, Zn, and Cu on the treated microcosms were 11.0, 0.128, 0,748, and 0.161 mg cm?2, respectively. All metals were mobilized in soil and were enriched in at least one tissue component of Acer rubrum. Enrichment of Pb, Cd, and Zn occurred in all Acer tissues; Cu enrichment was found only in leaves. Uptake of metals by Acer rubrum was similar to a contaminated forest in southeastern Missouri and decreased in order: Zn, Cu, Cd, and Pb. Results of this experiment indicate that intact microcosms may be useful in assessing uptake and mobility of toxic chemicals which may be applied to forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, fatty acids and heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Ni, Zn, Fe and Cd) were analyzed in atmospheric particulate matter in the city of Caracas, Venezuela. Samples were taken from 6 stations within the metropolitan area of Caracas, characterized as industrial (one), urban (two), suburban (two) and rural (one). In addition, the concentration and composition of the organic compounds was monitored over a 5 month period at an urban site to determine seasonal and temporal variabilities. In general terms, the concentrations of pollutants decreased from industrial and urban sites to suburban to rural. A similar trend was observed for preliminary toxicity tests carried out on the particulate extracts. The concentration levels of most of the pollutants were high for the industrial and urban sites, and comparable with those of other major cities worldwide.  相似文献   

Chemical analyses of daily precipitation samples from “background” stations in Europe are discussed together with measurements of airborne SO2 and sulphate aerosol, and trends in energy usage and SO2 emissions. Emission sources contributing to the major part of the concentrations of sulphate and nitrate in precipitation are mostly 500 to 1000 km from the receptor area. Although there are no general statistically significant trends in the precipitation chemistry data, minor changes point to an effect of reduced S02 emissions in some areas. The daily data can be used to infer general conclusions with respect to precipitation scavenging efficiency.  相似文献   

中国华东地区农田大气硫沉降   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Atmospheric sulfur deposition onto typical farmland in East China was investigated using both field measurements and numerical modeling. The field measurements were conducted at the Experiment Station of Red Soil Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 10 km from Yingtan, Jiangxi Province, East China, between November 1998 and October 1999, and at the Changshu Ecological Experiment Station, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in a rapidly developing region of Jiangsu Province, East China, between April 2001 and March 2002. The regional acid deposition model system (RegADMS), in which the dry deposition velocities of SO2 and sulfate aerosols (SO4^2-) were estimated using a big-leaf resistance analogy model, was applied to simulate air sulfur deposition over East China and sulfur deposition onto lands of different use types in East China. The wet scavenging coefficients were parameterized in terms of precipitation rate, and the effect of sub-grid processes due to inhomogeneous land use on dry deposition velocity was also included. Results of the field measurements showed that over 83% of the total sulfur deposition at the Yingtan site was dry deposition, while at the Changshu site 42% was dry deposition. The total sulfur deposition was much larger at the Yingtan site than at the Changshu site, which suggested contrasting air pollution and meteorological situations. The modeling results revealed that the total annual sulfur deposition over East China was 1.88 Mt, of which 72.8% was deposited onto farmland, and dry deposition accounted for 43% of the total sulfur deposited. The modeling results were generally in agreement with those from the observations.Overall, this study suggested that atmospheric sulfur deposition played an important role in the soil sulfur balance, which could have a significant effect on agricultural ecosystems in the study region.  相似文献   

Samples of bulk precipitation were collected at six sites adjacent to the Arkansas River in Tulsa, Oklahoma for a period of 11 mo (June 1980 to April 1981). Collected samples were analyzed by flameless atomic absorbtion spectrophotometry for Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn. The data were reported as volume-weighted metal concentrations (μg L1) and metal deposition (mg m?2 yr?1). Metal deposition was fairly constant from site to site and appeared to be proportional to the amount of precipitation collected. Zinc was by far the largest contributing metal, 497 mg m?2 yr?1 followed by Pb. Cr, Ni, and Cd with depositions of 25.5, 25.7, 7.02, and 0.95 mg m?2 yr?1 respectively. Concentration data varied greatly over the collection period. Compared to data previously reported in the literature, all of the metal concentrations obtained in this study fall within the ranges observed by other investigators with the exception of Zn which was slightly higher. The average volume-weighted concentrations in μg L?1 were Cd-2.1, Cr-57.0, Ni-15.6, Pb-56.6, and Zn-1100.  相似文献   

During the summer of 1981, crustacean plankton was sampled in 249 northeastern Ontario lakes, including a large proportion of acidic lakes. Species cluster analysis showed that a major species group containing B. longirostris, D. minutus, H. gibberum, and M. edax was common to most lakes. Two species subgroups most associated with more productive waters (D. retrocurva, D. oregonensis, T. p. mexicanus, and Diaphanosoma sp.) and less productive waters (D. longiremis, C. scutifer, D. g. mendotae, C. b. thomasi, E. longispina, and E. lacustris) in the study area were identified. Acidic lakes were characterized by reduced numbers of species related to declines in the importance of cyclopoids, Daphnidae, L. kindtii and E. lacustris and high relative abundance of D. minutus. Stepwise multiple linear regression of physico-chemical lake characteristics against percent composition of individual species failed to explain much of the variation in species proportions. However, variables related to lake thermal structure were most frequently the primary correlates with species proportions in near-neutral lakes while in acidic lakes the best statistical predictors of species percent composition were most often variables directly related to lake acidity.  相似文献   

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