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Biofumigation from Brassica cover crops may be used to control soilborne pests and weeds. A study was conducted to understand the influence of biofumigation on key processes of annual weed population dynamics. Five combinations of Indian mustard (M) and oat (O) cover crop treatments were assessed in a 3 year field study at two locations in Québec, Canada. Treatments included four spring/fall cover crop combinations (M/M, M/O, O/M, O/O) and a weedy check control with no cover crop. Prior to mowing and incorporation of cover crops, weed identification, count and biomass measurements were recorded to evaluate the total weed density, to calculate the relative neighbour effect (RNE) and weed diversity metrics and to perform principal co‐ordinates analyses. Indian mustard cover crops had no impact on weed establishment in 2014 due to low biofumigant potential compared to the oat cover crop. In 2015 and 2016, Indian mustard isothiocyanate (ITC) production increased and weed establishment within the Indian mustard cover crop decreased. Moreover, post‐cover crop incorporation decreased the next year spring weed emergence. Allelopathic interference of Indian mustard was significant when plant tissues produced more than 600 μg of allyl‐ITC g?1. It is now possible to rationalise the use of Brassica cover crops and biofumigation for weed control with an enhanced understanding of the impact of biofumigation on key processes of weed population dynamics.  相似文献   

Diversified cropping systems can have high soil microbial biomass and thus strong potential to reduce the weed seedbank through seed decay. This study, conducted in Iowa, USA, evaluated the hypothesis that weed seed decay is higher in a diversified 4‐year maize–soyabean–oat/lucerne–lucerne cropping system than in a conventional 2‐year maize–soyabean rotation. Mesh bags filled with either Setaria faberi or Abutilon theophrasti seeds and soil were buried at two depths in the maize phase of the two cropping systems and sampled over a 3‐year period. Setaria faberi seed decay was consistently greater at 2 cm than at 20 cm burial depth and was higher in the more diverse rotation than in the conventional rotation in 1 year. Abutilon theophrasti seeds decayed very little in comparison with seeds of S. faberi. Separate laboratory and field experiments confirmed differences in germination and seed decay among the seed lots evaluated each year. Fusarium, Pythium, Alternaria, Cladosporium and Trichoderma were the most abundant genera colonising seeds of both species. A glasshouse experiment determined a relationship between Pythium ultimum and S. faberi seed decay. Possible differences in seed susceptibility to decay indicate the need to evaluate weed seedbank dynamics in different cropping systems when evaluating overall population dynamics and formulating weed management strategies.  相似文献   

Weed seeds in and on the soil are the primary cause of weed infestations in arable fields. Previous studies have documented reductions in weed seedbanks due to cropping system diversification through extended rotation sequences, but the impacts of different rotation systems on additions to and losses from weed seedbanks remain poorly understood. We conducted an experiment in Iowa, USA, to determine the fates of Setaria faberi and Abutilon theophrasti seeds in 2‐, 3‐ and 4‐year crop rotation systems when seed additions to the soil seedbank were restricted to a single pulse at the initiation of the study. Over the course of the experiment, seedlings were removed as they emerged and prevented from producing new seeds. After 41 months, seed population densities dropped >85% for S. faberi and >65% for A. theophrasti, but differences between rotation systems in the magnitude of seedbank reductions were not detected. Most of the reductions in seedbank densities took place from autumn through early spring in the first 5 months following seed deposition, before seedling emergence occurred, suggesting that seed predation and/or seed decay was important. For S. faberi, total cumulative seedling emergence and total seed mortality did not differ between rotation systems. In contrast, for A. theophrasti, seedling emergence was 71% lower and seed mortality was 83% greater in the 3‐ and 4‐year rotation systems than in the 2‐year system. Results of this study indicate that for certain weed species, such as A. theophrasti, crop rotation systems can strongly affect life‐history processes associated with soil seedbanks.  相似文献   

In conservation agriculture, weed seed germination could decrease with the presence of a cover crop, surface weed seed location and temporal drought in summer just after seed shedding. This study simultaneously examined the effects of a cover crop, burial depth (seed location) and hydric stress on weed emergence and early growth. It was hypothesized that drought would reduce weed emergence and the initial growth of weed seeds and that this effect would be greater when the seeds were on the soil surface and in the presence of a cover crop. Four annual weed species were chosen that are frequently found (Anisantha sterilis, Vulpia myuros, Sonchus asper, Veronica persica) and not frequently found (Alopecurus myosuroides, Poa annua, Cyanus segetum, Capsella bursa‐pastoris) in fields that implement conservation agriculture. The unburied seeds had 26% lower emergence, on average, than the buried seeds (significant for six of the eight species), hydric stress reduced emergence by 20% (for seven of the eight species) and the presence of a cover crop reduced the level of emergence by 17% (for all species). The unburied seeds with hydric stress were emerging under the “most stressful” set of factors, with a 45% decrease in emergence, compared with the seeds emerging under the “least stressful” set of factors (buried seeds without hydric stress). All the weed growth measurements (height, dry matter content and number of leaves) decreased with the presence of a cover crop. The species that are found frequently in the fields that implement conservation agriculture, compared with the species that are not frequently found in conservation agriculture fields, had higher rates of germination and a higher tolerance of hydric stress when their seeds were unburied.  相似文献   

The effects of biofumigation using a Brassica juncea (mustard) cover crop on the dynamics of rhizoctonia root rot of sugar beet were recorded in two field trials in 2007 and 2008, and analysed using epidemiological modelling. Differences between partial biofumigation, involving the pulling up of mustard plants, and complete biofumigation, involving the crushing and incorporation of mustard residues into the soil, were compared with bare soil treatment. An epidemiological model was used that includes rates of transmission of primary and secondary infection, pre‐emergence damping off, and expression of wilting symptoms (above‐ground disease) due to infected roots (below‐ground disease). The model indicated that biofumigation reduces the transmission of primary infections but affects secondary infections in a variable pattern between field trials. Likewise, the proportion of infected plants expressing wilting was significantly reduced, by 28%, in the partial and complete biofumigation treatments compared with bare soil in the trial of 2007 but not in 2008. It is suggested that the effects of biofumigation on secondary infection and the expression of disease are more variable than those on primary infection, and that this is probably due to an interplay between pathogen, antagonists, host, and environmental factors. These interactions may or may not offset the benefits afforded by a reduction in primary infection and account for the overall variable success of biofumigation to control disease.  相似文献   

Seed dormancy and persistence in the soil seedbank play a key role in timing of germination and seedling emergence of weeds; thus, knowledge of these traits is required for effective weed management. We investigated seed dormancy and seed persistence on/in soil of Chenopodium hybridum, an annual invasive weed in north‐western China. Fresh seeds are physiologically dormant. Sulphuric acid scarification, mechanical scarification and cold stratification significantly increased germination percentages, whereas dry storage and treatments with plant growth regulators or nitrate had no effect. Dormancy was alleviated by piercing the seed coat but not the pericarp. Pre‐treatment of seeds collected in 2012 and 2013 with sulphuric acid for 30 min increased germination from 0% to 66% and 62% respectively. Effect of cold stratification on seed germination varied with soil moisture content (MC) and duration of treatment; seeds stratified in soil with 12% MC for 2 months germinated to 39%. Burial duration, burial depth and their interaction had significant effects on seed dormancy and seed viability. Dormancy in fresh seeds was released from October to February, and seeds re‐entered dormancy in April. Seed viability decreased with time for seeds on the soil surface and for those buried at a depth of 5 cm, and 39% and 10%, respectively, were viable after 22 months. Thus, C. hybridum can form at least a short‐lived persistent soil seedbank.  相似文献   

Mechanical weed control of perennial weeds in organic crop production over long post‐harvest periods is incompatible with the establishment of cover crops for improving soil quality and preventing nutrient leaching. We suggest a new concept that comprises uprooting and immediate removal of vegetative propagules located within the plough layer to allow for quick re‐establishment of a plant cover. A field experiment comparing the effects of conventional practices (stubble cultivation) with different combinations of rotary cultivation (One, Two or four passes) and cover crops (none vs. rye‐vetch‐mustard mixture) on Elytrigia repens rhizome removal, shoot growth and suppression of a subsequent barley crop was examined in two growing seasons. Four passes with a modified rotary cultivator, where each pass was followed by rhizome removal, reduced E. repens shoot growth in barley by 84% and 97%. In general, the cover crop developed poorly and did not affect barley or E. repens. Barley yield was only affected by treatments in the first season, where yield was negatively correlated with E. repens shoot biomass. The concept has potential for the control of severe E. repens infestations, but future research aimed at identifying more effective smother crops and less intensive methods of rhizome removal is needed.  相似文献   

Cultivated plants are known to readily hybridise with their wild relatives, sometimes forming populations with weedier life‐history strategies than their progenitors. Due to altered precipitation patterns from human‐induced global climate change, crop‐wild hybrid populations may have new and unpredictable environmental tolerances relative to parental populations, which would further challenge farming and land‐management weed control strategies. To recognise the role of seed dormancy variation in weed invasion, we compared seedbank dynamics of two cross‐type populations (wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum, and crop‐wild hybrid radish, R. raphanistrum × R. sativus) across a soil moisture gradient. In a seed‐burial experiment, we assessed relative rates of seed germination, dormancy and seed mortality over two years across cross types (crop‐wild hybrid or wild) and watering treatments (where water was withheld, equal to annual rainfall, or double annual rainfall). Weekly population censuses in 2012 and 2013 assessed the frequency and timing of seedling emergence within a growing season. Generally, germination rates were two times higher and seed dormancy was 58% lower in hybrid versus wild populations. Surprisingly, experimental soil moisture conditions did not determine seedbank dynamics over time. Yet, seed bank dynamics changed between years, potentially related to different amounts of annual rainfall. Thus, variation in seedbank dynamics may be driven by crop‐wild hybridisation rates and, potentially, annual variation in soil moisture conditions.  相似文献   

Investigations were conducted during the 2003, 2004 and 2005 growing seasons in northern Greece to evaluate effects of tillage regime (mouldboard plough, chisel plough and rotary tiller), cropping sequence (continuous cotton, cotton–sugar beet rotation and continuous tobacco) and herbicide treatment on weed seedbank dynamics. Amaranthus spp. and Portulaca oleracea were the most abundant species, ranging from 76% to 89% of total weed seeds found in 0–15 and 15–30 cm soil depths during the 3 years. With the mouldboard plough, 48% and 52% of the weed seedbank was found in the 0–15 and 15–30 cm soil horizons, while approximately 60% was concentrated in the upper 15 cm soil horizon for chisel plough and rotary tillage. Mouldboard ploughing significantly buried more Echinochloa crus‐galli seeds in the 15–30 cm soil horizon compared with the other tillage regimes. Total seedbank (0–30 cm) of P. oleracea was significantly reduced in cotton–sugar beet rotation compared with cotton and tobacco monocultures, while the opposite occurred for E. crus‐galli. Total seed densities of most annual broad‐leaved weed species (Amaranthus spp., P. oleracea, Solanum nigrum) and E. crus‐galli were lower in herbicide treated than in untreated plots. The results suggest that in light textured soils, conventional tillage with herbicide use gradually reduces seed density of small seeded weed species in the top 15 cm over several years. In contrast, crop rotation with the early established sugar beet favours spring‐germinating grass weed species, but also prevents establishment of summer‐germinating weed species by the early developing crop canopy.  相似文献   

Weed management requires a better understanding of the dynamics of the weed seedbank, which is a primary source of weeds in a field. Seeds reaching the ground after seed rain replenish the seedbank and therefore contribute to future weed infestations. Our investigation is based on the hypothesis that a permanent vegetation cover, such as a grassland, can prevent weed seeds from reaching the ground. Therefore, we developed an innovative experimental device to simulate in controlled conditions the seed rain of 12 weed species (Capsella bursa‐pastoris, Conyza canadensis, Myosotis arvensis, Papaver rhoeas, Poa annua, Polygonum aviculare, Ranunculus sp., Rumex obtusifolius, Sonchus asper, Stellaria media, Taraxacum officinale and Veronica persicaria). We quantified the interception of weed seeds by a grass cover. Grass cover height, seed size and seed appendage (e.g. pappus, wing or awn) increased seed interception, in contrast to seed weight and shape index. From these results, we established a linear model to predict weed seed interception by a grass cover as a function of their seed trait values. The relationship between the predicted interception and weed community dynamics observed in grasslands was negative for some species, indicating that other processes may be involved depending on weed species. The weed seed interception model will be incorporated into an existing model of weed population dynamics to simulate the impact of grassland insertion into arable crop rotations.  相似文献   

Weed control is a major concern for organic farmers around the world and non-chemical weed control methods are now the subject of many investigations. Field studies were conducted in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) from 2004 to 2006 at the Black Sea Agricultural Research Institute experiment field to determine the weed suppressive effects of winter cover crops. Treatments consisted of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.), oat (Avena sativa L.), rye (Secale cereale L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), gelemen clover (Trifolium meneghinianum Clem.), Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.), common vetch (Vicia sativa L.), hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth.) and a control with no cover crop. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. To determine the weed suppressive effects of the cover crops, weed density and total weed dry biomass were assessed at 14, 28, and 56 days after termination (DAT) of the cover crops from all plots using a 50 × 50 cm quadrat placed randomly in each plot. After cover crop kill and incorporation into soil, tomato seedlings variety ‘H2274’ were transplanted. Broadleaved weed species were the most prominent species in both years. Total weed biomass measured just prior to cover crop incorporation into the soil was significantly lower in S. cereale plots than in the others. The number of weed species was lowest at 14 DAT and later increased at 28 and 56 DAT, and subsequently remained constant during harvest. This research indicates that cover crops such as L. multiflorum, S. cereale, V. sativa and V. villosa could be used in integrated weed management programs to manage some weeds in the early growth stages of organic tomato.  相似文献   

Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) is a cultural technique primarily targeted for control of soilborne plant pathogens, but can also impact weed propagules. A repeated pot study was conducted to evaluate ASD treatment impact on sprouting and growth of introduced Cyperus esculentus (yellow nutsedge) tubers using dry molasses‐based and wheat bran‐based amendment mixtures at four carbon‐to‐nitrogen (C:N) ratios (from 10:1 to 40:1) and compared with a non‐amended control. The mean percentage of sprouted tubers recovered after ASD treatment was lower for wheat bran‐based (42%) than dry molasses‐based (65%) amendments, and tuber production was 1.6‐fold higher in dry molasses‐based than wheat bran‐based treatments. The highest percentage of sprouted tubers (79%) and the highest mean production of large tubers (threefold higher than wheat bran‐based and 1.7‐fold higher than molasses‐based amendments) were observed for the non‐amended control. Tuber sprouting was significantly lower from all ASD treatments (regardless of amendment C:N ratio) compared with the non‐amended control at a 15 cm burial depth. New tuber production was lowest at C:N ratios of 10:1 and 20:1 and more than twofold higher in the non‐amended control. Wheat bran‐based amendments reduced above‐ground C. esculentus biomass compared with the non‐amended control and ASD treatments with molasses‐based amendments, and reduced below‐ground biomass compared with molasses‐based amendments. Above‐ground biomass was highest at amendment C:N ratio of 10:1, and below‐ground biomass was highest at amendment C:N ratio of 40:1 and the non‐amended control. ASD treatment with wheat bran‐based amendments at lower C:N ratios reduced tuber sprouting and reproduction compared with the non‐amended control, but not at rates high enough to use as a primary weed management tactic.  相似文献   

About 400 weed species of 73 families have been reported to occur in upland and lowland rice fields in Vietnam. Two important families are Poaceae and Cyperaceae having 42% of weed species with 21% each. The barnyardgrass, Echinochloa crus‐galli (L.) Beauv., is the most important weed in both transplanted and direct‐seeded rice in this country. The competi‐tion of 25 barnyardgrass plants/m2 causes approximately 50% yield loss. Red sprangletop, Leptochloa chinensis (L.) Nees., is an emerging major weed in direct‐seeded rice. Weedy rice (Oryza sativa L.) was detected in 1994 and is now a new dangerous pest in rice fields. The main reasons are: herbicides which can kill weedy rice completely are not available in the market, non‐chemical methods are laborious and costly, and weedy rice can develop a new generation from contaminated seeds through rice sowing or emerging from soil seed bank. Research results on the Vietnamese situation of barnyardgrass, red sprangletop and weedy rice in terms of biology and management by chemical and non‐chemical methods have been reviewed in this paper.  相似文献   

Crofton weed is a major invasive species in China. It exhibits superior growth characteristics and can outcompete with native species via allolepathic effects and modulation of the soil fungal microbiome. The simple removal of invading plants will not ensure restoration of the habitat due to the persistence of allelochemicals and viable seeds in the surrounding soil. An orthogonal experimental design was employed to evaluate the effects of three control factors (A, powdered natural inhibitor species to retard growth; B, activated charcoal to absorb allelochemicals; and C, fungicide to reduce fungal modulation effects), applied at three levels, on the growth and competitive ability of Crofton weed against two native species, in a pot‐culture experiment. All treatments reduced all measured growth parameters (P < 0.05) except for a specific leaf area, when compared with control plants. Furthermore, the competitive capacity of Crofton weed was decreased in the treatments while that of the native species was improved. Application to soil of the powdered natural inhibitor species and of activated charcoal significantly inhibited plant growth and competitive ability of Crofton weed (P < 0.05). Application of fungicide was less effective, but significantly reduced the specific leaf area of Crofton weed plants (P < 0.05). The specific combination of factors producing the greatest decrease in plant growth and competitive ability (compared with the control) included the addition of Delavaya toxocarpa powder (37.5 g per kg soil), addition of activated charcoal to soil at a ratio of 1:3 (v/v) (62.5 g per kg soil), and application of fungicide (Thiophanate‐Methyl) (0.28 g per kg soil).  相似文献   

Although the effects of cold stratification on the release of physiological dormancy in seeds have been studied extensively, knowledge of the role of soil moisture content on seed dormancy release during cold stratification is limited. Our study determined seed dormancy characteristics and the effect of soil moisture content on seed dormancy breakage during cold stratification in the five common weed species Amaranthus retroflexus, Chenopodium album, Chenopodium hybridum, Plantago lanceolata and Setaria glauca. Seeds of all five species were dormant at the time of harvest and their germination response to light and temperature varied. Soil moisture content had a significant effect on seed dormancy release of all species except P. lanceolata. Germination percentage of A. retroflexus, C. album, C. hybridum increased and then decreased as soil moisture content increased, regardless of germination test temperature. The optimal soil moisture content and seed moisture content for dormancy breakage of A. retroflexus, C. album, C. hybridum were 8%, 12%, 8% and 22.0%, 37.7%, 25.7% respectively. Dry storage (after‐ripening) significantly increased germination of S. glauca. Moreover, increasing soil moisture content first slowed and then increased dormancy breakage in S. glauca. These results suggest that data on soil moisture content should be incorporated into models that predict weed seed dormancy breakage and timing of seedling emergence as well as those for weed management.  相似文献   

Physiological dormancy in weed species has significant implications for weed management, as viable seeds may persist in soil seedbanks for many years. The major stimulatory compound in smoke, karrikinolide (KAR1), promotes germination in a range of physiologically dormant weed species allowing targeted eradication methods to be employed. Control of Chrysanthemoides monilifera ssp. monilifera (boneseed), a Weed of National Significance in Australia, may benefit from adopting such an approach. In this study, we hypothesised that seeds of C. monilifera ssp. monilifera exhibit physiological dormancy, germinate more rapidly as dormancy is alleviated, show fluctuations in sensitivity to KAR1 and form a persistent soil seedbank. Seeds responded to 1 μM KAR1 (40–60% germination) even during months (i.e. March, April, July, August) when seeds were observed to be more deeply dormant (control germination: 7–20%). Seeds germinated readily over a range of cooler temperatures (i.e. 10, 15, 20, 20/10 and 25/15°C) and were responsive to KAR2 (~50% germination) as well. Eradication efforts for C. monilifera ssp. monilifera may benefit from use of karrikins to achieve synchronised germination from soil seedbanks, even at times of the year when C. monilifera ssp. monilifera seeds would be less likely to germinate, allowing more rapid depletion of the soil seedbank and targeted control of young plants.  相似文献   

Chondrilla juncea is one of the most serious introduced weed species in Australia. Successful biological control has been achieved by the release of the rust fungus Puccinia chondrillina. Although P. chondrillina is thought to reduce the competitive ability of C. juncea by reducing plant size, the precise mechanism by which the pathogen controls its host is poorly understood. In this experiment, we examined the effect of P. chondrillina TU 788 infection on individual plant size, and size variability, in two genotypes (one resistant, one susceptible) of C. juncea. Exposure to P. chondrillina significantly reduced the average size of susceptible C. juncea plants, a reduction apparent in both roots and shoots. Plant size variability of the susceptible C. juncea genotype was also reduced by P. chondrillina. Plant size, and plant size variability of the resistant genotype were unaffected by exposure to rust, or association with rust‐affected plants. The effect of P. chondrillina on plant size in rust‐susceptible C. juncea plants shows how effective bio‐control of this weed may occur in field populations.  相似文献   

Study of the dynamics of a weed community. I: Evolution of the weed flora during the growth cycle of a crop An experiment was laid out to compare the effects of soil working and chemical weed control on the dynamics of a weed community (agrophytocenosis). The authors describe the methodology of study and present the weed flora of this experiment. During the crop cycle, weed density reached a peak, which occurred in April in winter barley and in May in spring barley. The stock of viable seeds in the soil amounted to about 7000 seeds/m2 over a depth of 30 cm and weed emergence from sowing to harvesting the barley was higher between 0 and 10 cm and 10 and 20 cm than between 20 and 30cm; for most species viability was more than 80% and was independent of the depth of burial.  相似文献   

Crops in shifting cultivation fields often suffer from severe weed infestation when long fallow periods are replaced by short fallow periods. The soil seedbank as a source of weed infestation was studied in four fields that differed in their last fallow duration. The effect of burning was analysed by comparing adjacent pre‐burn and post‐burn samples (two sites). Surface vegetation was monitored from burning to harvest in the plots from which soil samples were taken to determine the fraction of the seedbank germinating (three sites). Seedbank size (1700–4000 seedlings m?2) varied depending on a single species, Mimosa diplotricha. Burning reduced emergence of most species, but stimulated emergence in others. Densities in the seedbank were not correlated with above‐ground abundances in the field, except for some species. Most species emerging after 50 days from the soil samples (40% of seedlings) were absent from the field after 190 days. Whilst the data from this study are derived from only four fields, the weed problems after short‐term fallowing appeared to be due to a larger fraction of the seedbank emerging, possibly due to shallow burial, and to a floristic shift towards adaption to burning, rather than the size of the seedbank per se.  相似文献   

Weed seed predation is an ecosystem service, influencing weed population dynamics. The impact of weed seed predation on weed population dynamics depends on how predators respond to seed patches at the field scale. Seed predation will be most effective if the proportion of seeds predated increases with increasing size and seed density of patches. Density‐dependent rodent seed predation was measured by varying seed density and patch size in four irrigated conventionally managed cereal fields in north eastern Spain. Artificial weed seed patches were created by applying a range of Lolium multiflorum seed densities from 0 to 7500 seeds m?2 in 225 m2 patches (2008) or in patches that varied in size from 1 to 9 m2 (2009). Seed predation was estimated using seed cards and seed frames. The granivorous rodents Mus spretus and Apodemus sylvaticus caused high seed predation rates (92%) in three fields, whereas in a fourth field, it was lower (47%). Rodents responded in an inversely density‐dependent manner, but this had little biological meaning as even in patches seeded with the highest density, the input to the soil seedbank was reduced by 88%. For the period of time this experiment lasted, hardly any new seeds would have entered the seedbank.  相似文献   

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