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High prevalences of Cryptosporidium and Giardia were recently found in enteric illness patients in the Qikiqtaaluk region of Nunavut, Canada, with a foodborne, waterborne or animal source of parasites suspected. Clams (Mya truncata) are a commonly consumed, culturally important and nutritious country food in Iqaluit; however, shellfish may concentrate protozoan pathogens from contaminated waters. The goal of this work was to investigate clams as a potential source of Cryptosporidium and Giardia infections in residents in Iqaluit, Nunavut. The objectives were to estimate the prevalence and genetically characterize Cryptosporidium and Giardia in locally harvested clams. Clams (n = 404) were collected from Iqaluit harvesters in September 2016. Haemolymph (n = 328) and digestive gland (n = 390) samples were screened for Cryptosporidium and Giardia via PCR, and amplified products were further processed for sequence analyses for definitive confirmation. Giardia DNA was found in haemolymph from 2 clams, while Cryptosporidium was not detected. The two Giardia sequences were identified as zoonotic Giardia enterica assemblage B. The overall prevalence of Giardia in clams near Iqaluit was low (0.6%) compared with other studies in southern Canada and elsewhere. The presence of Giardia DNA in clams suggests human or animal faecal contamination of coastal habitat around Iqaluit in shellfish harvesting waters. Results from this study are intended to inform public health practice and planning in Inuit Nunangat.  相似文献   

Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium spp. are intestinal protozoan parasites that infect a wide range of host species, including humans. Molecular characterization of these parasites has demonstrated that a number of genotypes and species are common to both humans and animals, and that zoonotic transmission may occur. Numerous studies have reported a high prevalence of G. duodenalis and Cryptosporidium spp. in cattle, particularly calves, and these animals are frequently associated with zoonotic transmission. In the present study, a total of 143 faecal samples from adults, heifers and calves were collected from two dairy cattle farms in eastern Ontario, Canada. The prevalence and molecular characteristics of G. duodenalis and Cryptosporidium spp. in these animals were determined in order to investigate the potential for transmission between cattle and humans in this region. Following DNA extractions from faecal samples, nested-PCR protocols were used to amplify fragments of the 16S rRNA gene and the heat-shock protein 70 (HSP-70) gene for determining the prevalence of G. duodenalis and Cryptosporidium spp. infections, respectively. Genotypes of G. duodenalis, and species of Cryptosporidium, were determined by means of DNA sequencing of amplicons, and subsequent sequence alignment. Cattle on both farms showed a high prevalence of G. duodenalis (42.0%) and Cryptosporidium spp. (27.3%). G. duodenalis infections were more prevalent in calves and heifers than in adults, and Cryptosporidium spp. infections were only observed in calves and heifers. The zoonotic genotype, G. duodenalis Assemblage B was isolated from 24.5% of the cattle tested, while G. duodenalis Assemblage E was found in 17.5% of the cattle tested. The overall prevalence of the zoonotic species Cryptosporidium parvum in the animals tested was found to be 21.7%, while only 1.4% were infected with C. bovis. These findings suggest that there is a potential risk of zoonotic and/or zooanthroponotic transmission of G. duodenalis and C. parvum infections between cattle and humans in eastern Ontario, likely by means of contaminated water or food, or through direct faecal-oral transmission in the case of farmers and veterinary staff.  相似文献   

One hundred and eighty one cats living in central Italy were tested for the presence of Giardia and Cryptosporidium infection by IFAT test and specific PCRs. Overall eight (4.4%) samples were IFAT-positive for Giardia. All the IFAT-positive samples for Giardia scored positive for the PCRs, and three more samples IFAT-negative generated PCR products leading to a total 6.1% molecular positivity rate for Giardia. All the examined samples were negative for Cryptosporidium. Sequencing of samples molecularly positive to Giardia indicated that three cats harbored the zoonotic Giardia duodenalis Assemblage A, whereas all other positive animals were infected with the feline-specific G. duodenalis Assemblage F. Phylogenetic analysis carried out on the sequences obtained supported the clustering of the isolates within Assemblages A and F. The results here presented provide data on the occurrence of Giardia genotypes in cats living in close contact with humans highlighting the potential importance of this protozoan disease for the public health.  相似文献   

Dogs have been implicated in the zoonotic transmission of numerous pathogens. Whereas cats are known to transmit Francisella tularensis to humans via bite and other routes, the role of dogs in facilitating infection is much less understood. We reviewed tularaemia case investigation records collected through national surveillance during 2006–2016 to summarize those with dog involvement, characterize the nature of dog‐related exposure and describe associated clinical characteristics. Among 1,814 human tularaemia cases, 735 (41%) supplemental case investigation records were available for review; and of those, 24 (3.3%) were classified as dog‐related. Median age of patients was 51 years (range: 1–82); 54% were female. Two thirds (67%) of cases presented with ulceroglandular/glandular tularaemia; pneumonic (13%) and oropharyngeal (13%) illness occurred less frequently. Dog‐related exposures were classified as follows: direct contact via bite, scratch or face snuggling/licking (n = 12; 50%); direct contact with dead animals retrieved by domestic dogs (n = 8; 33%); and contact with infected ticks acquired from domestic dogs (n = 4; 17%). Prevention of dog‐related tularaemia necessitates enhanced tularaemia awareness and tick avoidance among pet owners, veterinarians, health care providers and the general public.  相似文献   

The diversity of Cryptosporidium at species, subtype family and subtype level in diarrhoeic children was investigated in four provinces in South Africa. A total of 442 stool samples from children <5 years of age were collected under a large rotavirus surveillance programme and analysed by Ziehl–Neelsen acid‐fast staining. Fifty‐four (12.2%) were positive for Cryptosporidium, of which 25 were genotyped by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)–restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and DNA sequence analyses of the 18S rRNA gene. The majority of genotyped specimens were identified as C. hominis (76%), and a high genetic diversity was found with five different C. hominis subtype families (Ia, Ib, Id, Ie and If). Cryptosporidium parvum was found in 20% of the isolates, and three subtype families were identified (IIc, IIe and IIb), with subtype family IIc being the most common. One specimen was identified as C. meleagridis of the subtype family IIId. These results are in accordance with findings from other developing countries and report for the first time the presence in South Africa of C. meleagridis, various subtypes of C. parvum and the subtype family Ie of C. hominis. The results suggest that C. hominis and anthroponotic C. parvum subtypes are the major cause of cryptosporidiosis in South Africa. Further molecular studies are needed to better understand the epidemiology and public health importance of Cryptosporidium in humans in South Africa.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium and Enterocytozoon are common opportunistic pathogens in HIV+ patients in developing countries, especially those do not have access to antiretroviral therapy. To determine the distribution of genotypes/subtypes of Cryptosporidium and Enterocytozoon bieneusi, faecal specimens were collected from 132 HIV+ persons attending a tertiary hospital in Ibadan, Nigeria. By polymerase chain reaction, eight and ten patients were identified as positive for Cryptosporidium spp. and E. bieneusi, respectively. Seven of the Cryptosporidium specimens were identified as C. hominis, while the remaining one as the new species C. viatorum recently identified in the United Kingdom. DNA sequencing of the 60‐kDa glycoprotein gene showed that the C. hominis belonged to three common subtype families: Ia (in three patients), Ib (in one patient) and Ie (in one patient). In contrast, DNA sequencing of the E. bieneusi internal transcribed spacer products showed the occurrence of genotypes associated with both humans (Peru 8 in one patient, Nig2 in two patients and a new genotype in one patient) and animals (D in one patient and Type IV in five patients). Low CD4+ cell count was identified as a risk factor for both cryptosporidiosis and microsporidiosis.  相似文献   

One hundred and eighty one cats living in central Italy were tested for the presence of Giardia and Cryptosporidium infection by IFAT test and specific PCRs. Overall eight (4.4%) samples were IFAT-positive for Giardia. All the IFAT-positive samples for Giardia scored positive for the PCRs, and three more samples IFAT-negative generated PCR products leading to a total 6.1% molecular positivity rate for Giardia. All the examined samples were negative for Cryptosporidium. Sequencing of samples molecularly positive to Giardia indicated that three cats harbored the zoonotic Giardia duodenalis Assemblage A, whereas all other positive animals were infected with the feline-specific G. duodenalis Assemblage F. Phylogenetic analysis carried out on the sequences obtained supported the clustering of the isolates within Assemblages A and F. The results here presented provide data on the occurrence of Giardia genotypes in cats living in close contact with humans highlighting the potential importance of this protozoan disease for the public health.  相似文献   

Giardia duodenalis colonizes the gastrointestinal tract of a wide range of hosts, including humans and other primates. It is grouped into eight different Assemblages and, beyond that, into a number of sub‐Assemblages, defined ad hoc on the basis of genetic differences; these various groups are often considered to be associated with a specific restricted host range. The aim of this study was to use publicly available genotyping data to investigate the relatedness of human and non‐human primate (NHP) Giardia isolates in order to evaluate the usefulness of current taxonomic classification and to assess whether there is potential for zoonotic transmission between humans and NHP. Our final data set consisted of sequence data from 165 isolates, 111 from NHP and 54 from humans. Assemblages were well defined, but sub‐Assemblages across Assemblage B were not resolved. Although sub‐Assemblages AI and AII were resolved, the terms were not found to capture any useful molecular or host/deme properties. In the phylogenetic tree, NHP isolates were scattered among human isolates across Assemblages A and B, and were even found in Assemblage E. We conclude that there does not appear to be significant molecular distinction between human and NHP Giardia isolates across these four molecular markers. Thus, on the basis of these markers, we cannot exclude a risk for zoonotic and anthropozoonotic transmission of Assemblages A and B isolates, irrespective of sub‐Assemblage classification. We further evaluated the relative merit of the four genes used in genotyping studies. The tpi, gdh and bg genes gave relatively congruent tree topologies, but the SSU gene did not resolve Assemblages according to the current classification. Future genotyping efforts should aim for multilocus or whole‐genome approaches and, in particular, use of the SSU gene as the sole marker should be avoided when possible.  相似文献   

Giardia contamination in the Grand River Watershed (south‐western Ontario, Canada) was monitored from 2005 to 2013 as part of FoodNet Canada. Our study objectives were to describe the temporal pattern of Giardia occurrence and determine whether water quality parameters and bacterial indicators could act as effective markers for Giardia occurrence. Water samples were collected monthly from the Grand River near a drinking water intake point (2005–2013) and also collected intermittently from other areas in the watershed during the study period. Samples were tested for Giardia cysts using the US EPA method 1623. Samples were also tested for chemical and microbial water quality indicators. Univariable and multivariable linear regression models were built to examine whether temporal, water quality and bacterial indicators were associated with Giardia cyst concentration. Giardia cysts were identified in 89% of samples (n = 228), with highest measured concentrations downstream of a waste water treatment plant outfall. Year and season were found to be predictors for Giardia occurrence. Concentrations were significantly higher in the winter and fall compared to the summer, and significantly higher in 2007 compared to other study years. After controlling for season, year and sampling location, dissolved oxygen was the only variable significantly associated with Giardia cyst concentration. Seasonal peaks in Giardia cyst concentrations in samples collected near the intake for the drinking water plant did not align with the seasonal peak in human Giardiasis cases in this region that are reported annually by public health authorities. This suggests that the risk of contracting Giardiasis from treated drinking water in this community is possibly low when the treatment plant is functioning adequately. Instead, waterborne exposure is likely the result of seasonal behaviours surrounding recreational water use. Therefore, the collective findings of our study are important to help inform future risk management studies and guide public health protection policies.  相似文献   

Cloacal swabs and caecal contents sampled from 58 cane toads (Bufo marinus) in St George’s parish, Grenada, during a 7‐month period in 2011 were examined by an enrichment and selective culture method for presence of Salmonella spp. Twenty‐four (41%) toads were positive for Salmonella spp. of which eight were Salmonella enterica serovar Javiana, and eight were S. enterica serovar Rubislaw. The other serovars were as follows: Montevideo, 6; Arechavaleta, 1; and serovar: IV:43:‐:‐, 1. The high frequency of isolation of serovar Javiana, an emerging human pathogen associated with several outbreaks in the recent years in the eastern United States, suggests a possible role for cane toads in transmission of this serovar. Although S. Rubislaw has been isolated from lizards, bats and cases of some human infections, there is no report of its carriage by cane toads, and in such high frequency. The rate of carriage of S. Montevideo, a cause for human foodborne outbreaks around the world was also over 10% in the 58 toads sampled in this study. The antimicrobial drug susceptibility tests against amoxicillin‐clavulanic acid, ampicillin, cefotaxime, ceftazidime, ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, gentamicin, imipenem, nalidixic acid, streptomycin, tetracycline and trimethoprim‐sulfamethoxazole showed that drug resistance is minimal and is of little concern. Antimicrobial resistance was limited to ampicillin and amoxicillin‐clavulanic acid in one isolate of S. Javiana and one isolate of S. Rubislaw. This is the first report of isolation and antimicrobial susceptibilities of various Salmonella serovars not identified previously in cane toads in Grenada, West Indies.  相似文献   

From May through October 2016, we conducted a repeated cross‐sectional study examining the effects of temporal, spatial, flock and demographic factors (i.e. juvenile vs. adult) on the prevalence of Campylobacter and antimicrobial resistant Enterobacteriaceae among 344 fresh faecal samples collected from Canada geese (Branta canadensis) from four locations where birds nested in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. The overall prevalence of Campylobacter among all fresh faecal samples was 9.3% and was greatest in the fall when these birds became more mobile following the nesting season. Based on 40 gene comparative genomic fingerprinting (CGF40), the increase in prevalence noted in the fall was matched by an increase in the number of unique CGF40 subtypes identified. Resistance to colistin was detected most commonly, in 6% of Escherichia coli isolates, and was highest in the late summer months. All colistin‐resistant isolates were negative for the mcr‐1 to mcr‐5 genes; a chromosomal resistance mechanism (PmrB) was identified in all of these isolates. The prevalence of samples with E. coli exhibiting multi‐class resistance or extended spectrum beta‐lactamase was low (i.e. <2% of samples). The intra‐class correlation coefficients, estimated from the variance components of multilevel logistic regression models, indicated that the shedding of Campylobacter and antimicrobial resistant E. coli among geese within a flock (i.e. birds collected from the same site on the same day) was moderately correlated. Spatial, temporal, and spatiotemporal clusters identified using the spatial scan statistic, largely supported the findings from our multi‐level models. Salmonella was not isolated from any of the fresh faecal samples collected suggesting that its prevalence in this population of birds was very low.  相似文献   

Compared with other countries, surveys of these parasites have been rarely performed in companion animals of Japan in spite of their significance for public health. Here, we investigated pet dogs and cats in Japan for the first time, and genetically analyzed the isolates to evaluate the risk of zoonotic infections. Seventy-seven fecal samples were collected from privately owned dogs and 55 samples from owned cats in Osaka city, Japan. Cryptosporidium oocysts were identified in 3/77 dogs (3.9%) and 7/55 cats (12.7%), and Giardia infection in 2/77 dogs (2.6%) and 1/55 cats (1.8%). Amplification of the target regions for genotyping was successful, Cryptosporidium isolates in dogs and cats were identified as C. canis and C. felis, respectively, and those of Giardia in dogs and cats were G. intestinalis Assemblages D and F. The discharge period of the oocysts varied within 3-16 weeks and that of the cysts was 12 weeks. To date, zoonotic types of both parasites have been identified in other animals in Japan, and further large-scale studies are needed to determine the distribution of zoonotic genotypes in these animals, especially those closely associated with humans.  相似文献   

An estimated 6 million pet dogs live in Canadian households with the potential to transmit zoonotic pathogens to humans. Dogs have been identified as carriers of Salmonella, Giardia and Campylobacter spp., particularly Campylobacter upsaliensis, but little is known about the prevalence and risk factors for these pathogens in pet dogs that visit dog parks. This study examined the prevalence of these organisms in the faeces of dogs visiting dog parks in three cities in south‐western Ontario, as well as risk factors for shedding Campylobacter spp. and C. upsaliensis. From May to August 2009, canine faecal samples were collected at ten dog parks in the cities of Guelph and Kitchener‐Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Owners were asked to complete a questionnaire related to pet characteristics and management factors including age, diet and activities in which the dog participates. Faecal samples were collected from 251 dogs, and 189 questionnaires were completed. Salmonella, Giardia and Campylobacter spp. were present in 1.2%, 6.4% and 43.0% of faecal samples, respectively. Of the Campylobacter spp. detected, 86.1% were C. upsaliensis, 13% were C. jejuni and 0.9% were C. coli. Statistically significant sparing factors associated with the shedding of Campylobacter spp. included the feeding of a commercial dry diet and the dog's exposure to compost. Age of dog had a quadratic effect, with young dogs and senior dogs having an increased probability of shedding Campylobacter spp. compared with adult dogs. The only statistically significant risk factor for shedding C. upsaliensis was outdoor water access including lakes and ditches, while dogs >1 year old were at a lower risk than young dogs. Understanding the pet‐related risk factors for Campylobacter spp. and C. upsaliensis shedding in dogs may help in the development of awareness and management strategies to potentially reduce the risk of transmitting this pathogen from dogs to humans.  相似文献   

A prevalence study was designed to determine the presence of Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp. in the soil of 37 dairy farms in southeastern New York state. A sampling design was developed and used to collect soil samples from these farms. Areas on the farms which were considered to be potential sources of contamination to the environment were evaluated quantitatively using a multidimensional scale. This scale included factors which could have the potential to contribute to the risk of contamination of the environment with Giardia or Cryptosporidium. In addition, the runoff pathway from these areas was identified and sampling points along that pathway were determined. Using a sampling grid, sampling sites were determined and soil samples collected and analyzed individually for the following: presence of Giardia and Cryptosporidium, pH, gravimetric moisture content, and volumetric moisture content. Out of 782 soil samples, 17% were positive for Cryptosporidium and 4% were positive for Giardia. The pH of the soil ranged from 3.7 to 9.8 with a mean of 7.0. There was a significant association between the pH and the likelihood of detecting Cryptosporidium spp. As the pH increased, the likelihood of detecting an oocyst decreased. Gravimetric moisture content had a mean of 40% and a range from 7 to 86%. There was a significant association between the gravimetric moisture content and the likelihood of detecting Giardia in soil samples.  相似文献   

Feces from 62 beavers (Castor canadensis) in Massachusetts were examined by fluorescence microscopy (IFA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for Microsporidia species, Cryptosporidium spp., and Giardia spp. between January 2002 and December 2004. PCR-positive specimens were further examined by gene sequencing. Protist parasites were detected in 6.4% of the beavers. All were subadults and kits. Microsporidia species were not detected. Giardia spp. was detected by IFA from four beavers; Cryptosporidium spp. was also detected by IFA from two of these beavers. However, gene sequence data for the ssrRNA gene from these two Cryptosporidium spp.-positive beavers were inconclusive in identifying the species. Nucleotide sequences of the TPI, ssrRNA, and beta-giardin genes for Giardia spp. (deposited in GenBank) indicated that the four beavers were excreting Giardia duodenalis Assemblage B, the zoonotic genotype representing a potential source of waterborne Giardia spp. cysts.  相似文献   

Cloacal swabs from 62 green iguanas (Iguana iguana), including 47 wild and 15 domestic ones from five parishes of Grenada, were sampled during a 4‐month period of January to April 2013 and examined by enrichment and selective culture for the presence of Salmonella spp. Fifty‐five per cent of the animals were positive, and eight serovars of Salmonella were isolated. The most common serovar was Rubislaw (58.8%), a serovar found recently in many cane toads in Grenada, followed by Oranienburg (14.7%), a serovar that has been causing serious human disease outbreaks in Japan. Serovar IV:48:g,z51:‐ (formerly, S. Marina) highly invasive and known for serious infections in children in the United States, constituted 11.8% of the isolates, all of them being from domestic green iguanas. Salmonella Newport, a serovar recently found in a blue land crab in Grenada, comprised 11.8% of the isolates from the green iguanas. The remaining four less frequent serovars included S. Javiana and S. Glostrup. Antimicrobial susceptibility tests conducted by a disc diffusion method against amoxicillin–clavulanic acid, ampicillin, cefotaxime, ceftazidime, ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, gentamicin, nalidixic acid, streptomycin, tetracycline and trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole showed that drug resistance is minimal, with intermediate susceptibility, mainly to streptomycin, tetracycline and cefotaxime. This is the first report of isolation and antimicrobial susceptibilities of various Salmonella serovars from wild and domestic green iguanas in Grenada, West Indies.  相似文献   

In a cross-sectional study of 633 pigs from 21 herds on Prince Edward Island, Canada (PEI), the prevalence of infection with Cryptosporidium and Giardia, and the genotypes and species of isolates were determined in order to establish the zoonotic potential of pigs in this region. As determined by direct immunofluorescence microscopy (DFA), 18 herds (86%) and 163 animals (26%; 95% CI: 22-29%) tested positive for Cryptosporidium, while just 3 herds (14%) and 6 animals (1%; 95% CI: 0.4-2%) tested positive for Giardia. Cryptosporidium spp. isolates were detected in 39% (95% CI: 34-44%) of weanlings (1-3 months of age) and 9% (95% CI: 6-13) of sows (>8 months of age). Molecular characterization using the 18S rDNA and HSP70 gene fragments revealed the presence of Cryptosporidium sp. pig genotype II, C. suis, C. parvum, and Cryptosporidium sp. mouse genotype. Among the 113 isolates of Cryptosporidium spp. successfully genotyped, pig genotype II (61%) predominated, with C. suis (36%) being the next most prominant isolate. C. parvum (2%; two isolates) and Cryptosporidium sp. mouse genotype (0.9%; one isolate) were only occasionally isolated. The only two Cryptosporidium-positive genotyped isolates from sows included one each of C. suis and Cryptosporidium sp. pig genotype II.All but one of the six Giardia positive isolates were detected in weanling pigs. None of the Giardia-positive isolates was amenable to PCR. This study demonstrates that Cryptosporidium spp. are highly prevalent in pigs on PEI, Canada, are found mostly in weanlings (1-3 months of age). Furthermore, the pigs are primarily infected by the host-specific genotypes and species, Cryptosporidium sp. pig genotype II and C. suis, whereas the zoonotic C. parvum is rare. Giardia duodenalis is only occasionally found in pigs. These findings suggest that domestic pigs on PEI, Canada, likely do not pose a significant health risk to humans from these parasites.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial resistance is a worldwide public health threat; hence, current trends tend to reduce antimicrobial use in food‐producing animals and to monitor resistance in primary production. This study aimed at evaluating the impact of antimicrobial use and production system on swine farms in the antimicrobial resistance of Campylobacter, Salmonella and Staphylococcus, the main zoonotic pathogens in pig herds, in order to assess their potential value as sentinel microorganisms in antimicrobial resistance surveillance schemes. A total of 37 Spanish swine farms, 18 intensive and 19 organic/extensive farms, were included in the study. The antimicrobial resistance of 104 Campylobacter, 84 Staphylococcus and 17 Salmonella isolates was evaluated using Sensititre plates following the EUCAST guidelines. Mixed‐effects logistic regression was used to evaluate the influence of production system and antimicrobial use in resistant and multidrug‐resistant (MDR) phenotypes to the antimicrobials tested. The results showed that antimicrobial use was higher (p < .001) on intensive farms than on organic/extensive farms. MDR in Campylobacter and Staphylococcus was lower on organic/extensive farms (OR < .01p < .001). Antimicrobial resistance in Campylobacter and Staphylococcus isolates was, also for most of the antimicrobials studied, significantly higher in intensive than organic/extensive pig herds. Tetracycline resistance was associated with total antimicrobial consumption in both microbial species (p < .05), and some cross‐associations between distinct antimicrobial substances were established, for instance resistance to erythromycin was associated with macrolide and phenicol consumption. No significant associations could be established for Salmonella isolates. The results demonstrate the link between antimicrobial consumption and resistance in zoonotic bacteria and evidence the potential value of using Campylobacter and Staphylococcus species in monitoring activities aimed at determining the impact of antimicrobials use/reduction on the occurrence and spread of antimicrobial resistance.  相似文献   

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