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Reasons for performing study: Infundibular changes are frequently encountered computed tomographic studies of the equine maxillary cheek teeth but the possible importance of this finding is not known. Infundibular caries is a possible cause for pulpitis and apical infection in some horses. Objectives: To study the relationship between the 2 pathologies and the frequency of changes. Methods: The maxillary cheek teeth 108‐ 208 , 109–209 and 110–210 of 25 horses were evaluated using computed tomography and both the prevalence of infundibular and apical infection changes as the possible link with apical infection evaluated statistically. Results: The prevalence of infundibular changes was high in both normal and diseased teeth. Both apical infection and the occurrence of infundibular changes were more prevalent in 109–209 and 110–210. In spite of this, the 2 processes could not be linked to one another. No differences were noted between the left and right sides. Conclusions: A direct relationship between the 2 processes was not established statistically and other underlying causes for the high occurrence of both apical infection and infundibular changes in diseased and normal 108‐ 208 , 109–209 and 110210 are considered.  相似文献   

Despite recent developments in advanced imaging, radiography remains the most commonly employed imaging modality for investigating apical infection of cheek teeth in horses. Radiographic technique, knowledge of the normal anatomy and horse compliance are paramount for acquiring good quality dental radiographs. Interpretation of subtle pathology can be difficult for even the most experienced radiologist; however, in more chronic cases, identification of dental abnormalities is easier.  相似文献   

A caecal impaction can be caused by an accumulation of dry ingesta (type I) or abnormal caecal motility resulting in a feed impaction of fluid consistency (type II). Horses that develop a caecal impaction have often been administered a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) during hospitalisation for treatment of a painful condition such as an ocular or orthopaedic disease. Clinical signs of caecal impaction can be mild, and progress to more moderate to severe signs of abdominal pain as the impaction enlarges. Since an impacted caecum has a high risk of rupture, early diagnosis and treatment are important. Horses with a caecal impaction can be treated medically or surgically, and treatment decisions are based on clinical signs, results of transrectal palpation, character of peritoneal fluid and response to medical management. For type I caecal impaction, medical management consists of aggressive fluid therapy, both intravenous and enteral, to soften ingesta. Fluid therapy can be combined with laxatives, motility-enhancing drugs and analgesic drugs. Surgery is indicated if results of transrectal abdominal examination indicate that the impaction is unchanged or has enlarged, signs of abdominal pain increase, or if there is cardiovascular deterioration. Horses with type II caecal impaction have a greater chance of survival if managed surgically. Using a ventral mid-line celiotomy approach, a caecal impaction can be resolved via a typhlotomy. When caecal motility is poor, or there are signs of chronic caecal dysfunction, a caecal bypass procedure (jejunocolostomy or ileocolostomy) should be considered. Although the prognosis for horses with a caecal impaction is claimed to be fair to good, choice of treatment is controversial and may influence prognosis. If the affected horse survives to discharge from the hospital, the long-term prognosis is generally good. Many retrospective studies of cases of caecal impaction are weakened by failure to distinguish between types I and II.  相似文献   

2022年5月甘肃省某肉牛养殖场的部分犊牛,先后出现以咳嗽、呼吸急促、流鼻涕等为主的呼吸道症状,并陆续出现牛只死亡的情况,现场调查及临床检查后初步怀疑为细菌性病原感染。为进一步确诊病原并对症治疗,现场采集症状明显牛只的鼻拭子,同时对病死牛只进行解剖观察,无菌采集肺组织进行实验室病原检测。使用TaqMan探针荧光定量PCR进行3种(牛支原体、牛多杀性巴氏杆菌及牛溶血性曼氏杆菌)牛呼吸道疾病病原核酸检测。结果显示,病死牛只肺脏病变较为明显,肺尖实质化严重,上端有脂肪样颗粒状病灶;鼻拭子及肺组织呈牛支原体和多杀性巴氏杆菌核酸阳性。结果表明,该牛场本次发病是由于感染了牛支原体和牛多杀性巴氏杆菌引起的。通过采取隔离治疗、紧急免疫、严格消杀等综合性防控措施后,该牛场病情逐步好转并恢复正常生产。  相似文献   



In a previous publication dealing with the active immunity of mice to Salmonella typhimurium, it was shown that, by varying the interval of time between vaccination and challenge, two phases of increased resistance were observed (Jonas, 1967a Jonas, W. E. 1967a. Studies on the immunological aspects of salmonellosis of mice. Active immunity. N.Z. vet. J., 15: 2730. [Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]). Phase I resistance occurred from 3 to 11 days after vaccination and phase II from 15 to 21 days.  相似文献   

The equine first premolar or ‘wolf tooth’ (Triadan 05) is a normal vestigial tooth, which is often absent, but when present most commonly lies rostral to the second maxillary premolar (Triadan 06). The routine extraction of wolf teeth has been performed historically and is contentious, but clinically indicated in some instances. This review article aims to summarise concisely the limited peer reviewed literature on wolf teeth and to describe the practice of their extraction. Extraction is usually performed in the standing sedated horse, and complications are avoided with good surgical planning, analgesia and instrumentation.  相似文献   

PRACTICAL RELEVANCE: Although the surgical management of feline congenital portosystemic shunts (CPSSs) is normally performed at specialist centres, a good knowledge of treatment options and prognosis is important for the general practitioner when advising clients. CLINICAL CHALLENGES: A variety of surgical techniques are described for the correction of CPSSs in cats. Choosing between the different techniques is a challenge, given the limited availability of evidence supporting one technique over another. In addition, postoperative complications, and in particular neurological complications, are seen more frequently in the cat than the dog and thus postoperative monitoring and treatment is critically important in feline patients. AUDIENCE: This article summarises current evidence in surgical management and is aimed at practising veterinarians, postgraduate students and specialists alike. EQUIPMENT: Surgical management of CPSSs typically requires advanced surgical and critical care facilities. The precise nature will depend to some extent on the technique employed. EVIDENCE BASE: The evidence base for decision making in the surgical management of CPSSs is relatively sparse. In reviewing the evidence that is available, as well as the areas in which information is still lacking, this article may hopefully serve as a stimulus for further investigation into this condition.  相似文献   

Cattle, buffaloes and horses in several areas of Indonesia were examined for evidence of infection with Trypanosoma evansi by the microhaematocrit centrifugation technique (MHCT) and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detection of antibodies to T. evansi. Evidence of infection was found in animals at each sampling site although differences were seen in prevalence rates between sites. Prevalence rates in buffalo were usually higher than in cattle in the same area while in horses they were much lower than in cattle or buffalo. An age-dependent prevalence rate was seen in buffalo and cattle with the highest rates seen in animals older than 2 years. These results concur with the view that T. evansi infection is widespread throughout most of the livestock-producing areas of Indonesia. The apparent lack of any obvious disease owing to T. evansi infection in the sampled animals suggests that a form of stability exists in most endemic areas which serves to ameliorate the effect of T. evansi infection and has an immunological basis linked to the parasite's limited antigenic diversity.  相似文献   

To determine the process of formation of apical delta, a histological study on the permanent teeth was carried out in dogs. A litter of 7 clinically healthy beagle dogs and 33 adult dogs (4- to 15- year-old) of 12 breeds with periodontal disease were used for the experiments. Teeth extracted from 6-,7-,8- and 9-month-old beagles were sectioned and stained with HE solution. Tooth roots obtained from adult dogs with periodontal disease were ground. Each tooth was classified into the following root types under a light microscope: Type I (no apical delta = no apical closure), II (few apical delta), IIIA (low apical delta) and IIIB (high apical delta). In the 6-month-old beagles, more than half the tooth roots were classified as type I. In the 7-month-old beagles, type IIIB apical delta was the most predominant and types I, II and IIIA apical delta were occassionally seen. Apical closure and delta were observed in all beagles at 8 months of age histologically. In the 8- and 9-month-old beagles, all root apexes observed were type IIIB. Most of the 314 tooth roots extracted from 33 adult dogs were type IIIB, but a few were type IIIA.  相似文献   


Sir, — Surgical embryo recovery and transfer techniques have been used commercially in cattle, by the authors, for 5 years. This letter describes the results achieved in the 1977–78 season at Wairaki Station in Southland. The work was done in two 6-week periods during November-December 1977 and March-April 1978. The results demonstrate succesful superovulation and embryo collection with repeat donor treatments and operations. The embryo collection rates and pregnancy rates are superior to those achieved by non-surgical methods.  相似文献   

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