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Complications associated with immunotherapy of equine phycomycosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Five horses with pythiosis of the limbs were treated unsuccessfully by surgery or topical application of amphotericin B, or both. Follow-up immunotherapy resulted in 1 horse responding favorably. Three horses were cured of the fungal infection but developed osteitis or deep-seated laminitis, which necessitated their destruction. The remaining horse, which had severe anemia, died before the course of vaccination was completed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report our experience and complications associated with different cannula insertion techniques for laparoscopy in standing horses. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study. SAMPLE POPULATION: Forty horses that had laparoscopy for diagnostic or surgical purposes. METHODS: After a physical examination, including rectal palpation, standing laparoscopy was performed in 40 sedated horses. Local anesthetic was injected at each site of cannula insertion in the left flank. Horses were divided into 5 groups: Pneumoperitoneum was induced before cannula insertion using a Verres needle (group 1, n = 3) or a 12-g catheter (group 2, n = 14); the cannula was inserted before inducing a pneumoperitoneum (group 3, n = 9); the cannula was inserted under visual control, using an operating laparoscope (group 4, n = 2) or a Visiport Optical Trocar (group 5, n = 12). Horses were observed for 7 days. RESULTS: Problems with insufflation or cannula insertion occurred in 12 horses: 6 had peritoneal detachment, 4 had a splenic puncture, and 2 had descending colon puncture. Eleven of these complications occurred in groups 1 to 3 and only 1 in groups 4 and 5. CONCLUSIONS: The Visiport optical device allows controlled insertion of the initial trocar, and thus avoided potential problems associated with "blind" cannula insertion techniques and was used effectively in horses that had feed withheld for 12 hours. This technique enables direct insertion of a cannula directly into the right flank. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Complications associated with initial cannula insertion in the paralumbar fossa, for laparoscopy, in standing horses can be minimized with the use of an optical cannula.  相似文献   

This study aimed to characterise current practice relating to equine castration in the UK. A questionnaire was posted to all 655 veterinary practices specified to provide veterinary care for horses, or classified as specialist equine practices. Respondents were asked to cite the number of equine castrations performed annually by the practice, describe techniques used for castration, outline anaesthetic/sedative/analgesic drug protocols used and provide details of post-operative medication. There was a 43% response rate to the questionnaire. Considerable variation in techniques and analgesia provision was identified, with the majority of respondents using a number of sedation/anaesthetic protocols rather than a single technique. This characterisation of current practice provides a useful platform from which subsequent investigations into welfare implications of current equine castration techniques can be directed.  相似文献   

Radiographs of 152 cats under four years of age were examined for evidence of physeal closure. Radiographic closure was compared between entire male, castrated male, and female (neutered and entire] cats. Physeal closure in castrated males was delayed when compared to that of entire males.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was carried out on equids (horses, mules and donkeys) in Andalusia, Southern Spain, to assess the level of exposure to equine piroplasmosis and to investigate risk factors associated with these infections. At least one animal seropositive for Theileria equi and/or Babesia caballi was detected in 222/380 (58.4%) herds sampled by competitive inhibition ELISAs. The seroprevalences for B. caballi and T. equi were 13.2% and 56.1%, respectively; there was serological evidence of co-circulation of both piroplasms in 10.8% of herds. Antibodies against equine piroplasms were detected in 286/537 (53.3%) animals; 61 (11.4%) were seropositive for B. caballi, 270 (50.3%) were seropositive for T. equi and 24 (8.4%) were seropositive for both T. equi and B. caballi.There was a significantly higher seroprevalence of B. caballi in mules (32.1%) compared with donkeys (17.0%) and horses (7.9%), and a significantly higher seroprevalence of T. equi in mules (66.1%) in comparison with horses (48.6%), but not donkeys (47.2%). There were significant differences in prevalence of both piroplasms among locations; the seroprevalence of B. caballi ranged from 0 to 22.5%, while the seropositivity to T. equi ranged from 26.7 to 63.3%. A multiple logistic regression model indicated that the risk factors associated with a higher T. equi seroprevalence were increased age, presence of ticks and vaccination against other diseases. Risk factors associated with a higher seroprevalence of B. caballi were species (mules compared to horses), entry of horses in the last 6 months, presence of ticks and presence of shelter. The findings indicate widespread exposure to equine piroplasmosis in Southern Spain.  相似文献   

A case-control study was done to identify factors associated with the development of equine degenerative myeloencephalopathy (EDM). Questionnaires were mailed to the owners of 146 horses admitted to the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine between November 1978 and June 1987 and diagnosed as having EDM by histologic examination. Questionnaires also were sent to owners of 402 clinically normal horses admitted to the college during the same period. Data were compared between the EDM-affected and control groups (56 and 179 questionnaires returned, respectively). Risk factors identified included the use of insecticide applied to foals, exposure of foals to wood preservatives, and foals frequently spending time on dirt lots while outside. Foals spending time outside on green pastures was a protective factor. Foals from dams that had had an EDM-affected foal were at higher risk of developing EDM than were foals from other dams.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe clinical, hematological and fecal PCR results from 161 horses involved in outbreaks associated with ECoV. The outbreaks happened at four separate boarding facilities between November 2011 and April 2012 in the States of CA, TX, WI and MA. Following the molecular detection of ECoV in the feces from the initial index cases, the remaining herdmates were closely observed for the development of clinical signs. Fecal samples were collected from sick and healthy horses for the PCR detection of ECoV. All four outbreaks involved primarily adult horses. Fifty-nine horses developed clinical signs with 12–16 sick horses per outbreak. The main clinical signs reported were anorexia, lethargy and fever. Four horses from 3 different outbreaks were euthanized or died due to rapid progression of clinical signs. The cause of death could not be determined with necropsy evaluation in 2 horses, while septicemia secondary to gastrointestinal translocation was suspected in 2 horses. Blood work was available from 10 horses with clinical disease and common hematological abnormalities were leucopenia due to neutropenia and/or lymphopenia. Feces were available for ECoV testing by real-time PCR from 44 and 96 sick and healthy horses, respectively. 38/44 (86%) horses with abnormal clinical signs tested PCR positive for ECoV, while 89/96 (93%) healthy horses tested PCR negative for ECoV. The overall agreement between clinical status and PCR detection of ECoV was 91%. The study results suggest that ECoV is associated with self-limiting clinical and hematological abnormalities in adult horses.  相似文献   

Funisitis associated with leptospiral abortion in an equine placenta   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Funisitis, inflammation of the umbilical cord, is well recognized in human placentas. This report describes a case of funisitis associated with leptospiral infection in the placenta of a Thoroughbred foal born prematurely. The umbilical cord had diffuse superficial yellow discoloration along its entire length. Microscopic evaluation showed an exudate of neutrophils admixed with fibrin on the surface. Warthin-Starry staining showed spirochetes in the Wharton's jelly of the umbilical cord. A locally extensive, severe placentitis not involving the star and allantoic cystic hyperplasia were the other lesions observed in the allantochorion. Leptospira funisitis is similar to the funisitis of congenital syphilis in humans, although there are some major microscopic differences. In Leptospira funisitis, lesions were limited to the cord surface, whereas in lesions in human umbilical cords with Treponema pallidum infection, the changes are observed mostly around the vessels and in the Wharton's jelly.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Intra-abdominal ligation/ transection of the spermatic cord may result in necrosis of the testis; castration of abdominal cryptorchids via laparoscopy has therefore become common. Notwithstanding some adaptations of the technique, a small percentage of operations fail, prompting research into the anatomical background and clinical relevance of the procedure. HYPOTHESIS: That an alternate blood supply may prevent complete necrosis of the testis after spermatic cord transection. OBJECTIVE: To establish the prevalence of the problem in normal and cryptorchid stallions. METHODS: In a preliminary study, the spermatic cords of 8 normal stallions were ligated and transected at different sites and in various manners. Five weeks later the testes were removed and the vitality of both the testes and epididymes was evaluated. In a prospective clinical trial, intra-abdominal spermatic cord transection was performed in 241 cryptorchid and normal stallions. In cases of surgical failure, the testes were removed and histology performed. RESULTS: Examination of the specimen removed from the 8 animals of the preliminary study revealed that all epididymes were completely or largely spared. All except one testis were completely necrotic. In the patients that underwent surgery all abdominally retained testes (n = 123) were necrotic, while 5 out of 88 inguinally retained and 8 out of 236 normally descended testes had partially survived. The pattern of survival differed between inguinally retained and normally descended testes. The epididymes of these 13 horses were (largely) vital. The (partial) survival of the epididymes and inguinally retained testes was ascribed to an alternate blood supply via anastomosing vessels derived from the cremasteric artery. A tributary from the external pudendal artery was considered responsible for the partial survival of normally descended testes. CONCLUSIONS AND POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: After intra-abdominal transection of the entire spermatic cord, 5.6% of inguinally retained and 3.4% of normally descended testes failed to become completely necrotic, as a result of an alternate blood supply via the cremasteric and/or external pudendal artery. Therefore, laparoscopic castration without orchidectomy cannot be recommended as a trustworthy method for castration of inguinal cryptorchids and normal stallions.  相似文献   

Flexible colonoscopy is commonly performed in dogs with signs of large-bowel diseases. Although considered to be a safe procedure, no reports of complications associated with colonoscopy have appeared in the veterinary literature. The purpose of this study was to describe the frequency and types of adverse events that developed during flexible colonoscopy in dogs. Medical records were reviewed from 355 scheduled colonoscopic procedures. Major complications were defined as adverse events in which the dog's life was potentially jeopardized and the complication required intensive treatment or monitoring. Major complications consisting of fatal aspiration of GoLYTELY, colonic perforation, and excessive hemorrhage after biopsy of an adenocarcinoma with rigid forceps occurred in 3 (0.85%) dogs. Minor complications associated with anesthesia or colonoscopy occurred during 3.4% of procedures. Complications were classified as minor if the adverse event required minimal treatment or monitoring, and the complication was not considered a threat to the dog's life. Vomiting of GoLYTELY occurred with the administration of 4.6% of doses in 6.5% of dogs. When administering GoLYTELY, clinicians should be prepared to rapidly remove the orogastric tube and mouth speculum if vomiting occurs to reduce the potential for aspiration. In this group of dogs undergoing flexible colonoscopy, major complications occurred infrequently and minor complications developed uncommonly. Overall, minor or major complications developed during 30 (8.5%) of 355 procedures. Mortality was rare (0.28%). Flexible colonoscopy appears to be a safe procedure in dogs with signs of large-bowel diseases.  相似文献   

During an outbreak of abortion caused by equine herpesvirus 1, a neurologic disease characterized clinically by dullness and ataxia occurred in several mares. Equine herpesvirus 1 was isolated from brain and lung of two severely affected mares. Histologically, both mares had disseminated meningoencephalomyelitis characterized by necrotizing arteritis, focal malacia in grey and white matter of brain and spinal cord, and accumulation of lymphocytes and neutrophils in paravertebral ganglia. Eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies occurred in foci of necrosis in thyroid adenomas of both mares.  相似文献   

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