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In this paper an overview of principles involved in radiographic imaging by tomography, magnification radiography, xeroradiography, and computed tomography is presented. Tomography is a method to selectively blur distracting superimposed shadows while maintaining relative image sharpness in a plane of concern. Magnification radiography is a method to directly enlarge the radiographic image by increasing object-film distance and utilizing a small focal spot. Xeroradiography is an electrostatic imaging process that provides wide latitude and good resolution through enhanced contrast in tissues with poor inherent contrast. Computed tomography involves imaging by computer analysis of x-ray absorption utilizing rotational x-ray projections.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to determine the morphometric values of the pelvic cavity, the cranial and caudal pelvic aperture by three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of the images obtained by computed tomography in adult Van Cats and to show the differences between these indicators in both genders. A total of 16 adult Van Cats, eight male and eight female, were used in the study. Animals were anesthetized with ketamine–xylazine combination and were scanned by computerized tomography. Images of the pelvic cavity were obtained. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the pelvis was performed with three-dimensional modelling program. Measurements of the diameters of the pelvic cavity, the cranial and caudal pelvic aperture were calculated from these images, and statistical analyzes were performed. Three-dimensional modelling of the pelvic cavity of Van Cats were examined between males and females. The results showed that there were significant (p < .05) differences between measurement of the pelvic inclination, the medial transverse diameter, the caudal transverse diameter and the angle between ischiatic arch. In addition, the correlations between age and weight were found statistically significant (p < .05) with the dorsal transverse diameter, the intermediate transverse diameter and the caudal transverse diameter in males. On the other hand, the correlations of age were statistically significant (p < .01) with the cranial pelvic aperture and the caudal pelvic aperture in females. In conclusion, some biometric values of pelvic cavity were observed to be statistically different in Van Cats.  相似文献   

Imaging studies are often of evidentiary value in medicolegal investigations involving animals and the role of the veterinary radiologist is to interpret those images for courts as an expert or opinion witness. With progressing interest in prosecuting animal crimes and strengthening of penalties for crimes against animals, the participation of veterinary radiologists in medicolegal investigations is expected to increase. Veterinary radiologists who are aware of radiographic and imaging signs that result in animal suffering, abuse, or neglect; knowledgeable in ways radiology and imaging may support cause of death determinations; conversant in postmortem imaging; comfortable discussing mechanisms and timing of blunt or sharp force and projectile trauma in imaging; and prepared to identify mimics of abuse can assist court participants in understanding imaging evidence. The goal of this commentary review is to familiarize veterinary radiologists with the forensic radiology and imaging literature and with the advantages and disadvantages of various imaging modalities utilized in forensic investigations. Another goal is to provide background information for future research studies in veterinary forensic radiology and imaging.  相似文献   

Transverse sections of the thorax of the Beagle were prepared, photographed, and compared with computerized tomographic scans and dissection specimens. Anatomical features were identified by these means with the aid of anatomical texts. A series of labeled photographs was produced to aid in the interpretation of computerized tomography and nuclear magnetic resonance scans.  相似文献   

This investigation was initiated to develop a reliable and simple computerized tomography (CT) method for evaluating the morphometry of the cranial cavity (CC) and caudal cranial fossa in the dog. We obtained linear, area, and volume measurements of the entire CC and the caudal fossa compartment in 24 dogs, using transverse and reformatted sagittal and dorsal CT images. The ratios between the CC and the caudal fossa volumes were calculated, as were the ratios between the CC and caudal fossa midsagittal (MS) areas. There were statistically significant correlations between absolute volume data and certain linear measurements, a positive correlation between volume ratio and weight, and significant differences in absolute volume values and volume ratio between males and females. The volume ratio, MS area, and certain linear measurements included in this study can be considered as accurate parameters to evaluate the relative size of the CC to caudal fossa in the dog. Such quantitative measures may be useful in systematically characterizing Chiari-type malformations and other developmental anomalies in the dog.  相似文献   

Post-mortem examination of 19 donkey skulls showed that donkeys have a greater degree of anisognathia (27% width difference between upper and lower jaws) compared to horses (23%). Teeth (n=108) were collected from 14 skulls and examined grossly and by computed axial tomography (CAT). A greater degree of peripheral enamel infolding was found in mandibular cheek teeth (CT) compared to maxillary CT (P<0.001). A significant increase in peripheral cementum from the apical region to the clinical crown was demonstrated in all CT (P<0.0001). All donkey CT had at least five pulp cavities with six pulp cavities present in the 06s and 11s. A new endodontic numbering system for equid CT has been proposed. A greater occlusal depth of secondary dentine (mm) was present in older donkeys (>16 years) than in the younger (<15 years) donkeys studied. Based on gross and CAT examinations, donkey dental anatomy was shown to be largely similar to that described in horses.  相似文献   

Computer programs were developed to record and retrieve the diagnostic findings of a veterinary radiology department. The concluding statements of reports are abstracted into a data file. Records may be retrieved by the computer after selecting any of the following: owner's name, patient number, date, species, breed, sex, age, state of residence, imaging type and diagnosis (word or statement). Also, information retrieved from the hospital financial records (procedures performed) and medical record databases may be combined with imaging report information to provide a powerful tool for clinical research and teaching.  相似文献   

本研究旨在对吉林省延吉市三道湾镇两位农户饲养的病死黄牛进行快速诊断。本试验采集肝脏、脾脏、心脏、肌肉等组织,通过流行病学调查、临床剖检、显微镜观察、细菌培养观察、生化试验、分子生物学试验及动物试验进行气肿疽病诊断。病死黄牛的肌肉部位触压有捻发音,切面有大量血液和气泡流出,镜检可见两端钝圆、有芽孢的大杆菌,在肝片肉汤培养基中形成上清清朗、底部有松散的白色沉淀,生化试验均呈现气肿疽厌气菌所特有的产酸产气反应,PCR扩增出大小为501 bp的特异性条带。结果表明延边地区两病死黄牛感染了气肿疽病,证明了该地区气肿疽梭菌的存在。本试验首次分离鉴定出气肿疽梭菌延边株,为该地区气肿疽病的诊断和防制提供了重要的参考依据,同时为进一步研究该病的药物防制和免疫防制奠定了重要基础。  相似文献   

The study was aimed to rapidly diagnose two ill and dead cattle in three bay town of Yanji city in Jilin province.We collected liver,spleen,heart,muscle and other tissues to diagnose Clostridium chauvoei infection by epidemiological investigation,clinical autopsy,microscopic obsevation,bacterial culture observation,biochemical experiment,molecular biology diagnosis and animal experiment.The muscles of the ill and dead cattle contacted with crepitus,and the section had a lot of blood and bubble flowing out,microscopic obsevation found bacillus with obtuse at both ends and spores,the bottom of the tube had loose and white precipitate in the broth,biochemical experiments showed that the isolate had acid-production and gas-production reactions which was unique to anaerobic bacteria causing Clostridium chauvoei infection,and 501 bp fragment was amplified by PCR.The results showed that two ill and dead cattle were casued by Clostridium chauvoei infection in Yanbian area,and proved the existence of Clostridium chauvoei.The test separated Clostridium chauvoei Yanbian strain for the frist time,which provided important reference basis for the prevention and treatment of Clostridium chauvoei infection,and laid the important foundation for the further study of drug and immune preventions of this disease.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the effect of a low‐voltage electrical stimulation (ES) on the tenderness of yak longissimus muscle (LM). Samples from 16 yak bulls were divided into four treatment groups: normal chilling (NC), ES and chilling (ES & C) for 72 s (ES &C 72 s), ES & C for 90 s (ES & C 90 s), and ES & C for 108 s (ES & C 108 s). The temperature, the pH, the glycogen content, the Warner‐Bratzler shear force (WBSF), the myofibril fragmentation index (MFI), and the muscle ultrastructure were determined during the course of postmortem aging. ES caused a rapid decrease in the pH to form a high‐temperature and low‐pH environment. The glycogen content gradually decreased with aging. The WBSF value of the ES & C groups was significantly lower than for the NC group (p < .05). The MFI values of ES & C groups after 24 hr postmortem aging were significantly higher than for the NC group. We concluded that ES improved yak meat tenderness during postmortem aging and that the different duration time by ES indicated different effects, and its affect was remarkable in the ES & C 90 s.  相似文献   

Meat tenderness is considered as the most important criterion for meat quality by consumers and can be improved by the actions of endogenous proteases, mainly calpains, during postmortem storage at 0–5°C. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to examine the postmortem calpain activation and proteolysis in breast (BM) and leg and thigh (LM) muscles of White Roman goose. BM and LM were taken from goose carcasses (n = 15) at 0 (10–15 min postmortem), 1, 3, and 7 days of storage at 5°C. The decrease in postmortem pH, calpain‐1 and ‐11 activities, and contents of the calpain‐1 80 kDa subunit and desmin was more rapid (p < .05) in BM than in LM. Our results show that postmortem proteolysis was more extensive in BM than in LM of White Roman goose, not only because the difference in fiber type composition between two muscles, but because the rate and extent of calpain activation were greater in BM as well. These results may provide useful information to optimize meat processing for different muscles in goose industry.  相似文献   

Caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine) is a popular mild central nervous system stimulant found in the leaves, seeds and fruits of various plants and in foodstuffs such as coffee, tea, and chocolate, among others. Caffeine is widely used and is not associated with severe side effects when consumed at relatively low doses. Although rarely observed, overdoses can occur. However, only a few fatal caffeine intoxication cases have been reported in the literature. Herein, we report the pathological examination results and information on caffeine concentrations in the blood, urine and main organs in a fatal caffeine intoxication case. Even though high caffeine concentrations were found in the systemic organs, no caffeine-related pathological changes were detected.  相似文献   

白枕鹤的并殖吸虫病--斯氏狸殖吸虫   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
引自潘阳湖的一只雄性白枕鹤于 1 998年 8月份死亡 ,经剖检从其气管末端内壁发现了斯氏狸殖吸虫 (Paragonimusskryabini)。此前我国并无涉禽类该病的报道  相似文献   

Estimation of the postmortem interval (PMI) is a poorly studied field in veterinary pathology. The development of field-applicable methods is needed given that animal cruelty investigations are increasing continually. We evaluated various histologic criteria in equine brain, liver, and muscle tissue to aid the estimation of PMI in horses, which is central to forensic investigations of suspicious death. After death, autolysis proceeds predictably, depending on environmental conditions. Currently, no field-applied methods exist that accurately estimate the PMI using histology in animals or humans through quantification of autolysis. Brain, liver, and skeletal muscle from 12 freshly euthanized horses were held at 22°C and 8°C for 72 h. Tissues were sampled at T0h, T1h, T2h, T4h, T6h, T12h, T24h, T36h, T48h, T60h, and T72h. For each tissue, we quantified 5 to 7 criteria associated with autolysis, based on the percentage of microscopic field involved. Each criterion was modeled, with temperature and time as independent variables. Changes were most predictable in liver and muscle over the first 72 h postmortem. The criteria for autolysis that were present most extensively at both temperatures were hepatocyte individualization and the separation of bile duct epithelium from the basement membrane. The changes that were present next most extensively were disruption of myofiber continuity, hypereosinophilia, and loss of striation. Brain changes were highly variable. The high statistical correlation between the parameter “autolysis” and the variables “time/temperature”, indicates that autolysis is progressive and predictable. Further investigation of these criteria is needed to establish histologic algorithms for PMI.  相似文献   

Postmortem radiographic examinations of animals are commonly performed in judicial investigations to rule out gunshot and fractures. However, there was no available data on radiographic postmortem changes of animals. Forty-one sets of abdominal radiographs of feline cadavers made within 12 h of death were evaluated for postmortem changes. Intravascular gas was detected in 11 of 41 (27%) cadavers. The most common site of intravascular gas was the liver. Intravascular gas was also present in the aorta, femoral artery, celiac and cranial mesenteric arteries, and caudal superficial epigastric artery. Intrasplenic gas was detected in two cadavers. Only two cadavers had distended small intestine. One cadaver had pneumatosis coli. The changes detected were most likely due to putrefaction.  相似文献   

We studied structural changes in the endomysium and perimysium during postmortem aging of pork using the cell‐maceration/scanning electron microscope method. Immediately post mortem, endomysia sheaths that house individual muscle fibers displayed a honeycomb‐like structure. The sheaths of the endomysium consisted of tightly arranged collagen fibrils in a random network. The perimysium comprised several layers of wavy sheets made up of tightly bundled collagen fibers. While the structure of the intramuscular connective tissues remained almost unchanged up to five days post mortem, the endomysium had resolved into individual collagen fibrils, and the thick sheets of the perimysium had separated into collagen fibers and fibrils at 8 days post mortem. These results provide direct evidence for structural weakening of the endomysium and perimysium during postmortem aging of pork. The shear‐force value of raw pork decreased rapidly within six days post mortem and then decreased slowly until 14 days post mortem. Since the rapid increase in tenderness is mainly due to structural weakening of myofibrils, we conclude that the disintegration of the endomysium and perimysium contributes to tenderization of pork during extended postmortem aging.  相似文献   

妊娠早期绵羊子宫和胎儿实测与超声探查比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用B超跟踪探查的9头妊娠母羊,分别于妊娠57、58、59、60、86、87、88、96和100d剖检,实测其于叶直径、胎儿冠一臀长、头长和胎儿主要内脏。结果发现,直径最大的子叶在妊娠86d,说明以测子叶直径来预测胎龄,只适用于妊娠86d以前;妊娠59d观察到有胃液,妊娠86、96d先后在直肠和结肠观察到有胎粪蓄积,96和100d在羊水和胃内发现有小粪球,说明此时已有排粪和吞咽反射;妊娠87和88d观察到膀胱有尿蓄积和睾丸降入阴囊。  相似文献   

The rabies virus is one of the most neurotropic of all viruses infecting mammals. During the terminal phases of infection, the virus spreads to peripheral tissues, including the skin. The external skin of the nose, called the nasal planum, is a sensory organ where numerous nerve bundles and terminal nerves are distributed. Therefore, the nasal planum is expected to serve as a postmortem diagnostic material. However, the distribution of rabies virus antigens in the nasal planum in rabid animals has not yet been studied. In this study, the nasal planum was obtained from 45 rabid dogs. In all rabid dogs, the viral antigen was detected in the peripheral nerve tissues, Merkel cells, and squamous cells. The viral antigen in the epidermis exhibited three patterns: first, a diffuse positive pattern from the basal layer to the squamous layer; second, a reticular positive pattern along the cell membrane in the squamous layer; and third, a basal layer pattern of the epidermis. In the dermis, viral antigens were detected more often in lamellated corpuscles just beneath the rete pegs. These results suggest that the nasal planum could serve as a useful alternative source for postmortem diagnosis in rabies endemic countries.  相似文献   

Sodium hydroxide is a strongly corrosive alkali. We describe herein a case of suicide by ingestion of sodium hydroxide. A man in his 80s was found dead with a mug and a bottle of caustic soda. Macroscopically, liquefaction and/or disappearance of esophagus, trachea and lung tissue and a grayish discoloration of the mucosa of the stomach were seen along with blackish brown coloration of the skin, mouth, and oral cavity. The contents of the gastrointestinal tract showed a pH level of 7–8 on pH indicator strips. Histopathologically, liquefactive necrosis of remnant lung tissue and the stomach were seen. As biological reactions such as vasodilatation and inflammation were not detected in these organs, only a short number of hours must have passed between ingestion and death. This human case provides valuable information concerning the direct irritation induced by systemic exposure to corrosive substances.  相似文献   

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