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Rabies is an animal disease which is transmitted to man only by accident, most often through the bite (more rarely after scratches or licks of mucosa) of a rabid animal, domestic or wild. A good knowledge of the epizootiology of animal rabies is therefore necessary to establish, on solid grounds, the prophylaxis of human rabies. Inter-human transmission of rabies being an exceptional event which will be considered separately, the epidemiology of human rabies mainly studies the sources and circumstances of human exposure to rabid animals, which differ according to the epizootiology of animal rabies in a given country: either enzootic (or hyperenzootic) canine rabies, or enzootic selvatic rabies. It appears that the risk of human rabies is higher in the first situation for two reasons: (i) rabies viruses show an increased virulence due to numerous serial passages in dogs (viruses with short incubation period) and (ii) high frequency of dog-man contacts due to the high density of both populations.  相似文献   

In August 2015, a rabies outbreak occurred in bovines in a Punjab village, India; subsequently, a farmer in the same village died of rabies in October 2015. We surveyed farmers to describe the outbreak, the demographics and rabies prophylaxis administered to householders on case farms, and farmers’ knowledge of rabies prevention and treatment. We used multiple correspondence analysis to guide investigation of associations between demographics, farm status and rabies knowledge, attitudes and practices. The number of affected bovines was unusually high; 15 cattle and buffalo died on 13 smallholder farms (attack rate 4%). Post‐exposure vaccinations were administered to 24 people (median 2 doses). Affected farms had significantly larger households and were more likely to keep their livestock outside (therefore, accessible by stray dogs), suggesting that the impact of the outbreak was disproportionally borne by households of lower socio‐economic status. Primary sources of rabies information were friends and neighbours, not health authorities or media. Women who had not received formal education were less likely to have heard of rabies. Although case farm participants were more likely to have heard about rabies from a veterinarian, their knowledge and practices to prevent rabies did not reflect the level expected considering their contact with a health professional; they were more likely to believe that traditional remedies prevent rabies and less likely to tell their children to avoid playing with stray dogs than participants from other farms. This study highlights knowledge dissemination disparities that, if typical of rural locations, could obstruct attempts to eliminate canine‐mediated human rabies in India. Therefore, understanding the pervasiveness and influence of traditional medical beliefs on treatment‐seeking behaviour, communication structures within villages and the impact of local practices such as carcass disposal on dog populations will be essential to ensure that rabies control strategies are effective in rural India.  相似文献   

In China, we have witnessed an increasing incidence of rabies in recent years and the number of deaths ranked first among the 39 notifiable infectious diseases. We conducted a case-control study to identify risk factors for human rabies infection and disease to recommend prevention and treatment among people exposed to rabies. Exposure site, pre-exposure prophylaxis and post-exposure prophylaxis were significantly associated with rabies infection. Exposure site at upper limb and trunk or at lower limb were at lower risk as compared with head-exposed patients. The OR was 0.09(95% CI: 0.009-0.93) and 0.01(95% CI: 0.001-0.115) respectively. Pre-exposure prophylaxis (OR = 0.05, 95% CI: 0.03-0.11) and post-exposure prophylaxis (OR = 0.02, 95% CI: 0.01-0.40) were both protective factors as compared with no prophylaxis. For patients who had post-exposure prophylaxis, dose for the first injection and immunity procedure were significantly associated with rabies infection.  相似文献   

我们与千千万万的动物一同生活在地球的大家庭中,共同构成了地球上生物链的环节,人类在自身发展的同时也越来越多的关心动物(包括植物)的物种生存、健康状况、环境卫生甚至动物福利等问题。人类不断受到许多疾病的威胁,我们在战胜了许多疾病的同时,又受到新的疾病的困扰:动物也有自己的常见疾病,他  相似文献   

Human influenza viruses manage to cause epidemics almost every year. The circulating viruses change their surface glycoproteins by accumulating mutations (antigenic drift) which results in variant viruses of the same subtype that are able to evade the immune pressure in the population. Every now and then, a completely new subtype of influenza A virus is introduced in the human population, which can result in an influenza pandemic. Pandemic human influenza viruses have been emerging for many centuries. Based on the genetic information of influenza viruses that have been isolated in this century, introduction of genes of the avian influenza virus reservoir obviously is required. Interspecies transmission, via another mammalian host and reassortment of avian and human influenza viruses are potential mechanisms for such an introduction. A summary of the cases in which influenza viruses containing avian-like gene segments were introduced into the human population is presented. In three cases, such infections resulted in conjunctivitis. Influenza-like illness and even pneumonia was reported in some other infections. Finally, a mortality rate of 33% was observed in the avian influenza A (H5N1) viruses that infected 18 people in Hong Kong in 1997. Although some of these viruses fulfilled some criteria of pandemic influenza viruses, they lacked the ability to rapidly spread through the human population.  相似文献   

Rabies is an enzootic viral disease widespread throughout the world. Although it is a vaccine-preventable disease, the annual number of human deaths caused by rabies is estimated to be 32,000 in Asia. Phylogenetic analysis based on sequence data of the partial N gene of rabies viruses in Asia has shown that the viruses are divided into five genogroups, distributed in Middle East, South Asia, South East Asia, Malay, and Arctic regions. The genetic relationships among these rabies viruses agree basically with the results of previous studies. Meanwhile, new types of vaccines are being developed by applying gene manipulation techniques to rabies virus in order to overcome the disadvantages of current vaccines. This article reviews the molecular epidemiology of rabies in Asia and progress made in the development of new-generation rabies vaccines with the goal of elimination or control of rabies in Asia.  相似文献   

Cats do not play a major role in the outburst and propagation of a rabies epizooty. But the wounds it inflicts to human beings are always more dangerous than those caused by dogs.In a fox epizooty, cats are more often contaminated than dogs.Due to the nature of the wounds, antirabic serum should always be used to infiltrate in situ.As far as the general treatment is concerned, the serovaccination is recommended.  相似文献   

Two experiments on simulated postexposure treatment were carried out in dogs using human rabies immunoglobulin (RIGH) and human diploid cell vaccine for human use. In one experiment, when animals were challenged by injecting street virus into the masseter muscle and treated with a combination of RIGH and vaccine, 50% of the animals were protected from rabies. In the other trial, in which animals were challenged by injecting the virus into the femoral muscle, treatment with RIGH and vaccine protected all the animals against rabies. To our knowledge this is the highest rate of postexposure survival in animals reported to date. In addition, five out of eight (62.5%) dogs that received RIGH alone after the virus challenge were protected, while none of the animals receiving vaccine alone were protected from rabies. These trials suggest that animals can be protected from rabies by postexposure treatment. The route of exposure and timing of the administration of vaccine and hyperimmune serum would seem to be important.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study of animal and human rabies covering 18 years from 1989 to 2006 was retrospectively conducted in order to highlight the epidemiological features and trends of the disease in Botswana. Over the 18-year period, a total of 4 306 brain specimens collected from various species of animals including human beings with clinical signs consistent with rabies were submitted to the National Veterinary Laboratory in Gaborone for confirmatory diagnosis. Of the samples submitted, 2419 cases were found to be positive for lyssavirus antigen; this presents an overall prevalence rate of 56.18 +/- 1.48%. About 85.7% (2 074/2 419) of the cases were from domestic animals, 14.2% (343/2 419) cases were from wild animals and two cases (0.1%) were from human beings. During the first half of the study (1989-1997) the prevalence rate of the disease was estimated at 62.79 +/- 1.85% (1645/2620 positive) whereas during the second half (1998-2006) it was estimated at 45.91 +/- 2.38% (774/1686 positive) and the difference between the two estimates was statistically, highly significant (delta % = 16.88, SE(95) diff % = 3.015, SD = 5.599; P < 0.001). Ruminant rabies accounted for 79.99% (50.92% bovine, 928.40% caprine and 0.67% ovine) whereas canine (domestic dog) and feline (domestic cat) accounted for 16.01 and 0.87%, respectively. Equine rabies accounted for 3.13% with 1.35 and 1.78%, respectively, for horses and donkeys. Jackal rabies accounted for more than 60% of the total cases in wild animals. These findings are discussed in relation to the previous epidemiological situation of the disease (1979-1988), its socio-economic impact, monitoring and control in Botswana.  相似文献   

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is an emerging disease, which was first recognized in Guangdong Province, China, in November 2002. In the meantime, SARS has been recognized in patients on all five continents. A novel coronavirus, which is not related to the hitherto known coronaviruses, has been proven to be associated with the disease. Our genomic analyses strongly suggest that the new SARS-coronavirus did not emerge through mutation or recombination and that it has probably been transmitted from a so far not identified animal species to humans. Therefore, it is most likely that SARS virus is a zoonotic agent. A broad body of knowledge originating from research in veterinary medicine indicates that development of vaccines against the SARS-coronavirus may be problematic. The potential danger of such vaccines should not be neglected during the process of vaccine development.  相似文献   

针对近期我国部分地区不断出现因病犬咬伤人,导致人发生狂犬病死亡事件,农业部近日发出紧急通知,要求各地做好狂犬病防治工作,保障人畜安全。  相似文献   

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