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During late 1999/early 2000, the solid state imaging experiment on the Galileo spacecraft returned more than 100 high-resolution (5 to 500 meters per pixel) images of volcanically active Io. We observed an active lava lake, an active curtain of lava, active lava flows, calderas, mountains, plateaus, and plains. Several of the sulfur dioxide-rich plumes are erupting from distal flows, rather than from the source of silicate lava (caldera or fissure, often with red pyroclastic deposits). Most of the active flows in equatorial regions are being emplaced slowly beneath insulated crust, but rapidly emplaced channelized flows are also found at all latitudes. There is no evidence for high-viscosity lava, but some bright flows may consist of sulfur rather than mafic silicates. The mountains, plateaus, and calderas are strongly influenced by tectonics and gravitational collapse. Sapping channels and scarps suggest that many portions of the upper approximately 1 kilometer are rich in volatiles.  相似文献   

Doppler data generated with the Galileo spacecraft's radio carrier wave were used to measure Io's external gravitational field. The resulting triaxial field is consistent with the assumption that Io is in tidal and rotational equilibrium. The inescapable conclusion is that it has a large metallic core. If the core is a eutectic mixture of iron and iron sulfide, it comprises 20.2 ± 7.4 percent of the satellite's total mass with a radius that is about 52 percent of Io's mean radius of 1821.3 kilometers; if the core is pure iron, it comprises 10.5 ± 3.7 percent of the total mass with a radius of about 36 percent of the mean radius.  相似文献   

Infrared spectral images of Jupiter's volcanic moon Io, acquired during the October and November 1999 and February 2000 flybys of the Galileo spacecraft, were used to study the thermal structure and sulfur dioxide distribution of active volcanoes. Loki Patera, the solar system's most powerful known volcano, exhibits large expanses of dark, cooling lava on its caldera floor. Prometheus, the site of long-lived plume activity, has two major areas of thermal emission, which support ideas of plume migration. Sulfur dioxide deposits were mapped at local scales and show a more complex relationship to surface colors than previously thought, indicating the presence of other sulfur compounds.  相似文献   

The magnetometer and electron reflectometer investigation (MAG/ER) on the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft has obtained magnetic field and plasma observations throughout the near-Mars environment, from beyond the influence of Mars to just above the surface (at an altitude of approximately 100 kilometers). The solar wind interaction with Mars is in many ways similar to that at Venus and at an active comet, that is, primarily an ionospheric-atmospheric interaction. No significant planetary magnetic field of global scale has been detected to date (<2 x 10(21) Gauss-cubic centimeter), but here the discovery of multiple magnetic anomalies of small spatial scale in the crust of Mars is reported.  相似文献   

Galileo's photopolarimeter-radiometer instrument mapped Io's thermal emission during the I24, I25, and I27 flybys with a spatial resolution of 2.2 to 300 kilometers. Mapping of Loki in I24 shows uniform temperatures for most of Loki Patera and high temperatures in the southwest corner, probably resulting from an eruption that began 1 month before the observation. Most of Loki Patera was resurfaced before I27. Pele's caldera floor has a low temperature of 160 kelvin, whereas flows at Pillan and Zamama have temperatures of up to 200 kelvin. Global maps of nighttime temperatures provide a means for estimating global heat flow.  相似文献   

On 3 January 2000, the Galileo spacecraft passed close to Europa when it was located far south of Jupiter's magnetic equator in a region where the radial component of the magnetospheric magnetic field points inward toward Jupiter. This pass with a previously unexamined orientation of the external forcing field distinguished between an induced and a permanent magnetic dipole moment model of Europa's internal field. The Galileo magnetometer measured changes in the magnetic field predicted if a current-carrying outer shell, such as a planet-scale liquid ocean, is present beneath the icy surface. The evidence that Europa's field varies temporally strengthens the argument that a liquid ocean exists beneath the present-day surface.  相似文献   

为了验证高产优质杂交油菜在高位旱地的推广应用和利用价值,今年我县在高位浅山按不同海拔高度进行了覆膜试种,通过地膜覆盖栽培技术有效地解决了化隆县油菜生产中存在的干旱、霜冻、杂草问题,促进了油菜多分枝、多结角,从而达到增产增收目的.  相似文献   

对灰毛滨藜生物学特性和生长规律等方面的系统观测研究表明,引种后的灰毛滨藜基本保持了原产地的性状,在引种地表现出很强的适应性,引种是成功的,并具有推广价值。  相似文献   

"福乐定"是一种新型高效天然植物生长调节剂,具有增强作物抗旱、抗寒、抗病能力,具有增加产量改善品质等作用.是一种效力强、无毒、无残留的新型植物生长调节剂.1998年,我们根据厂家的要求,特制定实施方案,在西宁市马坊乡朝阳村进行了番茄喷施试验,旨在验证其在蔬菜作物上的施用效果,为生产上应用提供依据.  相似文献   

Temperatures in Jupiter's atmosphere derived from Galileo Probe deceleration data increase from 109 kelvin at the 175-millibar level to 900 ± 40 kelvin at 1 nanobar, consistent with Voyager remote sensing data. Wavelike oscillations are present at all levels. Vertical wavelengths are 10 to 25 kilometers in the deep isothermal layer, which extends from 12 to 0.003 millibars. Above the 0.003-millibar level, only 90- to 270- kilometer vertical wavelengths survive, suggesting dissipation of wave energy as the probable source of upper atmosphere heating.  相似文献   

证明了在Chaum-van Antwerpen不可否认签名方案的否定协议中,通过选择适当的口令参数,签名验证者发现签名者在签名验证过程中否认签名的行为的概率为1,而不是普遍认为的1-1/p,并给出了当消息空间是Z*p而不是Z*p的q阶子群时,签名验证协议所有可能的结果.  相似文献   

证明了在Chaum—van Antwerpen不可否认签名方案的否定协议中,通过选择适当的口令参数,签名验证者发现签名者在签名验证过程中否认签名的行为的概率为1,而不是普遍认为的1—1/p,并给出了当消息空间是Z^*p;而不是Z^*p;的q阶子群时,签名验证协议所有可能的结果.  相似文献   

Jupiter's moon Io is known to host active volcanoes. In February and March 2007, the New Horizons spacecraft obtained a global snapshot of Io's volcanism. A 350-kilometer-high volcanic plume was seen to emanate from the Tvashtar volcano (62 degrees N, 122 degrees W), and its motion was observed. The plume's morphology and dynamics support nonballistic models of large Io plumes and also suggest that most visible plume particles condensed within the plume rather than being ejected from the source. In images taken in Jupiter eclipse, nonthermal visible-wavelength emission was seen from individual volcanoes near Io's sub-Jupiter and anti-Jupiter points. Near-infrared emission from the brightest volcanoes indicates minimum magma temperatures in the 1150- to 1335-kelvin range, consistent with basaltic composition.  相似文献   

春季开花期,根椐大五星枇杷的树势、花量、不同的栽培管理及产量要求等进行花期修剪试验。结果表明:修剪量为10%~20%、去果穗数为30%~35%是比较理想的,既能提高果实的坐果率(30%~70%)、果实的大小(1%~2%)、产量(45%~50%),又不影响第2年的正常生长与结果。  相似文献   

南京紫金山地区野生真菌资源调查名录   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
紫金山 (又名钟山) 是我国长江下游宁镇丘陵地区的重要风景林区, 其间也生长着许多颇有经济价值的可食用、药用和有毒真菌正有待开发。从1988 年起, 作者从紫金山陆续采集到260 号标本, 经鉴定分类, 其中属于子囊菌亚门的有6 个属6 个种; 担子菌亚门的有61个属144 个种; 有61 个种在江苏省首次发现。  相似文献   

研究了池塘养殖的1龄舟山褐牙鲆生长特性及肥满度等。结果表明:(1)池塘养殖的1龄牙鲆体长与体重的关系为:L=0.0003W4.1455,R2=0.9753。(2)舟山褐牙鲆1龄鱼7-9月生长速度较慢,10-12月生长速度较快。(3)舟山褐牙鲆的肥满度随着鱼的生长而增太;提出了提高池塘养殖舟山褐牙鲆肥满度的措施。(4)池塘养殖1龄牙鲆成活率为77.5%,2龄牙鲆成活率为58.8%。  相似文献   

金川雪梨果实黑心病机理及发生原因研究初报   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
金川雪梨黑心病是一种于正常采收期前即可发生的果实褐变的生理病害。分析测定表明 ,褐变果实酚类物质含量及多酚氧化酶活性均低于未褐变果实的相应部位 ;褐变程度与其酚类物质含量及多酚氧化酶活性呈负相关 ,其相关系数及回归系数均以果心最大 ,果肉其次 ,果皮最小 ,其与果实不同部位褐变顺序及程度分布一致。果实酚类物质含量因不同树龄、不同生态环境而有明显差异 ,但其病果率与酚类物质含量 (未褐变果实 )间未见明显相关性。褐变果实N、Ca、Mg、Mn含量低于或显著低于未褐变果实 ;K/Ca比、K/(Ca +Mg)比及Fe含量则高于或显著高于未褐变果实 ;P、Zn、Cu、B含量则未见明显差异。与金川品种比较 ,金川品种易发生黑心病 ,金花品种则几乎不发生 ,金花品种果实酚类物质相对高 (主要是果心 ) ;N、B含量相对低而K/Ca比、K/(Ca+Mg)比相对高 ;宿萼率显著高。用醋酸钙对金川雪梨进行田间根外喷洒处理后增加了果实Ca、Mg、N含量 ,降低了K含量、K/Ca比及K/(Ca +Mg)比 ;降低了果实酚类物质含量 ,提高了果实多酚氧化酶活性 ,亦降低了病果率。用水及BP - 90 6进行根外喷洒处理与无处理比较 ,亦不同程度降低了果实酚类物质含量 ,提高了多酚氧化酶活性 (以上均为未褐变果实 )亦降低了病果率。说明金川雪梨黑心病所导致的  相似文献   

The Big Bone Lick area in Kentucky, the first widely known collecting locality for vertebrate fossils in North America, is being investigated for further faunal and geologic evidence. Mammal bones, ranging in age from Wisconsin (Tazewell?) to Recent, were recovered in 1962 from four different faunal zones in two terrace fills.  相似文献   

Acquisition measurements of the round-trip travel time of light, from the McDonald Observatory to the Laser Ranging Retro-Reflector deployed on the moon by the Apollo 11 astronauts, were made on 20 August and on 3, 4, and 22 September 1969. The uncertainty in the round-trip travel time was +/- 15 nanoseconds, with the pulsed ruby laser and timing system used for the acquisition. The uncertainty in later measurements of a planned long-term sequence from this observatory is expected to be an order of magnitude smaller. The successful performance of the retro-reflector at several angles of solar illumination, as well as during and after a lunar night, confirms the prediction of thermal design analyses.  相似文献   

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