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小麦-冰草[Agropyron cristatum (L. ) Gaertn.] 6P附加系普冰4844-12具有多粒等可用于小麦改良的优异基因。为高效率检测由小麦-冰草6P附加系衍生的易位系和渐渗系,以普冰4844-12及其亲本普通小麦Fukuhokomugi和冰草Z559 (2n=4x=28, PPPP)为材料,通过对冰草转录组测序获得的EST序列设计的P基因组EST分子标记引物,筛选在普通小麦背景下的6P染色体特异分子标记。结果从1 453对P基因组EST引物中筛选出130对小麦-冰草6P附加系特异标记引物。进而将这些特异标记与NCBI nr蛋白质数据库及小麦EST序列进行了比对,发现4条冰草EST序列的功能注释与抗病、抗逆相关;36条冰草EST与已经定位的小麦EST具有较高的相似性,其中33条(91.67%)位于小麦第6部分同源群染色体。为了进一步验证这些标记的特异性,分别对其中4个具有功能注释的EST标记在中国春等7个普通小麦背景下和随机选择的5个标记在小麦-冰草6P易位系背景下进行了检测,结果证明其确实可用于检测6P染色体。这些冰草6P染色体特异标记的开发为大规模地鉴定小麦-冰草衍生后代中P染色质成分奠定了基础。  相似文献   

D. Schontz  B. Rether 《Plant Breeding》1999,118(2):190-192
The DNA of 37 lines of Setaria italica, representative of Eurasian diversity, were used for the detection of polymorphism using the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method. Four 10-mer primers, differing from each other by one or two G-C inversions, were used. Each one gave specific RAPD products. Twenty-five bands were polymorphic and allowed the identification of 33 different genotypes. A factorial analysis of correspondence was performed on the presenc-absence data, through which three genetic groups could be identified. These genetic groups were closely related to the geographical origin of the different lines: one central European and two Asiatic groups (the first Asiatic lines originating in latitudes below 35°N and the second comprising the Asiatic lines originating in latitudes above 35° N). The lines originating from western Europe were very variable and were dispersed in the three genetic groups described previously.  相似文献   

I. A. Khan 《Plant Breeding》2000,119(1):25-29
Thirty‐six wheat‐Agropyron intermedium (host) Beauv. [Syn. Trichopyrum intermedium (host) A. Love, Elytrigia intermedia (host) Nevski, Thinopyrum intermedium (host) Barkworth and Dewey] 7A/7Ai‐1 recombinant chromosomes were characterized using DNA markers. Analysis of recombinant chromosomes using 15 restriction fragment length polymorphism probes identified the homoeologous crossover products that had varying length of A. intermedium chromatin introgressed onto chromosome 7A of common wheat. The linear order of the probe loci was established along the lengths of the chromosomes. The short arm recombinants that had A. intermedium chromatin distal to the locus Xpsr108 and proximal to the locus Xpsr119 were resistant to wheat stem rust, indicating that the rust resistance gene (Sr44) was located on the distal part of chromosome arm 4Ai‐1s. The barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) resistance gene reported to be present on the long arm of chromosome 7Ai‐1 was found to be ineffective against the BYDV serotype used in the present study.  相似文献   

H. Li    X. Chen    Z. Y. Xin    Y. Z. Ma    H. J. Xu    X. Y. Chen  X. Jia 《Plant Breeding》2005,124(2):203-205
Three lines conferring resistance to powdery mildew, Pm97033, Pm97034 and Pm97035, were developed from the cross of Triticum durum-Haynaldia villosa amphidiploid TH3 and wheat cv.'Wan7107' via backcrosses, immature embryo and anther culture. Genomic in situ hybridization analysis showed that these lines were disomic translocation lines. Cytogenetic analysis indicated that the F1 plants of crosses between the three translocation lines and 'Wan7107' and crosses between the three translocation lines and substitution line 6V(6D) formed 21 bivalents at meiotic metaphase I. Aneuploid analysis with 'Chinese Spring' double ditelocentric stocks indicated that the translocated chromosomes were related to chromosome 6D. Biochemical and restriction fragment-length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses showed that the translocation lines lacked a specific band of 6VL of H. villosa compared with the substitution and addition lines but possessed specific markers on the short arm of the 6V chromosome of H. villosa. The three translocation lines lacked specific biochemical loci and RFLP markers located on chromosome 6DS. The results confirmed that Pm97033, Pm97034 and Pm97035 were T6DL.6VS translocation lines.  相似文献   

M. L. Irigoyen    Y. Loarce    E. Friero    A. Fominaya    E. Ferrer 《Plant Breeding》2006,125(4):347-351
Genomic sequences with features of the major class of disease resistance genes and which bear nucleotide‐binding leucine‐rich repeat sequences (resistance gene analogs; RGA) were tested as potential markers of crown rust resistance loci in hexaploid oats. Two collections of paired near‐isogenic lines carrying resistance to different isolates of crown rust, Puccinia coronata were screened. Two out of the four RGAs assayed showed restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) between one line of each collection and its recurrent parent. The paired lines X466 and D494 were polymorphic for RGA III2.2 and the pair of lines X470 and D504 were polymorphic for RGA III2.18. The III2.18 polymorphism was located in the hexaploid map Avena byzantina cv. ‘Kanota’ × A. sativa cv. ‘Ogle’ in linkage group KO17 in a region previously associated with crown rust resistance. In addition, 220 random primers were used for random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis to screen the two sets of NILs. Only one polymorphic band was obtained that differentiated the paired lines X470 and D504 from their parents. The RAPD band was used as a probe and the relevant RFLP that differentiated the NILs X470 and D504 was found at 1.7 cM from the III2.18 marker in KO17. RFLP analysis using probes previously mapped in KO17 confirmed differences for X470 and D504 in the region around the III2.18 marker. These results suggest that the resistance locus shared by this pair of NILs is probably linked to the markers revealed by RGA III2.18. The use of RGAs as RFLP probes in the screening of NILs with differences in crown rust resistance has proved to be more effective than RAPDs for finding polymorphic markers possibly linked to resistance loci.  相似文献   

With the objective of identifying SSR markers that can distinguish parental lines of rice hybrids, we characterized 10 each of cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) and restorer (R) lines along with 10 popular Indian rice varieties using a set of 48 hyperpolymorphic SSRs distributed uniformly across the rice genome. All the SSR markers were polymorphic, amplifying a total of 163 alleles, with an average of 3.36 ± 1.3 allelic variants per locus. Twenty-seven SSR markers showed amplification of an allele, which was very specific and unique to a particular parental line and not amplified in any other rice genotype tested. Through multiplex PCR, SSR marker combinations that were unique to a particular parental line or hybrid were also identified. With a set of 10 SSR markers, all the public bred Indian rice hybrids along with their parental lines could be clearly distinguished. To utilize these SSR markers effectively for detection of impurities in parental lines, a two dimensional bulked DNA sampling strategy involving a 20 × 20 grow-out matrix has been designed and used for detection of contaminants in a seed-lot of the popular CMS line IR58025A. We have also designed a multiplex PCR strategy involving single tube analysis using 2–3 markers for hybrid seed purity assessments and demonstrate its superiority over single marker analysis in accurate detection of impurities in hybrids. Implications of parental and hybrid specific SSR markers and strategies to utilize the informative SSR markers for detection of contaminants in a cost effective manner are discussed.  相似文献   

山羊草属植物中的某些染色体,当其单体附加到小麦基因组时,能使带有该染色体的配子正常存活;而使无该染色体的配子发生染色体断裂,产生易位等染色体结构畸变。利用杀配子染色体创制易位系是将小麦近缘种属野生资源的优良性状转移给小麦的一个有效途径。本文介绍了杀配子染色体的类型、作用时期,并重点综述了利用杀配子染色体创制小麦族染色体易位系方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

大豆EST-SNP的挖掘、鉴定及其CAPS标记的开发   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用生物信息学方法将大豆EST序列联配到大豆基因组序列上,挖掘到大豆EST-SNP位点537个。对其靶向基因进行功能注释分析,发现他们主要参与亚细胞定位、蛋白质结合与催化以及代谢等与大豆重要农艺性状形成相关的生物过程。同时开发了简便易行的SNP检测方法,利用EMBOSS软件筛选导致酶切位点改变的EST-SNP,分别以大豆绥农14、合丰25、Acher、Evans、Peking、PI209332、固新野生大豆、科丰1号、南农1138-2的DNA及其混合的DNA为模板,设计引物进行PCR扩增,发现44个PCR产物中有36个测序峰图在预期的EST-SNP位点表现出多态性。酶切分析发现26个PCR产物具有酶切多态性,可以作为CAPS标记。结果表明该EST-SNP挖掘体系及其CAPS标记转化系统具有高效率、低成本等优点,有利于促进大豆的遗传育种研究。  相似文献   

通过小麦与长穗偃麦草远缘杂交创制附加系、代换系及易位系是小麦遗传改良中利用长穗偃麦草优良基因的重要途径。本研究将长穗偃麦草特异分子标记、染色体计数、基因组原位杂交(GISH)及非变性原位杂交(ND-FISH)等多种方法相结合,对硬粒小麦Langdon (AABB)与小偃麦8801 (AABBEE)的杂交后代群体进行分子细胞学鉴定,创制出硬粒小麦-长穗偃麦草3E、6E染色体双体附加系Du-DA3E和Du-DA6E,硬粒小麦-长穗偃麦草1E (1B)染色体双体代换系Du-DS1E(1B)以及硬粒小麦-长穗偃麦草1AS-1EL染色体易位系Du-T1AS·1EL。创制的4个种质中长穗偃麦草染色体均能稳定遗传,这不仅增加了硬粒小麦-长穗偃麦草附加系和代换系的类型,还为后续利用长穂偃麦草优良基因改良小麦提供了特殊种质资源。  相似文献   

In this study, doubled haploid lines generated from the durum wheat varieties, selections from Middle Anatolian landraces, ‘Çakmak-79’, ‘Berkmen-469’ and ‘Kunduru-1149’ (Savaskan et al., 1997), were analyzed using ten highly polymorphic microsatellite markers for genotyping and evaluation of genetic relationships between and within the doubled-haploid (DH) lines. The average PIC value was found to be 0.531. Populations of doubled-haploid lines of landrace selected cultivars ‘Çakmak-79’ and ‘Kunduru-1149’, were the two most distant populations with (δ μ)2 = 1.42. ‘Berkmen-469’ x ‘Çakmak-79’ and ‘Berkmen-469’ x ‘Kunduru-1149’ yielded similar genetic distances, (δμ)2 of 0.84 and 0.85, respectively. In addition, the genetic relationship between the progenitors of the DH lines together with other durum wheat varieties was analyzed. A meaningful relationship was obtained based on available pedigree information on the cultivars.  相似文献   

X. Q. Zhang    X. P. Wang    J.K. Jing    K. Ross    H. Hu    J. P. Gustafson   《Plant Breeding》1998,117(1):7-12
Five wheat-triticale doubled haploid (DH) lines— M08, V209, DH220-14-2, DH696-3-4 and M16 —derived from anther culture of F1s resulting from crosses involving hexaploid or octoploid triticale × hexaploid wheat, were characterized by cytological and biochemical markers. Cytological evidence from genomic in situ hybridization and C-banding indicated that DH lines M08 and V209 (2n= 42) each contained a pair of 1BL/1RS translocation chromosomes. DH220-14-2 (2n= 42) was also a translocated line with two pairs of chromosomes containing small fragments of rye. One of the translocation fragments carried the Sec-1R gene originating from the satellite region of 1RS; the origin of the other one remains unknown. DH696-3-4 (2n= 42) contained a 3D(3R) substitution. In M16 (2n= 44), three pairs of rye chromosomes, 3R, 4R and 6R, were present, 4R as an addition and 3D(3R) and 6D(6R) as substitutions. Biochemical, isozyme and storage protein markers confirmed the cytological conclusions. The advantages of transferring alien chromosomes or chromosome fragments into wheat and creating alien aneuploid lines by anther culture of hybrid F1s are discussed.  相似文献   

A powdery mildew resistant double disomic wheat-rye substitution line carrying rye chromosomes 1R and 2R was crossed with normal bread wheats. The F2 generation was analysed cytologically by C-banding. Wheat-rye chromosome translocations involving both rye chromosomes 1R and 2R were frequent in F2. Lines with translocations of 1R and 2R were harvested separately. After four generations of selfing and selection for mildew resistance and fertility, fully fertile resistant lines were selected and analysed cytologically. Lines with 1BL/1RS and 2BS/2RL translocations were identified. The resistance on chromosome 1RS could not be shown to be different from control varieties carrying the same rye segment, while the resistance on 2RL is much broader than the earlier known 2RL derived resistance in the line Transec. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Analysis of simple sequence repeat markers in homozygous lines of apple   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M. Höfer    A. Gomez    E. Aguiriano    J. A. Manzanera  M. A. Bueno 《Plant Breeding》2002,121(2):159-162
Haploids in apple were induced using anther culture and in situ parthenogenesis followed by in vitro culture of immature embryos or cotyledons. In addition to an earlier characterization of the zygosity state using isozymes, the purpose of this work was an analysis of simple sequence repeats (SSRs) to describe the homozygosity more comprehensively. Five previously described SSR primer combinations were applied. Initially, polymerase chain reaction amplification with the primer pairs was performed on the donor genotypes ‘Alkmene’ and ‘Remo’ and on a further four apple cultivars. Only those primer pairs that amplified two different contrasting alleles could be used for investigation of the zygosity state. According to these analyses both the androgenic and parthenogenic regenerated shoots are homozygous.  相似文献   

小麦-黑麦6RS/6AL易位系HM812-41携带抗白粉病基因Pm56。为评价其育种利用潜力,以HM812-41为亲本分别与推广品种蜀麦580、蜀麦830和蜀麦969杂交,杂种F1与中国春进行正反交,研究6RS/6AL易位染色体在不同背景中的遗传稳定性及其通过雌雄配子的传递规律。同时,利用"双顶交"法改良易位系的综合农艺性状。基因组原位杂交结果表明, 6RS/6AL易位染色体在传递过程中结构稳定。6RS/6AL易位染色体可以高频率地通过雌、雄配子传递,其传递率分别为45.05%~53.33%和43.94%~53.04%。初步分析"双顶交"F2分离群体表明, 6RS/6AL易位染色体对主要农艺性状如株高、穗长、小穗数和自交结实率没有明显的不利影响。用"双顶交"法可以快速地改良易位系的综合农艺性状。  相似文献   

Nineteen common wheat cultivars and advanced lines carrying a 6VS.6AL translocation and five parents were sown at two locations in Jiangsu in 2004–05 season to assess the effects of the translocation on grain yield and dough properties. In general, there were no significant differences between 6VS.6AL lines and their recurrent parents in agronomic, mixograph and starch pasting traits, including grain yield, grains/spike, grain weight/spike, mixing time and peak viscosity. 6VS.6AL lines showed slightly but significantly higher thousand-kernel weight and plant height, and small negative effects on test weight, flour yield and flour colour. However, significant variation occurred for all traits among sister lines from the same cross, indicating that additional selection could lead to further improvement. It was concluded that the 6VS.6AL translocation can be used in wheat breeding programs as a donor of resistance to powdery mildew with no obvious undesirable effects on agronomic and quality traits.  相似文献   

G. H. Kim    H. K. Yun    C. S. Choi    J. H. Park    Y. J. Jung    K. S. Park    F. Dane    K. K. Kang 《Plant Breeding》2008,127(4):418-423
Resistance to anthracnose or black spot ( Elsinoe ampelina ), a serious fungal pathogen in viticulture and table grape production, was investigated on 25 grape cultivars. Bioassays performed with culture filtrates produced by the pathogen revealed 14 resistant genotypes. In most plants resistance originated from Vitis labrucsa but also genotypes with V. rupestris and V. riparia  ×  V. rupestris background showed resistance. Genetic analysis was conducted in F1, S1 and BC1 plants developed from various cultivars. In total, 326 F1 plants were evaluated, 172 genotypes proofed to be resistant, whereas 154 were susceptible to anthracnose. A Mendelian segregation ratio of 1 : 1 (χ2 = 0.30–0.65) indicating that anthracnose resistance is controlled by a single dominant gene. To facilitate the use of marker-assisted selection in grape-breeding PCR-based markers were developed by random amplified polymorphic DNA and amplified fragment length polymorphism in bulk segregant analysis. Finally, OPB 151247 was developed as a sequence characterized amplified region marker being diagnostic for the locus of resistance to anthracnose in all resistant genotypes tested. Within the 25 grape cultivars OPB 151247 is diagnostic in the genetic background of both V. labrucsa and V. rupestris and V. riparia  ×  V. rupestris .  相似文献   

We developed some wheat-Th. intermedium translocation lines,Yw642, Yw443 and Yw243, etc., showing good BYDV resistance from L1by induced homoeologous pairing using CS ph mutant. Characterization ofthese wheat lines was carried out by GISH and RFLP analysis. The resultsof GISH showed that the lines, YWw42, Yw443 and Yw243, etc., arehomozygous wheat-Th. intermedium translocation lines, in which thechromosome segments of Th. intermedium were transferred to thedistal end of a pair of wheat chromosomes. RFLP analysis indicated that thetranslocation chromosome of the wheat lines is T7DS · 7DL-7XL. Thebreakpoint of the translocation is located on the distal end of 7DL, betweenXpsr965 and Xpsr680 about 90–99 cm from the centromere. The BYDVgene is located on the distal end of 7XL around Xpsr680, Xpsr687 andXwg380. The RFLP markers of psr680, psr687 and wg380 werecosegregated with the BYDV resistance respectively and could be used formolecular assisted selection (MAS) in wheat breeding program for BYDVresistance.  相似文献   

V. Scariot    E. De Keyser  T. Handa    J. De Riek 《Plant Breeding》2007,126(2):207-212
The application of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), sequence tagged microsatellite site (STMS) and expressed sequence tag (EST) markers to study the genetic relationships in an evergreen azalea gene pool was investigated. STMS and EST markers revealed a higher genetic distance detection capacity than AFLPs, which, nevertheless, were the most efficient marker system due to their highest polymorphism detection capacity. Similarity matrices showed weak, yet significant, correlations when Mantel's test was applied. To assess the usefulness of the overall information provided by these marker data for establishing phylogenetic relationships and horticultural classification, cluster analysis was performed. The joint AFLP, STMS and EST data were demonstrated to be remarkably effective for group discrimination and phylogenetic studies. The use of these polymerase chain reaction marker systems is discussed in terms of the choice of appropriate marker techniques for different aspects of evergreen azalea germplasm evaluation.  相似文献   

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