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Summary Experiments were conducted during the growing seasons of 1975 and 1976 to determine changes in morphological and physiological traits associated with recurrent selection for grain yield in maize (Zea mays L.). Four variety hybrids, BSSS(R)CO x BSCB1(R)CO, BSSS(R)C7 x BSCB1(R)C7 [from a reciprocal recurrent selection program involving Iowa Stiff Stalk Synthetic (BSSS) and Iowa Corn Borer Synthetic #1 (BSCB1)], BS12CO x B14A, and BS12C6 x B14A [from a half-sib selection program involving the open-pollinated variety Alph (BS12) and the inbred tester B14A] were grown at 59 300 and 98 800 plants/ha near Ames, Iowa We obtained data on CO2-exchange rate (an estimate of photosynthetic rate), grain yield, grain-yield components, flowering dates, maturity traits, light interception and use, shelling percentage, harvest index, and various other plant traits.CO2-exchange rate did not change appreciably with recurrent selection for yield. Grain yield per hectare and per plant were larger for the improved than unimproved hybrids. Grain-yield components did not change significantly with recurrent selection. Kernel weight of BSSS(R)C7 x BSCB1 (R)C7, however, was larger than that of BSSS(R)C0 x BSCB1(R)C0. Pollen-shed-to-silking interval was shorter for the improved than the unimproved hybrids, and grain-filling duration was longer in C7 x C7 than in C0 x C0 of the reciprocal recurrent selection program. Furthermore, improved hybrids were characterized by smaller tassels and more upright canopies. Usually, plant traits and leaf-area-related traits were similar for all hybiids.Although dry-matter productivity was similar for all hybrids, those that were improved by recurrent selection produced more grain per unit leaf area and per unit light interception. Also, BS12C6 x B14A was characterized by a higher harvest index than BS12CO x B14A.We concluded that the source (i.e., photosynthetic capacity) was not limiting grain yield in BSSS(R) x BSCB1(R) and BS12. Increased grain yields that resulted from recurrent selection were consequences of longer grain-filling duration for BSSS(R) x BSCB1(R) and increased translocation of photosynthate from source to sink for both BSSS(R) x BSCB1(R) and BS12.Journal Paper J-8953 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Exp. Stn., Ames, Iowa. Project No. 2152.  相似文献   

Maize is the major staple food in southern Africa with human consumption averaging 91 kg capita?1 year?1, and normal maize is nutritionally deficient in two essential amino acids: tryptophan and lysine. Despite the development of quality protein maize (QPM) with high tryptophan and lysine, stunting and kwashiorkor remain high in sub-Saharan Africa due to lack of high yielding and adapted QPM varieties. This study aimed at evaluating a new generation of QPM varieties for yield and related agronomic traits. Before the QPM varieties were validated on-farm, they were simultaneously selected on-station under five different management conditions. In the 2014/2015 season, 10 elite QPM varieties were selected from on-station trials based on high grain yield and stability, and were compared with the best commercial check varieties on-farm. During the 2015/2016 season, some poorly performing QPM varieties were dropped while new ones were added, resulting in 12 elite QPM varieties being evaluated on-farm. Analysis of variance for the 2014/2015 season showed non-significant hybrid × management condition interaction. Mean grain yields across management conditions ranged from 1.5 to 4 t ha?1 and were higher under mild stress (2.3–5.5 t ha?1) compared to random stress conditions (1.1–2.9 t ha?1). Broad sense heritability estimates were low to moderate (11–69%), and thus could still permit effective selection of better genotypes. Yield advantage ranged from 12 to 25% across the 2 years, suggesting effective genetic gains in QPM breeding. QPM hybrids CZH132044Q, CZH142238Q and CZH142236Q were stable and high yielding. Promotion of such QPM hybrids may help reduce protein energy malnutrition.  相似文献   

Although many studies have been conducted on gene action of grain yield and yield related traits in maize, none of them focused on highland maize in Uganda. This study was conducted to establish the gene action controlling inheritance of yield and its related traits in highland maize hybrids. Thirty-six F1 hybrids generated from a 9 x 9 half diallel mating design, were planted with two local checks in three highland locations; Kalengyere, Kachwekano, and Buginyanya with two replications using a 2 x 19 alpha (0, 1) lattice design. Results showed that inheritance of ear length and anthesis-silking interval was controlled by both additive and non-additive gene action while the inheritance of days to anthesis, days to silking was mainly controlled by additive gene action. The inheritance of grain yield and other yield related traits was greatly influenced by environment and genotype x environment interaction. Considering the great influence of the environment and genotype x environment interaction on most of the traits including grain yield, further testing in additional locations over more seasons and broadening the genetic base of the parents is encouraged.  相似文献   

Maize breeding during the past 50 years has been associated with a delay of leaf senescence, but it is not clear whether this trait is likewise associated with higher grain yield in modern hybrids. Post-silking growth, leaf area dynamics, photosynthetic parameters and yield were compared in modern maize hybrids differing in canopy senescence rate. In the first two experiments, four hybrids were grown in the field at Balcarce, Argentina (37°45′ S, 58°18 W). In spite of differences in chlorophyll retention and photosynthesis of the ear leaf, post-silking growth and grain yield were very similar in all four hybrids while kernel N concentration was lower in the later-senescing hybrids. In a third experiment, a later-senescing (NK870) and an earlier-senescing (DK682) hybrid were grown to analyze the potential photosynthetic contribution of delayed leaf senescence. Leaf area and chlorophyll content were larger in NK870, especially at the lower canopy level (0.75 m above the ground). However, hybrids did not differ for canopy light interception. Because photosynthetic photon flux density below 1 m above the ground was less than 10% of incident radiation and photosynthesis quantum yield did not change during senescence, the potential photosynthetic output of lower leaves below 1 m was very low. Lower leaves of NK870 had N concentrations higher than those needed to sustain photosynthesis at the light conditions below 1 m. Therefore, we show that delayed senescence does not necessarily improve post-silking C accumulation because: (i) canopy light interception is not reduced by senescence except at very late stages of grain filling; (ii) contrasting hybrids show more pronounced senescence differences at canopy levels receiving less than 10% of incident radiation; (iii) delayed senescing hybrids present lower kernel N concentrations while extra N is retained in leaves exposed to a light limiting micro-environment. Delayed senescence at lower canopy levels may be unproductive, at least under non-stressing conditions.  相似文献   

本文利用Hayman(1954)的双列杂交法对小麦9个产量性状进行了遗传分析,结果表明:籽粒产量、生物产量、每穗小穗数和稳长存在上位性效应,收获指数、每稳粒数、株高、千粒重和每穗不孕小穗数符合加——显遗传模型。株高以加性效应为主.表现为部分显性;收获指数、每穗粒数、千粒重和每德不孕小稳数以显性效应为主,表现为越显性。多数产量性状的显性基因为增效基因。株高的狭义遗传率最大.其次为收获指数和千粒重。早代选择对株高有明显效果,其次是收获指数和千粒重。92425是改良收获指数和千粒重的较好亲本;苏8527是改良每稳粒数的较好亲本:92041是提高于粗重的较好亲本。  相似文献   

T. P. Singh 《Euphytica》1970,19(3):394-397
Summary Thirty-five varieties of maize from different ecogeographical regions were planted to study the relationship between stalk characters and grain yield in maize. Grain yield was positively correlated with three stalk traits under investigation. Highly significant positive correlations existed among weight of a 5 cm stalk section, crushing strength and rind thickness. In general, genotypic correlation coefficients were higher than the phenotypic correlation coefficients. The present study indicates that it is possible to develop a high-yielding variety with superior stalk strength.  相似文献   

Seed size, determined by 100-seed weight, is an important yield component and trade value trait in kabuli chickpea. In the present investigation, the small seeded kabuli genotype ICC 16644 was crossed with four genotypes (JGK 2, KAK 2, KRIPA and ICC 17109) and F1, F2 and F3 populations were developed to study the gene action involved in seed size and other yield attributing traits. Scaling test and joint scaling test revealed the presence of epistasis for days to first flower, days to maturity, plant height, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per plant, number of seeds per pod, biological yield per plant, grain yield per plant and 100-seed weight. Additive, additive?×?additive and dominance?×?dominance effects were found to govern days to first flower. Days to maturity and plant height were under the control of both the main as well as interaction effects. Number of seeds per pod was predominantly under the control of additive and additive?×?additive effects. For grain yield per plant, additive and dominance?×?dominance effects were significant in the cross ICC 16644?×?KAK 2, whereas, additive?×?additive effects were important in the cross ICC 16644?×?JGK 2. Additive, dominance and epistatic effects influenced seed size. The study emphasized the existence of duplicate epistasis for most of the traits. To explore both additive and non-additive gene actions for phenological traits and yield traits, selection in later generations would be more effective.  相似文献   

Summary One of the primary avenues of improving the biological efficiency of crop plants is through the improvement of the leaf and canopy photosynthetic rates. However, the question whether the superiority of hybrids in respect of productivity potential could be traced, in retrospective fashion, to the photosynthetic parameters should be answered first. Once established and standardized, such indices could be streamlined in innovative breeding to predict the heterotic combinations for final yield formation. To answer this question, the photosynthetic rate and other components of photosynthetic efficiency were monitored among eight inbred stocks of maize (selected for variable photosynthetic rate from a previous study) and their all possible one-way crosses. The results demonstrated extensive heterosis in respect of photosynthetic rate and other photosynthetic indices which, in turn, was also realized in terms of higher biomass productivity and yield. Nonetheless, high leaf photosynthesis alone did not result in higher grain yield. On the contrary, component interaction among the photosynthetic indices like photosynthetic rate, leaf area/plant, number of leaves and chlorophyll content on one hand and the complementary gene action on the other, could be held responsible for higher yields in hybrids. Since the components of photosynthetic efficiency can predict heterosis for biomass and grain yield upto a reasonable extent, judicious incorporation of such indices in selection parameters for applied genetic protocols can add yet another dimension to the strategies for future yield improvements.  相似文献   

Summary Attempts to identify individual traits to use as an indirect measure for grain yield have shown some degree of success in environments where crop yields are affected by no stress or only by predictable stresses. However, analytical breeding has been largely unsuccessful in the case of a) stressful environments characterized by low yields due to high variability in the frequency, timing, duration and severity of a number of climatic stresses, and b) breeding programs where the major objective is greater yield stability defined as a reduction in the frequency of crop failures. Experimental evidence suggests that, when environmental variability is high due to unpredictable differences in frequency, timing and severity of various climatic stresses, each time different combinations of several traits are likely to confer drought resistance. Interaction among traits in determining overall crop response to variable stresses is expected to occasionally enhance the importance of a specific trait in a specific stress situation. In this context it becomes difficult to consider drought resistance as a character with its own identity in terms of inheritance.Assessment and verification of traits based on the use of isogenic lines tends to oversimplify the interactions between traits, as the approach provides information on the effect of a specific trait only in a specific genetic background.At the population level of organisation, the dilemma between selection for individual traits and specific combinations of traits can be translated into the dilemma between selection for individual genotypes and specific combinations of genotypes. The evidence that natural selection under stress conditions has not been able to identify either a single trait or a single genotype with a given adapted architecture of traits, is discussed in relation to germplasm development philosophies to stabilize yield in unpredictably stressed environments.  相似文献   

Grain yield and its component traits are essential targets in maize breeding. These traits are genetically complex and controlled by a large number of quantitative trait loci (QTL). The aim of this study was to compile reported QTL and major genes for grain yield and its component traits in a QTL atlas, as a valuable resource for the maize community. To this end, 1,177 QTL related to maize yield were collected from 56 studies published between 1992 and 2018. These QTL were projected to genetic map “IBM2 2008 Neighbors”, which led to the identification of 135 meta-QTL. Some genomic regions appear to be hotspots for yield-related meta-QTL, often affecting more than one of the investigated traits. Moreover, we catalogued 20 major maize loci associated with yield and identified 65 maize homologs of 21 rice yield-related genes. Interestingly, we found that a significant proportion of them are located in meta-QTL regions. Collectively, this study provides a reference for QTL fine-mapping and gene cloning, as well as for molecular marker-assisted breeding of yield-related traits in maize.  相似文献   

European silage maize is cultivated for animal feed and biogas production. We evaluated 210 factorial crosses of elite dent and flint lines in multilocation trials for agronomic and quality traits together with biomass and shoot concentrations of 10 elements in juvenile plants. Significant genotypic variances, mainly due to general combining ability variance of the dent lines, and high heritabilities were observed for dry matter yield (DMY) and quality traits. DMY was not correlated with quality traits, but methane fermentation yield (MFY) and metabolizable energy content (MEC) showed significant correlations with starch and fibre content. Concentrations of elements N,P,S,K were positively correlated with each other but only in few cases correlated with DMY and quality traits. Parent lines with contrasting P concentrations differed in root morphology traits. Results support DMY as primary trait for selection of silage maize hybrids, but MFY is of negligible importance in breeding for biogas contrary to MEC for animal feed. Neither biomass nor elemental composition of juvenile plants were of predictive value for final DMY or quality traits.  相似文献   

V. K. Gupta  S. Gudu 《Euphytica》1990,46(1):79-84
Summary Intraspecific crosses involving five cultivars of Amaranthus hypochondriacus and two from A. caudatus were studied to investigate the inheritance of five morphological traits (seed coat colour, inflorescence colour, seedling colour, oval leaf mark and purple leaf mark). Seedling colour, inflorescence colour, seed coat colour and oval leaf mark segregated to a 3:1 ratio and therefore each was controlled by a single dominant gene. The purple leaf mark segregated in 9:7 ratio and hence may be controlled by two dominant genes. Simultaneous segregation for seed coat colour and inflorescence colour gave a ratio of 9:3:3:1. Similar genetic ratio was observed for the simultaneous segregation for oval leaf mark and inflorescence colour. It was suggested that each of these traits is controlled by independent genes.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic markers (isozymes), in addition to the traits recommended by the UPOV convention, have been used in France since 1989 to characterize the maize inbred lines submitted to registration. In the years 1989. 1990 and 1991, a total of 974 inbreds has been described according to this procedure. Relationships between genetic markers were investigated and underlined the occurrence of linkage disequilibria within the tested germplasm. These disequilibria appeared to depend strongly on the breeding history of the germplasm. In some cases, these disequilibria could be related to a major progenitor (foundation effect). Relationships between genetic markers and quantitative traits were also pointed out. High coefficients of determination (up to 60%) were in some cases observed at the within group level, and also appeared to be very dependent on the major progenitors of the group of interest. The consequences of these results for breeding and distinctiveness studies are discussed.  相似文献   

Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology - Twenty-four pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L) R. Br) single-cross hybrids were evaluated at four environments of northern Ghana during the 2018 and...  相似文献   

Summary Maize (Zea mays L.) breeders are interested in the effects of recurrent selection for grain yield on other traits. Changes in plant traits could alter agronomic acceptability of the populations under selection, and observed improvements in grain yield could be explained by changes in ear traits. We evaluated changes in combining ability for plant and ear traits of BS10(FR), BS11(FR), BSSS(R), BSCB1(R), and Lancaster Surecrop associated with recurrent selection for grain yield.Recurrent selection procedures generally did not change plant and ear heights or date of silking of testcrosses of populations or of the population crosses, BS10(FR)×BSS11(FR) and BSSS(R)×BSCB1(R). Grain yield improvements, however, were associated with increases in ear-sink size.Journal Paper No. J 9517 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Exp. Stn., Ames, Iowa. Project 2152.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic progress after four cycles of recurrent selection in common bean. The base segregating population was obtained from 10 parents, and derived the S0:1 and S0:2 families that were evaluated. The S0:3 families with higher grain yield and grain color, like the standard carioca were selected, and were intercrossed to generate the population of the following cycle. This process was repeated for four cycles. The best families were evaluated in each cycle by many generations and locations, and the five best lines of each cycle were identified. The 20 lines thus obtained were evaluated in two growing seasons, sown in July and November 2002. The grain yield (kg/ha) and grain type (scale of scores) were evaluated. Genetic progress was confirmed for both traits. The mean annual gain with selection for the grain type was 10.5% and 5.7% for grain yield, with no evidence of variability reduction in the population. These results show that recurrent selection is a good alternative for improving common bean quantitative traits.  相似文献   

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