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This paper shows how the wavelet transform can be used to analyse the complex spatial covariation of the rate of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from the soil with soil properties that are expected to control the evolution of N2O. We use data on N2O emission rates from soil cores collected at 4‐m intervals on a 1024‐m transect across arable land at Silsoe in England. Various soil properties, particularly those expected to influence N2O production in the soil, were also determined on these cores. We used the adapted maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform (AMODWT) coefficients for the N2O emissions and soil variables to compute their wavelet covariances and correlations. These showed that, over the transect as a whole, some soil properties were significantly correlated with N2O emissions at fine spatial scales (soil carbon content), others at intermediate scales (soil water content) and others at coarse spatial scales (soil pH). Ammonium did not appear to be correlated with N2O emissions at any scale, suggesting that nitrification was not a significant source of N2O from these soils in the conditions that pertained at sampling. We used a procedure to detect changes in the wavelet correlations at several spatial scales. This showed that certain soil properties were correlated with N2O emissions only under certain conditions of topography or parent material. This is not unexpected given that N2O is generated by biological processes in the soil, so the rate of emission may be subject to one limiting factor in one environment and a different factor elsewhere. Such changes in the relationship between variables from one part of the landscape to another is not consistent with the geostatistical assumption that our data are realizations of coregionalized random variables.  相似文献   

The value of nested sampling for exploring the spatial structure of univariate variation of the soil has been demonstrated in several studies and applied to practical problems. This paper shows how the method can be extended to the multivariate case. While the extension is simple in theory, in practice the direct estimation of covariance components by equating mean‐square matrices with their expectation will often lead to estimates that are not positive semidefinite. This paper discusses solutions to this problem for balanced and unbalanced sample designs. In the balanced case there is a residual maximum likelihood (REML) estimator that will find estimates of covariance components that maximize an overall likelihood on the condition that all components are positive semidefinite (p.s.d.). This is possible because the condition is met if the differences of successive mean‐square matrices are positive semidefinite, and this constraint can be incorporated into an algorithm. This does not hold for unbalanced designs. In this paper the problem was solved for unbalanced designs by scaling covariance components that were not p.s.d. to the nearest p.s.d. matrix according to a Euclidean distance. These methods were applied to data from three surveys, two with balanced and one with unbalanced sampling. Different patterns of scale‐dependence of the correlation of soil properties were found. For example, at Ginninderra Experimental Station in Australia the soil water content and bulk density were correlated significantly, with the correlation increasing with distance to 56 m, but at longer distances the properties were not significantly correlated. By contrast, the pH of the soil and the available P content showed correlation that increased with distance. The implications of these results for planning more detailed sampling, both for prediction and for investigation of processes, are discussed.  相似文献   

If we wish to describe the coregionalization of two or more soil properties for estimation by cokriging then we must estimate and model their auto‐ and cross‐variogram(s). The conventional estimates of these variograms, obtained by the method‐of‐moments, are unduly affected by outlying data which inflate the variograms and so also the estimates of the error variance of cokriging predictions. Robust estimators are less affected. Robust estimators of the auto‐variogram and the pseudo cross‐variogram have previously been proposed and used successfully, but the multivariate problem of estimating the cross‐variogram robustly has not yet been tackled. Two robust estimators of the cross‐variogram are proposed. These use covariance estimators with good robustness properties. The robust estimators of the cross‐variogram proved more resistant to outliers than did the method‐of‐moments estimator when applied to simulated fields which were then contaminated. Organic carbon and water content of the soil was measured at 256 sites on a transect and the method‐of‐moments estimator, and the two robust estimators, were used to estimate the auto‐variograms and cross‐variogram from a prediction subset of 156 sites. The data on organic carbon included a few outliers. The method‐of‐moments estimator returned larger values of the auto‐ and cross‐variograms than did either robust estimator. The organic carbon content at the 100 validation sites on the transect was estimated by cokriging from the prediction data plus a set of variograms fitted to the method‐of‐moments estimates and two sets of variograms fitted to the robust estimates. The ratio of the actual squared prediction error to the cokriging estimate of the error variance was computed at each validation site. These results showed that cokriging using variograms obtained by the method‐of‐moments estimator overestimated the error variance of the predictions. By contrast, cokriging with the robustly estimated variograms gave reliable estimates of the error variance of the predictions.  相似文献   

The behaviour and fate of trace metals, in particular lead and cadmium, when they contaminate the soil as atmospheric fall‐out are not well understood. To improve our understanding, we incorporated pure compounds of lead and cadmium into samples taken from surface horizons of three chemically contrasting soils and monitored the changes in their speciation by analysing the soil solution. In most instances the concentrations of trace metals in solution were maximal during the first few days after mixing the contaminants with the soil, and depended strongly on soil type. The exception was when the contaminant was added as sulphide particles. The initial speciation of metals also influenced their solubility, following a decreasing order which did not depend on the soil type:
Lead sulphide was progressively oxidized, but cadmium sulphide was hardly dissolved. When lead was added as sulphate, between 10 and 20% of lead particles dissolved, regardless of the soil type. For the other species, dissolution was enhanced at lower soil pH. Thermodynamic calculations with the WinHumic V program indicated that the solution was not saturated with respect to lead sulphate. We conclude that dissolution must be limited by the adsorption of inhibitors on reactive surfaces. The calculations also showed that precipitation of chloropyromorphite probably controls lead concentration in leachate from the acid organic soil. Finally, both soil type and initial speciation of contaminants control the behaviour of trace metals in soils for a time greater than a cropping season and must be considered for understanding their environmental impact.  相似文献   

The paper industry has traditionally sought fibrous resources from trees, wood residues and waste paper. Emphasis is shifting back to waste paper after 30 yr of relative decline in recycling. Management of fiber resources by major timber holding companies is being expanded to include waste paper. In the next decade the structure of the paper industry will reflect a residuals based process technology relating to both city and forest. Recovery of waste paper can be feasible with source separation or dry separation technology. The outlook for recycling more old newspapers, old corrugated containers and mixed papers from office buildings is very good. Waste paper use in the U.S.A. will double between 1972 and 1985 from 13 million tons to 26 million tons. In addition, a world fiber supply shortage will stimulate further recovery and export of waste fibers. The energy content of paper is about 7500 Btu lb?1, not much below that of Wyoming coal. Recovery of the energy content of paper is an integral part of current efforts to convert mixed wastes to fuel or steam. By 1990 about 50 % of the waste paper generated will be usefully recovered - about 30 % will be recycled, or exported and 20 % will be burned for its energy content.  相似文献   

The general linear model encompasses statistical methods such as regression and analysis of variance (anova ) which are commonly used by soil scientists. The standard ordinary least squares (OLS) method for estimating the parameters of the general linear model is a design‐based method that requires that the data have been collected according to an appropriate randomized sample design. Soil data are often obtained by systematic sampling on transects or grids, so OLS methods are not appropriate. Parameters of the general linear model can be estimated from systematically sampled data by model‐based methods. Parameters of a model of the covariance structure of the error are estimated, then used to estimate the remaining parameters of the model with known variance. Residual maximum likelihood (REML) is the best way to estimate the variance parameters since it is unbiased. We present the REML solution to this problem. We then demonstrate how REML can be used to estimate parameters for regression and anova ‐type models using data from two systematic surveys of soil. We compare an efficient, gradient‐based implementation of REML (ASReml) with an implementation that uses simulated annealing. In general the results were very similar; where they differed the error covariance model had a spherical variogram function which can have local optima in its likelihood function. The simulated annealing results were better than the gradient method in this case because simulated annealing is good at escaping local optima.  相似文献   

Paper de‐inking sludge is processed during the recycling of paper, and is sometimes used as a soil amendment. In this study the effect of a compost application on the cyanide (CN) status in soils of a public park was investigated. The compost was a mixture of chipped limbs and paper de‐inking sludge. Furthermore, the cyanide solubility was studied by conducting batch experiments with different pH levels. Total cyanide in the amended soils ranged from 540 to 740 mg CN kg—1, and water soluble cyanide from 170 to 370 μg CN l—1 as determined by means of an aqueous extract. Easily‐liberatable cyanides, which include the toxic free cyanide (HCN and CN) and weak metal‐cyanide complexes, were not present in the soil. From this result and the fact that iron blue pigments are used during paper printing, it can be inferred that cyanides occurring here were exclusively stable iron‐cyanide complexes [Fe(CN)6]. With increasing pH the solubility of cyanide increased. In contrast to soils of coking plants, in which cyanide occur as Berlin blue, Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3, the cyanide solubility in the paper de‐inking sludge amended soils was substantially lower, especially in the neutral and alkaline range. Thus, cyanides in paper de‐inking sludge could be present as sparingly soluble metal‐cyanide compounds with the general formula A2B[FeII(CN)6] with A = K+, Na+ and B = Ca2+ or divalent transition metals and B2[FeII(CN)6] with B = divalent transition metals. Pollution exposure by the pathways soil → human, and soil → air → human can be neglected. However, since leaching of iron‐cyanide complexes into the ground water cannot be excluded, and since they are decomposed to HCN when exposed to day light, environmental hazards by the pathway soil → ground water → surface water are possible. This is the risk arising from paper de‐inking sludge applications to soils.  相似文献   

The potential of invasive non-native species to modify ecosystems is well established. Yet, the resulting visibility of the field of invasion biology and its growing influence on policy decisions has led to the development of persistent critique. In addition, public opposition to the removal of non-native species has repeatedly delayed interventions, sometimes to the point where eradication has become impossible. Understanding the views of the lay-public is thus of crucial importance. Our study investigated views on invasive non-native species as held by both the general public and ecologists. We chose an in-depth qualitative social scientific approach to identify species attributes that people draw on to evaluate biological invasions and potential management options. Interviews and focus group discussions (n = 79 participants) were conducted in the North-east of Scotland, and included members of the public from a wide range of backgrounds, as well as research ecologists and professionals dealing with invasive non-native species. Two key arguments, namely (i) harmfulness of a species and (ii) human responsibility for its spread, shaped both ecologists’ and lay-people’s discussions. Non-nativeness was understood by our participants in various ways and did not necessarily raise concerns about a species. Our results indicate that for information campaigns on species management to be effective, values inherent to the debate about invasive non-native species need addressing in a more explicit and transparent manner. Arguments such as human responsibility that are currently neglected in the scientific discourse, but that were important criteria for a wide range of participants, should be made explicit.  相似文献   

I have tried to show in this paper that there is a need for our expertise in areas outside agriculture, though in the immediate future employment is likely to remain largely through applications to agriculture. At the same time, in broadening our interests we must not neglect to develop our understanding of the properties of soils, their behaviour and the processes that occur in them, because it is fundamental knowledge which finds applications. A related requirement is for us to be aware of innovation in other sciences and technologies. We also have the difficult task of selling our subject to the public while maintaining our scientific integrity. I believe that our image will improve if we can do all this. As interests broaden and the range of applications increases, as I expect they will, there is a danger of a Society like ours becoming fragmented. If one part isolates itself it can become sterile because soil biology, chemistry, mineralogy, physics and pedology interact with each other. In this narrow sense we should all be holists at heart even though developments in science require us to specialize.  相似文献   

开发网络资源拓宽科技期刊的发展空间   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用网络新技术.改造传统期刊的编辑出版方式,实现新旧媒体技术的优势整合,应该是今后期刊网络化发展的主要方向。我国科技期刊网络化的形式主要有期刊网站、网络期刊、期刊网页、传统期刊电子版等。各类科技期刊应根据自身的特点和实际,选择实现期刊网络化的最佳发展道路。科普技术类科技期刊网络化比较适合采用期刊网站—网络期刊—传统期刊电子版—传统期刊纸质印刷版的发展模式;专业性科技学术期刊网络化采用期刊网页—网络期刊—传统期刊电子版—传统期刊纸质印刷版的发展模式;综合性科技学术期刊网络化采用期刊网页—传统期刊电子版—传统期刊纸质印刷版的发展樟式.  相似文献   

We are now entering a time of immense environmental upheaval where experts are increasingly required to provide conservation assessments. Quantitative assessment of trends in species’ range and abundance is costly, requiring extensive field studies over a long period of time. For many species in dense habitats, it may be very difficult to establish reliable and sensitive survey and monitoring techniques, which are able to warn of potentially catastrophic population declines. Unfortunately many other species are only known through a few ‘chance’ sightings or a handful of museum specimens and therefore extinction may be even harder to ascertain. In 2000 Miss Waldron’s Red Colobus, Piliocolobus badius waldronae, was reported as extinct, but since then (in 2001) a single specimen has been collected. Four probabilistic methods were used to infer extinction based on a record of sightings of the subspecies. Based on the date when the extinction statement of Miss Waldron’s Red Colobus was made, all four methods returned probability values >0.05, suggesting that the subspecies is extant, but is extremely rare. If we cannot successfully monitor populations of critically endangered taxa, it becomes almost impossible to predict their extinction with any certainty and we can expect increasing numbers of false alarms in future years, which may undermine the potential for conservation action and, more worryingly, public support for conservation.  相似文献   

树立科学发展观大力推进生态省建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
阐述了我国生态环境面临的严峻现状和存在的主要问题 ,指出生态省建设是可持续发展的历史选择 ,亦是我国全面奔小康的加速器。树立科学的发展观是生态省建设的核心工作 ,必须树立正确的国情观、资源观、效益观、政绩观、法制观和消费观  相似文献   

三江平原湿地农业的基本科学问题   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
湿地是地球上陆地与水域之间具有过渡性质的自然综合体,湿地农业是在大面积湿地集中分布区域从事的农业生产活动,三江平原是我国重要的湿地集中分布区,有高度的生物多样性,传统的单一种植生产模式已不能适应当前湿地农业发展的需求,通过分析三江平原湿地农业的特点,提出湿地农业持续发展的基本对策,这些措施包括保护湿地景观,建设微型湿地保护区,充分利用湿地生物资源。  相似文献   

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