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Summary Lesion length, leaf length, and leaf width were measured on infected leaves two weeks after clip inoculation of 64 rice cultivars with two virulent isolates of Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae (X.c. pv. oryzae). No significant correlation was found between the lesion length and the leaf dimensions, indicating that physical leaf size does not affect the spread of the bacteria once these have entered the leaf. Lesion length is therefore an acceptable parameter for assessing resistance to (X.c. pv. oryzae), and is to be preferred above the parameter percentage diseased leaf area (% DLA), especially when small differences between genotypes are to be assessed. The confounding influence of differences in leaf length can cause large changes in the ranking order of cultivars when assessed by the % DLA. For this reason lesion length is a better assessor of the value of a quantitative resistance for breeding and research purposes than % DLA.  相似文献   

Summary F2 plants of five, and F3 plants of three, crosses between genotypes carrying the race-specific resistance gene Xa-4 and genotypes not carrying this gene were inoculated with two isolates of Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae. Half the tillers of each plant received isolate PX061, avirulent on the Xa-4 gene, the other half of the tillers received isolate PX099, virulent for the Xa-4 gene. The F2 and F3 populations segregated for a single dominant resistance gene, Xa-4.The parental, F2 and F3 genotypes not carrying Xa-4 had mean lesion lengths between 28 and 29 cm for both isolates. The Xa-4 carrying parents showed a mean lesion length of 2.7 cm with the avirulent isolate and of 12.4 cm with the virulent isolate. The Xa-4 carrying F2 and F3 genotypes had mean lesion lengths of 5.2 and 20.1 cm for the two isolates, respectively. These observations strongly indicate that the Xa-4 gene, carried by the rice genotypes studied (IR28, Cisadane and BR51-282-8), had a considerable residual effect when exposed to virulent isolate PXO99.  相似文献   

Summary Three triticale lines, Siskiyou, M2A-Beagle, and OK 77842 have been reported to possess resistance to bacterial leaf streak caused by Xanthomonas campestris, pv. translucens (Xct.). The three resistant lines were crossed to susceptible lines and crossed with each other. F2, BC1-F1, BC2-F1 plants were inoculated with a mixture of two Xct strains. The segregation data indicate the presence of a single dominant gene in each of the three resistant lines to bacterial leaf streak. These three genes are either the same or closely linked herein designated as Xct1.  相似文献   

Summary Soybean germplasm was screened for resistance to bacterial pustule disease. The etiological agent, Xanthomonas campestris pv. glycines, was isolated from the leaves of field grown soybean in Maharashtra, India. The screening of soybean stocks was carried out by excised leaf inoculation method. A differential susceptibility to the pathogen was observed in the tested stocks. Two stocks P-4-2 and P-169-3 were found to be completely resistant to the pathogen and displayed an incompatible reaction. Four cultivars, EC-34160, Bragg, Kalitur and PK-472 displayed moderate resistance and the remaining stocks were susceptible to the attack of the pathogen. The stocks P-4-2 and P-169-3 remained resistant even to a high concentration of 109 colony forming units (cfu)/ml of the pathogen.  相似文献   

Summary Breeding for disease resistance in peppers (Capsicum spp.) to the bacterial spot pathogen (Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria (Doidge) Dye) has been based on either qualitative or quantitative evaluation methods. Quantitative evaluation of components of resistance, lesion number and lesion diameter, has been useful for determining quantitative resistance, but few breeders have applied these methods in routine selection programs. This study was aimed at determining the heritability and gain from selection for resistance to the bacterial spot pathogen based on three components of resistance. Random selections from a diverse intermated population of Capsicum annuum L. were self-pollinated for two generations to create S1 and S2 families. Thirty S1 families, corresponding S2 families and four homozygous check lines were evaluated. At forty-two days after seeding, two different leaves of each plant were inoculated by leaf infiltration with low concentrations (5×103 colony forming units) of Group 2 (XCV PT, race 1) and 4 (XCV P, race 1) of the bacterium, respectively. After 15 days, lesion number cm-2 and lesion diameter were measured. Total lesion area was calculated. Narrow-sense heritabilities for lesion number, lesion diameter, and total lesion area were 0, 43, and 31%, respectively, with Group 2, and 26, 43, and 33%, respectively, with Group 4. Actual S2 gain from 20% selection pressure in the S1 was approximately 50%, when selection towards resistance was based on total lesion area.  相似文献   

Summary Inheritance of resistance to the Punjab isolate of Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae of bacterial blight disease of rice was studied in seven breeding lines resistant to the disease. The results revealed that resistance in breeding lines PAU 122-73-1-4-1, PAU 164-102-1-2-1-1-1, KJT 24, IR 5657-33-2-1-2 and IR 22082-41-2-2 was controlled by single dominant genes allelic to the dominant gene which confers resistance to the Punjab isolate in Patong 32. Resistance to the Punjab isolate in breeding lines IET 7172 and RP 2151-40-1 was found to be controlled by single recessive resistance genes allelic to one of the recessive resistance genes present in BJ 1. The two genes are independently inherited and are being used to develop bacterial blight resistant varieties.  相似文献   

E. Drijfhout  W. J. Blok 《Euphytica》1987,36(3):803-808
Summary The F1, F2 and F3 from two crosses within Phaseolus acutifolius were exposed to Xanthomonas campestris pv phaseoli to analyse the inheritance of resistance. The resistant parent, PI 319.443, gave a hypersensitive reaction in leaves and pods with small necrotic lesions. Based on the resistance of F1, the segregation in F2 and the reaction of F3 plants and lines, it is concluded that resistance in leaves and pods is governed by one dominant gene. Comparisons are made with the resistance to X. campetris in P. vulgaris.  相似文献   

Summary Common blight disease in beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli, reduces crop yield and seed quality. Information is needed on the variation of leaves and pods disease reaction to strains of the bacterium after different inoculation methods. Phaseolus vulgaris cultivars Red Kidney Charlevoix, GN Harris, GN 1140, and GN Emerson were inoculated with three different strains of Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli at two inoculum concentrations (108 and 106 bacterial cells/ml) using water soaking, multiple needle, and razor blade inoculation on leaves, and razor blade scratch, dissecting needle, and razor blade cut inoculation on pods. Differential cultivar disease reactions of leaves, pods, or both to the bacterial strains were observed in some cases. Significant interactions among cultivars, inoculation methods, strains, and inoculum concentrations (leaves) were found. A rapid leaf chlorosis developed 6 to 7 days after inoculation. Strains of bacteria did not show specificity in inducing this reaction, but rapid leaf chlorosis was associated with high inoculum concentration and with the water soaking and multiple needle methods. Another experiment was conducted to count the number of living bacterial cells deposited in the leaf tissue after inoculation by different methods. The number of bacteria deposited by water soaking or multiple needle was higher than that deposited by razor blade.Published as Paper No. 8584, Journal Series, Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station. Research was conducted under Project No. 20–36.  相似文献   

The genetics of resistance to three Indian pathotypes of Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae, namely, IX01, IX08 and IX09, was studied in a landrace of Indica rice ‘ARC 10464’. Resistance to each of the two pathotypes IX01 and IX09 was governed by two independently-inherited dominant genes while a single dominant gene was operative against patho-type 1X08. The joint segregation tests conducted on F2 plant progenies (F3 families) using pathotypes IX01, IX08 and IX09 suggested that the gene/(s) effective against each of the pathotypes are different.  相似文献   

Summary Fifty-six landraces of Portuguese coles (Brassica oleracea l.), representing fourteen morphotypes, were screened for resistance to Leptosphaeria maculans at the cotyledon stage. Three isolates of the pathogen belonging to three pathogenicity groups were used in the screening. The mean disease interaction phenotype of the B. oleracea landraces with the L. maculans isolates confirmed their differences in pathogenicity. When compared to pathogenicity grouping using a B. napus differential set, a different classification was observed on B. oleracea for the three L. maculans isolates, suggesting possible differences in the genetic interaction between the two plant species and the pathogen. Most of the Portuguese cole landraces were found to be susceptible to all three isolates of L. maculans, although a few have shown intermediate interaction phenotype. Some accessions, on the other hand, elicit a differential reaction with the three isolates tested, and can be further selected to be used in host differential sets or in breeding for resistance to black leg.Fifty-four landraces of Portuguese coles, representing eleven morphotypes, were also screened in the field for resistance to Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris. A good level of resistance to the bacterium was found in several of the morphotypes.Accessions of the Penca type, particularly, were identified as highly resistant. Landraces belonging to the same Portuguese cole group presented a similar range of mean interaction phenotype with the bacterium. Some Portuguese landraces of B. oleracea are potential sources for use in breeding programs for black rot resistance.  相似文献   

H. Nakai  M. Kobayashi  M. Saito 《Euphytica》1985,34(3):577-585
Summary Dry seed lots of a rice cultivar, Harebare, susceptible for bacterial leaf blight (BLB), were exposed to thermal neutrons with and without pre-treatment of seed for boron-enrichment, and to gamma-rays. M1 plants of each of the treatments were grown and their seeds were separately harvested. M2 populations were raised in rice fields of a farmer in a region where BLB is epidemic every year, and M2 and control plants which expressed resistant reactions to BLB were selected. M3 and control lines as plant progenies of the selected M2 plants were raised in the same rice fields as in M2 generation in order to investigate their BLB resistance and other agronomically important traits. Variances for disease severity of M2 populations were significantly larger than those of the control population. whereas their means were not singificantly different from that of the control population, suggesting induction of mutations toward both resistance and susceptibility to BLB. Mean disease severity values of the M3 lines from selected M2 plants were significantly smaller than those of the control lines, indicating gains of selection in M2 for quantitative resistance against BLB. Thermal neutrons, especially with boron-enrichment pre-treatment were effective to induce mutations for resistance against BLB. Some M3 mutant lines with quantitatively enhanced resistance against BLB were not modified in other agronomic traits from those of the original cultivar. Significance of the induced quantitative resistance in breeding programmes for BLB resistance is discussed.  相似文献   

Inheritance of resistance to four Philippine races of bacterial Might caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae was investigated in four cultivars of rice, Oryza sativa L. Resistance to three races in ‘Benamuri’ and ‘Aus 192’ is governed by xa-5. In ‘Tepal Boro’ and ‘Bazail 975′, resistance to races 1, 2. and 3 is conferred by xa-5, but another recessive gene confers resistance to race 4. This recessive gene is closely linked to xa-5 and may be allelic to xa-13. Rice cultivars with xa-13 are resistant to prevalent races of bacteria] blight in the Indian subcontinent and should thus prove useful as donors for resistance to bacterial blight in rice breeding programs.  相似文献   

Summary Black rot disease caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris is a limiting factor in the commercial production of the cauliflower crop. Crosses were attempted between SN 445, a mid season cultivar resistant to black rot and two highly susceptible commercial cultivars (Pusa Snowball-1 and K-1). Studies of the F1's, F2's and back crosses indicated that SN 445, carries a dominant gene imparting resistance to black rot.  相似文献   

Summary The inheritance of resistance to bacterial leaf streak or black chaff of wheat was studied under field conditions, with an artificial epidemic of Xanthomonas campestris pv. undulosa. A complete series of crosses between five parents, differing in reaction to X. c. pv. undulosa, was generated. Disease was recorded at two different stages of growth. No evidence of cytoplasmic effect was found from the comparison between reciprocal F1 crosses. The study of the F3 generations attested that five genes were involved in resistance to bacterial leaf streak. Separate analyses carried out for the two scoring dates were mutually consistent: genotypes, number of genes, and their action and relative importance were verified. The genes differed in strength of expression of resistance. One of the two strongest genes, Bls1, is present in all three superior parents, Pavon 76, Mochis T88 and Angostura F88. Resistance was not complete, and proved to be stable over the season.  相似文献   

E. C. Roumen 《Euphytica》1992,64(1-2):143-148
Summary Six rice genotypes, differing in partial resistance, were exposed to three isolates of the blast pathogen. Of the variance due to host and pathogen genotypes, 39% was due to host genotype effects, 60% was due to isolate effects, and only 1% was due to host genotype × isolate interactions. Although small, this interaction variance was highly significant and mainly due to the IR50 × W6-1 and IR37704 × JMB8401-1 combinations. Although behaving largely as race-non-specific (large main effects only), the partial resistance cannot be classified as race-non-specific. The results suggest that minor genes for partial resistance operate in a gene for gene relationship with minor genes in the pathogen.  相似文献   

Durable resistance to rice blast disease-environmental influences   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
J. M. Bonman 《Euphytica》1992,63(1-2):115-123
Summary Blast is one of the most serious diseases of rice worldwide. The pathogen,Pyricularia grisea, can infect nearly all parts of the shoot and is commonly found on the leaf blade and the panicle neck node. Host resistance is the most desirable means of managing blast, especially in developing countries. Rice cultivars with durable blast resistance have been recognized in several production systems. The durable resistance of these cultivars is associated with polygenic partial resistance that shows no evidence of race specificity. This partial resistance is expressed as fewer and smaller lesions on the leaf blade but latent period does not appear to be an important component. Partial resistance to leaf blast is positively correlated with partial resistance to panicle blast, although some cultivars have been found showing leaf-blast susceptibility and panicle-blast resistance. A diverse set of environmental factors can influence the expression of partial resistance, including temperature, duration of leaf-wetness, nitrogen fertilization, soil type, and water deficit. Because of the great diversity of rice-growing environments, resistance that proves durable in one system may or may not prove useful in another. In highly blast-conducive environments, other means of disease management must be applied to assist host-plant resistance.  相似文献   

Deployment of resistant varieties is one major approach to controlling cassava bacterial blight (CBB), caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis (Xam). To understand the genetic determinism of resistance to CBB, the use of reliable parameters measuring resistance is necessary. In order to test a relevant method for evaluation of quantitative resistance for mapping QTL (quantitative trait loci), the response of 150 F1 individuals, inoculated with four different Xam strains (CIO-84, CIO-1, CIO-136 and CIO-295), was assessed under controlled conditions. We used two types of evaluations at different intervals after inoculation, one based on a scale of 0 to 5 and the second based on the determination of the bacterial population in the vascular system. Both evaluation types revealed interaction between strains and F1 genotypes. Population values at 3 and 6 cm from the point of inoculation showed a high level of correlation. By performing an association analysis, at 7 and 15 days after inoculation, a significant positive correlation between both evaluation types was obtained. However, the disease rating at 30 days did not correlate with bacterial populations at either 7 or 15 days after inoculation, except for one strain, CIO-84. Evaluation of the bacterial population in stem tissues is time and labour consuming, consequently, for a rapid and reliable assessment of CBB resistance for QTL analysis, we strongly recommend evaluation based on the use of a symptom scale.  相似文献   

Summary Disease progress and gradient curves of black rot on cabbage were evaluated in field plots of the cultivars Bartolo, Erdeno, Perfect Ball, and Roxy in The Netherlands during 1991 and 1992. Plots were inoculated by single sources in the centre of each plot. Individual plants were examined for disease incidence and severity. Disease progress was described by the Gompertz model. The overall measure of absolute rate (disease progress rate r multiplied with maximum disease intensity K) was used to compare cultivar effects on disease progress. Disease gradients were described by the negative exponential model. The percentile distance (distance from the source at which disease intensity reached 1% of the empirical maximum disease intensity) was used to compare cultivar effects on disease spread. Disease severity is more sensitive than disease incidence to calculate the disease progress and spread of black rot. Measures of progress and gradient were about equally effective to screen cultivars for field resistance to black rot. Perfect Ball was the most susceptible, Erdeno and Bartolo were intermediate and Roxy was the most resistant for incidence and severity measures. Increased levels of field resistance reduced the development of black rot in time and in space. Field resistance of black rot is thought to be composed of several mechanisms. Microplots provide a good instrument for the assessment of small differences in field resistance, expressed equally well in disease progress as in disease gradient curves.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of an inoculation with Pyricularia oryzae (isolate P06-6) on net leaf photosynthetic rate of rice (Oryza sativa) was studied with four cultivars. Measurements were taken on the sixth leaf of the main culm of plants in the early tillering stage. On cultivars CO39, IR50 and IR64 a susceptible infection type developed, but a clear difference in relative infection efficiency of the cultivars was observed. The highest number of lesions developed on leaves of CO39, whereas the lowest number was found on leaves of IR64. For all three cultivars the effect of a single lesion on the reduction in net leaf photosynthetic rate was found to be equal to a reduction in leaf area of three times the area occupied by the visible lesion. On IR68, a cultivar with complete resistance, brown specks of pinpoint size appeared without any effect on net leaf photosynthetic rate.  相似文献   

Summary This study assessed 46 potato cultivars, breeding lines and Solanum spp. for heat-tolerance using short-term growth rates and carbon assimilation measurements of young in-vitro-derived plants. Plants of the 46 clones and species were transferred from greenhouse conditions to controlled conditions set at 33/25°C day/night with 12 h photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) at 430–450 mol m-2s-1 and an 8 h daylength extension (6 mol m-2s-1), to inhibit tuberization. Twenty eight accessions were also grown in a 20/10°C controlled environment. Plants were harvested after 10 and 20 days and dry weights of the plant components were measured for plant growth analysis. Gas exchange (leaf net photosynthesis and maintenance dark respiration) and leaf chlorophyll fluorescence parameters (O, P, and T) were measured at 30°C. Amongst the 30 accessions grown at both hot and cool temperatures, only two accessions (Yungay and AVRDC 1287.19) produced more dry weight in the hot chamber than the cool chamber. Hot/cool ratioss for net assimilation rate (NAR) and relative growth rate (RGR) exceoded unity in five and six accessions, respectively. For the 46 accessions grown under hot conditions, none had significantly greater values than those of the control clones for RGR and NAR. Differences between clones in maintenance respiration and net photosynthesis were more closely related to RGR, NAR, and total dry weight (TDWT) in clones which invested more dry weight in leaves and less in stems. Attributes of the chlorophyll fluorescence curve did not explain more of the clonal variation in RGR, NAR, and TDWT than did gas exchange parameters. No single gas exchange or fluorescence character explained more than 50% of the variability among clones for NAR, RGR, or TDWT, but combination of favourable attributes could improve potato heat tolerance in the future.  相似文献   

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