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Abattoir data collected from three British pig health monitoring schemes were combined to investigate the associations between Salmonella infection and the presence of gross lesions detected in slaughtered pigs. Each set of results was linked back to the farm from which the pigs were submitted, and the Salmonella results and lesions reports were connected at farm level. Salmonella infection was determined through meat juice ELISA (MJE), and the health conditions were assessed by postmortem inspection. The final dataset contained 873 slapmarks, with an average of 215 samples tested by MJE, and 355 pigs that were assessed for health conditions, per slapmark. Each of the health assessment conditions was individually analysed by regression models to investigate associations with the MJE results, accounting for clustering at the slapmark level and also for seasonality. A multivariable model was also used to estimate the strength of association with MJE results when all the health conditions were entered into the model. The results showed positive associations between Salmonella and enzootic pneumonia-like lesions, milk spots, peritonitis and pericarditis.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was conducted at two large abattoirs in the winter 2003/04 to determine the prevalence of gastric lesions in Swiss finishing pigs. The stomachs of 1897 pigs from 107 slaughter groups were examined for macroscopic epithelial lesion of the pars proventricularis. Severe hyperceratosis, erosion, ulceration and constriction at the transition between oesophagus and stomach were described as gastric lesions. Lesions were observed in 36% of all animals, with slaughter group prevalence ranging from 0% to 94%. Ulceration or constriction was present in four percent of the examined pigs. Associations between gastric lesions, farm management data, and data obtained at ante and post mortem examinations conducted at the slaughterhouse were analysed. A significantly higher prevalence of gastric lesions was found in pigs originating from conventional housing systems compared to pigs raised on farms with 'animal-friendly' housing systems providing straw bedding and outdoor exercise to pigs. In addition, significantly higher prevalence was observed in pigs originating from herds with clinical signs of tail biting and peritarsitis.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium avium causes systemic infections through primary intestinal lesions in pigs. However, its pathogenesis is not well understood. The aim of this study was to confirm the effects on swine after enteral infection. One hundred and twelve pigs with hepatic lesions infected with M. avium were used in this study. We investigated the involvement of other organs and the distribution of hepatic lesions in the lobular structure. Most lesions involved the mesenteric lymph nodes. Hepatic lymph nodes were the secondary nodes involved. In 74 cases (66.1%), the hepatic lesions were predominantly distributed in the portal tract of the affected livers. The other 38 cases (33.9%) showed granulomatous lesions in the hepatic lobule. Many cases showed interface hepatitis. There was a significant relationship between focal lesions within hepatic lobule and splenic lesions. These findings suggest that granulomatous lesions formed in hepatic lobules upon establishment of bacteremia in pigs systemically infected with M. avium.  相似文献   

不同季节肥育猪后期限饲的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对春秋季、夏季、冬季3种季节中肥育猪后期限饲进行了研究。结果表明过度限饲会造成猪的生长速度显著减慢(P<0.01),饲料效率降低,即使通过降低胴体脂肪的沉积,也不能补偿由此对经济效益的影响。杜长大瘦肉型猪肥育后期限饲以自由采食的95%时综合效益较好,夏季限饲程度应低于其它季节。  相似文献   

The associations between individual foot lesions and different types of floor were investigated in 4038 finishing pigs on 21 units. The overall prevalence of foot lesions was 93.8 per cent and the prevalence ranged from 79.4 per cent to 100 per cent on different units. Analysis showed that pigs kept on bedded floors, with either sparse or deep straw, had a lower prevalence of sole erosions, heel erosions and heel flaps and a higher prevalence of white line lesions, false sand cracks, wall separations and toe erosions than pigs kept on bare solid concrete floors. Partially slatted floors were associated with an increased prevalence of heel erosions, heel flaps, white line lesions, wall separations and false sand cracks, and totally slatted floors were associated with an increased prevalence of sole erosions and heel flaps.  相似文献   

To establish the relationship between serum levels of three acute phase proteins, haptoglobin (Hp), C-reactive protein (CRP) and serum amyloid A (SAA), and the occurrence and severity of lesions at slaughter, a study was carried out using 70 fattening pigs from a finishing unit. Pigs were divided into three groups: Group 1 (25 pigs with clinical signs of disease), Group 2 (25 apparently healthy pigs with lesions at slaughter) and Group 3 (20 apparently healthy pigs with no lesions at slaughter). Serum levels of CRP, SAA and Hp were significantly higher in pigs with clinical signs of disease than in apparently healthy animals. Additionally, in apparently healthy pigs, serum levels of Hp and CRP were significantly higher in animals with lesions than those without lesions. The extent and severity of lung lesions were related to serum levels of Hp.  相似文献   

A total of 75 biopsied samples of cardia, fundus, body, and pyloric antrum from necropsied dogs that were submitted to the Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Chulalongkorn University from April 2003 to June 2004 were investigated. The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of Helicobacter spp. in canine stomach by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in comparison to histochemistry versus immunohistochemistry (IHC), and to correlate these diagnostic methods with the clinical significance in infected dogs. Histopathological results revealed 60.0% (45/75) of samples to be positive, and consisted of mild gastritis in 64.44% (29/45), moderate gastritis in 11.11% (5/45), and severe gastritis in 24.44% (11/45). The proportion showing no histopathological lesions was 40.0% (30/75). Helicobacter spp. were localized to the luminal crypt in 18.67% (14/75), gastric pit in 22.67% (17/75), gastric gland in 21.33% (16/75), and gastric epithelium in 8% (6/75). The percentages of positive samples of Helicobacter spp. diagnosed by hematoxylin and eosin stain (H&E), Warthin Starry stain (WSS), IHC with rabbit polyclonal anti-H. pylori antibody, and PCR were 17.3% (13/75), 46.7% (35/75), 30.7% (23/75), and 10.7% (8/75), respectively. No significant differences weree observed in histopathological changes in portions of the stomach (p>0.05). The diagnosis of Helicobacter spp. by PCR in comparison to that by WSS and IHC was not significantly different (p>0.05). There were no relationships between pathological studies using H&E, WSS, and IHC, and especially between PCR and clinical signs of Helicobacter spp. infections in canine stomachs (p>0.05). The present study revealed significantly different levels of correlation for Helicobacter spp. detection between H&E and WSS (p<0.001). Results indicate that the method of choice for diagnosis of Helicobacter spp. infection in canine stomach is dependent on the purpose of study and appropriate specimen collection.  相似文献   

Parvovirus infection in pigs with necrotic and vesicle-like lesions   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Porcine parvovirus was isolated from many visceral organs and also from the brain, serum and skin specimens of swine with vesicular-like conditions. Severe lesions were reported to have occurred in the mouth, on the tongue and snout, on the coronary band and in the interdigital spaces. Also, parvoviral antigens were demonstrated, by immunofluorescence, in the outer layer of hair follicles in skin adjacent to coronary band lesions.  相似文献   

选取初始体重为25kg的杜×大×长三元健康生长猪176头及初始体重为50kg的杜×大×长三元健康育肥猪144头。采用单因子设计,分为对照组和试验组;对照组中日粮按照NRC(1998)营养需要量推荐配制,试验组在NRC推荐的日粮粗蛋白质水平上降低4个百分点探讨低蛋白质日粮对生长猪和育肥猪生长性能的影响。结果表明:生长猪试验组日增重比对照组增加了46g,提高幅度为6.82%:料肉比比对照组低10.96%:增重成本节约0.89元/kg体重。育肥猪试验1组日增重较高.比对照组增加23g.提高幅度为3.09%。试验2组与对照组日增重相当;试验1组、试验2组料肉比分别比对照组降低1.15%和3.2%;试验1组、试验2组增重成本分别比对照组节约0.44元/kg体重和0.49元/kg体重;试验组瘦肉率与对照组相比没有显著差异。从各指标的趋势上看.试验组的生长表现和经济效益均优于对照组.  相似文献   

Data from meat inspection services at two large regional abattoirs in the Netherlands were used to study the prevalence and seasonal variation of pathological lesions in finishing pigs. A data recording system including 12 codes for lesions was used. From 1 February 1987 until 1 February 1989, approximately 550 000 finishing pigs originating from 205 pig herds were slaughtered and observed. The lesions atrophic rhinitis, arthritis, inflammation of the leg, inflammation of the tail, skin lesions, partially affected and condemned liver, and abscess (es) in the lungs occured at frequencies of less than 1%. Only some respiratory disorders occured at frequencies of 2–11%. For all of the lesions investigated there were significant prevalence differences between pig herds, but there were also significant differences in the prevalence between the two slaughterhouses for the lesions arthritis and inflammation of the tail in pigs. The highest prevalences of pneumonia and of the skin lesions were in January–February and the lowest in July–August. The highest prevalences of abscesses in the lungs and of condemned liver were in October–November and the lowest in April–May. The highest prevalence of pleurisy was in June–August and the lowest in December–January. The highest prevalence of arthritis was in August–October and the lowest in February–April. The interralationships between lesions at the herd level were quite limited for most of the lesions.  相似文献   

试验选用体重约40kg健康的三元杂交(杜×大×长)猪120头(阉公母各半)随机分为4组:对照组(基础饲粮)、丁酸钠组(基础饲粮+1kg丁酸钠)、抗生素组(基础饲粮+硫酸粘杆菌素60mg/kg)和复合组(基础饲粮+硫酸粘杆菌素30mg/kg+丁酸钠1kg)。试验时间为72d,期间观察猪只的皮毛状况,试验结束时进行称重。测定4组猪的日增重、采食量和料肉比。结果表明:37~70kg阶段日增重3个试验组分别比对照组提高1.03%、3.80%、4.30%;70~98kg阶段日增重分别比对照组提高1.43%、3.63%、4.05%;37~98kg的全过程日增重分别比对照组提高1.26%、3.65%、4.22%。37~70kg阶段采食量试验组较对照组有上升的趋势,70~98kg阶段和全程试验组料肉比有下降。整个阶段试验各组的肤色、毛况显著优于对照组(P<0.05),丁酸钠组和复合组优于抗生素组。  相似文献   

除虫菊花渣对生长肥育猪的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
除虫菊(Pyrethrumcinerariiofliumtrev),又名白花除虫菊,为菊科属多年生草本植物。原产于中亚地区、伊朗和南斯拉夫,1840年在南斯拉夫的达儿马第亚被发现,1876年逐渐引种到世界各地,至今有150年的栽培和使用历史。1917年引入我国,主要种植于江苏、浙江、广东、广西、福建、云南  相似文献   

为研究饲料锌在育肥猪粪尿中的排泄规律,建立饲料锌摄入量与锌排泄量的预测模型,试验选用健康、体重相近的约克夏去势育肥公猪20头,随机分成5组,每组4个重复,每个重复1头猪,单独饲养于代谢笼中。对照A组饲喂基础日粮,锌添加量为0,试验B、C、D、E组分别饲喂在基础日粮中添加20、40、60、80 mg/kg锌的试验日粮(硫酸锌形式)。预试期7 d,正试期4 d。结果表明:(1)与对照组相比,除试验B组外,其他试验各组风干粪锌含量和粪锌日排泄总量随日粮锌添加水平或日粮总锌水平增加显著升高(P<0.05);经回归分析,日粮锌添加水平或日粮总锌水平与风干粪锌含量和粪锌日排泄总量存在极显著的线性回归关系(P<0.01),可用所建立的回归方程进行预测和控制。(2)各组尿锌含量和尿锌日排泄总量均无显著差异(P>0.05);经回归分析,日粮锌添加水平或日粮总锌水平与尿锌含量和尿锌日排泄总量无显著回归关系(P>0.05)。综上,日粮中多余的锌主要通过消化道从粪中排泄,可根据日粮中锌水平预测粪锌排泄量,从源头上控制锌对环境的污染。  相似文献   

消化道疾病往往导致养猪生产中相当大的经济损失,尽管最初的症状只是粪便黏稠不成形.一方面可能是致病性因素改变了猪消化道环境,使机体变得虚弱;另一方面,当育成猪受到腹泻影响时,应该考虑到还有很多可能的原因.  相似文献   

本试验旨在评估BGB饲料对生长猪和肥育猪生长性能的影响。试验分两期进行,试验1选用初始体重为19.02±0.04kg的阉公猪72头,随机分为3组。以玉米-豆粕型日粮为基础日粮,对照组添加60mg/kg盐霉素,试验组分别添加5%、10%的BGB饲料。试验期28d,计算日采食量(ADFI)、日增重(ADG)和饲料转化率(FCR)。试验2选用初始体重为57.01±0.6kg的阉公猪54头,试验期35d,试验期日粮处理与饲养管理同试验1。试验1结果表明:处理组与对照组各项测定指标无显著差异(P>0.05),但在饲喂后期,5%BGB添加组的ADG比对照组提高7.8%,饲料转化率改善10.8%。试验2结果表明:处理组与对照组各项测定指标无显著差异(P>0.05),在饲喂后期,5%、10%BGB添加组的ADG分别比对照组改善了10.7%和4.0%。从全期结果来看,处理组的效果要优于对照组,5%BGB添加组效果最好。以上两个试验表明:添加BGB可以达到与添加抗生素相似的生产水平,对生长性能有一定的促进作用,最适添加量为5%。  相似文献   

A retrospective study of the histological features of four cases of canine Trichophyton menta-grophytes var erinacei infection is reported. In all four dogs the initial lesions affected the dorsal muzzle and in two dogs the lesions spread to more distant sites on the body. Clinically, the lesions were characterized by scaling, crusting and hair loss. Histologically, the main lesions were characterized by acanthosis, epidermal, ostial and infundibular hyperkeratosis, serocellular crusting, mural folliculitis and furunculosis. Fungal hyphae were usually sparse and often difficult to see in haematoxylin and eosin stained sections. When visible they were seen in the epidermal, ostial and infundibular scale and, less frequently, within hair shafts.  相似文献   

吡啶羧酸铬对肥育猪的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吡啶羧酸铬 (CrPic)是一种有机铬。铬以被动扩散的形式 ,在小肠中被吸收 ,吸收后的铬与血浆中 β -球蛋白结合 ,并按生理需要运至各组织。铬作为葡萄糖耐量因子 (GTF)的一种成分 ,强化胰岛素的活力 ,通过胰岛素影响碳水化合物代谢。同时还通过与细胞氨基酸 (AA)吸收的相互作用 ,在蛋白质代谢中发挥一定的作用。据报道 ,日粮中添加有机铬能促进生长猪的生长 ,提高饲料转化率 ,改善胴体品质 ,肉色变红。而Amoikon等( 1 995)试验认为日粮中添加 2 0 0 μg/kgCrPic没有影响。为了进一步验证铬对生长猪的影响 ,我们在宜…  相似文献   

The tympanic membrane is divided into the pars flaccida (PF) and pars tensa. Otoscopic differences in the appearance of the PF in the dog (flat vs. bulging) have been reported anecdotally. The purpose of this study was to histologically examine the canine PF to determine if differences exist between a flat and a bulging PF. We hypothesized that differences in the PF may be structural or due to an increased pressure in the middle ear. Four adult canine cadavers were used (two had bilateral bulging PF, two had bilateral flat PF). The ear specimens were fixed in 10% buffered neutral formalin, decalcified, routinely processed and stained with haematoxylin and eosin, toluidine blue (staining for mast cells), and Verhoeff-van Gieson (staining for elastic fibres). One blinded investigator evaluated each PF histologically. Seven ears (three with bulging PF, four with flat PF) were evaluated in the study. The PF was identified in all seven ears. No histological differences that distinguished a bulging PF from a flat PF were identified. Six ears were evaluated for the presence of mast cells and elastic fibres. Less than one mast cell per x40 field was identified in the PF in five of six ears. No elastic fibres were identified in any of the six PF. Based on the results of this study, it appears unlikely that there is a structural difference that accounts for a bulging PF. Therefore, there may be increased middle ear pressure in dogs with a bulging PF.  相似文献   

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