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大蒜的病虫种类多 ,主要有大蒜叶枯病、紫斑病、病毒病、细菌软腐病、灰霉病、种蝇、蓟马、潜叶蝇及咖啡豆象等。现将其发生危害、症状与综防要点简介如下 ,供参考。一、发生危害与主要症状1.大蒜叶枯病。主要危害叶片和花梗。先从叶尖开始发病 ,初呈白色圆形小斑点 ,逐渐扩大呈不规则形或椭圆形 ,灰白色或灰褐色病斑 ,其上密生黑色霉状物。受害叶片、花苔变黄枯死 ,蒜苔容易从病部折断 ,严重时不易抽苔。2.大蒜紫斑病。该病一般在苗高10cm~15cm开始发病 ,主要危害叶和苔。多从叶尖或花梗开始 ,逐渐蔓延至下部。初呈稍凹陷白色… 相似文献
大蒜白腐病是大蒜毁灭性病害,在我国四川省内江市发生为害日趋严重。为了有效控制该病的发生为害.于2009-2010年对该病的为害损失、发病规律、越冬菌量、传播途径、病情发生发展过程和影响田间发病因素的温度、湿度、轮作、蒜种来源、栽培方式等进行了调查研究,并提出了综合防治措施。 相似文献
黄姜俗称“火头根” ,属盾叶薯蓣 ,是我国特有种。黄姜浑身是宝 ,我国利用黄姜根茎中皂甙元 (皂素) ,可合成 3大类 (皮质激素、性激素、孕激素 ) ,近2 0 0个产品系列 ,是生产甾体激素类药物最理想的物质 ,世界上 90 %的激素是利用其合成的 ,因此 ,被国家医药界誉为“药用黄金”。郧西县地处秦巴小区 ,是全国黄姜高产高含地区的中心 ,历史上曾形成庞大的野生黄姜资源带。1 9 87年开始进行大面积“野转家”栽培并获得成功 ,至今已发展到 1万hm2 以上 ,被农业部农业特产委员授予“全国黄姜之乡”。在栽培过程中 ,由于连年重茬及姜农们忽略了蛴… 相似文献
四川省南充市顺庆区美洲斑潜蝇发生危害规律及其防治刘胜萍文义泽四川省南充市顺庆区农业局637000)美洲斑潜蝇于1995年5月传入我区后,于1995~1997年以新建镇等为点,连续三年开展美洲斑潜蝇(Liriomyzasativae)发生,危害观察及防... 相似文献
广东省甜玉米虫害发生危害规律 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
对广东省部分地区甜玉米害虫发生情况进行了调查,初步明确了甜玉米各生育期害虫发生危害的情况.当地甜玉米害虫有亚洲玉米螟、甜菜夜蛾、斜纹夜蛾、棉铃虫和蚜虫,广州还发现红腹灯蛾、毒蛾类及蜗牛危害;甜玉米以5~8月受害虫危害最为严重;在苗期至6叶期,受甜菜夜蛾平均被害率为15.5%~57.3%, 而在喇叭口期、抽雄期和乳熟期则受亚洲玉米螟危害较重,其心叶、雄穗以及雌穗和茎秆的被害率分别为75.3%~91%、24.5%~96.5%和83.5%以上.玉米螟对喇叭口期、抽雄期和散粉期植株有较高产卵选择性. 相似文献
2002-2003年对不同发育期华山松球果的长度、直径及含水率进行了跟踪,并同期对危害华山松球果的种实害虫种类及危害情况进行了调查,共发现害虫7种,隶属于5科5属,主要的有5种。虫害贯穿于华山松球果发育的整个阶段。在种鳞发育期,球果花蝇(Strobilomyia sp.)、球果瘿蚊(Resselille sp.)主要危害1年生华山松球果;微红梢斑螟(Dioryctria rubella)和云南松梢斑螟(D.yuennanella)幼虫在球果快生长期及球果木质化期危害2年生华山松球果。华山松球蚜(Pineus piniarmandii)全年大部分时间均能对华山松球果造成危害,但造成落果较少。华山松球果含水率与华山松主要种实害虫的危害关系密切,种实害虫危害与华山松球果发育基本同步。 相似文献
毛竹林害虫的发生危害与主要害虫控制研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
竹类资源是陆地森林资源的重要组成部分 ,是可以持续利用和更新的自然资源。竹子具生长快、成林早、产量高、用途广的特点。中国是世界竹类资源最丰富的国家 ,竹子种类、竹林面积和蓄积量均居世界之冠 ,素有“竹子王国”之美称。竹类植物被林业部门定为退耕还林、保护环境、促进经济的主要森林树种。中国现有竹林面积约700万hm2 ,其中纯竹林400万hm2 ,原始高山竹林约300万hm2。在400万hm2纯竹中 ,毛竹林有300万hm2,占75 %左右。而毛竹林常常以大片的纯林分布在我国南方各省 ,为病虫害的发生提供了有利条件 … 相似文献
调查表明,玉林市黑皮冬瓜害虫有10种,主要害虫有斜纹夜蛾、瓜绢螟、美洲斑潜蝇、瓜蓟马、白粉虱、棉铃虫、蚜虫等7种,次要害虫有红蜘蛛、黄守瓜、黄曲条跳甲3种。冬瓜生长前期(春冬瓜3~4月、秋冬瓜7~8月)虫害发生比较严重,幼苗期主要害虫为美洲斑潜蝇,局部田块有白粉虱、黄守瓜、黄曲条跳甲;抽蔓期后仍以美洲斑潜蝇为主,瓜蓟马、瓜绢螟、白粉虱、斜纹夜蛾、瓜蓟马等陆续开始发生。开花、座瓜后(5~6月、9~10月)美洲斑潜蝇、瓜绢螟、白粉虱、斜纹夜蛾、瓜蓟马各种害虫混合发生为害。 相似文献
银杏主要病虫害发生特点及综合防治 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
银杏,又名白果。其果、叶、材均可利用,具有极高的食用价值和经济价值。随着农村产业结构的调整,银杏的栽培面积逐渐扩大。我地的安陆、随州、广水是银杏的主产区,目前关于银杏病虫害的研究报道较少。笔者根据近几年在我地银杏产区的调查发现,银杏病虫害的发生呈上升趋势,受害严重的果园减产或绝收,成为发展银杏生产的一大障碍。为此,我们对银杏主要病虫害的发生规律进行了系统观察及防治试验,现将结果报告如下。1银杏的主要病虫害l·l银杏茎腐病银杏茎腐病又名苗枯病〔MacmphominaPhase-dinaG·Gold〕,主要为害银杏一年生苗木… 相似文献
K. McNamara P. O'Kiely J. Whelan P. D. Forristal H. Fuller J. J. Lenehan 《国际虫害防治杂志》2013,59(3):167-172
The scale of damage caused by vertebrates to the plastic wrap on baled silage was evaluated on Irish farms. A survey was conducted on 300 farms representative of farming systems and geographical locations throughout Ireland. The scale of damage was classified as farms with 0%, 1-10%, 11-50% or 51-100% of bales with holes in the plastic wrap caused by birds. The proportion of farms within these four classes with damage caused by birds during the short interval between wrapping and removal from the field to storage was 47%, 37%, 15% and 1% of the total, respectively. Correspondingly, during the subsequent storage prior to feedout, bird damage was 37%, 50%, 12%, and 1%. Similarly, the proportions for damage throughout long-term storage due to cats were 71%, 23%, 6% and 0%, while the incidence of damage caused by rats, dogs and farm livestock was comparatively small. The stored bales were fenced against livestock on 86% of farms, while netting, bale painting and other protection methods were used to discourage damage on 2%, 17% and 9% of farms, respectively. The damage caused by birds was more prevalent on farms where the bales were stored on their curved side rather than their flat end, more than twotiers high and in farmyards rather than in fields. Cats damaged the sides and shoulders of the peripheral bales within bale collections, particularly where wrapped bales were stored in the farmyard. 相似文献
Grassland pests often cause obvious damage at the establishment phase, but it is rare for established swards to be visibly affected. Despite this, insidious damage to established grass is widespread and there are several reasons why it is not easily detected. Insidious pest damage is particularly prevalent in sown ryegrass-dominant swards in the lowlands. Permanent pastures, in the uplands at least, appear to suffer less from pest damage. In one experiment, established legumes did not suffer markedly from pest damage. Sward damage varies considerably from year to year, during the season, with location, with sward age and with botanical composition. Much of the blame for damage to established swards and to those being established can be attributed to stem-boring Dipterans, such as the frit fly (Oscinella frit L.). Certain non-persistent insecticides can be used to control the pest, but are unlikely to be cost-effective except when used at the establishment stage or, possibly, on efficiently utilised lowland ryegrass swards. Alterations in management practice do not seem feasible in controlling frit fly. However, large differences have been found between the varieties of perennial and Italian ryegrass, in the level of susceptibility to pests (especially frit fly), and it may be possible to develop resistant varieties. 相似文献
笔者对襄北地区夏玉米害虫进行了为期2年的调查,结果表明其主要种类为:玉米螟、高梁条螟、桃蛀螟、斜纹夜蛾、粘虫和棉铃虫等。其中以玉米螟虫量为最大,高梁条螟其次,桃蛀螟第三,斜纹夜蛾第四,粘虫和棉铃虫并列第五,分别占调查总虫数的42.86%、17.87%、14.28%、10.71%和7.14%,防治上应采取农业防治为主、药剂防治为辅的综合防治方法。 相似文献
M. Sobala 《EPPO Bulletin》2000,30(1):99-102
Panonychus ulmi is a serious pest of apple orchards, especially in hot dry years. To improve quantitative insight into its population dynamics, and as a tool for forecasting optimal dates for visual assessment of abundance and of integrated pest management strategies, an age‐ and stage‐structured temperature‐dependent predator–prey model for P. ulmi and two of its natural enemies, Typhlodromus pyri and Amblyseius potentillae, has been developed. 相似文献